Oregon mulling making masks and social distancing PERMANENT

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020

Next step will be showing them in burkas.

Deleted member 5487

These are Marxists, not fascists.
They're Corporate Facist. There is zero interest in communism in the oligarchy, that's what they're fighting against.

Monopoly Capitalism with a Human Face(virtue signalling by megacorps and their employees)

It's been Crony State Monopoly for decades.

Essential the state is used to Guarantee profits for mega corps and protect monopolies. It's just corporatism.

1) Guaranteed Profits for MIC, now they're giving 10s of billions away to Microsoft for Virtual reality headsets and Cloud Contracts
2) Protect Monopolies (GOOG, MSFT,FB...ETC.)

Essentially we're sitting on a giant ponzi of inflated asset prices, zero industrial/real wealth, the treasury is being plundered ruthlessly to the tune of 9 trillion in the past year

It's starting to breakdown, we just need to hope those in charge don't throw a hail marry at Russia/china.

Russia/China/IRAN are saying enough and trying to build real economies



Sep 18, 2016
Why would people wear a mask when its not a pandemic though? Chillax, it will finish in a few months or a bit more


Jul 8, 2019
Ben Fulford had a good observation in his column this week-

It does seem like they are trying to double and triple down on this "pandemic" narrative and make it permanent, but most people just aren't buying it.

They've been triggering their MK Ultra assets for mass shootings daily as well. I think it's connected to the reported seizure of the "weapon of last resort" in the Suez Canal.

They were all set to move on to starving us, now they have to double down on Covid instead.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Michigan doing the same:
This woman is a true pig. When the court rules her actions illegal and she dances around to some other horse and buggy rule to maintain iron fisted rule then she is an insolent pig. Only when these fascists are thrown from office for defaming the constitution and watchdog organizations are erected to make sure no one in her family or anyone who befriends this porcine individual or is even related to her mailman ever runs for office again will we ever go back to normal. All of these dictators including the one in Ontario need to be tried for terroristic acts and crimes against humanity. Perhaps she is good buddies with the 35 drumstick eating porker who thinks his sh-t is ice cream here in Ontario. We have a total lockdown here: can't even buy clothes or go to the park. I mentioned yesterday that the number of "covid deaths" in my area is .00006%. A true epidemic if there ever was one.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
It's a weird period in this operation. Simultaneously, things are becoming more open and "good" news abounds, while some are trying to lock in draconian measures and pump non-stop fear pron. It's very odd.

The problem is that when the pandemic prophecy was sold to the masses, it was based on an 18 month timeline with a "vaccine" being the key to stop it. Well, the 18 months are almost up, and the "vaccines" are here, for better or worse. The masters of this operation are trying to re-write the sacred text to give themselves more time, but don't seem to be succeeding. The True Believers and the Karan Mafia are sticking to the original prophecy, and not paying attention as much to their False Fauci Gods as they did even two months ago. Even minions like Newsom seem tired of issuing conflicting mandates and guidelines at this point, and aren't paying as much attention to their masters.

Ben Fulford had a good observation in his column this week-

It does seem like they are trying to double and triple down on this "pandemic" narrative and make it permanent, but most people just aren't buying it. I have only seen a handful of people wearing "double masks" after Fauci made that beyond ridiculous claim, and while the news continues to try and pump bad news, more and more are ignoring or mocking it.

Oregon and other states can try and make it permanent, but I am starting to think the vast majority of people are about to do what they are should have done with these mandates in the first place..... ignore them. More and more police departments and sheriffs are refusing to enforce these "mandates," and some of the sheriffs in the US might be near the point of arresting governors and mayors that make or enforce these laws/guidelines/mandates/codes/whatever they are.

I'm starting to think "Mask-hole" (or something like it) will be the most popular insult of the summer of 2021.
It is my greatest desire that law enforcement finally turn on the government. The police are part of the community and sworn to protect and serve both the community and the constitution. When one dept. finally has the courage to slap the bracelets on one of the governors and/or mayors then a tidal wave of uprising will occur and this will be over. Otherwise we are heading for a confrontation which will ignite riots across the continents.


Feb 18, 2016
If this happens, and it sure does look like it will, there can be only one word to describe it - an abomination! At this point, I guess nobody even remembers the "just two weeks, to flatten the curve!" mantra that was used to sell people on all of this nonsense. Judging by the way things are going in Canada (specifically Ontario), most "woke" states will probably try to implement something similar. No wonder Fauci refused to answer questions from multiple US Senators on when would this whole thing end...as the answer is apparently "never"...until people rise up and defend their right to be free.

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod

"...The US state of Oregon is mulling a proposal to indefinitely extend coronavirus social distancing and face mask regulations, the Associated Press reported Saturday night. The proposal is being mulled over by the state's Occupational Safety and Health Department administrator Michael Wood, and is intended to work around a technicality in Oregon state law that would have the regulations expire on May 4 unless made "permanent," AP reported.

Outside of the obvious opium of power they want to keep, could it be a hedge against the vaccines causing reactions to normal coronaviruses down the line, Dolores Cahill seems to think this is going to be the case, I know Peat mentioned something along those lines also.

Its a cult, best thing to do is ignore it as much as possible, boycott.


Jan 7, 2017
Not worried about it. Even most modern leftists aren’t insane enough to go along with this. Such an order would be followed by mass disobedience.
Sad to say, but you would be surprised. Many will go along with it. Many on the left deplore free speech. It's now conservatives and libertarians, for the most part, defending it. I could be wrong--and have no issues admitting if I am wrong (And I hope I am with this one!)--but many have gone along with this mask nonsense all along. Why would they stop now? California will probably follow, I predict. Ugh ...


Feb 18, 2016
It's a weird period in this operation. Simultaneously, things are becoming more open and "good" news abounds, while some are trying to lock in draconian measures and pump non-stop fear pron. It's very odd.

The problem is that when the pandemic prophecy was sold to the masses, it was based on an 18 month timeline with a "vaccine" being the key to stop it. Well, the 18 months are almost up, and the "vaccines" are here, for better or worse. The masters of this operation are trying to re-write the sacred text to give themselves more time, but don't seem to be succeeding. The True Believers and the Karan Mafia are sticking to the original prophecy, and not paying attention as much to their False Fauci Gods as they did even two months ago. Even minions like Newsom seem tired of issuing conflicting mandates and guidelines at this point, and aren't paying as much attention to their masters.

Ben Fulford had a good observation in his column this week-

It does seem like they are trying to double and triple down on this "pandemic" narrative and make it permanent, but most people just aren't buying it. I have only seen a handful of people wearing "double masks" after Fauci made that beyond ridiculous claim, and while the news continues to try and pump bad news, more and more are ignoring or mocking it.

Oregon and other states can try and make it permanent, but I am starting to think the vast majority of people are about to do what they are should have done with these mandates in the first place..... ignore them. More and more police departments and sheriffs are refusing to enforce these "mandates," and some of the sheriffs in the US might be near the point of arresting governors and mayors that make or enforce these laws/guidelines/mandates/codes/whatever they are.

I'm starting to think "Mask-hole" (or something like it) will be the most popular insult of the summer of 2021.
Is this mainstream news in turkey? The propaganda against the west is ferocious there, meanwhile in the west we are preaching multiculturalism and inclusiveness, the folks coming into the west have been thought to hate and destroy it, lol.
Something was definitely up with the evergreen tanker, how the media were naming it was different also? I’m not sure about the chemicals and 5g theory, I’m not sure what science is behind his theory, trees needed to be cut down for 5g because the waves wouldn’t penetrate leaves, the viewers of this show must be low intelligence, if it works though.....

The UFO theory is interesting, I know some folks absorbed in pop culture and they are useful canaries in the coal mine for me, normally when they are parroting something I know the ruling class have been propagating meanings and it’s been effective, this weekend I had 2 pop parrots ask me what I thought about the UFO sightings, I had no idea what they were talking about.
The thing about the UFO hoax is it will be very effective, it’s the ultimate cult, folks want to believe, the covid cult had a big divide, the UFO will have a strong majority believing, it ticks all the boxes, potential return of a major religious figure, doomsday etc

Let’s take a wild guess what happens if UFO’s arrive, more authoritarianism, bank bailouts, rich people get richer, etc


Aug 4, 2020
It is my greatest desire that law enforcement finally turn on the government. The police are part of the community and sworn to protect and serve both the community and the constitution. When one dept. finally has the courage to slap the bracelets on one of the governors and/or mayors then a tidal wave of uprising will occur and this will be over. Otherwise we are heading for a confrontation which will ignite riots across the continents.
Well said Rick K the pot is starting to boil in Ontario right now. Are you seeing more pressure from your area ,”to be a responsible citizen and do your part to protect the people around you by getting the vaccine?”


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
They're Corporate Facist. There is zero interest in communism in the oligarchy, that's what they're fighting against.

Monopoly Capitalism with a Human Face(virtue signalling by megacorps and their employees)

It's been Crony State Monopoly for decades.

Essential the state is used to Guarantee profits for mega corps and protect monopolies. It's just corporatism.

1) Guaranteed Profits for MIC, now they're giving 10s of billions away to Microsoft for Virtual reality headsets and Cloud Contracts
2) Protect Monopolies (GOOG, MSFT,FB...ETC.)

Essentially we're sitting on a giant ponzi of inflated asset prices, zero industrial/real wealth, the treasury is being plundered ruthlessly to the tune of 9 trillion in the past year

It's starting to breakdown, we just need to hope those in charge don't throw a hail marry at Russia/china.

Russia/China/IRAN are saying enough and trying to build real economies


I agree. There is little doubt that this whole thing is the latest trick of "financial capitalism" to give itself a few more years of "public ignorance" so it can come up with another crisis to exploit. The battle is not US/India/EU/Israel vs. China/Russia. It is "financial capitalism" vs. "industrial capitalism".

As far as the "protests" we are seeing in the Western world - there is nothing "Marxist" about them. These are all compromised movements working to divide the public into camps, and all of the leaders have already been exposed as hypocritical, compromised, parasitic, etc. For all the criticism 20th century socialism gets, it had brutally enforced laws against "social parasitism" and most of the protest leaders we see on news every day would have been sent to labor camps in countries like the former USSR as they are nothing but "lumpen" - combining the worst features of both socialism and fascism.


Jan 25, 2014
I agree. There is little doubt that this whole thing is the latest trick of "financial capitalism" to give itself a few more years of "public ignorance" so it can come up with another crisis to exploit. The battle is not US/India/EU/Israel vs. China/Russia. It is "financial capitalism" vs. "industrial capitalism".

I agree, I think this is one of the biggest problems facing humanity. A perfect recent example was how last summer, the stock market hit all time highs right after unemployment hit all time highs, and breaking the old record by 25-50x the previous number. That unemployment number was staggering, and at least half or a third of those jobs never came back (many never will). The only explanation is that the stock market has nothing to do with the real economy.

I wrote this in another thread-

I think the bigger problems with poverty lie with those that steal value from transactions while providing little or nothing in return. Those would mainly be the banksters and government, who take value in interest and taxes. I've heard that 90% of the money in a home sale goes to the banks (and maybe also the government) through interest and taxes. That leaves only 10% or so for the builders, architects, plumbers, landowners, etc. If you could eliminate that fraud, have builders sell houses for 20% of current "values," make 2-4X times the profit, more people would and could own homes, the builders could add jobs, and poverty would shrink dramatically in a few years, maybe even disappear. That is a much better solution than UBI, which I see as little more than begging a bankrupt criminal entity for a few dollars it doesn't really have in the first place.

This is the issue. When people work, they are "slaves" 90% of the time, to support parasites that steal money and value, and spend the rest of their time inventing ways to keep people from being productive or useful with the remaining 10%

Visual Capitalist puts out this article every few years. The area that contains far and away the most "money" doesn't provide any real world value-



Aug 17, 2016
I agree. There is little doubt that this whole thing is the latest trick of "financial capitalism" to give itself a few more years of "public ignorance" so it can come up with another crisis to exploit. The battle is not US/India/EU/Israel vs. China/Russia. It is "financial capitalism" vs. "industrial capitalism".

As far as the "protests" we are seeing in the Western world - there is nothing "Marxist" about them. These are all compromised movements working to divide the public into camps, and all of the leaders have already been exposed as hypocritical, compromised, parasitic, etc. For all the criticism 20th century socialism gets, it had brutally enforced laws against "social parasitism" and most of the protest leaders we see on news every day would have been sent to labor camps in countries like the former USSR as they are nothing but "lumpen" - combining the worst features of both socialism and fascism.
more manufactured crisis to come:


Dec 10, 2016
A perfect recent example was how last summer, the stock market hit all time highs right after unemployment hit all time highs, and breaking the old record by 25-50x the previous number. That unemployment number was staggering, and at least half or a third of those jobs never came back (many never will). The only explanation is that the stock market has nothing to do with the real economy.
Stock market movement doesn’t necessarily follow present day news unless it a surprise. It tries to anticipate the future. The market probably already priced in the poor unemployment number and was probably expecting worse numbers so it rose on the actual numbers. The stock market over longer periods of time follows profits, that’s why sometimes it rises when companies announce layoffs because the expectation is that’s good for future profits.

Deleted member 5487

I agree. There is little doubt that this whole thing is the latest trick of "financial capitalism" to give itself a few more years of "public ignorance" so it can come up with another crisis to exploit. The battle is not US/India/EU/Israel vs. China/Russia. It is "financial capitalism" vs. "industrial capitalism".

As far as the "protests" we are seeing in the Western world - there is nothing "Marxist" about them. These are all compromised movements working to divide the public into camps, and all of the leaders have already been exposed as hypocritical, compromised, parasitic, etc. For all the criticism 20th century socialism gets, it had brutally enforced laws against "social parasitism" and most of the protest leaders we see on news every day would have been sent to labor camps in countries like the former USSR as they are nothing but "lumpen" - combining the worst features of both socialism and fascism.
Correct, what's crucial to understand is how money/credit is created in the respective economies.

The Chinese State can create credit at will to fund growth, infrastructure, business, industry...etc to build real economic growth if something goes bust, they just write the debts down.

Credit in the US economy is in private banks hands, primiarily in the large banks who lend against mortgages (80% of loans) to inflate the asset prices, they also lend to hedge funds which speculate in the market. Which is why the housing market has been inflating for decades and at all time highs.
Protests are merely lumpenproletariats almost all the "movements" are backed by Nike/Ford/Soros foundations and the like to bash peasants against each other to buy time for continued looting and technology to lock in the wealth/looting and make revolution impossible. Or Neo-Feudalism and Debt Peonage which is a reality for about 90% of Americans right now.
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Jan 25, 2014
The market probably already priced in the poor unemployment number and was probably expecting worse numbers so it rose on the actual numbers.

Doesn't matter what explanations or excuses are made...... the stock market hit ALL TIME HIGHS right as unemployment was SKYROCKETING. Even if the staggering 50 Million job loss number was "priced in," the fact remains, it has nothing at all to do with the actual economy, that being goods and services that are traded and sold. And some of the darling stocks prove this.

Tesla didn't have a "profitable" year until 2020, and the stock price in December of 2019 was still near $200, giving a company that NEVER turned a profit in a year a market cap of $167 Billion. Insanity. And the truth is, the profit in 2020 didn't come from selling cars-

Moderna is another excellent example of this fraud economy. They never even brought a single product to market before 2021, but as Anthony Colpo notes-

Moderna sounds more reminiscent of Enron than the next Genentech. But while the company was repeatedly coming up short in the quest to make a viable mRNA drug, it sure knew how to whip investors into a frenzy with its lavish promises of world-changing therapies. When Moderna went public in December 2018, it was the largest biotech initial public offering in history, raising over $600 million on NASDAQ, and implying an overall valuation of $7.5 billion for the entire company.

As of this writing, the company currently enjoys a market capitalization of $71 billion. As some of the more grounded market analysts have noted, this absurd valuation is not justified by the underlying fundamentals. The US is unquestionably Moderna's biggest market. But even if the company sold the two-shot vaccine to every single American at the government-agreed price of $15 per dose, this would only equate to $9.2 billion in sales (not profit). For a company with no other presently viable drugs, a $71 billion market cap is insane.

The only issue there is that that quote isn't quite fair to Enron. It was dodgy accounting that brought that company down. But, at least they had an actual product/service that they sold for several decades.

If you compare Moderna to a company like IdealabsDC (which are in a roughly similar sector), the valuation is even more outrageous. IdealabsDC has brought more than 30+ products to market, despite being founded AFTER Moderna. Based on Products alone, why isn't IdealabsDC sitting on a Market Cap of more than a trillion dollars?

Again, the stock market has as much to do with the real economy as a guy winning at Monopoly has to do with his business acumen.
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