Coffee,Caffiene, & Panic Attacks

Mar 8, 2017
@MSH ---

Your TPOab is just at the range that suggests you might have an autoimmune thyroid issue, and at increased risk for developing overt hypothyroidism. TPO - Clinical: Thyroperoxidase (TPO) Antibodies, Serum . Also, do you happen to have a Free T3 or Triiodothyronine value on your labwork, so you can see the FT3/RT3 ratio, which is one of the most useful figures to have. As long as the lab tests are in the same measurement units (i.e. mg/dL) then you are fine, otherwise a bit of math to do the conversions. With the “free T3″/RT3 ratio, healthy ratios will be 20 or higher.

I've been having some skin issues recently, and decided to take a closer look at the sources of the food I was eating. I was feeling better (and had lost 5 pounds) on a pretty plain organic Peat recommended fruits/rice/coconut oil (BRAT) type diet, and then had a bad weekend/4 days of not paying attention, and eating commercially-fed red meat, chicken, dairy, etc. with family and as a result am combating some unexpected pimples and athletes foot as well.

While he doesn't talk about food-sourcing in his articles, Ray Peat has commented about not eating meats that have been fed PUFAs as this will cause the same effect to the body as eating PUFAs. Pretty sure he is right on the money there, as I'm back to feeling very cold all the time, mostly low energy, and pretty foggy mentally. I am planning on switching to purchasing only grass-fed/pastured dairy, egg, and meat products now, despite the price. If you're drinking a lot of OJ, try to make it at home or maybe look through this list: Orange juices with/without flavor packs and pulp-dissolving enzymes - Toxinless. Pulp-dissolving enzymes are one of the main reasons that Peat apparently squeezes his own juice now, which is a pretty recent development.


Mar 4, 2017
@MSH ---

Your TPOab is just at the range that suggests you might have an autoimmune thyroid issue, and at increased risk for developing overt hypothyroidism. TPO - Clinical: Thyroperoxidase (TPO) Antibodies, Serum . Also, do you happen to have a Free T3 or Triiodothyronine value on your labwork, so you can see the FT3/RT3 ratio, which is one of the most useful figures to have. As long as the lab tests are in the same measurement units (i.e. mg/dL) then you are fine, otherwise a bit of math to do the conversions. With the “free T3″/RT3 ratio, healthy ratios will be 20 or higher.

I've been having some skin issues recently, and decided to take a closer look at the sources of the food I was eating. I was feeling better (and had lost 5 pounds) on a pretty plain organic Peat recommended fruits/rice/coconut oil (BRAT) type diet, and then had a bad weekend/4 days of not paying attention, and eating commercially-fed red meat, chicken, dairy, etc. with family and as a result am combating some unexpected pimples and athletes foot as well.

While he doesn't talk about food-sourcing in his articles, Ray Peat has commented about not eating meats that have been fed PUFAs as this will cause the same effect to the body as eating PUFAs. Pretty sure he is right on the money there, as I'm back to feeling very cold all the time, mostly low energy, and pretty foggy mentally. I am planning on switching to purchasing only grass-fed/pastured dairy, egg, and meat products now, despite the price. If you're drinking a lot of OJ, try to make it at home or maybe look through this list: Orange juices with/without flavor packs and pulp-dissolving enzymes - Toxinless. Pulp-dissolving enzymes are one of the main reasons that Peat apparently squeezes his own juice now, which is a pretty recent development.

Hey FS_77! I did check that ratio at one point and it was 17 I think. Thanks for the great info!


Sep 4, 2016
The Netherlands
I maybe have to start a new topic, but I though this mostly covers what I experienced yesterday.

I took my first ever coffee two days ago, but it was a weak one. I felt good but only had cold feet afterwards.
I just read in a different topic from Haidut that is a sign of running on stresshormones/cortisol.
Few hours later I took the second one, felt better. And experienced the upper for the first time. My Temps were clearly going up and when I was at home I was still sweating, 37.4. Wasnt that hungry around dinner time but a bit later I was and I had allot of carbs. Getting into sleep wasn't the easiest, but my mind wasn't racing. I was just awake.
Yesterday I tried the same procedure. But this time I experienced an intense upper, and my brain was working very very fast during that ride. A bit later It became stressy, and I couldn't find any peace in my mind. Later muscles became sore, and very tired (symptoms that I'm not used to have anymore). Ate allot of fruit and a big plate of potatoes in the evening. I was tired but couldn't really sleep. Today Im exhausted, totally broken.

I'm upping my cals (more sugar and fats) the last few weeks, with succes. I felt really good, until I did this experience.
As I'm carbing up the last 1,5 year so I'm surprised apparently do not have enough glycoceen storage to cope coffee.

Liver is a focus point for me, and I worked on that on many levels. So i thought this would be a good experiment to test where I'm at now.
I also read about using coffee 7 days in a row to level up the liver.
Any advice if it's wise to test again next week or should I really wait for a couple of months in this case?

oh and yes I took it with plenty of sugar and some milk, after lunch, I know the drill :)
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Sep 13, 2012
How much did you do? Coffee needs to be very slowly increased. Increasing too fast leads to the crashes.


Sep 4, 2016
The Netherlands
How much did you do? Coffee needs to be very slowly increased. Increasing too fast leads to the crashes.
Yeah I probably overdone it, I didn't really expected this would be the possible outcome.

I made it myself with a good coffee machine in a bar, first I didn't do it correctly, later I used the amount the bar staff uses when serving a normal coffee.

Next time I will not only eat allot before, but also bring allot of food with me to soften the possible crash.
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