Low Toxin Diet Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I think it would be better if he put more emphasis on the nuanced take rather than the hyperbolic one that he usually repeats and that you just posted.
I have tested eggs thoroughly and also I have had other family members test and from our observations they are too toxic to eat.


Feb 8, 2022
If the sole mechanism of eggs making people feel better is the slowing of detox, then why do a number of people who take this approach report less constipation after adding eggs than before? For Dr. Smith, slowing detox is synonymous with slowed bile flow, resulting in slowed bowel movement and more constipation. If people have reported an improvement in constipation with eggs, wouldn’t that mean that eggs increase bile flow and therefore detox? At the very least, it would seem that the mechanism is more complex than simply slowing detox.


Mar 27, 2021
I have tested eggs thoroughly and also I have had other family members test and from our observations they are too toxic to eat.
Or are you too toxic to tolerate them? I’ve seen people benefit from eggs whether it’s the choline or folate after being on the low A diet for a while.


Jun 6, 2016
Eggs slow down detox because they are poison, that is why they report benefits. Beef has plenty of choline.

I tend to agree that people were on the wrong track with choline. I think it could be due to some kind of liver flush effect. There's even an egg yolk liver flush recipe out there.

I am not sure it slows down detox, as I compared its effects to all kinds of other problematic foods like milk and carotene rich vegetables, and I never had an effect comparable to eggs.

There was one guy on the genereux forum who went without eggs for 5 years on a zero A diet and only got worse, until he added in eggs, and he needs one per day to feel good.

Probably speaks to some kind of liver block, so not everyone needs it.

Others don't do well on it at all.
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Mar 9, 2023
The mouth detoxing (retinoic acid toxing??) continues for me. Mouth ulcers all cleared up a few weeks back now but now my gums are very inflamed and sensitive.

Managing to keep things at bay with some regular mouth washing and teeth brushing, but I'm definitely taking some punishment.

Many positive health improvements elsewhere however. Wonder how common oral/dental health detox symptoms are.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The mouth detoxing (retinoic acid toxing??) continues for me. Mouth ulcers all cleared up a few weeks back now but now my gums are very inflamed and sensitive.
Seems like a detox pathway has opened up for you. If it were me, I would be using charcoal as a mouthwash.
Many positive health improvements elsewhere however. Wonder how common oral/dental health detox symptoms are.
I have a family member who just had her first detox event. It started with some pretty bad nausea and itching like crazy, she ended up throwing up and also coming out the other end. She was pretty sick for a couple days. I gave her charcoal and it immediately made the itching better. Now, after the event is pretty much gone. The skin on her legs is literally sloughing off. Its the craziest thing to witness, the retinoic acid is leaching through her skin and peeling it right off. It's kinda freaky to look at. And, here is another amazing thing. This family member could only sleep a couple hours at a time. It has been like this for decades. She told me once or twice it felt like she might go crazy cause she just cannot sleep. Well, the last 2 nights she has slept all the way through the night. This is a miracle for her, she literally cannot believe it. Her husband went to check on her because he thought something must have been wrong because he did not see her all night. They are both stunned at this development.


Mar 9, 2023
Thanks for the suggestion. I know Smith recommends the primal life toothpaste due to the charcoal content, so maybe I'll give that a go.

That story is wild! Glad to hear she's now able to sleep again. I suppose shedding the skin is the most direct way to literally remove the retinoic acid! The improved sleep is one of the main benefits I've had so far.
Particularly the seemingly all night dreaming that I seem to have. Grant mentions he has this in his books and blog also. I have wondered if this is due to a similar phenomenon that Matthew Walker talked about in his podcast with Rogan a few years back. In the same way that alcoholics have dream sleep blocked, the excess retinol stores are doing something similar (both are alcohols). For a good week and a bit around a month ago I felt like as soon as my head hit the pillow I could instantly descend into dream sleep. That's not nearly as intense as it was now though.

clip I'm referring to below:

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/C-2AP0e_fPA?si=EthShqE1cHulN-Lh


Jun 6, 2016
Seems like a detox pathway has opened up for you. If it were me, I would be using charcoal as a mouthwash.

I have a family member who just had her first detox event. It started with some pretty bad nausea and itching like crazy, she ended up throwing up and also coming out the other end. She was pretty sick for a couple days. I gave her charcoal and it immediately made the itching better. Now, after the event is pretty much gone. The skin on her legs is literally sloughing off. Its the craziest thing to witness, the retinoic acid is leaching through her skin and peeling it right off. It's kinda freaky to look at. And, here is another amazing thing. This family member could only sleep a couple hours at a time. It has been like this for decades. She told me once or twice it felt like she might go crazy cause she just cannot sleep. Well, the last 2 nights she has slept all the way through the night. This is a miracle for her, she literally cannot believe it. Her husband went to check on her because he thought something must have been wrong because he did not see her all night. They are both stunned at this development.

Wow, remarkable. It's saving her life. Not being able to sleep is pure terror.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wow, remarkable. It's saving her life. Not being able to sleep is pure terror.
Yeh she would come to me literally terrified that she could not sleep. I have been trying to get through to her for over a year and just the last few weeks she started in the right direction.

I found another person in the low toxin groups the skin on their legs peeled off like that for something like 9 months. I knew this family member of mine was going to be in for a rough ride, she is literally yellow from all the "vitamin A" in her. Well, that "vitamin A" has now headed for the nearest exit.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
I have had gallbladder pain for the last two days. I couldn't get comfortable n bed last night. I had it about 5 years ago, and it became pretty bad with yellowish skin, and pale stools. There is no way I can have surgery due to my MCS.

I wonder if it has anything to do with detoxing vitamin A from my liver?

So I drank as much warm water as I could, then employed my frequency generator running a gallstones set of freqs. It did the trick much to my relief! Pain going away today.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have had gallbladder pain for the last two days. I couldn't get comfortable n bed last night. I had it about 5 years ago, and it became pretty bad with yellowish skin, and pale stools. There is no way I can have surgery due to my MCS.
Gallbladder and liver pressure/pain can happen due to things firing up. One person in the groups was scheduled to have her gallbladder removed, she found the low toxin group right before her surgery. She went on Faith, canceled her surgery, dove head first into the low toxin lifestyle and everything is fine now and she still has her gallbladder.
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Forum Supporter
Jun 24, 2023
Reno, NV
have a family member who just had her first detox event. It started with some pretty bad nausea and itching like crazy, she ended up throwing up and also coming out the other end. She was pretty sick for a couple days. I gave her charcoal and it immediately made the itching better. Now, after the event is pretty much gone. The skin on her legs is literally sloughing off. Its the craziest thing to witness, the retinoic acid is leaching through her skin and peeling it right off. It's kinda freaky to look at. And, here is another amazing thing. This family member could only sleep a couple hours at a time. It has been like this for decades. She told me once or twice it felt like she might go crazy cause she just cannot sleep. Well, the last 2 nights she has slept all the way through the night. This is a miracle for her, she literally cannot believe it. Her husband went to check on her because he thought something must have been wrong because he did not see her all night. They are both stunned at this development

Wow, glad to hear about the sleep improvement. That is an issue I struggle with, thankfully not as bad.


Jul 8, 2020
Biochemical but not clinical vitamin A deficiency results from mutations in the gene for retinol binding protein

Interesting case study, not much info though.

“Interestingly, intestinal absorption of retinyl esters was normal”

“The genetic defect induced severe biochemical vitamin A deficiency but only mild clinical symptoms (night blindness and a modest retinal dystrophy without effects on growth).

Conclusions: We conclude that the cellular supply of vitamin A to target tissues might be bypassed in these siblings via circulating retinyl esters, beta-carotene, or retinoic acid, thereby maintaining the health of peripheral tissues.”
Mar 24, 2018
@Jabuger Do you think there is a difference in hepatic absorption through butter versus fat-free dairy products?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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