Comfort Zone doesn't exist

Apr 1, 2021
It exists only if you have a family, otherwise being single in a low serotonin state makes you seek novelty which implies changing your environment frequently.

The ones that want a change in their lives but they are afraid of it, they live in a hopeless state, usually accompanied with some sort of escapism.

Not wanting to go to the gym does not mean that you seek comfort, because it has no purpose.

Being afraid of exposing your art to the world does not mean that you seek comfort, because a healthy individual should have full acceptance of oneself.

Skydiving does not mean that you got out of your comfort zone, because again it has no purpose.

There are of course healthy people that don't get a dopamine boost from changing environment, they have other ways of seeking novelty like doing research about world news and posting about it. The ones that are not truly healthy wouldn't have the courage to post anything they want due to fear of being judged, so they couldn't seek the novelty in its true form.
Mar 24, 2018
@Androsclerosis Are not seeking happiness or material possession of an object that we do not have signs of low dopamine? it's an endless vicious cycle like sex... you'd never do without it 🙄


Feb 3, 2020
Interesting! The comfort zone does exist in my onion. To me it‘s a state of relaxation and enjoyment, where little energy is expended.

Leaving the comfort zone means that something feels uncomfortable doing, because it takes a lot of energy and brings us to the edge of our human abilities.

Most of us are forced to leave this comfortable state in each day to go to work and earn an income so that we can eat, drink and have shelter.

If your baseline energy production is higher than normal (which is kind of the goal of this health paradigm) you will likely feel better doing „exhaustive work“ ie. activities outside the comfort zone in comparison to someone who suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome (low energy production) or something similarly. For a person with CFS, going to the shower or cooking a meal is already outside the comfort zone due to very poor energy production and low ATP reserves.

Purpose is also highly individual to each person and cannot be put in this equation in my opinion.

Hitting the gym hard may seem useless to you, but for a professional athlete it increases his likelihood to succeed in his career and ensure his financial income.

The really interesting question is „What truely has purpose?“ or „What has purpose to me?“

I think not everything that we do necessarily has to have a purpose. Doing things that spark an interest or joy in you is also totally fine.

Sometimes people even find joy in doing hard work (being outside the comfort zone) for example being in the military and going through those „hell weeks“ because they think they do a good service in honor of their country, which to them, is „their purpose“.


Dec 8, 2016
Contentment does exist

Which is super important for the challenges of marriage and to a lesser degree- raising children

Marriage is no magic elixir
It’s not all bad
But it’s work

Marriage is a sacrament
Or sacred
And the devil wants to destroy the Sacred

But yes, family
My in laws
My children
My cousins and nephews

The institution of family is one of the main reasons why the cabal wants us not in church, separated in lockdown, emasculates men in the media, want us gay and or trans, poisons our food, indoctrinates our children etc etc etc


Jun 7, 2016
I get what you mean, I'm constantly novelty seeking and information seeking, environment changing all the time, work is always changing too, just charging forward all the time, have to have progress at at fast rate, no stagnation.
Apr 1, 2021
Interesting! The comfort zone does exist in my onion. To me it‘s a state of relaxation and enjoyment, where little energy is expended.

Leaving the comfort zone means that something feels uncomfortable doing, because it takes a lot of energy and brings us to the edge of our human abilities.

Most of us are forced to leave this comfortable state in each day to go to work and earn an income so that we can eat, drink and have shelter.

If your baseline energy production is higher than normal (which is kind of the goal of this health paradigm) you will likely feel better doing „exhaustive work“ ie. activities outside the comfort zone in comparison to someone who suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome (low energy production) or something similarly. For a person with CFS, going to the shower or cooking a meal is already outside the comfort zone due to very poor energy production and low ATP reserves.

Purpose is also highly individual to each person and cannot be put in this equation in my opinion.

Hitting the gym hard may seem useless to you, but for a professional athlete it increases his likelihood to succeed in his career and ensure his financial income.

The really interesting question is „What truely has purpose?“ or „What has purpose to me?“

I think not everything that we do necessarily has to have a purpose. Doing things that spark an interest or joy in you is also totally fine.

Sometimes people even find joy in doing hard work (being outside the comfort zone) for example being in the military and going through those „hell weeks“ because they think they do a good service in honor of their country, which to them, is „their purpose“.
Look it this way. If when you have high energy levels, it feels easier to do "chores", than imagine being in a continuous euphoria, wouldn't make the chore feel like a pleasure? If yes, then my theory is right. It's the energy level that defines what's easy.
It's true that the professional athlete has to go out of their comfort zone, but that's because his training in inhumane. If we focus on things that does not decrease longevity, then again my theory is right.
People who like to go through "hell weeks" are masochists or hate their lives. It's a form of coping. The ones that truly decide to go in the military are either without purpose, brainwashed or they want to protect their country by stressing themselves. The main subject was about comfort zone. In this case of survival, the comfort zone exists.
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