Catholic Priests Sexually Abused Over 600 Children (in Baltimore)

Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Roman Catholicism moment.
15 “Beware of the false prophets, [teachers] who come to you dressed as sheep [appearing gentle and innocent], but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them [that is, by their contrived doctrine and self-focus]. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the unhealthy tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore, by their fruit you will recognize them [as false prophets].
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
Have you ever met a transexual person? Rarely right? I rarely run into them
I'm in London and it's not uncommon to see them, especially around Soho/Bloomsbury. There was even one in my year at school.
DO ME A FAVOR - Click on my patreon link on my signature, click on my silver membership ($100 a month), and book me as your coach and I WILL PERSONALLY SHOW YOU AND PROVE TO YOU WHAT A FAKE MASS SHOOTING VIDEO LOOKS LIKE, and if you don't do it - you're a coward

How can you justify such prices on a forum where people such as Ray Peat gave their knowledge and effort freely... for a service that's completely nebulous?


Jun 22, 2021
How can you justify such prices on a forum where people such as Ray Peat gave their knowledge and effort freely... for a service that's completely nebulous?
I don't think my prices are too bad considering the services I'm offering and I also offer 100% FREE consultations scheduled on my website for anyone skeptical

If anyone is INTERESTED but SKEPTICAL of me and the services I offer, just book a FREE CONSULTATION and I will go INTO DETAIL what I can do for you, health, facial development, growing, etc. ANYTHING - just schedule the consultation and have a 15-minute voice call with me

When people offer to help other people on here,

What kind of help do they offer? Supplements? Diet and Lifestyle? A lot of the people on here I talk to on here aren't actually as healthy as they think, health is about shaping your entire environment and life and not just focusing on diet

I offer something unique - I offer examining every possible angle of a persons life and eliminating ALL stressors from a persons life or to the best of my ability,

I am not just offering to fix someones health with supplements or diet, I am offering a service to completely RE-VAMP someone's life and not just in forms of health, but in terms of facial structure, height, growing, etc.

How much do plastic surgeons charge people for facial surgery ? 20k? And the way someone looks has an immense impact on their life

How much do surgeons offer for Limb Lengthening surgery? 40k? while he breaks the leg bones? Short people are desperate to grow and don't have much options for people offering help in a natural way

How much do other health practicioners that have no idea what they are talking about charge? Dave Asprey charges $50,000 for an appearance

$300 is probably the average monthly price I've seen for health coaches in general so I'm on the lower end I'm pretty sure and I do have people I've been consistently helping for quite a while that I believe can vouch for me

I know my worth, theres people on here that others can talk to if they need to know what food to eat or supplement to take for "more energy" but I don't specialize in that - I specialize in RE-VAMPING entire lives and CHANGING everything and I have clients to show for it.

When diet and supplements aren't solving the problem, stressors have to be addressed and a persons entire life has to be examined - many people on the forum are not able to successfully do this for another person

To Date I probably have approximately 300 messages for "help" on this forum and Discord combined - 300 different people and a lot of them I helped for free without asking anything in return. I'm not complaining but I need an even exchange for the unique services I'm offering

For me to accept to help a stressed person, is me taking on their stress hormones and lifestyle as well, that absorbs my energy and I think its fair to ask for an even exchange.

I see my ideas being used all the time on Twitter and other platforms - but it doesn't work because people that steal my ideas haven't performed the experiments I have and haven't had the experiences I had to understand my recommendations.

When someone books a session with me - you are talking to a man who has done thousands of hours of experimentation and has GONE FAR BEYOND the realm of supplements and Diet - thousands of hours of research and unique ideas and theories I developed MYSELF - with no help from anyone else, many of my ideas are scattered around the forum but to piece everything together is nearly impossible especially since I DON'T POST EVERYTHING I know on the forum as a lot of my ideas get stolen by others and people pass them off as their own. I offer a service to piece everything together for a person and to step-by-step hold their hand until they CAN SEE with their own eyes their health getting better and they CAN SEE themselves visibly improving everyday.

If someone doesn't like my service (I don't think this ever happened to me) they can walk away at any time, the results I give people speak for themselves
Last edited:
Aug 21, 2022
London, United Kingdom
I don't think my prices are too bad considering the services I'm offering and I also offer 100% FREE consultations scheduled on my website for anyone skeptical

If anyone is INTERESTED but SKEPTICAL of me and the services I offer, just book a FREE CONSULTATION and I will go INTO DETAIL what I can do for you, health, facial development, growing, etc. ANYTHING - just schedule the consultation and have a 15-minute voice call with me

When people offer to help other people on here,

What kind of help do they offer? Supplements? Diet and Lifestyle? A lot of the people on here I talk to on here aren't actually as healthy as they think, health is about shaping your entire environment and life and not just focusing on diet

I offer something unique - I offer examining every possible angle of a persons life and eliminating ALL stressors from a persons life or to the best of my ability,

I am not just offering to fix someones health with supplements or diet, I am offering a service to completely RE-VAMP someone's life and not just in forms of health, but in terms of facial structure, height, growing, etc.

How much do plastic surgeons charge people for facial surgery ? 20k? And the way someone looks has an immense impact on their life

How much do surgeons offer for Limb Lengthening surgery? 40k? while he breaks the leg bones? Short people are desperate to grow and don't have much options for people offering help in a natural way

How much do other health practicioners that have no idea what they are talking about charge? Dave Asprey charges $50,000 for an appearance

$300 is probably the average monthly price I've seen for health coaches in general so I'm on the lower end I'm pretty sure and I do have people I've been consistently helping for quite a while that I believe can vouch for me

I know my worth, theres people on here that others can talk to if they need to know what food to eat or supplement to take for "more energy" but I don't specialize in that - I specialize in RE-VAMPING entire lives and CHANGING everything and I have clients to show for it.

When diet and supplements aren't solving the problem, stressors have to be addressed and a persons entire life has to be examined - many people on the forum are not able to successfully do this for another person

To Date I probably have approximately 300 messages for "help" on this forum and Discord combined - 300 different people and a lot of them I helped for free without asking anything in return. I'm not complaining but I need an even exchange for the unique services I'm offering

For me to accept to help a stressed person, is me taking on their stress hormones and lifestyle as well, that absorbs my energy and I think its fair to ask for an even exchange.

I see my ideas being used all the time on Twitter and other platforms - but it doesn't work because people that steal my ideas haven't performed the experiments I have and haven't had the experiences I had to understand my recommendations.

When someone books a session with me - you are talking to a man who has done thousands of hours of experimentation and has GONE FAR BEYOND the realm of supplements and Diet - thousands of hours of research and unique ideas and theories I developed MYSELF - with no help from anyone else, many of my ideas are scattered around the forum but to piece everything together is nearly impossible especially since I DON'T POST EVERYTHING I know on the forum as a lot of my ideas get stolen by others and people pass them off as their own. I offer a service to piece everything together for a person and to step-by-step hold their hand until they CAN SEE with their own eyes their health getting better and they CAN SEE themselves visibly improving everyday.

If someone doesn't like my service (I don't think this ever happened to me) they can walk away at any time, the results I give people speak for themselves
Peating by itself has had a dramatic impact on my life and every single day I can feel my health improving.
That being said you make a very convincing pitch and it’s absolutely true that changing one’s life situation is a lot more valuable than taking x supplement or eating y and z.
Maybe I’ll ask for a free consultation soon…


Aug 13, 2020
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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