Swollen Knee (any tips)


Mar 8, 2015
I have a problem with my left knee and it has been going on since April. I have finally seen the specialist on the NHS and after an mri scan everything is fine in there. Basically i am getting old (40's) and need to use anti inflam tablets to control things.

This really is a problem for me because i am pretty active and play sports. I have stopped football since april, but i have just started team squash again. I had a match the other night and the knee has ballooned up again.

Does anyone have any ideas on what is happening in the knee because i think it is related to my thyroid / cortisol relationship. I have been doing quite well this summer, and just had the usual off days. Recently i have had some problems, but i am back on track. I thought there was a problem with the protest E i use (2 drops), but all is good again. i take 125 T4 and a little bit D and the progesterone oil and that is generally it. I do occasionally use 5mcg DHEA tablets (maybe one every 2 weeks).

It seems there is not a lot i can do regarding the knee, apart from rest, but that means a big part of my life is over.

Any ideas on treatment, Any insight into this cortisol/thyroid relationship.


Mar 8, 2015
Just done a bit of reading after posting and i have come across the homeopathic remedy arnica.

Does anyone know if this may be useful to lower inflammation ?


Mar 29, 2014
A couple of possibilities I can think of. No doubt there are many more.

Are you wearing shoes that allow your feet and legs to track appropriately?

Have you tried asking a physio to check the movement and recommend relevant strengthening exercises?
I had some beginning knee trouble a couple of years ago, and was given an exercise that was very effective in resolving it. Might not be your issue, but it may be worth seeing if it can be helped mechanically.

Are you getting enough rest and nutrition to allow for healing between activity? Including lots of gelatine?

Do you have access to a tank of CO2? If so, see if you can get a plastic bag big enough to get your leg in to above the knee, squeeze out as much air as possible, fill with CO2, tie or tape off and keep in there for half an hour or more. Maybe repeat every day for a week and see if you can tell any benefit. Should bring lots of circulation and oxygen to the area to help with healing.


Mar 8, 2015
Thanks for the input tara.

Don't think the arnica has done much. It is 5 days on and the knee is still very swollen and i am struggling bending it properly. I do a physical job so i don't think this has helped much.

My friend is a physio and he is going to run through some exercises next time i am down at the squash centre.

I eat pretty well and i am having to rest because i cannot do anything with the knee. I feel pretty depressed about it because i have stopped all sport since april and just cycled and now i have played again the knee is damaged again.

I am pretty sure it is related to strength around the knee and it is weak due to my thyroid not always working as it should.

The co2 thing sounds interesting. i will see if i can get a cannister on eBay/amazon.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Pansterone 8 drops on hurt spots on knees and tendons and ligaments helps a lot plus the other standard RP items aspirin etc
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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