Has Anyone Here Successfully Resolved "SIBO" Or Major Stomach Bloating? With Peating Or Anything Els


Dec 7, 2015
Thanks you guys. On the one hand it seems like a way to bypass some endotoxin issues and heal, but if it's healing us why wouldn't it be healing the beasties creating the endotoxin as well? So many unknowns.... my digestion is way better Peating than it used to be. It used to be terrible, though, and I also have had pets, etc. Who knows what creatures could be lurking? Considering trying a little turp or garlic or something just in case.


Jun 12, 2013
I used to get swelling in the evening after work. Looked pregnant. The evening after work (and the next day too), I would be swollen and sore so that I could hardly move. I had a post on it, and Haidut said it was cortisol. Now I'm not as stressed on my job and though I still get some swelling, it's not that bad, and I can actually function and move in the evening/next day. So I guess that's the cortisol side of things.

Then there's food/liquid intake. Like yesterday, I had a Wendy's junior cheeseburger deluxe (no mayo) and a medium strawberry lemonade. I might have been OK if I'd stopped there. That lemonade was a lot of liquid -bigger than I thought it was going to be. But then someone "talked me into" having a Frosty. It was a hot day, so sure, just this once, and it was a small size. I should have only eaten a few bites because I was full. But I ate most of it. Immediately I swelled up to pregnancy size and had a world of GI troubles that landed me in bathroom. It resolved at last when I took doses of Pepto Bismol and some Dramamine. It could have been the dairy in the Frosty (I'm not sure if it actually uses real dairy though?) EDITING TO ADD: I looked up the ingredients just now: Milk, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Cream, Whey, Nonfat Milk, Cocoa (processed with alkali), Guar Gum, Mono and Diglycerides, Cellulose Gum, Carrageenan, Calcium Sulfate, Disodium Phosphate, Artificial Flavor, Vitamin A Palmitate.

Hoo boo, okay. Not so Peaty.

But I think it was the sheer volume of food, and mostly the amount of liquid I took in one sitting.

So in response to the question of resolving stomach bloating, for me, it has to do with lowering cortisol but especially limiting the amount of liquids in one sitting and don't overeat - keep meals on the smaller side.


Sep 9, 2015
Just wondering if anyone has ever tried red light for intestinal issues? Was it helpful or no?

When my stomach is really bad my little infrared device is the only thing helps, has to by 800nm though as the shorter wavelengths don't penetrate to the stomach enough


Dec 7, 2015
That's great that it helped your stomach, I have also used once or twice for an upset stomach (only 660nm but still it helped.) Wondering if light could play a role in correcting/improving acid production, peristalsis, intestinal damage, inflammation, etc. in conjunction with treating the root cause. Oh well, have not seen any studies about it as yet.


Sep 9, 2015
That's great that it helped your stomach, I have also used once or twice for an upset stomach (only 660nm but still it helped.) Wondering if light could play a role in correcting/improving acid production, peristalsis, intestinal damage, inflammation, etc. in conjunction with treating the root cause. Oh well, have not seen any studies about it as yet.

If I were to guess I would say the main mode of action would be to reduce inflammation. That would then cascade to other beneficial effects. It worked so well for my gastritis and well (although not as strong) on bloating, that I am still considering purchasing a vetrolaser, which is the strongest laser you can get without spending thousands.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Second day on garlic (started Monday morning rather than Sunday night). Early impressions:
My first dose was 1 clove, since then I've been doing 2 cloves. It's not fun to take, but it's not hard either. I had some gut issues yesterday, kind of loose bowels, that I figured was from the garlic, but it wasn't too extreme. That is to say that I felt gassy and that I had to poop a few times, but never that I had to run to the bathroom. I also don't smell much yet, not sure how long that takes to happen, I thought I had a faint garlic odor once or twice yesterday but it hasn't been consistent. I've been taking it with food and haven't felt any warmth or burning in my stomach, only in my throat once when a particularly strong pressed clove hit it.
I'm a bit concerned that I'm not taking enough, I'd rather have crazy effects than the middling effects I seem to be having. TBP or anyone who has done it, does this seem right? I'm only on my second day (of a planned 7) so it's very early.


May 3, 2015
Remember that garlic thins the blood so multiple cloves a day could indeed give you "crazy effects" and "shock and awe" in a military way.
Jan 24, 2014
TBP or anyone who has done it, does this seem right? I'm only on my second day (of a planned 7) so it's very early.

I always took mine on an empty stomach because I didn't wish to dilute the effects, but maybe taking it with food is better? Perhaps it keeps the garlic working in your intestines longer? Dunno?

It's good blended with the raw carrot salad....sort of killing and sweeping out the debris all at once. I took a lot at each dose, I didn't want middling effects either. I figured either Go Big or Go Home.

Raw Garlic has many properties, you'll likely experience altered bowel motions because your messing with your gut flora, but that's the whole point.....brooming out the small intestines. You're a healthy young person, your colon will repopulate very quickly as long as you eat healthy natural whole food.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Ok, I will experiment a little with taking it on an empty stomach, taking more and using things like carrot salad in tandem. I would rather feel like I have the flu and a stomach flu at the same time for a week and have this work then feel normal and have little to no effects. I'm not backing down to some prokaryotes in this arms race.

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
My gut issues worsened last week and I was really ill for a couple days with a fever. I tried to do the garlic again since it worked so well in the past, and gagged and wretched so hard just trying to do one dose. There might be a limit to how much you can do it before your taste buds decide they've had enough, haha.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
This is the 7th day of my garlic treatment, and sad to say I don't think it's working. I'm having quite bad bloating right now, and I've already drank down 2 vial glasses of 3+ pressed cloves. I've been doing 3 doses a day. So I think after another dose or 2, making a full week, I will give it a rest and try it in tandem with something else, probably turpentine. In fact I'm about to buy some from Amazon now.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
@Kyle M
I didn't want to post anything before it failed to not discourage the process, to avoid a negative expectation from the experiment, and to not appear as a fool if it worked.
But since it didn't, here's my opinion.
Chronic conditions rarely are solved by acute measures. The guy that posted that protocol apparently got an infection while traveling to a tropical country. This is rarely most people's cases since the intestinal problems start developing slowly as their metabolisms decline.

There's probably not a fast shortcut to solve that as far as I know, because you'd first intoxicate yourself before healing the infection.
I just posted this and perhaps you can draw something useful from it: Gallbladder Removal
I would add movement/light exercise to the list. And don't neglect any of those aspects since they work in synergy.

If your problem is just bloating, without harsh reactions, then in my opinion you only need to worry about improving metabolism and liver function; and for now eating carbohydrates that cause bloating, even if that means consuming honey or refined sugar. If not, then you probably need to take some measures after that, like eating more complex carbohydrates that bloat you without giving harsh reactions and then maybe a very low dose antibiotic treatment. That works by feeding safer microbes first and then dimishing their numbers so your immune system can work more effectively.

Strategies to disrupt biofilms are also very helpful. BigPeatowski and others have posted something related on the forum. I would avoid minerals in excess, especially if they are in supplemental form. Try to take them through the skin if possible.

I don't know anything about turpetine so I can't comment.
What I can comment is that you should rotate plant toxins to avoid a stable environment that bacteria can adapt and thrive; antibiotic resistance applies to food toxins as well.

I'm merely sharing my opinions and what I would do, the expert on the forum is burtlancast. Questions should be addressed to him with a love note at the end.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Thanks for the suggestion, but the thing is my gut has been having problems for a while now and my metabolism seemed pretty good to me. You're right in saying this is a chronic problem of mine, but it may have come about more acutely than I know. Unfortunately I put myself on so many experimental diets in my late teens through my 20s that I can hardly look back with an accurate metric on how my digestion was working since it was digesting radically different things. I had hardly any bloating for years doing very low carb, but I imagine I would have bloated up at that time on a big carb meal.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Thanks for the suggestion, but the thing is my gut has been having problems for a while now and my metabolism seemed pretty good to me. You're right in saying this is a chronic problem of mine, but it may have come about more acutely than I know. Unfortunately I put myself on so many experimental diets in my late teens through my 20s that I can hardly look back with an accurate metric on how my digestion was working since it was digesting radically different things. I had hardly any bloating for years doing very low carb, but I imagine I would have bloated up at that time on a big carb meal.
The interesting thing with cheese + simple carbs is that if the transit time is slow and you bloat a lot, you basically become a cheese chamber. The carbohydrates are digested so rapidly that they won't feed the bacteria, at the same time if any microbe tries to eat what was left from that is protein and fat; those usually feed more complex microbes compared to carbs, and that can be shaped by an acute measure later on, like what you just did. Not only that but cheese has many antimicrobial compounds, that if it feeds anything, at least it's shaping the intestines with safer microbes.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Fruit or any simple carbs alone give me symptoms too. Sometimes just a cup of coffee with some milk and lots of sugar gives me a bit of a bloating feeling.
The first first first time I remember ever noticing anything like this was when I started seeing a vegetarian girl in college (age 19 or so) and started eating more vegetables. It didn't feel that bad but I noticed that my stomach was sticking out after a veggie meal with her, and that was very strange because just a year or 2 before that I was eating whole pizzas and all kinds of stuff and looking like that Japanese guy with the flat stomach after 50 hotdogs. I'm guessing it was the big increase in fiber, or maybe the veggies were hitting my metabolism already (I remember broccoli playing prominent, and the meals were likely low-calorie).

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Update on my situation, I ordered some turpentine from Amazon, will arrive this week. I'm definitely going to take that as recommended by TBP, the only thing I have yet to decide is what to do in conjunction. The garlic treatment was a low-level torture and I am not looking forward to doing that again, but I will if I have to. Other ideas are to try and get some pharmaceutical antibiotics, or some herbal ones I tried before. Or maybe all of that together. I'm getting to the point of being pretty comfortable with dangerous therapies to treat this.

Kyle M

Mar 20, 2016
Turpentine is in. Ordered some penicillin from what I assume is an illegal website, that will arrive in a week or 2. What do you think TBP, both together?



Raw garlic & onion is very harsh/irritating, turpentine also seems somewhat extreme to me.

I think raw honey and ceylon cinnamon is worth a try.

If you have a health food store around you, try to get your hands on some raw wildflower honey, then get organic ceylon cinnamon.

Have 1tbsp raw honey with 1/4-1/2 tsp ceylon cinnamon, mix them together and eat the mixture; do this 6-8x daily in between meals.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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