Consume The Same Food With Little To No Change, Could Cause Your Body To Reject It Eventually


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
. @charlie - is that possible?
Found these.....






Apr 9, 2015
Yeah, I probably suffer from leaky gut. Isn't acne also regarding undigested proteins being dumped into our blood stream? I suffer from acne very easily...
Thank you. I will try ACV. Also, when I was mostly a frutarian, foods like garlic, onions, ACV, I started to see them as poison. Re-eating cooked foods, it seems I don't know how to cook anymore. Now that you've said that, it's interesting, and I will apply that information filling them a little bit from now on to help my digestion (till now, I was cooking only with water and nothing more and eating them that way xD).

Before eating this large amount, I don't recall having any problems with eggs. However, I was not into health & nutrition and did not listen to my body that time... So maybe, I was having side effects but I simply didn't care. "Perhaps I didn't sleep well."
For years...? Damn, I don't want to wait years to start reintroduce them :( . If I manage to eat them again with symptoms, maybe I will eat the max quantity as you.
Still, I don't know if 12 eggs are too much or not... 4L of OJ or 4L of Milk seems to much for me and there are people who don't have any problems eating that way continuously. As people are saying, there could be another different reason that a simply allergic reaction.
But I will give it a break for now.

From what I've read, it made sense to me, imagining that gradually our body starts to rejecting the food (probably one that you are already somehow intolerant) till the day that completely rejects it. Or simply you start not liking it anymore. The 'disgusting' factor, could be also a symptom.
But if you convince and prove me why wouldn't, I would be very happy for sure.

That's interesting. I thought my acne could be due to eating less protein? I didn't know acne was caused by undigested protein being dumped into the blood stream


May 21, 2016
That's interesting. I thought my acne could be due to eating less protein? I didn't know acne was caused by undigested protein being dumped into the blood stream
Hey, I am not sure of it. A proper metabolism may also take care of a person's acne.
However, from No More Cellulite, No More Acne, No More Overweight

Cortisol is a corticosteroid hormone produced by the body that facilitates decomposition of protein. Like Cortisone, cortisol has been (and is) applied to 'solve' stress injuries and unexplainable pains; administration of cortisol simply eliminates the pain by destroying the targeted tissue, eliminating inflammation and healthy cells as well.

In acne, the cortisol level is often elevated. [37]

Not everyone who consumes 'dirty' protein retains water because how effectively protein is decomposed and absorbed is individually different. If you absorb much un-decomposed ('dirty') protein, you are more likely to have acne. That is why in acne the cortisol level is often elevated; to fight the inflammations and to clean up that extra 'dirty' protein in the skin.

Because they lessen inflammations and clean up 'dirty' protein, corticosteroids can be successfully administrated to diminish acne. [38]

Unfortunately, administration of corticosteroids can also easily impair the system that regulates natural cortisol secretion by the body. Repeated or prolonged administration of corticosteroids can therefore make your body eventually produce too little cortisol to clean up 'dirty' protein.

Logically, one is more likely to have acne if natural cortisol-metabolism is impaired. [39]

Administration of cortisol can even cause acne directly [40]. The reason: Cortisol destroys tissue, which causes the release of small protein molecules from the destroyed cells. These remainders of cell-protein partly end up in the skin, causing water retention (and acne).

That is why stress can also aggravate skin conditions; Cortisol is a 'stress-hormone', released when triggered by stress.

Since it does not take away the cause of acne, and it can impair your natural cortisol metabolism, administration of corticosteroids to fight acne is a bad choice.

But a regular peeling can clean my skin, can't it?

If you are not a mineworker or someone with a similar skin-clogging job, your acne is not due to dirt clogging your pores. Spots may look 'dirty' but they are actually inflammations inside the skin that are rising to the surface. Cleaning your skin in any way can never remove (or prevent) the effects of acne.

Your skin may be shinier and smoother after having a peel, but it will have no positive effect on acne what so ever; if anything, peeling will only make it worse. If you have acne, avoid any type of peeling for it can increase inflammations and leave you with nastier scars.

People with acne often think peeling can help because their skin looks so oily and scaly at the same time. It looks like the top layer is not intact anymore and should be peeled off to prevent clogging. Actually, the outer skin is scaly due to dehydration of the outer skin because the true skin contains too many water attracting substances.

The outer skin is also oily because sebum production is increased to compensate for the dehydration of the outer skin.

If you want your skin to look good, you need to dispose of the excessive protein in the true skin, and prevent the occasional use of too much salt. By doing so, you can be assured that your skin will be smooth and soft.
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