Had A Stool Test Done, Here Are The Results


Sep 9, 2020
As the title says. What are you thoughts and recommendations?

My thoughts are that it's pretty good other than the dysbiosis.

Here are my symptoms:
Brain fog
Low libido

These get worse after eating, I've noticed more particularly with meats. I've backed off the meat and am consuming raw goat milk with some benefit, but still feel a bit off. I'm also including medjool dates, honey, maple syrup, carrot salad, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, coconut oil, mangos, and sometimes unrefined sugar, oysters, liver, gelatin, cold brew coffee

The carrot salad I feel off with. I'll eat it and get achy, brain fog, tired, depressed. Not sure if that's a good sign.

I feel like I definitely get endotoxin build up. Especially after my morning bowel movement. After I have that I feel very depressed, brain fog, fatigued. It's as if when I have my BM my body releases ALOT of endotoxin into my bloodstream.

Last night I ate some activated charcoal and noticed not so bad endotoxin feeling after my BM.

I'm stuck on what to do.

I really would like to get this figured out asap. Im getting blood work done soon, so far I have morely Robbins root cause protocol tests ordered, I just need to go take the test. I feel like I'm missing some things for it. I need thyroid labs, any recommendations for that would greatly help.

I'm seeing I have virtually zero ecoli bacteria in my tests, maybe some biosporin or mutaflor would be beneficial in this case?

My klebsiella oxytoca is odd, last test I got years ago I had an overgrowth of klebsiella pneumoniae - was very intolerant to starches at the time with ankloysing spondylitis symptoms. I can now eat some starch (after 2 years carnivore) but I dont consume any other than the carrot salad and bamboo shoots as after a few days I get some pretty strong endotoxin reaction

I notice endotoxin reactions when I mix milk and coffee together as well. I may need to take coffee out for a little bit.

I really feel confident in ray pears advice even though it's a bit out there. I just need some guidance for sure.



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Aug 24, 2017
Your SCFAs are low, but your pH is also low. This is most likely from lactic acid, formic acid and the sorts.
How long did the activated charcoal take to come out after you took it?
How many bowel movements do you have per day?


Sep 9, 2020
Your SCFAs are low, but your pH is also low. This is most likely from lactic acid, formic acid and the sorts.
How long did the activated charcoal take to come out after you took it?
How many bowel movements do you have per day?

I didn't take activated charcoal during the test to be clear.

I started last night. I took it at about 10pm and this morning around 9 am it had came out.

I have 1-3 BM's per day. Usually 2 in the morning shortly after one another and sometimes one around 4-6pm


Nov 16, 2019
I feel like I definitely get endotoxin build up. Especially after my morning bowel movement. After I have that I feel very depressed, brain fog, fatigued. It's as if when I have my BM my body releases ALOT of endotoxin into my bloodstream.

I have been dealing with this exact same thing for a while now! It does sort of feel like what I think endotoxin feels like but why would having a bowel movement cause endotoxin??

When I went to my doctor & said I thought I had bacterial overgrowth in the GI, he asked if I felt better after a BM. I responded with 'No, I feel worse'. He looked totally bemused.
Sep 5, 2016
I feel like I definitely get endotoxin build up. Especially after my morning bowel movement. After I have that I feel very depressed, brain fog, fatigued. It's as if when I have my BM my body releases ALOT of endotoxin into my bloodstream.

I have been dealing with this exact same thing for a while now! It does sort of feel like what I think endotoxin feels like but why would having a bowel movement cause endotoxin??

Thanks for sharing your experiences, gents.

I have exactly the problem you described above. I notice what could be endotoxin symptoms every time material moves into or through the colon (not sure of exact location). After a bowel movement, more material moves into/through the colon to prepare for the next bowel movement, so I get the endotoxin symptoms. I suspect this is the reason why I feel terrible after a bowel movement, and not just before.

Brooks Esq.

Oct 26, 2016
As the title says. What are you thoughts and recommendations?

My thoughts are that it's pretty good other than the dysbiosis.

Here are my symptoms:
Brain fog
Low libido

These get worse after eating, I've noticed more particularly with meats. I've backed off the meat and am consuming raw goat milk with some benefit, but still feel a bit off. I'm also including medjool dates, honey, maple syrup, carrot salad, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, coconut oil, mangos, and sometimes unrefined sugar, oysters, liver, gelatin, cold brew coffee

The carrot salad I feel off with. I'll eat it and get achy, brain fog, tired, depressed. Not sure if that's a good sign.

I feel like I definitely get endotoxin build up. Especially after my morning bowel movement. After I have that I feel very depressed, brain fog, fatigued. It's as if when I have my BM my body releases ALOT of endotoxin into my bloodstream.

Last night I ate some activated charcoal and noticed not so bad endotoxin feeling after my BM.

I'm stuck on what to do.

I really would like to get this figured out asap. Im getting blood work done soon, so far I have morely Robbins root cause protocol tests ordered, I just need to go take the test. I feel like I'm missing some things for it. I need thyroid labs, any recommendations for that would greatly help.

I'm seeing I have virtually zero ecoli bacteria in my tests, maybe some biosporin or mutaflor would be beneficial in this case?

My klebsiella oxytoca is odd, last test I got years ago I had an overgrowth of klebsiella pneumoniae - was very intolerant to starches at the time with ankloysing spondylitis symptoms. I can now eat some starch (after 2 years carnivore) but I dont consume any other than the carrot salad and bamboo shoots as after a few days I get some pretty strong endotoxin reaction

I notice endotoxin reactions when I mix milk and coffee together as well. I may need to take coffee out for a little bit.

I really feel confident in ray pears advice even though it's a bit out there. I just need some guidance for sure.

Hello, from my understanding your symptoms are as follows:
Brain fog
Low libido

In your stool test the only thing I noticed that might be causative of your symptoms is the Klebsiella bacterium. Klebsiella bacterium is a gram-negative bacterium which is known to cause elevations of ammonia--the most potent neurotoxin natural in the human body--which may be responsible for your symptoms. In addition to the brain fog, fatigue, and depression being characteristic of hyperammonemia, low libido can also be caused by hyperammonemia because ammonia increases the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin causing anti sexual symptoms. My suspicion is supported by the fact that you have a mildly deficient amount of PH in your GI tract.

For details, please see: Hyperammonemia - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf

It may be a good idea for your doctor to run a plasma ammonia test to see what your levels are. Good luck!

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