Avoiding pesticides and chemicals is superior to using supplements



Jan 1, 2013
Grains defoliated with glysophate by plane, then bleached or hexaned after mold and mildewed in the field
Its overwhelming really.

It's democide.

I didn't even mention MSG, fluoride and amalgam fillings.

Some pesticides, like chlordecone, used in the French Antilles for banana plantations (banned now) has contaminated both soil and water for 700 years and can't be removed: it's causing prostate cancers all over the place.

Nowadays it's almost a miracle you reach 50 and exempt of some form of degenerative disease.
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Apr 28, 2018
Except even organic onions i can't eat.

As you wrote, organic still allows some chemicals. Or maybe doesn't take into account pesticide contamination of organic fields.

I've taken up gardening and intend to grow my own organic stuff.

That's the surest and most affordable way down the road.
I am doing the Greenstalk thing this year. Its working fab, no bugs no slugs no rabbits no moose. I can roll 6 tiers of beets, radishes onions and carrots further under the roof if wind or hail, best is having it up off the ground for planting and watering is easier, cant wait to harvest. Good cust service from a family business.


Apr 28, 2018
It's democide.

I didn't even mention MSG, fluoride and amalgam fillings.

Some pesticides, like chlordecone, used in the French Antilles for banana plantations (banned now) has contaminated both soil and water for 700 years and can't be removed: it's causing prostate cancers all over the place.

Nowadays it's almost a miracle you reach 50 and exempt of some form of degenerative disease.
Yikes. Double yikes.
I agree--feel very lucky I was on to this stuff when I asked my Dad in 1970s why hippies were protesting "bleached wheat". Put me on a path eating clean. Didnt catch onto fluoride til thyroid damage but I feel lucky I live where air and land is pretty clean and moose and deepwaterfish abundant. Two sets of cousins my age succumbed 20+ years ago in the lower48 big cities.
I hear you, this is war.
Mar 24, 2018
I'm considering emigrating to Iceland 😅


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
One of the arguments I’ve heard carnivore diet adherents use is that plants produce defensive chemicals to protect themselves from being eaten because they can’t run away. So even in the absence of adding synthetic pesticides there may be certain fruits/vegetables/grains one person can tolerate yet another can not. I’m currently doing primarily no grains (2-3x/year) and the fruits and vegetables I eat are organic and carefully selected based on my experience of how I feel after eating them.


Apr 19, 2020
Yes to OP. Limit as much as possible the (food) toxins. And... might not be a bad idea to help the liver with detox. We live in a man-made toxic world now, especially in the West. And especially inside the food chain. I saw this thread this a.m. as I was out the door to pick organic potatoes and parsnips. MMmmmm. Yes to growing your own when and where possible, or even growing on the property of a friend or rellie ('relative' in Aussie slang). I am growing garlic on two properties now, just for personal consumption x2, or x4. :): We eat a lot of garlic.

I have gone to extremes to NOT go out to eat, buy organic or spray free when I can, and as clean a protein source as possible. Organic meat, or wild meat is not always available, but.... at least where I live now, rural Australia, there are grass fed sheep and cows. And deer and roo meat. Not expensive and as organic as possible, along with ocean fish. Fish here is expensive, so I eat it less than when I was in AK. I am in total agreement with @akgrrrl here, not just because I think she is cool in Alaska, but .... because it is vital to look at your 'food chain' and procure, buy, or grow as good as one can do.

And yes, totally agreement: we are in a war.

Regarding toxicity that is not in the cerebral-spinal fluid, supporting the liver with appropriate nutrients in the form of a supplement IS a good idea in my opinion IF one is showing signs of toxicity. When I was practicing (TCM) in Alaska, I only had 2 pill products that were NON-Chinese medicine based. One antioxidant with heavy hitters for liver support, and one general vitamin for winter time or strong support for extreme illness/disease. Milk thistle seed extract is a big liver support agent.

Alaskan meme when I moved there 30+ years ago -- "10,000 wolves can't be wrong" which translates to eat moose. Over and out.


Oct 5, 2014
Except even organic onions i can't eat.

As you wrote, organic still allows some chemicals. Or maybe doesn't take into account pesticide contamination of organic fields.

I've taken up gardening and intend to grow my own organic stuff.

That's the surest and most affordable way down the road.
Burt, what about increasing efficiency of your own detox pathways? Milk thistle works good for these kind of things.

I have the feeling this is a defensive/retreat strategy and doomed to fail, confining more and more you to the last castle keep. Establishing an ample perimeter around the castle should always be better.


Jan 1, 2013
Burt, what about increasing efficiency of your own detox pathways? Milk thistle works good for these kind of things.

I have the feeling this is a defensive/retreat strategy and doomed to fail, confining more and more you to the last castle keep. Establishing an ample perimeter around the castle should always be better.

What happens to me is due to age: when you're young, your organs work better at detoxifying.

But i can't reverse aging through supplements.

And keep in mind nobody can predict the effects -long or short term- of the COMBINATION of all these chemicals on your body.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind this is the key in controlling degenerative diseases.

Amish prove it every day.

Took me a lifetime to understand it.


Nov 21, 2012
The plants you mentioned you eat without a problem are all low oxalate as well.
The plants you mentioned being problematic are either high in oxalates or sulphur/thiols. Glyphosate plays into these sensitivities as well.


Mar 29, 2016
Personal testimony here.

I'm in my fifties.
1.5 years ago, i began experiencing headaches every day.
Even on waking up from sleep.
Before that, i would get them every 3-4 days.

Using elimination diet, i realized to my stupefaction the vegetables and most fruits i've been eating my entire life were causing these headaches.

Onions were a sure trigger.
Corn, peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and even potatoes would be triggers as well.

Right now i can only eat some fruits (common oranges, lemons, melons, bananas, grapefruits, ananas, mangoes) which contain almost no traces of pesticides because their external skin, and NO VEGETABLES AT ALL. Unless they come from a private garden that doesn't use chemical pesticides.

My control over headaches is almost total: i've forgotten them.

The kicker here is although i have trouble feeding myself (90% of lactate products give me headaches as well) and i feel kind of physically weak sometimes, people have told me i look better and i've lost weight.

Which brings me to my post about glyphosate, which was shown 7 years ago to multiply 10 fold the blood triglycerides at concentrations of 4 ng/day, which is thousands of times lower than the admitted norms.

This proves to me it's much more important for our health to avoid eating pesticide ladden foods than trying to improve health through supplements.

No supplement will help you if you keep ingesting poisons.

But of course it's way, way more difficult to eat foods exempt of pesticides (or organic) than to make a multi vitamin order at Amazon. So my advice might not come as very convenient for most.

I believe Amish people have an excellent health and they don't gobble up supplements every day as we do and they aren't overweight.

We have no data on the long term health effects of pesticides eaten over one's lifetimes: endocrinal effects are notably worrisome.

I specifically wrote this message because i read scores of threads with people looking for miracle supplements or exotic remedies and imagining terrible illnesses and complaining not finding relief whatever they try.
But since we've all eaten foods with pesticides all our life, it's the last area were we use our judgement.

So the scope here is if people cannot get healthy no matter what, try to avoid foods with pesticides for one month and see if there's no improvements.
I'm 100% with you on this.

My way out of this is to eat only well-cooked green leaves. Leaves are often left untouched by pests, and hardly need to be sprayed with pesticides. Although, of course, the ground it is grown in may still be a risk factor. But eating many other veggies that are labeled organic does not guarantee they aren't sprayed with pesticides. It just buys peace of mind with pesticides along with it.

I eat the same fruits you mentioned, and some- bananas, papayas, cantaloupes, watermelons, pineapples, calamansi (very small citrus fruits).


Apr 28, 2018
I'm considering emigrating to Iceland 😅
You do realize its really cold there? In Alaska, we have had 100 degrees in summer. Pure white winters give way in March/April, May thru September summers then crisp falling leaves and hiking thru October with Nov sprinkles of snow that doesnt stick until Dec. Cool, dry air most of the year so easy to take in great gulps! Only recent last 4years has it rained a lot and broken 100yr records for moisture. If it is true about the CO2 levels, perhaps this is the return of the vapor canopy when humans, animals, and trees were huge.


Apr 19, 2020
What happens to me is due to age: when you're young, your organs work better at detoxifying.

But i can't reverse aging through supplements.

And keep in mind nobody can predict the effects -long or short term- of the COMBINATION of all these chemicals on your body.

There's not a shadow of a doubt in my mind this is the key in controlling degenerative diseases.

Amish prove it every day.

Took me a lifetime to understand it.
I was cooking in the kitchen today and thought upon this thread's subject, and wanted to clarify my prior addition. Fact: Through the aid of specific anti-oxidant supplements and nutraceutical grade extract of Silybum marianum, I successfully treated dozens of clients with extreme liver dysfunction/severe chronic hepatitis, some near death, as a great adjunct therapy to acupuncture protocols. Some folks had long term chemical exposures, and others had ETOH or heroin abuse effects.

[Also these formulas happen to be available as "Practitioner Only", unfortunately, and they do not mail across the oceans to the antipodes. Sad for me]

It is about supporting your (somewhat ) functioning liver and defense mechanisms, not about stopping the aging process. My suggestion is to get some serious product to assist your body's elimination and moderation of dealing with these pollutants, and to get some acupuncture for your liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.. .

@Makrosky You got a license there in the USA? What's your 20? You could sign up and be the 'distributor' dude for the forum.

And for the record, I do know the founder of that company, or rather knew Dr. Russell Marz, from down the street 35 years ago in Portland, Oregon. I make 0$ from this. We haven't spoken in over 20 years, but I know for a fact that he is one of the few medical practitioners from the states, that I know (or knew) that did not take the XXX cocktail in the arm.

(I only sold with minimum markup when I was practicing in the states, that's part of why I didn't make heaps o' cash. Oh well.)

I used to joke with Russell that his anti-oxidant supplement was the antidote for modern civilization.


Apr 28, 2018
I used to joke with Russell that his anti-oxidant supplement was the antidote for modern civilization.
When even your musings in the kitchen are salient, it must follow that jokes could reveal the antidote to modern civilization.
Huzza huzza


Jan 1, 2013
It is about supporting your (somewhat ) functioning liver and defense mechanisms, not about stopping the aging process.

Avoiding pesticides in the food i eat isn't about stopping my aging either.

I'm just astonished that although i've been taking great care of my health for the past 15 years, i came to the point of being totally incapacitated by simply feeding myself with the usual foods.

I might have a predisposition to headaches that others don't, but i believe headaches are only the tip of the iceberg that these chemicals do to your body and my troubles might be a blessing in disguise in the sense i could have gone on poisoning myself for years without paying much attention or looking the wrong way for causes.

And i don't believe i'm the only one.

Other people might have different symptoms: brain fog, fatigue, neurological symptoms, bad sleep, etc you name it.

Supplements are useful, but they can't protect against chronically ingested poisons we're exposed constantly to.


Apr 19, 2020
For many a year on Halloween, Russell used to 'clean up' his clinic, put everything into one room and lock it up, and then the Reveling ensued until dawn. ....Music/Keg o Beer/Giant bowl of oxyquench/Costumes, etc... . Great times back in the day, not acceptable I am sure nowadays in schpincter vise-land.

I agree that people have different levels of organ and cellular regeneration, and the best one can do is experiment and keep going. No question we have an issue with toxins now, but... give yourself some benefit of the doubt and keep the attitude as strong as possible. I am not always 'up' myself, as the foe and the weapons used against us are many and hidden, but.... I ain't giving up. Attitude is one of the best 'tools' we have. Nurture that and Que sera sera.


Oct 5, 2014
I was cooking in the kitchen today and thought upon this thread's subject, and wanted to clarify my prior addition. Fact: Through the aid of specific anti-oxidant supplements and nutraceutical grade extract of Silybum marianum, I successfully treated dozens of clients with extreme liver dysfunction/severe chronic hepatitis, some near death, as a great adjunct therapy to acupuncture protocols. Some folks had long term chemical exposures, and others had ETOH or heroin abuse effects.

[Also these formulas happen to be available as "Practitioner Only", unfortunately, and they do not mail across the oceans to the antipodes. Sad for me]

It is about supporting your (somewhat ) functioning liver and defense mechanisms, not about stopping the aging process. My suggestion is to get some serious product to assist your body's elimination and moderation of dealing with these pollutants, and to get some acupuncture for your liver, kidneys, lungs, etc.. .

@Makrosky You got a license there in the USA? What's your 20? You could sign up and be the 'distributor' dude for the forum.

And for the record, I do know the founder of that company, or rather knew Dr. Russell Marz, from down the street 35 years ago in Portland, Oregon. I make 0$ from this. We haven't spoken in over 20 years, but I know for a fact that he is one of the few medical practitioners from the states, that I know (or knew) that did not take the XXX cocktail in the arm.

(I only sold with minimum markup when I was practicing in the states, that's part of why I didn't make heaps o' cash. Oh well.)

I used to joke with Russell that his anti-oxidant supplement was the antidote for modern civilization.
What? A License for what? I live in Europe lol.

I think you wanted to tag another user?


Apr 19, 2020
@Makrosky A license for Acupuncture, or Naturopathy, or MD is needed to procure certain "Professional Grade" nutritional and herbal products in the USA. Like Thorne Research, etc.. . I was asking if you wanted to be the dealer of 2 particular anti-oxidant Liver formulas for the people in the USA/Canada. No worries, you are in Europe, so you can't do it either. I am in Australia, so no possibilities from here either.


Oct 19, 2019
We got an allotment this year so have been growing and eating a lot of our own food. In the past, I put not doing well on even organic potatoes down to the usual suspects like nightshades, oxalates etc. No issue with the ones we’ve grown ourselves. Same with things like beetroot and lettuce. I can’t recommend growing your own food in whichever way you can enough.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Not speaking for all, but I live in an area with Mennonite and Amish people, and have been for over a half century, and I can tell you that there are quite a few that use chemicals in their growing of plants and animals. And, some have woken up when they saw their families starting to get ill health, but they are the exception, not the rule. One of their top priorities is money, at least from my interactions with them, and that can persuade them to try these chemicals that would potential save their crops from pests, fungus, etc., or give them 'ten tons/acre, instead of seven tons/acre'. They are only human, and I see more and more of them coming over to the modern side. Tis a shame.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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