Does Anybody Do RP + Fasting And Want To Talk About It?

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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Being dependent on your family is fine, as it's voluntary. Being dependent on the state (for a good amount of time, taking advantage of welfare for an emergency is understandable) is taking the fruits of other people's work.
Tell that to the government who uses your hard earned cash for their weapons and munitions corporations and speculative economic games. Wall Street was bailed out, but individuals depending on the government for healthcare or education are lazy pot heads. LOL such logic.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Lol no I blame it on globalization, immigration, and automation.

I didn’t know people still use the term yuppie. There so few young professionals anymore.

I’m taking a break from my career to have kids and will return when they’re in school. I’m definitely financially dependent on my husband right now, and there’s a real downside to that. I’m sympathetic to women who don’t want to have kids and stay home because it means economic dependence on the husband. It’s much better in many ways to have control of the purse.

Then you are happy about the demise of the old norm of the American middle class family where a man can support wife and kids on a single income? I’m agnostic about it. On the one hand, it’s a testament to how wealthy our economy was in the mid twentieth century that that was even possible. And it also suggests that, given a choice, couples would prefer not to live with their extended family. On the other hand, maybe that kind of robust middle class is simply unsustainable. It’s certainly not in the cards for millennials and younger cohorts. I personally find childcare extraordinarily arduous (though deeply rewarding) and wish we lived near or even with family, because grandparents are incredibly helpful.

I think pot use is more a symptom than a cause. People who don’t have the option of a highly remunerative career, family formation and home ownership can at least get high. My observation has been that all the the upper middle class parents i know don’t use pot. All the single childless people with erratic professional and personal lives do. Maybe it’s a coincidence!
What makes the upper middle class family the gold standard for existence? A lot of them are ***holes who fund their globe trotting, ski trips and seaweed pedicures on the backs of the poor. The way Silicon Valley has coopted psychedelics is repulsive.
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Sep 18, 2019
What makes the upper middle class family the gold standard for existence? A lot of them are ***holes who fund their globe trotting, ski trips and seaweed pedicures on the backs of the poor.
I didn’t say that they were the gold standard and I think most people are pretty awful. Although I’m pretty sure poor people commit more violent crimes than the upper middle class.

I’m not making an argument about the moral superiority of a group. My point is that if you want economic freedom—freedom to travel, take in great art, eat high quality food, have children and live in a nice house in an interesting part of the country—then you need to have a lot of money. It used to be in the USA that that life was available for middle class people living on a single income and some even without a college degree. Now it’s a life only for the upper middle class and higher. So IF you want that life, you need to be smart and work hard. And if you don’t want it, more power to you. We have an overpopulation problem and not everyone needs to have children. Get high and have fun. Parenting is super stressful.
May 2, 2016
You can try eat simple sugars during the day, like eating some fruit, fruit juice, smoothie, and have a good meal at night, you then can get a calorie deficit without stress you out and without counting calories.

Peat talked about sugar fasts, where you eat 600-800 calories from sugar and nothing else, I tried it as a experiment to clean out for continuous protein intake and felt good.
What's up with cleaning out protein intake? Your are supposed to be eating high protein diet (150g-300g per day).


Sep 18, 2019
Tell that to the government who uses your hard earned cash for their weapons and munitions corporations and speculative economic games. Wall Street was bailed out, but individuals depending on the government for healthcare or education are lazy pot heads. LOL such logic.
You are for some reason thinking that i disagree with you about broader economics. My impression that pot is bad for your brain and incompatible with a family-oriented upper middle class lifestyle does not make me a republican or pro military. I agree with you that tax-payer-funded forever wars abroad and Wall Street bailouts are Bad.

You are revealing your youth and poor temperament by getting triggered for no reason. Do you think you’re capable of hearing differing viewpoints about a subject you care deeply about, like pot, without getting emotionally involved? This is an Internet forum. Don’t give a ***t.
Dec 18, 2018
You are for some reason thinking that i disagree with you about broader economics. My impression that pot is bad for your brain and incompatible with a family-oriented upper middle class lifestyle does not make me a republican or pro military. I agree with you that tax-payer-funded forever wars abroad and Wall Street bailouts are Bad.

You are revealing your youth and poor temperament by getting triggered for no reason. Do you think you’re capable of hearing differing viewpoints about a subject you care deeply about, like pot, without getting emotionally involved? This is an Internet forum. Don’t give a ***t.

The member had salient points presented about the nature and true origin of the wannabe upper middle class income-
.Which is being a bold suburbian welfare-queen,mooching of physical-product workers in the west,at home and the third world.
Also pickpocketing the employed workforce by means of wage-restraint.The smartness you ascribe to these
slightly above average yuppie-monkeys is the capacity to write their own wage-check.
I become full emo-core myself when i hear such phony,dissociated yuppie talk.


Sep 18, 2019
The member had salient points presented about the nature and true origin of the wannabe upper middle class income-
.Which is being a bold suburbian welfare-queen,mooching of physical-product workers in the west,at home and the third world.
Also pickpocketing the employed workforce by means of wage-restraint.The smartness you ascribe to these
slightly above average yuppie-monkeys is the capacity to write their own wage-check.
I become full emo-core myself when i hear such phony,dissociated yuppie talk.
Ok, your hallucination about how doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers earn their incomes, support their families and pay taxes that fund the city, state and federal government services that benefit so many is duly noted.
Dec 18, 2018
Ok, your hallucination about how doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers earn their incomes, support their families and pay taxes that fund the city, state and federal government services that benefit so many is duly noted.

It would be an delusion,if,and only if.
doctors (physicians surely) are an insane example,they are bound legally to rigorous diagnosis,and best treatment practices.Most are avoiding the products of their trade though,and thoroughly at that.forums like this are a testament to their
ineptitude and white-collar-crime, hooligan mentality.Lawyers,uhhhhhh,Professors ,are a rare bird,and engineers are the ones actually worthy of nomination and are earning their income,their worth.

Taxes dont fund the city my darling,the funding-element(sustenance) comes from the actual work done by the government service workers,which get wage-restrained
by whoever phony is in charge above them in the slightly above avg bitter-sweet hierarchy.
The yuppie argument is just ideological backing for slightly above average dudes with phony lifestyle-demands
like seaweed pedicures and such.but you do you.
Dec 18, 2018
Also im a high-throughput-pseudo-peater who gets angry at everything.
Its the Hi-metabolism speaking.
im just that much of a stallion,my dear.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
You are for some reason thinking that i disagree with you about broader economics. My impression that pot is bad for your brain and incompatible with a family-oriented upper middle class lifestyle does not make me a republican or pro military. I agree with you that tax-payer-funded forever wars abroad and Wall Street bailouts are Bad.

You are revealing your youth and poor temperament by getting triggered for no reason. Do you think you’re capable of hearing differing viewpoints about a subject you care deeply about, like pot, without getting emotionally involved? This is an Internet forum. Don’t give a ***t.
I’m not mad. I’m impassioned. There is a significant difference. For the record I don’t smoke pot and haven’t for several years and am a “medical professional” with 2 degrees and I make 100k + a year, still can’t afford to live in my city, take vacations, the bank will always own my car or house if I choose to enslave myself that way. It’s a pathetic joke. I feel horrible about myself going to places like Costa Rica and exoticizing the land scape and broad smiles of the happy, dark indigenous folk, spending as much on a papaya smoothie at the eco friendly resort as the waitress makes in a week. Yea maybe I can go back and get another degree and some more debt so I can hit that 250+ range and really feel good about myself, pay for my kids Montessori daycare and have a Jamaican nanny boil fish heads for my nutritionally correct family. Also no ones triggered. Just because your husband read Jordan Peterson doesn’t mean every 20 something is an emotional basket case. For the record I could eat whatever I wanted and not get fat smoking pot since that’s what this thread was about to begin with.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Ok, your hallucination about how doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers earn their incomes, support their families and pay taxes that fund the city, state and federal government services that benefit so many is duly noted.
My professors in college made 2500k per class a semester and tenure is unheard of. Engineers are out of work and lawyers and doctors have second incomes to keep up and pay off loans. What Amerikkka do you live in.


Sep 25, 2018
My professors in college made 2500k per class a semester and tenure is unheard of. Engineers are out of work and lawyers and doctors have second incomes to keep up and pay off loans. What Amerikkka do you live in.

Man that must be some elite college you went to. 2,5 millions per class a semester, for real?

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Man that must be some elite college you went to. 2,5 millions per class a semester, for real?
2.5k I meant to write but in my feverish anger and millennial rebellion I wrote 2500k. It was an elite ***hole school though.


Mar 8, 2019
My professors in college made 2500k per class a semester and tenure is unheard of. Engineers are out of work and lawyers and doctors have second incomes to keep up and pay off loans. What Amerikkka do you live in.
Assuming you mean 250K what University on God's green earth are professors getting that for each class? The two I attended, 250K per year was the norm and all but the brand new were tenured. In a red state. The professors I knew well enough to converse with taught 3 or 4 classes a semester. I'd be interested in their response to the question "would you trade tenure for a million dollar salary just for one semester?" I know some are glad to be tenured for research but that's a hefty paycheck you're claiming. Your story simply doesn't sound true.

And the America I live in has colleges subsidized by semi-infinite loans and tax dollars so those outrageous paychecks and prices can be made in the first place. By guaranteeing lending, there's no end to the supply of paying students. It's simple Econ.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Assuming you mean 250K what University on God's green earth are professors getting that for each class? The two I attended, 250K per year was the norm and all but the brand new were tenured. In a red state. The professors I knew well enough to converse with taught 3 or 4 classes a semester. I'd be interested in their response to the question "would you trade tenure for a million dollar salary just for one semester?" I know some are glad to be tenured for research but that's a hefty paycheck you're claiming. Your story simply doesn't sound true.

And the America I live in has colleges subsidized by semi-infinite loans and tax dollars so those outrageous paychecks and prices can be made in the first place. By guaranteeing lending, there's no end to the supply of paying students. It's simple Econ.
A red state. You can probably rent a 4 bedroom house with a yard and hot tub for $1000 in your red state.

obviously I meant 2.5k as in 2500$, even if you are teaching 3 classes that’s 15,000 for 2 semesters. Almost everyone I know who lives in large cities along the east/west coast has wealthy parents helping them out or works 2-3 jobs, including their main salaried “profession”/career. Also this is not just anecdotal - the crisis of unaffordable housing is all over the news. Just look up videos of homeless people sh***ing in the streets of Seattle.
6 figure paycheck translates into barely making ends meet for plenty of people where I live. My friends with kids end up spending $3000/ month on day care for one child and they chose one of the cheaper options.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I didn’t say that they were the gold standard and I think most people are pretty awful. Although I’m pretty sure poor people commit more violent crimes than the upper middle class.

I’m not making an argument about the moral superiority of a group. My point is that if you want economic freedom—freedom to travel, take in great art, eat high quality food, have children and live in a nice house in an interesting part of the country—then you need to have a lot of money. It used to be in the USA that that life was available for middle class people living on a single income and some even without a college degree. Now it’s a life only for the upper middle class and higher. So IF you want that life, you need to be smart and work hard. And if you don’t want it, more power to you. We have an overpopulation problem and not everyone needs to have children. Get high and have fun. Parenting is super stressful.
Your definition of working hard and being smart is abstracting value and using cheap labor to reproduce that abstract value.
you also inadvertently revealed that your ideal stepford wives gated community bubble-sphere is amoral. you have a point, liberal capitalist democracies, with its sycophants and slaves, have no morality. People aren’t “rich enough” because by your logic, they are stupid and lazy. That is yuppie scum mentality whether you like to think of yourself as a liberal or women’s rights purveyor or whatever cause you subscribe to that makes you feel a little less guilty about your safe fake life.i bet you think poor women should have abortions because they are too stupid and lazy to be good moms like you! Or maybe they weren’t so good at calculating the exchange value of their sexual abilities? Lol Smiley face smiley face
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Sep 18, 2019
My professors in college made 2500k per class a semester and tenure is unheard of. Engineers are out of work and lawyers and doctors have second incomes to keep up and pay off loans. What Amerikkka do you live in.
Right. Even if you take on tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt you are not guaranteed an income that allows you to pay off your loans and have an upper middle class life with family, house, good neighborhood etc. There are plenty of financially ruined or struggling md’s, jd’s,phd’s etc.

But those degrees pay off for some, and they make up the upper middle class in the nice cities. I live in a nice north side Chicago neighborhood. Walkable, great public transit, restaurants, music venues, etc. All the homeowners in this area are doctors, lawyers, engineers, tenured faculty (making six figures plus), etc. Some business, real estate, and finance guys. A commercial pilot. They have families and their kids go to some of the few great public schools in the city. They lead the kind of life that used to be much more to be more common. Most have wealthy family backgrounds but not tremendously so. Single family homes all around a million. Everyone is normal weight and healthy. Most drink. None smokes pot.

Here’s Gallup research on marijuana use. Only 3% of postgraduates use pot. Only 10% of people earning more than 100k. I bet that percentage is smaller for people earning 300k+

Marijuana Use Similar to New Lower Rate of Cigarette Smoking

I’m not saying that upper middle class life is better than others. At all. I’m just pointing out that 1) unless you inherit millions from your parents, being “productive” is only way to do the umc life, and 2) cannabis use does not seem to be positively correlated with productivity.


Sep 18, 2019
Your definition of working hard and being smart is abstracting value and using cheap labor to reproduce that abstract value.
you also inadvertently revealed that your ideal stepford wives gated community bubble-sphere is amoral. you have a point, liberal capitalist democracies, with its sycophants and slaves, have no morality. People aren’t “rich enough” because by your logic, they are stupid and lazy. That is yuppie scum mentality whether you like to think of yourself as a liberal or women’s rights purveyor or whatever cause you subscribe to that makes you feel a little less guilty about your safe fake life.i bet you think poor women should have abortions because they are too stupid and lazy to be good moms like you! Or maybe they weren’t so good at calculating the exchange value of their sexual abilities? Lol Smiley face smiley face

yes to sexual abilities!


Mar 8, 2019
A red state. You can probably rent a 4 bedroom house with a yard and hot tub for $1000 in your red state.

obviously I meant 2.5k as in 2500$, even if you are teaching 3 classes that’s 15,000 for 2 semesters. Almost everyone I know who lives in large cities along the east/west coast has wealthy parents helping them out or works 2-3 jobs, including their main salaried “profession”/career. Also this is not just anecdotal - the crisis of unaffordable housing is all over the news. Just look up videos of homeless people sh***ing in the streets of Seattle.
6 figure paycheck translates into barely making ends meet for plenty of people where I live. My friends with kids end up spending $3000/ month on day care for one child and they chose one of the cheaper options.
I can't really make myself care what academics make in either case, high or low. Many have lackeys do the teaching and most in the system are awful anyhow.

Anyways, if cost of living and job demand aren't working out, what does that have to do with "Amerikkka?" Pardon me, but I have to get some sleep so it'll be some time before I can reply more comprehensively.
Dec 18, 2018
What's up with cleaning out protein intake? Your are supposed to be eating high protein diet (150g-300g per day).

Yes,cleaning out Protein intake is very unhealthy,quite toxic.self-absorption,endo-cannibalism is to be avoided.
Also,fasting,it still consumes micronutrients,even if you are not exogenously consuming,you still have to do substance-conversions endogenously.
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