Michael Yeadon xVP Pfizer, "there is no virus!" Germ Theory is finally sinking.


Jan 25, 2014
I wonder if all those people getting taste disturbance with "covid" were actually radiation poisoning victims - 5g?

Maybe, but I still think any increase in "loss of taste or smell" was largely due to people jamming foreign objects up their noses, for the "Covid" tests, and also due to irritation from marathon mask wearing.

It's not a new symptom at all (I've posted news reports from 2011 talking about how half of Americans will experience it at some point), and ENTs often listed physical damage to the nerve responsible for smell one of the primary causes.


Maybe, but I still think any increase in "loss of taste or smell" was largely due to people jamming foreign objects up their noses, for the "Covid" tests, and also due to irritation from marathon mask wearing.

It's not a new symptom at all (I've posted news reports from 2011 talking about how half of Americans will experience it at some point), and ENTs often listed physical damage to the nerve responsible for smell one of the primary causes.
It's plausible that the pcr trick might also be a contributing factor - I actually forgot about them.


May 4, 2022
If you are uninterested in looking through threads to understand how one could even question the existence of viruses, start here. It will take you through the (lack of) science and show the misleading way in which these particles are said/ shown/ grown to exist and cause disease.

Thank you for that link.
Nov 21, 2015
I don't think Dr. Peat ever said there was not a virus. I am sure there is a virus. The question is, is it a big deal? Even around April 2020 Dr. Peat said, as I recall, it was no big deal and just another flu-like virus.

I think the "viruses don't exist" people are like flat Earthers. I just don't think it's so, there is too much evidence for it not being so. Of course viruses exist. And so do exosomes, which are similar. Viruses are produced by living cells, and so are exosomes.

One thing Dr. Peat mentioned was exosomes which are viruses produced in our body, basically, for use in signalling. Early in the "pandemic" someone posted a video of how exosomes and viruses looked very similar in an electron microscope. Dr. Peat began talking a lot about exosomes and the work of some researchers who studied them.


May 4, 2022
The field of Virology is more politics than science. And there was no genetic modification of a virus in China. That is just creative thinking by the intel agencies in order to lead to future wars in case the alien invasion does not pan out.


Jul 25, 2022
I watched the Terrain documentary and I do believe the field of virology is likely full of nonsense.

But they stated in the documentary that the “genome sequence” for PCR tests (for covid)t to determine if someone is sick is choosen at random more or less...

Okay possibly, but me and 6 others at work all got “covid” at once last winter, and we did all test positive, whereas other times we had all tested negative even with cold symptoms and such on prior occasions....

So my question is, this random genomic sequence they are picking up must have SOMETHING to do with getting sick, and can’t just be some random sequence, they had to know of a certain sequence to look for the is generally associated with getting the flu or sick? Anybody have insight?


Jul 2, 2022
I don't think Dr. Peat ever said there was not a virus. I am sure there is a virus. The question is, is it a big deal? Even around April 2020 Dr. Peat said, as I recall, it was no big deal and just another flu-like virus.

I think the "viruses don't exist" people are like flat Earthers. I just don't think it's so, there is too much evidence for it not being so. Of course viruses exist. And so do exosomes, which are similar. Viruses are produced by living cells, and so are exosomes.

One thing Dr. Peat mentioned was exosomes which are viruses produced in our body, basically, for use in signalling. Early in the "pandemic" someone posted a video of how exosomes and viruses looked very similar in an electron microscope. Dr. Peat began talking a lot about exosomes and the work of some researchers who studied them.
Ray Peat must be a flat earther too then. I actually recall an interview of Dr. Peat with Danny Roddy and Haidut in which he said that the no virus crowd are onto something. They also discussed the study that showed EMF can create "coronaviruses" in human skin tissue that was demonized and retracted which Ray confirmed is very possible. So Peat was open to the possibility "viruses" are generated from within and that we do not fully understand those diseases. So your thinking that "OF COURSE VIRUSES EXIST" might turn out false and calling the no virus crowd indirectly STUPID is not very kind of you.

People are currently trying to figure out the truth and it seems the virus crowd has no real arguments left to defend their position. IF there was a virus , why haven't "they" isolated it and studies it and closed the mouths of all those "flat earthers" ? And "they" have ALL the technology and ALL the money to do so. Such a proof would be a huge win for them. Instead all arguments they have are falling apart.

Its not a technical problem. It is a political/mass control problem. And I am not talking about the sars-cov-2 , this relates to all "viruses" they made up in order to put all those toxic shots into all new Souls that come into this realm within hours of being born. Now this is what I call pure Evil.


Apr 19, 2020
Ray Peat must be a flat earther too then. I actually recall an interview of Dr. Peat with Danny Roddy and Haidut in which he said that the no virus crowd are onto something. They also discussed the study that showed EMF can create "coronaviruses" in human skin tissue that was demonized and retracted which Ray confirmed is very possible. So Peat was open to the possibility "viruses" are generated from within and that we do not fully understand those diseases. So your thinking that "OF COURSE VIRUSES EXIST" might turn out false and calling the no virus crowd indirectly STUPID is not very kind of you.

People are currently trying to figure out the truth and it seems the virus crowd has no real arguments left to defend their position. IF there was a virus , why haven't "they" isolated it and studies it and closed the mouths of all those "flat earthers" ? And "they" have ALL the technology and ALL the money to do so. Such a proof would be a huge win for them. Instead all arguments they have are falling apart.

Its not a technical problem. It is a political/mass control problem. And I am not talking about the sars-cov-2 , this relates to all "viruses" they made up in order to put all those toxic shots into all new Souls that come into this realm within hours of being born. Now this is what I call pure Evil.
Thanks for this message. I was going to write a reply to @ecstatichamster - but he is apparently made a choice. He shows real conviction in his own thinking, without any offer of proof. If there is a virus, very simply put, then there would be ample evidence in one person, much less ANY person on the planet, to isolate and extract it for all the world to see. Of course it is a political issue, as why would anyone with a few brain cells allow mercury or other metals (so called adjuvants) or squalene into a little baby/child/adults blood stream. One cannot simple add several other animal species DNA to a mix with human cells to then finally claim "Eureka!" - here is the virus isolation.

I remember several of Ray's interviews where he definitely used the words virus and exosome interchangeably, and I do remember one particular interview where Ray seemed to use the word virus rather than exosome. But in this case the questioner, Patrick I believe, was using the word virus. I have had teachers in the past who used the 'not exactly correct' word in a reply in order to get across the answer to the questioner, using 'his' same verbage. I was speaking with a Naturopath here in Australia last week, and when speaking about the evidence or not any virus, he said 'depends on one's definition'. An exosome could be a virus, or ? virion? Or a monkey kidney cell DNA encapsulated by protein.

Evil, yes. for one must accept Rockefeller 'medicine', and much of modern 'science' as a faith. A faith which does not help the innocent recipient of this medicine. Please accept that this is not a bashing, but some decades long psyop that has extremely Enormous implications for the continuation of some semblance of life as we know it; short lifespans, increase in cancer, decline in fertility, etc..


Apr 19, 2020
Have exosomes been isolated?

Great interview from 2020... excerpts below from me from above

RP: That's the same problem with the HIV
AIDS virus. They say, they used to say,
having the antibody is evidence that
you're immune. That's the whole basis for
the vaccine ideology that you want to
produce the antibodies and then you're
immune. There's no other justification
for vaccination. But now they say if you
have the antibody that means you're sick.

RP: Yeah, and Andrew Kaufman's
thing about the exosomes.

PT: Ah, yeah exosomes, right.

RP: That's very important to keep in
mind that we are constantly producing
these. For example, they've shown that an
injured lung cell can send out specific
information in the form of exosomes.
Particles that contain RNA, DNA, fats, and
proteins, and such are emitted. Clouds of
them circulate in the blood. They are so
small, that, for 200 years, people
discarded them as just irrelevant dust
in the background. But with electron
microscopes, they can see that they are
structured, containing nucleic acids, very
small particles on the order of the
particles that are identified as
viruses. But these, for example, travel in
the blood and can signal bone marrow
cells, for example, to make specific types
of repair cells.

PT: Wow.

RP: Specific for lung repair. This is going on constantly and,
for example, mother's milk contains
these exosomes. And they're thought to
contain useful information that passed
through the wall of the intestine as a
baby digests the milk and contributes to the
baby's immune system. So it's in last 20
years or so that they are recognized as
a very basic part of biology that was
simply passed over. It was described
actually by a North Korean in the 1960s.
But no one believed him. It was
rediscovered when people started using
electron microscopes to look at the
background material in blood serum. And
with stress and aging, such large amounts
of these enter the blood that they are,
probably, why you can take the blood from
an old animal and imitate aging symptoms
in young animals. And the serum from
young animals and rejuvenate, to some
extent, old animals. So the circulating debris.
It's a genetic repair system, ideally
with aging and stress, sends such confused
signals. It holds cells in
the senescent state, keeps them from
dying completely and being replaced.
So it's kind of deranged repair system that prevents
renewal and participates in aging, but
it's all organisms have mobile and
genetic elements.
Barbara McClintock eventually got a Nobel Prize for work
showing that genes can move around in
chromosomes and under stress in
particular. And bacteria, when
they develop genetic ability to become
immune to antibiotics, can create a
particle like an exosome and pass it
through a tube to form a bacteria
that had never experienced the
antibiotic and transmit their
resistance to other bacteria. So it's
something that all the way down the bacteria
they can transmit their genetic adaptive
material, and like on the exosome. And
since mothers can transmit it to their
babies, it's probably a feature of all
organisms that they're passing back and
forth within the species this defensive

PT: And Kaufman has shown very
eloquently that the exosomes
you can isolate and then look at
and what they're calling COVID-19 are exactly the same, exactly.

RP: Yeah. There are exosomes that have
exactly that kind of structure. And where
did viruses originate that they can't
evolve by themselves; they have to live
in an animal cell.

PT: in a host. Right? They have to live.

RP: Yeah. And so I think the only
valid theory for viruses
is that they are abnormal like
bacterial immunity transmission of
acquired immunity. We can, a mother can,
pass her immunity to the baby. And,
probably, just by various contacts, we can
pass our genetic information within the
species. For example, people have
demonstrated that a woman's prior
husbands' DNA can be found in her
tissues, even her brain. So we're very
well adapted to absorbing. For example, a
woman absorbing the semen demonstrably
from different husbands incorporates it
into her own cell structure. So it's
probably something very normal to, like
bacteria, improve our immunity. But
with aging, for example, our own exosomes
can become toxic for ourselves. And I
think, the harmful virus effect
originates when animals are taking up
bits of alien DNA from even a different
species. And finding it isn't
helping to repair their system but
actually deranging it.

PT: Alien DNA. Would
be like in a vaccine? or what
other ways would they take it in? what
other way would they take in?

RP: A German geneticist Walter Dorfler has
demonstrated that you can take DNA from
beef, for example, and show that it can be
incorporated into the human genome. So
what we're eating, we are probably
assimilating some of the DNA from
carrots, cabbage, and milk, and beef

and so on.


Aug 10, 2018
I'm beginning to think that viruses are entirely man-made artificial laboratory constructs, that do not exist in nature. Such artificial virons or virus-like-particles do exist without the shadow of a doubt, but they must be either injected (vaccines) or sprayed in massive quantities to produce at the most very localized and short-lived epidemics (such as ebola, et al and perhaps some of the deaths in the initial spikes of COVID-19 in Wuhan, Lombardy, and that Iranian city) and can not be the cause of any so-called "pandemic" (outside of injections) because they fizzle out too quick due to high death tolls and/or interaction with mucosal immune systems.


Aug 10, 2018
It is also probable that for example the seasonal flu is entirely caused by the yearly flu shots, and the shedding is partially contagious in the sense that the body sheds the "alien" or exogenous dna/rna via exosomes and these can be trasmitted as Ray mentioned above, and travel on sputum/droplets etc. I don't think I have ever had the flu, just colds occasionally. I've never had the flu jab.


Jan 9, 2019
This video by one of my favorite researchers goes into detail about the virus vs. exosomes vs. virus-like particles.

View: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1718993616

Those fellas have much of the same cognitive dissonance as many of the other "viruses exist" folks. They can't let go of the idea that they must be real because of how grand the field is. Well it's all based on flawed isolation techniques, regardless of the other arguments. First something must be isolated show it's the thing causing what's being blamed on it. More detail in video about them and this concept. Which has been repeated too many times.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZAez87CuD6Ec/

Some of the basic "viruses must be real" responses on here are so ridiculous considering how much detailed information was given previously in this and the other virus threads I've started. Take some time to actually read and make specific references to issues you have on the theory. I'm tired of people vaguely expressing their belief in viruses. It's as if the RPF has no experience in the nuance of slaughtering sacred cows.
Last edited:


Aug 10, 2018

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZAez87CuD6Ec/

Some of the basic "viruses must be real" responses on here are so ridiculous considering how much detailed information was given previously in this and the other virus threads I've started. Take some time to actually read and make specific references to issues you have on the theory. I'm tired of people vaguely expressing their belief in viruses. It's as if the RPF has no experience in the nuance of slaughtering sacred cows.

Why don't you stop acting like an authority and start being a bit more humble in how you interact with people? If you're tired of reading things that you don't 100% agree with, then perhaps you should take a break. If you don't think the no-virus theory is another sacred cow(an) that needs to be slaughtered, I have a bridge to sell you. That's my opinion, you're free to believe what you want though. But stop telling *me* what to believe, it is antithetic to "perceive, think, act."

Characterizing Ray Peat as a "no-virus" proponent needs to stop though. He was obviously not a proponent of the mainstream virus dogma, yet he was also definitely not in the Cowan et al. "viruses don't exist" camp either. Someone who writes "Caffeine protects against cancer caused by radiation, chemical carcinogens, viruses, and estrogens." is not a virus denier. Ray was way smarter than that, recognizing the issue to have much more nuance, as the above interview excerpt demonstrates. Just yelling that something doesn't exist is not moving our understanding forwards in any meaningful way, it will only alienate potential converts. Ray Peat instead took the correct approach.


Aug 10, 2018
In other words, I'm not trying to convince you that viruses exist (I wouldn't since I don't think they exist in the way you think I do), so stop trying to convince me that they don't. Thanks.


Aug 10, 2018
Those fellas have much of the same cognitive dissonance as many of the other "viruses exist" folks. They can't let go of the idea that they must be real because of how grand the field is. Well it's all based on flawed isolation techniques, regardless of the other arguments. First something must be isolated show it's the thing causing what's being blamed on it. More detail in video about them and this concept. Which has been repeated too many times.
Again, Ray Peat has specifically addressed this flawed argument before. The fact that you can't isolate something is not proof that it doesn't exist. If X has no effect, but X+ Y does, the fact that you can't isolate Y the way you want to doesn't prove that Y doesn't exist or is not the cause of the observed effect. Highly flawed logic.


Jul 2, 2022
It is also probable that for example the seasonal flu is entirely caused by the yearly flu shots, and the shedding is partially contagious in the sense that the body sheds the "alien" or exogenous dna/rna via exosomes and these can be trasmitted as Ray mentioned above, and travel on sputum/droplets etc. I don't think I have ever had the flu, just colds occasionally. I've never had the flu jab.
The flu does exist and it does not require a flu shot. What causes it is up for debate.

The fact that many people (me included) feel and look so much better after it has passed(if they didn't take the nasty antiviral drugs or even vitamins that cease the process) with better skin, more energy, better body composition due to fat loss etc etc seems like a cyclical seasonal detox mechanism of the body. I look forward to my next cold/flu as I know I will feel so much better after and never try to stop it in any way,even vit C or anything of this sort. Just let the body do what it knows best without interference from my little brain.

The only thing I do is proning with an extreme angle to let the mucus from the lungs clear up as easily as possible and none of the ***t is left inside.

edit: Regarding the "shedding" of spike proteins - another made up stuff in my opinion. But this is a whole another topic.


Apr 19, 2020
Characterizing Ray Peat as a "no-virus" proponent needs to stop though. He was obviously not a proponent of the mainstream virus dogma, yet he was also definitely not in the Cowan et al. "viruses don't exist" camp either.

Ray was way smarter than that, recognizing the issue to have much more nuance, as the above interview excerpt demonstrates.

Agree to disagree, that is what I try and do first, in the spirit of collaboration, not banter or too much argumentation. We all want to learn (well that is my premise). This 'Nuance' approach includes the 'variety' of definitions of 'Virus' or 'Virion' as there are several many available on the ''old super smart internet from medical sources.

Ray describes above in my quotes from that interview that 'viruses' do not (necessarily) cause infection or are transmitted from infected people. Also for the record they - the virus - ie any and all viruses - are not Alive. Even though Ray uses that word "live" as in to live. Here below Ray uses the concept of exosome/virus seemingly interchangeably, and with the meaning of a 'messaging system' to transfer information within the body (specifically).

"RP: Yeah. There are exosomes that have
exactly that kind of structure. And where
did viruses originate that they can't
evolve by themselves; they have to live
in an animal cell.

PT: in a host. Right? They have to live.

RP: Yeah. And so I think the only
valid theory for viruses
is that they are abnormal like
bacterial immunity transmission of

acquired immunity."
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