Female Interactions & Hormonal Profile


Aug 9, 2019
I've been told that I am above average in attractivenes. I am almost 6'1'' tall. I am slender built / ectomorph, but I've build my physique, so I'm now 180 lbs @14% bodyfat and consider myself to have an athletic and above average physique.
Plenty of women have expressed interest in meeting me, however it almost always results in them not feeling the attraction. I know it's my behavior 100%.
There are some common causes I've determined to be the reason.

  • Inability to be comfortable with myself and comfortable around her presence
  • Not very dominant and masculine demeanor
  • Mild form of stuttering, I struggle verbalising my thoughts and being super fluid and coherent in my conversations. This is something the women always notice and it's a turn off for them. Once again, I am not socially retarded, I am not low IQ
  • Not feeling worthy, feeling like I am the one who has to win her over
  • Timid voice
  • Monotonous vocal tonality. I find it hard to express emotions, I am very bland, dull in the way I talk
What do you recommend for this?
High dose Magnesium to relax?
Pansterone makes my voice deeper temporarily. Will also hop on Androsterone soon.
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Nov 28, 2017
If there is one supp/med that ive found works miracles for social anxiety is cyproheptadine.


Mar 4, 2019
How do people treat you? Is there anyone in your life that makes you doubt yourself which then reflects your relationships with other people? I feel like I suffer a bit after prolonged exposure with people who bring me down personally.


Mar 6, 2020
is it advice on how to interact differently, or more how to deal with fairly severe social anxiety in that kind of situation?


Nov 8, 2020
You are overthinking everything. You are unable to flow, because flow for you is nothing but the sum of factors like attractivity+masculinity or whatever. You think you will be able to hack that with more supplements, and maybe popping steroids will indeed land you women. But it’s not going to adress the root of the problem, and it will not make you happy to hack yourself your way to women in the long run, because it’s not sustainable. Thats why the honesty advice is great. Stop being fake.
I suggest putting yourself in as many social situations as possible and take a break from forums like this altogether to get out of the self improvement rabbit hole. You already have the physical features to attract women, so get off the internet, stop trying to prove things to your ego, and just flow with social situations. Start with family/friends without overthinking everything


Aug 9, 2019
How do people treat you? Is there anyone in your life that makes you doubt yourself which then reflects your relationships with other people? I feel like I suffer a bit after prolonged exposure with people who bring me down personally.
Happened in childhood, but not anymore.
I'd say lack of prior success makes me doubt myself.
I just need to string a few successes / lays one after another and my confidence will build up surely.


Jan 12, 2013
Listen man - I'm gonna sound like such an old man for saying this - feel free to not take this unsolicited advice, but I don't think 'getting women' is an ideal goal for anyone.
Before you ignore this post cuz it's not what you wanna hear, just give it some consideration.
I got out of this trap a while back, and I'm so much happier for it.
Women shouldn't be the source of your confidence, man. And the idea that a man's confidence comes from how successful he is with women, is a great lie.
I think most men go through this phase at some point in life, of feeling like women are all a man really needs. But achieving a series of lays isn't fulfilling. Some people have to learn it the hard way (some never learn it at all).
You need to find your mission, your purpose, your true path. And you've gotta follow that beam. We all know, somewhere in our hearts, when we're on the right path, and when we're on the wrong path. And you will feel it like a magnet, pulling you in the right direction. You've gotta introspect and find your purpose, and prioritize that above all else.
And when you are living true to yourself, and following that path, women will sense it, and be attracted to it.
But those girls, they're on a totally different path. And if you let them pull your attention away from that path, they will lose interest. Your self respect is much more important than the fleeting feeling of getting laid. Maintain high standards, and don't just give yourself away to any random girl.
I'm not saying you should be a prick (there's no shame in having women in your life that you're not sleeping with). But you should have enough self control to say no to these girls when they're naturally attracted to a guy living with purpose.
And I truly think that when you're not giving yourself away so easily, you will find a girl on a similar path, with a similar philosophy, and a similar level of self respect. And it will be so, so much more fulfilling than if you're just repeatedly jumping in the sack with any random chick who gives you the green light.
Who cares about 'women'? Their opinions shouldn't matter to you. You're a man. All that matters, is your purpose. Prioritize that above all else, and your patience and steadfastness will pay off. The universe will reward you with what you need.
Anyway. Just food for thought.


Mar 6, 2020
I don't know if its peat-consistent but you could try re-creating MAPS at home. It is shown to solve PTSD but it will work on any anxiety and reset it to childhood levels. The good thing is it is pretty immediate, one or two doses, spent laying on your bed thinking things through, and effect stays for at least 3 years I think they found.


Aug 9, 2019
You need to find your mission, your purpose, your true path.
Man, I get what you're saying, and I do believe the same.
But listen to my perspective. Plenty of regular men / guys without a grandiose life who do quite fine in their dating / sex life, simply because they're confident enough, have basic social skills. have no anxiety and all that.
I feel like I underperform at this chapter in my life.
This endless pursuit of purpose and being a high-achiever has its role, but it's not needed for a healthy sexual and dating life. Thinking it's needed only creates more roadblocks and limiting beliefs.


Oct 17, 2017
I've been told that I am above average in attractivenes. I am almost 6'1'' tall. I am slender built / ectomorph, but I've build my physique, so I'm now 180 lbs @14% bodyfat and consider myself to have an athletic and above average physique.
Plenty of women have expressed interest in meeting me, however it almost always results in them not feeling the attraction. I know it's my behavior 100%.
There are some common causes I've determined to be the reason.

  • Inability to be comfortable with myself and comfortable around her presence
  • Not very dominant and masculine demeanor
  • Mild form of stuttering, I struggle verbalising my thoughts and being super fluid and coherent in my conversations. This is something the women always notice and it's a turn off for them. Once again, I am not socially retarded, I am not low IQ
  • Not feeling worthy, feeling like I am the one who has to win her over
  • Timid voice
  • Monotonous vocal tonality. I find it hard to express emotions, I am very bland, dull in the way I talk
What do you recommend for this?
High dose Magnesium to relax?
Pansterone makes my voice deeper temporarily. Will also hop on Androsterone soon.

Firstly stop masturbating and watching porn if you do. Thats a big manliness killer. Make a conscious effort when you talk to be slow and collected and dont let yourself ever um or err but rather pause and breathe in when youre thinking of what to say. Try to make sure you speak in a lower tonal register. Smoking once a day will lower your voice pitch.


One book: Models, by Mark Manson

One drug: testosterone cream applied to the scrotum


You are overthinking everything. You are unable to flow, because flow for you is nothing but the sum of factors like attractivity+masculinity or whatever. You think you will be able to hack that with more supplements, and maybe popping steroids will indeed land you women. But it’s not going to adress the root of the problem, and it will not make you happy to hack yourself your way to women in the long run, because it’s not sustainable. Thats why the honesty advice is great. Stop being fake.
I suggest putting yourself in as many social situations as possible and take a break from forums like this altogether to get out of the self improvement rabbit hole. You already have the physical features to attract women, so get off the internet, stop trying to prove things to your ego, and just flow with social situations. Start with family/friends without overthinking everything

Don't be so radical, it works on both ends.

You can address the psyche while you address your biochemistry.
I feel a lot more confident around women after:
Clearing my bowels
Using testosterone

So there's nothing wrong with him understanding and tweeking his basic self.
Not doing so would be pretentious to the point of thinking he is biochemically perfect, or that the mind is everything.

Neither is true.


Listen man - I'm gonna sound like such an old man for saying this - feel free to not take this unsolicited advice, but I don't think 'getting women' is an ideal goal for anyone.
Before you ignore this post cuz it's not what you wanna hear, just give it some consideration.
I got out of this trap a while back, and I'm so much happier for it.
Women shouldn't be the source of your confidence, man. And the idea that a man's confidence comes from how successful he is with women, is a great lie.
I think most men go through this phase at some point in life, of feeling like women are all a man really needs. But achieving a series of lays isn't fulfilling. Some people have to learn it the hard way (some never learn it at all).
You need to find your mission, your purpose, your true path. And you've gotta follow that beam. We all know, somewhere in our hearts, when we're on the right path, and when we're on the wrong path. And you will feel it like a magnet, pulling you in the right direction. You've gotta introspect and find your purpose, and prioritize that above all else.
And when you are living true to yourself, and following that path, women will sense it, and be attracted to it.
But those girls, they're on a totally different path. And if you let them pull your attention away from that path, they will lose interest. Your self respect is much more important than the fleeting feeling of getting laid. Maintain high standards, and don't just give yourself away to any random girl.
I'm not saying you should be a prick (there's no shame in having women in your life that you're not sleeping with). But you should have enough self control to say no to these girls when they're naturally attracted to a guy living with purpose.
And I truly think that when you're not giving yourself away so easily, you will find a girl on a similar path, with a similar philosophy, and a similar level of self respect. And it will be so, so much more fulfilling than if you're just repeatedly jumping in the sack with any random chick who gives you the green light.
Who cares about 'women'? Their opinions shouldn't matter to you. You're a man. All that matters, is your purpose. Prioritize that above all else, and your patience and steadfastness will pay off. The universe will reward you with what you need.
Anyway. Just food for thought.

The truest truth.

But nonetheless he should practice being attractive now so that he gains experience in relationships, that way he'll be ready when he finds the one.

Nothing worse than finding the one and still being a relationship virgin.


May 30, 2018
Not from me:
"I started doing intermittent dry fasting recently and i can only say this is amazing and compliments the benefits of SR to the max. Ive been on SR for 3 years now and its been amazing, but adding intermittent dry fasting has made my vibration higher, made the magnetism stronger, made my skin more clear, and made my testosterone rise even more. I didnt think these things could improve more because they were already so powerful, but it has taken a big step up for sure! I do 20:4 intermittent dry fasting. The first week i felt bad and felt like my body was clearing itself up, but the coming 2-3 weeks have been amazing. I feel an insane lift in consciousness and sexual energy."

Water restriction could induce the upregulation of the CYP3A4 enzyme in the liver.
This enzyme seems to be able to convert cholesterols into oxysterols (25-hydroxycholesterol and 4β-hydroxycholesterol).

Moreover, these oxysterols are known to be ligands for the Liver X Receptor (LXR). What is interesting is that the LXR seems to be involved in testosterone synthesis in testis:
Liver X Receptor: A Cardinal Target for Atherosclerosis and Beyond

"Initially, this receptor was identified in tissue obtained from a rat liver, with no known endogenous ligands, and was named LXR. Later, LXR was termed an ‘adopted’ nuclear receptor with the discovery of oxysterols as endogenous ligands for this receptor."

"The cardinal functions of the testis are testosterone production and spermatogenesis. Leydig and Sertoli cells are testicular cells. Leydig cells secrete testosterone, while Sertoli cells provide structural and nutritional support for developing germ cells.

Furthermore, Leydig cells express LXRα, while Sertoli cells LXRβ, whereas germ cells express both LXRs. LXRα regulates basal testosterone synthesis and is involved in the control of germ cell apoptosis. In contrast, LXRβ controls lipid metabolism in Sertoli cells by regulating cholesterol export, as well as germ cell proliferation. Moreover, both LXRs together regulate ligand-induced steroidogenesis, fatty acid metabolism and, surprisingly, the retinoic acid signaling pathway in the testis."

"Moreover, both LXRs together regulate ligand-induced steroidogenesis, fatty acid metabolism and, surprisingly, the retinoic acid signaling pathway in the testis."

Another hypothetical reasoning:
the enzyme CYP11A1, also called CYP450scc, is in charge of converting cholesterol: "P450scc is a mitochondrial enzyme that catalyzes conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone. This is the first reaction in the process of steroidogenesis in all mammalian tissues that specialize in the production of various steroid hormones. " (wikipedia)
It seems like the transcription factor NFAT5 could have a link with this enzyme, RNA-Seq analysis of high NaCl-induced gene expression:
"Categories of NFAT5 Target Genes Upregulated after Adaptation to High NaCl, but Not after as Little as 24 h of High NaCl.
Steroid hormones. Cyp11a1 protein localizes to the mitochondrial inner membrane and catalyzes the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone, the first and rate-limiting step in the synthesis of the steroid hormones."
NFAT5 is upregulated during water restriction.
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Oct 7, 2020
Not from me:
I had same experience on my many month SR streak with dry intermittent fasting when I was 17 in 2019. I felt so energetic confident strong masculine and built muscle easier when I was in dry intermittent fasted state I experienced more interest from people even when I had it higher than before doing SR, honestly that was the best time in my life just because of how good I felt on the streak, slept incredibly well, the Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome symptoms were greatly reduced except when I had nocturnal emission making them return for some days so if I had one before an exam or something like that it messed with things but in general I felt better in all areas and had more female attraction which I haven't ever had when not on a SR streak as explicitly. I do feel as I had more androgens, Dopamine, less Estrogen, Serotonin as the way I felt on that streak is what High Dopamine, Androgens, Low Estrogen, Serotonin are said to make one feel like from the Peatarian viewpoint.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
5-HT1A agonists and 5-HT2A antagonists help a great deal against anxiety, fear, etc. So perhaps combining CBD oil (5-HT1A agonist) with Bacopa (5-HT2A antagonist) can greatly help to reduce your anxiety, making it a lot easier to talk to people.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I had same experience on my many month SR streak with dry intermittent fasting when I was 17 in 2019. I felt so energetic confident strong masculine and built muscle easier when I was in dry intermittent fasted state I experienced more interest from people even when I had it higher than before doing SR, honestly that was the best time in my life just because of how good I felt on the streak, slept incredibly well, the Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome symptoms were greatly reduced except when I had nocturnal emission making them return for some days so if I had one before an exam or something like that it messed with things but in general I felt better in all areas and had more female attraction which I haven't ever had when not on a SR streak as explicitly. I do feel as I had more androgens, Dopamine, less Estrogen, Serotonin as the way I felt on that streak is what High Dopamine, Androgens, Low Estrogen, Serotonin are said to make one feel like from the Peatarian viewpoint.
Why did you stop?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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