Hydrogenated Coconut Oil

Aug 1, 2016
Not sure what you mean by troll. I came to the Forum, because I respect a lot of things that Ray says, but I don't agree with him on everything. I don't think PUFA's are the big green meanie. I totally agree that any oil that has to be extracted with hi heat and chemicals to the point where it has to be deodorized to cover up its rancidity, is certainly suspect. Secondly, oil that is high in PUFA's, should not be heated and used in moderation. As people, we have a tendency to lean heavily to one side or another. I've learned that neither side is ever right. I went low carb, and lost a lot of weight and felt great, but I've read too many people story that are like my own, that after a time being off all sugars, they started suffering immensely. I've lost my mobility. Yes, the body eats itself when glucose isn't provided!! Ray Peat has a lot of good to say on this aspect of health. Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes the most intelligent miss the most significant things. I think my intelligence has gotten in the way many many times. I've swung from side to side, and there was always that little voice that said, "What about this? Do you think they're right about this?" and I ignored it , and had to pay for it later. Let's give credit where it's due, and when there are equally intelligent people who believe the opposite, let's not mindlessly follow someone, and make people who believe differently feel stupid. I've done just that, and I'm sorry for it.


Oct 10, 2012

The office, looking back I was way to young to appreciate that show. Such a shame.


May 23, 2013
Not sure what you mean by troll. I came to the Forum, because I respect a lot of things that Ray says, but I don't agree with him on everything. I don't think PUFA's are the big green meanie. I totally agree that any oil that has to be extracted with hi heat and chemicals to the point where it has to be deodorized to cover up its rancidity, is certainly suspect. Secondly, oil that is high in PUFA's, should not be heated and used in moderation. As people, we have a tendency to lean heavily to one side or another. I've learned that neither side is ever right. I went low carb, and lost a lot of weight and felt great, but I've read too many people story that are like my own, that after a time being off all sugars, they started suffering immensely. I've lost my mobility. Yes, the body eats itself when glucose isn't provided!! Ray Peat has a lot of good to say on this aspect of health. Things are not always what they seem. Sometimes the most intelligent miss the most significant things. I think my intelligence has gotten in the way many many times. I've swung from side to side, and there was always that little voice that said, "What about this? Do you think they're right about this?" and I ignored it , and had to pay for it later. Let's give credit where it's due, and when there are equally intelligent people who believe the opposite, let's not mindlessly follow someone, and make people who believe differently feel stupid. I've done just that, and I'm sorry for it.

Brothers keeper, nice to have you on board! As far a PUFA's are concerned, I believe they are the Incredible Hulk of big green meanies. Check out this analysis: Haidut's Summary of PUFA


Sep 24, 2016
The german Brand "Palmin", which was discussed here before, is cheap and widely available in almost any supermarket.

The manufactuer claims on its product-faqs that analysis of their products show a that Palmin consists of 94% saturated fats of which only 4% are hydrogenated. They also emphasize that they fully hydrogenate the fats of the hydrogenated part and that they mix the hydrogenated part with the non-hydrogenated part after they have refine them seperately.

They also state that reular analysis shows transfat average is below 0,5%.

Seems a good product at first glance if the claims are true. I'd like to switch to coconut-fat entirely for frying/roasting and where the consitency would not interfere.
Is there any reason against this product for those purposes - and could this be ingested occasionaly on bread/wuth coffee or do you see some reasons against it? I reckon the benefits of the fatty-acid compositions are given?


Jan 25, 2014
For anyone in the Los Angeles area, I found Palmin at The Alpine Market in Torrance. $4.99 for 250 grams. It's a cool little German market, if you've never checked it out.


Jan 25, 2014
You can paint with Walntut Oil! Here is chart indirectly showing PUFA by the Iodine Value. The Iodine value measures Unsaturated Bonds by binding Iodine. Saturated hydrocarbons will not react with Iodine since there are no free electrons.

Notice how coconut wins by a long shot!
And linseed loses.
Linseed is the most common oil paint base. Linseed oil oxidizes so fast that it has been known to spontaneously combust.

FYI: Linseed Oil is the same thing as Flaxseed Oil.

The thing that I like most about this is that it suggests that high flaxseed oil intake could be a possible cause for spontaneous human combustion.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I went low carb, and lost a lot of weight and felt great, but I've read too many people story that are like my own, that after a time being off all sugars, they started suffering immensely. I've lost my mobility. Yes, the body eats itself when glucose isn't provided!
Could you explain this? Did you become fatigued?


May 22, 2019
In supermarket they sell cubes like butter of coconut fat or oil and on the packaging it says mixture of non-hydrogenated and hydrogenated coconut oil?

Whats with hydrogenated coconut oil?
This type of coconut oil doesn't appear very much in the US anymore, but I believe it's still used in the tropics, esp. for candies. Many establishments in the tropics don't have air conditioning, and since the melting point of coconut oil is about 76 degrees, the hydrogenation makes these products more stable in hot weather.

Lord Cola

Could hydrogenation lower the antibacterial effect of coconut oil? Hydrogenated coconut oil that I have is much less effective at reducing intestinal inflammation than refined coconut oil.


Dec 3, 2015
Does anyone know what solvents they use to refine coconut oil?
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