Depressed As Hell. What Can I Do To Feel Better?

Jan 21, 2019
Hello im an 18 year old male and i was diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I take welbutrin 150 mg and abilify 10 mg and vistaril 25 mg. October of last year i had testicular surgery for varicocele and torsion. The week after the surgery i was depressed and feeling hopeless. I wanted to end it all and it was just a very difficult time for me. A few weeks after the surgery i did something horrible to my testicles. I squeezed them hard. I didnt bust them or break them. I did this on two occasions. My scrotum was red from irritation. When i squeezed them the second time, my doctor said my testicles were fine. I think their fine as well, but i have anxiety about my sexual function. If my genitals get hit, my anxiety goes up and i get depressed. So everyday im careful and cautious of what im doing. Im even afraid to touch my penis. I have fears of it not working again or of it falling off. I do have a bad porn addiction which makes me depressed after i climax.
Im trying to get out of my depression. My diet isn't that good. I eat snacks all day and sometimes fast food and what my mother cooks for me. I started discovering the ray peat diet last year. The first time i tried it, it was working for me. I wasnt even on my antidepressants. Then one day i started watching porn again and i got depressed and started eating bad food again. I had to get on the antidepressants again. Now, im starting the diet again in the hopes that it cures my depression. I have social anxiety and i dont have any friends because of it. I stay in the house half of the day, then my mom might take me somewhere. Thats all i really do.
Staying on a good diet (Peat style) would be key.
Pregnenolone can help with addictions and reduce depression.
Increasing the metabolism will definitely help to overcome depression and addiction. You do addicting things to spike dopamine (because your dopamine is low), but then it spikes prolactin afterwards which just make the situation worse. So stay away from porn and anything that might trigger you in that aspect. Rather eat something salty and sugary when you get urges to watch porn.

Also log your foods into cronometer to see what vitamins and minerals you are missing and then eat more foods rich in it or consider a supplement.
Cortisol and serotonin antagonists and pro-dopamine substances would also help immensely against depression. Cyproheptadine would probably work much better than the anti-depressant drugs that your were/are using.

I can suggest a bunch of supplements, but first off it would be most important to optimize your diet. If you struggle to stay away from tasty, easy to obtain, unhealthy foods, it would be best to block serotonin and boost dopamine as that will help you stay on course with a healthy diet.
Stop eating all SAD junk.

Start eating only homemade food.

Candy, sugar, coffee, fruit juice are good short term crutches for quickly providing energy and alleviating depression. They can be abused and cause other problems, but your worse evil is the depression, so fix that one first, and then the rest of the diet can be fine tuned.
I've witnessed this many times. It takes 6 months or so of no porn, no fantasy and no masturbation, but it is pretty much a cure for depression and anxiety. You can fall off the wagon if you must, but eventually the 6 months adds up, and the brain has rewired and you are almost a new person.

Seen it always work, without fail.

Masturbation and porn mess some of us up so bad, that it really takes a radical cure to fix things, but it does fix things!

And then in my experience men start having sexual partners, attracting hot women, and having a great time, and they are onto a new life.
October of last year i had testicular surgery for varicocele and torsion. The week after the surgery i was depressed and feeling hopeless.
Did you get your T levels checked? If not go to a TRT / HRT expert and get the levels checked. But go to an expert not your family doctor.
Free T

I also suffer from ptsd.
Dr. Mark Gordon has helped thousands of soldiers / veterans with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries with low dosage TRT (40-50mg Test per week). You can search for his episode on joe rogan podcast.

Normally TRT is nothing for an 18 year old should event think about, but with the surgery and ptsd background maybe something is seriously messed up. At least get it checked.
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Did you get your T levels checked? If not go to a TRT / HRT expert and get the levels checked. But go to an expert not your family doctor.
Free T

Dr. Mark Gordon has helped thousands of soldiers / veterans with PTSD and traumatic brain injuries with low dosage TRT (40-50mg Test per week). You can search for his episode on joe rogan podcast.

He’s 18 not 50..... that should be a last resort before many other natural methods have been exhausted.
He’s 18 not 50..... that should be a last resort before many other natural methods have been exhausted.
If they messed up on surgery something could be seriously wrong. And I did not recommend to go on TRT, I did recommend to get his levels checked.
If they messed up on surgery something could be seriously wrong. And I did not recommend to go on TRT, I did recommend to get his levels checked.

Yea getting his levels checked wouldn’t be a bad thing. We just wouldn’t want him to then get a doc who starts pushing TRT at 18 before correcting a large amount of glaring issues noted in the OP.
@Darius Jenkins What do you enjoy doing? Is there anything you appreciate in nature? Are you able to travel, even if nearby for a bit? Can you go to a sunny place?

I agree with the dietary/supplement recommendations in general but first, find a way to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE even if you have to drag yourself. Stay away from screens. Try to have small conversations with clerks.

Forget about sex for 6+ months. You're young and you'll have time to enjoy it, but you're on the wrong path my friend.

Install a program like SelfControl to block porn. Here's a resource: [Resource] Block over 300 of the most popular porn sites in 2 minutes. : NoFap

Delete instagram if you watch soft porn there too.
I have heard Ray Peat on an interview suggest sleeping less and drinking more caffeine for acute depression. As in under sleep for a few days. This is not a permanent solution but just to get you out of a depressed mood so you can take action on helping yourself. And then I have seen studies on salt and social anxiety i.e. eat something salty before leaving the house. I personally think doing something nice for someone else can also be quite helpful. Sounds cheesy but it help get you out of your own head.
Anything that feeds excess bacteria for me ( bloating, gas ) reliably causes depression. Fibers, starch, and fructose are my personal worst offenders.
Your addiction to porn is an attempt to solve a problem. All addiction starts with pain and ends in pain. (Gabor Mate).

If it were me I would address the root cause. Avoidance can treat symptoms but not the underlying reason. For me that is working with the nervous system: moving through sensations and emotions without judgement and without trying to suppress or run away from them or numb them out. I truly believe that is the best way to long term healing. Your body wants to heal if given the opportunity.
Eat a ton of carrot and mushroom fiber and take the biggest poop of your life. That might help.
Baking soda. Seriously. 2 grams a day first thing in the morning were life changing for me. The best antidepressive medication ever, at least for me. There is neuro inflammation involved in almost any model of depression and baking soda is wide spectrum anti inflammatory agent.

There are some treads here
Baking Soda Is A Potent Anti-inflammatory, May Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
A Daily Dose Of Baking Soda Can Treat Autoimmune Disease, Study Finds
how do you measure 2 grams? I just took 1/2 of table spoon and apparently it's much more than 2 grams :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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