I Got Omicrom BA.5,The Most Infectious One, And I Am Unvaxxed And Unswabbed


Sep 9, 2019
Of course it is. They are preparing for the fall 'vaccination' campaign as Biden ordered a million or so does of the clearly failed lethal injections. They need to do something to encourage the vulnerable.
Who is, OP? Because that's who said it.


Jun 26, 2022
Who is, OP? Because that's who said it.
No, sorry if it wasn't clear. It was a sarcastic comment - in reference to the fact that I believe there will be increasing 'Covid' cases and fear mongering by the media in the United States because the Biden administration has purchased a million (or so, but large number) of 'vaccine' doses to be administered in the fall. "They" is the nebulous "they"... the powers that be that are pushing this agenda. :). As far as I know the goal is to have people taking these every 6 months.


Jun 26, 2022
Really surprised to see folks on here saying they're going to start wearing masks again!?! But I guess if it makes you feel like it's safer that's something. On the other hand all the studies have consistently shown they don't work. Here's the latest i've read just today. By the way I got it last July and it was like a bad flu for a week or so - extremely tired, sore throat, coughing, fever, etc. I believe we got if from my mother inlaw as we were in the car with her for hours and she didn't tell us she was sick (she also had been double vaxxed). I definitely believe there's shedding due mostly to anecdotal events i've experienced.

I too am discouraged about that - not just here, but in the public. Especially the large number of young .. teens and twenty somethings I see choosing to wear masks.. including walking outdoors around no one. I fear this part of the indoctrination has taken hold and will be with us now. What makes me really sad is seeing people put them on young children.

Actually - I'm really surprised and also discouraged by the amount of Covidians discussion about 'the virus' , etc. on this forum. I'm new here, and it is not what I expected from followers of RP. People getting tested, wearing masks etc. etc. - buying into all the nonsense. I would have thought more 'enlightened' here. I was looking forward to discussion re: diet ideas, thyroid, etc. etc.

The shedding is very real. It makes sense from all the research and I know I experienced it. I moved in with vaxxed parents to care for mom, while she was dying from hers. It involved a lot of contact with bodily fluids, and blood. I got very sick and continued to be off and on and was very lucky to find a local doctor who believed in this, as she experienced it working with patients. She put gave me a prescription for Ivermectin and after the initial protocol, suggested I stay on in for a year. It didn't 'cure' me completely, but it was a huge help and allowed me to be strong enough to do what I needed to do.

*The prophylactic dose was only recommended for those with lots of intense contact - i.e health care workers, or caretakers.
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Sep 18, 2019
It’s supposedly all over Chicago too

We all got really sick beginning last week after visiting the Field Museum. 3 yo had sore ear, high temps, and fatigue. I then had a 12 hour fever/body aches/chills that wiped me out. But then the real special came. A throat that makes you wince every time you swallow and keeps you up at night. I’ve had it for five days and it is only showing now signs of abating.

My husband has so far not been sick and older two kids had milder symptoms.

Husband got me a Covid test. Was negative but I’m suspicious.

Field museum was awesome and totally worth it.


Jan 25, 2014
Husband got me a Covid test. Was negative but I’m suspicious.
....but not suspicious enough to NOT give the testing company your money.

No wonder this fake pandemic will continue indefinitely. With over 1 Billion tests done in the US alone at anywhere from $10-$200 a pop, testing companies have generated anywhere from 10 Billion to 200 Billion. That's quite a bit of money for something that is wrong at least 97% of the time.

And even people who think your testing products sucks will still gladly buy it!


Sep 18, 2019
....but not suspicious enough to NOT give the testing company your money.

No wonder this fake pandemic will continue indefinitely. With over 1 Billion tests done in the US alone at anywhere from $10-$200 a pop, testing companies have generated anywhere from 10 Billion to 200 Billion. That's quite a bit of money for something that is wrong at least 97% of the time.

And even people who think your testing products sucks will still gladly buy it!
I had decided not to buy a test, because I hate throwing money at Covid industry, when my husband brought me home one.

He has taken a lot of flack from our Covid-minimalist extended family because he got the j and j vaccine when his company mandated it. He hasn’t gotten the latest round of sickness running through our otherwise unvaccinated household, though, so now he’s slyly speculating the vaccine wasn’t the total garbage he had assumed it was.

I always get a good laugh when I see that you are still arguing that Covid isn’t real. Keep it up!


Jan 25, 2014
I always get a good laugh when I see that you are still arguing that Covid isn’t real. Keep it up!
There's really not an argument. I am just waiting for someone, anyone, to provide actual proof that this "Novel Corona Virus" exists. Having read and analyzed the actual "isolation" studies, I am convinced it wasn't discovered. Photos pointing at something when there is clearly massive amounts of celluar debris present prove nothing.

But, if you have faith in the government health agencies and media that keep on telling you that there is a "virus" out there (absent any proof), well, keep it up!


Apr 20, 2017
Too many versions now and I don't even know which is which anymore.

Totally unvaxxed though. I don't trust it.


Sep 24, 2016
I'm glad that the "COVID doesn't exist" narrative is mostly gone now

You mean to say spike protein shedding isn't happening?

My input on the "vaccines causing the pandemic" position is that back in early 2021, the pandemic numbers were decreasing and almost nil--then they started exploding in July, which was after the vaccine rollout took off.

It's not proof, but it does seem like the vaccines could be driving the pandemic. Also, the countries that are not vaccinated have low pandemic numbers.
The countries that USED TO have low pandemic numbers, and GOT VACCINATED (like, South Korea) have now developed high pandemic numbers.

There's also data showing that recently vaccinated people (as opposed to people vaccinated 6 months ago, which probably also means they've taken more vaccines in the schedule) are more likely to get long-COVID.

You can crunch these numbers for yourself, it's something like 3% vs. 5% for proportion of people developing long-COVID.
SP-shedding doesn’t exist is what I meant yes.

I agree that vaccination makes a portion of the vaccinated more suspectible to re-infection or infection.
But that’s to do with „original antigenic sin“-effects and the fact that the vaccine modulates parts of the immune response to all kinds of pathogens via altered Interferon-reactions and other things.

The big giveaway is that these alterations have been studied and publicated - and the all research stopped, despite it being a massive finding.


Jun 26, 2022
I had decided not to buy a test, because I hate throwing money at Covid industry, when my husband brought me home one.

He has taken a lot of flack from our Covid-minimalist extended family because he got the j and j vaccine when his company mandated it. He hasn’t gotten the latest round of sickness running through our otherwise unvaccinated household, though, so now he’s slyly speculating the vaccine wasn’t the total garbage he had assumed it was.

I always get a good laugh when I see that you are still arguing that Covid isn’t real. Keep it up!

SP-shedding doesn’t exist is what I meant yes.

I agree that vaccination makes a portion of the vaccinated more suspectible to re-infection or infection.
But that’s to do with „original antigenic sin“-effects and the fact that the vaccine modulates parts of the immune response to all kinds of pathogens via altered Interferon-reactions and other things.

The big giveaway is that these alterations have been studied and publicated - and the all research stopped, despite it being a massive finding.
Shedding exists for this 'vaccine' as it does for all others.
Study has shown the spike protein present in the blood of the injected for up to 6 months (extent of study). Also in breast milk, and organs on autopsy. I would assume it (as well as other components) are in all excretions.

Yes, their immune systems are decimated, but I believe as do most I trust; obviously the injected are getting sick from the toxic protein they are manufacturing. They were infected by the injection, which is what the test picks up, conveniently always perpetuating the charade.


Jun 26, 2022
I had decided not to buy a test, because I hate throwing money at Covid industry, when my husband brought me home one.

He has taken a lot of flack from our Covid-minimalist extended family because he got the j and j vaccine when his company mandated it. He hasn’t gotten the latest round of sickness running through our otherwise unvaccinated household, though, so now he’s slyly speculating the vaccine wasn’t the total garbage he had assumed it was.

I always get a good laugh when I see that you are still arguing that Covid isn’t real. Keep it up!
Perhaps his opinion will change after he listens to the latest update - truthful update.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ9-6BOQ8IA&t=135s


Sep 5, 2012
Day three: headaches/nausea subsided, almost completely gone, but now a sore throat feels like it's coming on - hope it doesn't get too bad.
Overall weakness abit worse, with usual body aches.
Feels like I'm moving in slow motion....


Mar 29, 2016
It's running through our area now. Headaches, nausea, and intense body aches seems to be the reported theme, along with tachycardia.

It run through me also last year.

It is simply acidemia. All those symptoms are easily fixed by getting acid base balance right. I fixed them. It took awhile. But I self-treated and it wasn't difficult.

But it's difficult for most people because they don't understand anything, and anything I tell them that is supposed to be simple enough for a second grader (first grade you get to understand how to follow directions) to understand they don't just because they need to throw out first a lot of useless junk in their head. But people are too attached to their false belief systems and don't want to let go.

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
Glad you got better. May I ask what dose of Mag Ox did you require to expel the endotoxin?
I used about half a tea spoon to maybe a tea spoon with lots of water each day for a few days, taking some citrus with it helps too like lemon juice.


Sep 9, 2019
I always get a good laugh when I see that you are still arguing that Covid isn’t real. Keep it up!
Can you provide any tangible evidence the "virus" has been isolated?

Because if you can't then he's right, there's no argument.


In the past two weeks, 3 of the neighborhood dogs have not wanted to go outside.
My dog tends to be rather maudlin about discomfort. So I wasn't too taken aback by his getting 10 ft outside, throwing his head around and dragging back to go inside.

When I ran into our friends, they said the same thing. And the couple across the street said their puppy did the same thing.

I feel run down after a day of heavy spraying. We are going through droughts followed by heavy spraying, a rain respite then back to drought.

I take a fish penicillan tablet on those days and wake up back to normal. (er, the new normal?)
At least you have people who recognise that something is amiss. I pointed to the spraying to a friend recently and he said, oh contrails? – I didn’t argue, too exhausted.


It run through me also last year.

It is simply acidemia. All those symptoms are easily fixed by getting acid base balance right. I fixed them. It took awhile. But I self-treated and it wasn't difficult.

But it's difficult for most people because they don't understand anything, and anything I tell them that is supposed to be simple enough for a second grader (first grade you get to understand how to follow directions) to understand they don't just because they need to throw out first a lot of useless junk in their head. But people are too attached to their false belief systems and don't want to let go.
Did this fix your blood pressure too?


Mar 29, 2016
Did this fix your blood pressure too?
When I was sick, my bp went lower. but was still high.

When I got well, my bp went back to higher levels.

So, no. It didn't fix my high bp. My bp went lower only because when I was sick my metabolism went lower.


Sep 13, 2012
It run through me also last year.

It is simply acidemia. All those symptoms are easily fixed by getting acid base balance right. I fixed them. It took awhile. But I self-treated and it wasn't difficult.

But it's difficult for most people because they don't understand anything, and anything I tell them that is supposed to be simple enough for a second grader (first grade you get to understand how to follow directions) to understand they don't just because they need to throw out first a lot of useless junk in their head. But people are too attached to their false belief systems and don't want to let go.
I disagree with acidemia when I was feeling the worst my urine went alkaline. If you are using urine pH as a measure urine is supposed to be acidic, but not too much, if it's getting to be 5 or less every time I take some C salts which has some mag, calcium, potassium and zinc ascorbate. But my BP tends to be low, so I guess for someone with high BP it could be the opposite. The only way to know is to start tracking pH and figuring out what pushes the numbers too far in one direction and how to bring them back. The book 'Folk Medicine' lays out simple ideas on how to prevent sickness.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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