Pregnant and in desperate need of advice


Nov 1, 2021
One more EMF source basically. It says it contains no health risks but who trusts official claims nowadays anyway?
Its used to make data acuisition wireless and is part of building smart homes in the future (devices doors etc. all linked trough a network together automatising alot of stuff in your home (think of rich peoples high tech houses).

Smart meters

Smart meters are wireless devices that transmit information using radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) signals to let utility companies know how much water, gas or electricity a household or business is using.

The radiofrequency EMF given off by smart meters is a type of non-ionizing radiation. The level of radiofrequency EMF that a smart meter device can emit must comply with the standards established for radiocommunication devices.

There are no health risks from exposure to radiofrequency EMF from smart meters. These devices must meet standards to ensure they do not exceed radiofrequency EMF exposure limits.

As with any device that emits radiofrequency EMF, you will absorb some of the energy emitted by smart meters if you are nearby. The amount of energy you absorb depends largely on how close your body is to a smart meter.
Your exposure to radiofrequency EMF from smart meters is very low. This is because:
  • smart meters emit relatively low power signals
  • there is distance between your body and smart meters
  • smart meters transmit data in short bursts, not continuously
  • when smart meters are not transmitting a signal, they do not emit radiofrequency EMF
Survey measurements of the radiofrequency EMF levels from smart meters during transmission bursts were found to be far below the human exposure limits in Safety Code 6. This was for both indoor and outdoor measurements.
Omg, why are they so hellbent on exposing us too all sorts of EMF? I’m not a full on luddite, but I have started hating modern technology more and more. Yeah, there are some benefits to it, but it’s being proven more detrimental to our natural state of health each passing day now.
I wonder if my building has installed this! I notice strange patterns in my blood pressure readings for the past few months. Ughhhh


Dec 4, 2021
You all have been so helpful! I’ve done better with my calories, got over 1700 Saturday and felt a little better and more stable. Mostly by drinking milk with sugar. I have post nasal drip and I can’t tell if drinking milk makes it worse or not but something is. But, I don’t want to give up the milk because it’s such an easy and nutritious way to get calories in. We get raw milk from a farm, so I drink as much of that as I can but we usually have to supplement with store milk too (no more shares on the farm currently). Still feeling very tired and my muscles get tired very easily. Of course, not expecting overnight results. Just reporting in. :) Haven’t started progesterone or any of the other supplements yet, but will when they arrive.

I thought if I uploaded my labs you could see if there’s anything I’m missing or that stands out. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help, kind words, and encouragement. Thank you so much!!

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Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
You all have been so helpful! I’ve done better with my calories, got over 1700 Saturday and felt a little better and more stable. Mostly by drinking milk with sugar. I have post nasal drip and I can’t tell if drinking milk makes it worse or not but something is. But, I don’t want to give up the milk because it’s such an easy and nutritious way to get calories in. We get raw milk from a farm, so I drink as much of that as I can but we usually have to supplement with store milk too (no more shares on the farm currently). Still feeling very tired and my muscles get tired very easily. Of course, not expecting overnight results. Just reporting in. :) Haven’t started progesterone or any of the other supplements yet, but will when they arrive.

I thought if I uploaded my labs you could see if there’s anything I’m missing or that stands out. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help, kind words, and encouragement. Thank you so much!!

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I don't see anything dramatic. Some people say low ferritin is good. All your energy/ nutrients are geared to the baby, therefore you're tired. Try maybe things like Ketchup or mayonnaise on your food, pleasure in eating is important and can increase food intake. A glass of coke and some fruits, rich in proteolytic enzymes like kiwi, pineapple, papaya and fresh figs can help with the digestion of proteins/food. Do you have fever or other symptoms of infections? Otherwise I wouldn't worry about the bacteria in the test.


Jun 10, 2020
The high reverse T3 and high cholesterol indicate that perhaps the liver isn't converting cholesterol so efficiently into protective hormones. In that case, progesterone, some coffee perhaps, and even a bit T3 could be things to consider.


Jan 21, 2021
Hi. I’ve been reading Ray Peat off and on the last year and have a lot of respect for his work. I’m currently about 34 weeks pregnant and miserable. This has been a hard pregnancy with stress high. I had labs done at the end of October that showed my ferritin levels to be at 10 then they were at 5 two weeks later on additional labs. My hemoglobin is at 11. I also had a hair mineral analysis done that showed my iron levels low as well. I’ve been told I may be anemic but no one is willing to give an actual diagnosis. I have been experiencing shortness of breath, extreme fatigue (my husband and teen daughter have had to take over most of the household duties. We are a family of eight), battling very intense anxiety attacks which I have not had before. I will feel like I have a lump in my throat and need to cry but cannot, a need to escape, sense of impending doom and high heart rate during these attacks, which are getting more frequent. I get out of breath just walking ten feet or more and my muscles are very weak and easily fatigued (folding laundry makes my arms ache). I also have some depression, crying and feeling worthless. Struggle to get out of bed, no appetite. I’m extremely worried about the birth and my ability to do it physically (my last four births were homebirths, but I’m planning to be in a hospital with a midwife this time). My providers seem to think this is just a symptom of pregnancy but it feels so different to me (this is baby number eight). I’d like any advice or input. Most days I’m barely eating 500-1100 calories because of my lack of appetite. I’m also overweight (5’4” and 221 pounds.) I haven’t gained any weight this pregnancy and lost ten pounds last month. My hair analysis test showed my potassium (potassium was 3 on my blood test) and sodium were very low and other indications of adrenal burn out. I had Covid in the start of October, my smell and taste haven’t been the same since which doesn’t help the appetite. I also have a chronic post nasal drip and cough. I’m just trying to share any and all info that could be helpful to receiving advice.

I’ve been taking floradix liquid iron but I’m not sure it’s helping. Also taking a potassium supplement, a liquid b6 and magnesium supplement, and JigSaws MagSoothe drink. I have a hard time swallowing pills, and even chewing wears me out currently.
This is an old thread but am wondering how you did with your pregnancy? What were your iron levels like going into delivery?

My daughter is entering third trimester and her Hmg is at 11.7 and Ferritin at 8 and we don't know if this is cause for concern, as some articles state that it is normal to have a drop in these labs entering third trimester. I have also read some articles by Morley Robbins but he and Peat are basically the only two people on the planet opposed to iron supplementation.

We fear her ob/gyn will want her to supplement iron.

Anyone have any up to date data on healthy iron numbers for 3rd trimester pregnancies?

thank you!


Jan 21, 2021
This is an old thread but am wondering how you did with your pregnancy? What were your iron levels like going into delivery?

My daughter is entering third trimester and her Hmg is at 11.7 and Ferritin at 8 and we don't know if this is cause for concern, as some articles state that it is normal to have a drop in these labs entering third trimester. I have also read some articles by Morley Robbins but he and Peat are basically the only two people on the planet opposed to iron supplementation.

We fear her ob/gyn will want her to supplement iron.

Anyone have any up to date data on healthy iron numbers for 3rd trimester pregnancies?

thank you!
Forgot to mention she already takes desiccated liver tablets.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Forgot to mention she already takes desiccated liver tablets.
No liver in the first trimester of pregnancy ever! High retinol can cause birth defects. Peat said eating liver at the end of gestion helps raising iron. Liver tablets can be very iffy. Fresh liver lightly seared in butter or coconut oil is better. The baby accumulates iron at the end of gestion. Low iron levels in mothers are frequent.
Mar 10, 2021
@apr I have collected a good amount of important information about being pregnant, trying to get pregnant and about babies and children’s nutrition in my thread linked below…



Jan 21, 2021
@apr I have collected a good amount of important information about being pregnant, trying to get pregnant and about babies and children’s nutrition in my thread linked below…

thank you for that...will read through it.

I am now worried that my daughter supplemented with desiccated liver throughout entire pregnancy. I did not know that it was harmful. She did not take recommended daily dose however and halved it so maybe not so bad?

I have been scouring the internet reading about formula choices. Slim pickings. But most things I have read say it is not advised to make your own homemade....that you could never mimic the nutritional composition.

What did women do before formula....didn't they go from breast to cow's milk?


Jan 21, 2021
No liver in the first trimester of pregnancy ever! High retinol can cause birth defects. Peat said eating liver at the end of gestion helps raising iron. Liver tablets can be very iffy. Fresh liver lightly seared in butter or coconut oil is better. The baby accumulates iron at the end of gestion. Low iron levels in mothers are frequent.
Can you provide data showing to never eat liver in first trimester?

This left me concerned. thank you
Mar 10, 2021
thank you for that...will read through it.

I am now worried that my daughter supplemented with desiccated liver throughout entire pregnancy. I did not know that it was harmful. She did not take recommended daily dose however and halved it so maybe not so bad?

I have been scouring the internet reading about formula choices. Slim pickings. But most things I have read say it is not advised to make your own homemade....that you could never mimic the nutritional composition.

What did women do before formula....didn't they go from breast to cow's milk?

“Infants in ancient Greece were fed wine and honey, while Indian children in the second Century AD were given "diluted wine, soups and eggs" at six months of age.
In the US, donkey's milk was often seen as a suitable alternative to breast milk.”

“French women relied on goats to feed their infants when wet nurses were cast out of favour following a syphilis outbreak.
The most common breast milk substitution was pap or panada, watery mixtures with questionable nutritive value.

"To be honest, they were feeding infants weird stuff," says Dr Doyle, "milk, flour, melted butter or a meat-based broth. It was a peculiar mixture of things that are liquid, and sometimes had a bit of bread soaked in as well."“


Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Can you provide data showing to never eat liver in first trimester?

This left me concerned. thank you
I thought it's common knowledge by know that excess retinol/vitamin A in pregnancy causes birth defects.
In the first trimester the baby is a mush of stem cells increasing mass and retinol does induce specialization, turning stem cells into hair cells, liver cells etc. If this happens before enough cell mass has developed some organs might stay irreversibly underdeveloped.
Liver is probably less of a problem than some medications, cosmetics or supplements (Accutan) but in the first trimester liver is still to high in retinol.

Last edited:


Jan 21, 2021
I thought it's common knowledge by know that excess retinol/vitamin A in pregnancy causes birth defects.
In the first trimester the baby is a mush of stem cells increasing mass and retinol does induce specialization, turning stem cells into hair cells, liver cells etc. If this happens before enough cell mass has developed some organs might stay irreversibly underdeveloped.
Liver is probably less of a problem than some medications, cosmetics or supplements (Accutan) but in the first trimester liver is still to high in retinol.

Key word being "excess" retinol/Vitamin A. I of course knew of the dangers of Accutane and cosmetics loaded with retinol, but did not associate the retinol in liver with this danger, nor did I think it would be an "excess" She took half the recommended dosage, but of course, I am still concerned.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Key word being "excess" retinol/Vitamin A. I of course knew of the dangers of Accutane and cosmetics loaded with retinol, but did not associate the retinol in liver with this danger, nor did I think it would be an "excess" She took half the recommended dosage, but of course, I am still concerned.
Pregnant women have a heighten senses of smell and taste, if liver or any other food is helpful for pregnancy it will be appetizing and enjoyable to eat.
Liver pills bypass this safety measure, therefore excess of certain nutrients is more likely.


Jan 21, 2021
Pregnant women have a heighten senses of smell and taste, if liver or any other food is helpful for pregnancy it will be appetizing and enjoyable to eat.
Liver pills bypass this safety measure, therefore excess of certain nutrients is more likely.
Define excess please.

Michael Mohn

Dec 7, 2019
Define excess please.

Let me klick on the link I posted before for your personal research:

Conclusions: High dietary intake of preformed vitamin A appears to be teratogenic. Among the babies born to women who took more than 10,000 IU of preformed vitamin A per day in the form of supplements, we estimate that about 1 infant in 57 had a malformation attributable to the supplement.

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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