Chicken Soup for the "Peatarian" soul


Jul 1, 2013
United States
When I was a child, my mom always used to joke about Chicken soup being a healing food. So why chicken soup? Why not pork or beef? To be honest, I have no idea, but personally I like the taste of chicken soup and broth much better than beef or pork or lamb, or any of the saturated ruminant broths.

So I decided, whatever - make the damn chicken soup if you like it! For those of you who want some natural gelatin, this is a simple and fantastic soup.

Go to your local grocery (I prefer Wholefoods or other natural market because I won't eat conventional meat). Buy a rotisserie chicken (I used a salt and pepper one and it worked real well). Of course, you can roast your own, but that takes more time and the rotisserie chickens at Wholefoods are cheaper than buying a whole chicken, so that's what I did. Come home and tear the thing apart. Take off the meat and throw the skin, carcass and greasy bits into a pot with some water (preferably not tap water). Basically, whatever has lots of gelatin, put it in the pot. Cook on low heat for awhile. I think I cooked mine for about 4 hours to get the gelatin melting real nice - to get even more gelatin, cook longer (maybe in a slow cooker).

When you are done cooking, strain the broth and put it into the refrigerator overnight. By the next day, the fat should have risen to the top with the gelatinous broth underneath. Scoop off that chicken fat to get rid of the PUFA content (Note: you will lose a little gelatin in this process). In another soup pot, cook some onions and garlic in coconut oil - add a little of the broth so they don't burn. Once onions are cooked, pour in all the broth (I added a little more beef gelatin to boost the nutritional profile - works quite well and doesn't lose the chicken flavor). Once the broth is heated, add some veggies. I used kale and carrots because that's what I had on hand. Using some dark greens will balance the phosphates in the meat (which you will add at the end). Once you've let the veggies cook for awhile in the broth, add the chicken from the previous day. I added some dark meat and chicken breast - for lower fat content, just use the chicken breast but remember, the darker meat has more gelatin in it.....

Cook all together for about 15 more minutes, salt to taste and viola! Best soup I've made yet in my Peat endeavors and I'm pretty sure it was because it was a rotisserie chicken. You get way more gelatin melting off with of those. Just cook on a low heat and remove the fat. Add as much CO as you like to the broth, but I didn't need too much. It was so good. Serve with sour cream (trust me - adding a tbsp. of sour cream to any brothy soup makes it taste ten times better!)

The End.

In my belly.

I think I am going to make one pot of this stuff every week during winter.


Nov 8, 2014
I used to do the same thing! So good starting with a rotisserie chicken. I also used sheers and cut all the bones into pieces to try and extract more nutrients.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:goodpost Me too! I love having this in the winter. We must all be on the same Peat wavelength.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Next time, I think I might grab some extra chicken necks to throw in, so long as they have them at the Wholefoods :) Such tasty stuff, this chicken soup! And kale has become my new favorite addition to soups!!
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