Developing Chronic Knee Pain



Feb 13, 2016
Do you have the ability to begin to activate your lower inner quad before the rest of the muscle belly begins to fire?

I don't know if I fully understand what you mean but are you asking if I can flex my inner thigh independently of my abs? If so yes, but I have to make an effort to do so. It's not effortless like flexing a bicep, but it seems like I can do it


Jan 15, 2017
I don't know if I fully understand what you mean but are you asking if I can flex my inner thigh independently of my abs? If so yes, but I have to make an effort to do so. It's not effortless like flexing a bicep, but it seems like I can do it
I mean it in a sense of with your quad that extends your knee, can you start the contraction of the inner head(vastus medialis - google this). With good activation if its not a dormant group(and this can be changed with intention training), you should be able to begin the contraction down by the knee and as you increase force the propagation of the nerve impulse will bring more motor units onboard and the rest of the muscle group will respond and contract

If you cant reliably contract the lower portion first, thats a sure sign of dormancy and a probably a major player in your knee pain.


Jan 15, 2017
edit: what would help with dormancy?

With any group or muscle, using it (properly in this case) will turn off the natural neural inhibition. Thats why especially untrained people get stronger immediately when they havent trained weights before. Basically the body learns to fire harder without adding metabolically expensive tissue. This is like the first 4-6 weeks as other things adjust.

For this case, a great start would be sitting on a floor against a wall, legs straight but unlocked.

Roll a towel, put that towel behind the knee on the floor. Put a couple fingers on the part of the VMO we are looking to teach and wake up. Then contract the quad, pushing the back of the knee down into the towel being mindful where you want the contraction to start(fingers) hold for like a 5 or 7 or 10 count then release. Do a series of say, 15 reps of this contraction hold take a break for a moment then repeat for another set or two of 15.

A morning and night routine of this only takes a couple of minutes and within a week I would expect a difference.

This is pretty simple for quads and other linear groups, it becomes significantly more difficult in the case of multiangular joints like a hip or shoulder where things that control several directions or motion cues become dormant.


Oct 29, 2015
If your knee pain is:
1) General area - you can't put your finger on it but rather it is overall in the knees
2) Dull achy - as opposed to more sharp
Then it is often a referral from an organ and as you said earlier kidneys frequently refer to knees.
Most common things that piss of kidneys is drinking too much or too little water, too much or too little salt, large amounts of alcohol or other things that make the kidneys work overtime to process. The solution should be to investigate those things and make an adjustment to see if it works.

If your knee pain is:
1) Specific - you can point with your finger where it is
2) Sharp - as opposed to a dull ache
Then it is likely musculoskeletal in nature. That could mean a nerve entrapment but from my experience working with cyclers it is often chronic tension in the hip flexors (rectus femoris and psoas).

Common solution that works is a Femoral Nerve Glide / Floss - do a YouTube search. Typical hip flexor stretches done daily and very mildly will help as well.

If your symptoms match the description for patellofemeral pain syndrome (theater knee, runner's knee, jumper's knee, office worker's knee) which is often a dullish to sharp pain on the patellar tendon attachment usually below the kneecap sometimes a little to the side and you can feel it by pushing on it and it also hurts to lunge, squat, etc. It feels better once you are moving but if you sit for a while then get up from a chair you feel it then you most likely have a nerve entrapment of the femoral nerve. Once again a femoral nerve glide / floss would be in order.

Advice about strengthening glutes, hamstrings, vastus medialis, etc. are all good and you should try them but in my experience working with clients for the past decade+ the advice I gave you is the solution most of the time. Less frequently I've seen vestibular (inner ear) dysfunction lead to knee pain and have used inner ear drills / stimulus to fix knee pain.

Be a scientist, try things with optimism and see what works and doesn't for your unique situation. In most cases you should have pretty quick relief when you find the correct drill. Usually within a 5 reps or so if it feels better (not fixed) you are on the right track. Then 2 weeks of doing the drill is usually enough to fix it regardless of the issue.



Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Use a body brush on your legs multiple times a day. Don't rub hard. This will activate the piezoelectric effect built in to your fascia. Your fascia will reignite and the pain will be gone within 2 days...maybe 1...or maybe 4.


Oct 16, 2017
Hi @lampofred

I hope you are already better
My solution is in the final part... That lasted 1 to 2 month's

I've always worked hard ... Working every day, 10 to 12 hours of direct work, always standing up and lifting heavy things, boss solicited me to change the way I put the weight down, I warned it would screw my knee, result: I felt pain there and was soon diagnosed with arthritis by a rheumatologist. First in one knee, after in the other, then spinal cord (two leg walking, one leg, knee walking); I kept working, now walking and lifting crouched on my knees, 2 weeks later my spine hangs, intense pain.

I bought an infrared lamp and I started to eat only: fruit, gelatine, liquid of vegetables. I supplemented daily aspirin, sodium bicarbonate, high niacinamide and activated charcoal; in the same week pains improved a lot, as well as when I was in pain I just lied down, I felt almost nothing next 2 weeks , then I finally got better! While still lifting weights

I was sleeping well, waking up very refreshed, feeling great and then this, negative thing happened... Without problems since

Haidut posts helped me, I am very grateful for him
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