Avoiding pesticides and chemicals is superior to using supplements


Jan 1, 2013
Personal testimony here.

I'm in my fifties.
1.5 years ago, i began experiencing headaches every day.
Even on waking up from sleep.
Before that, i would get them every 3-4 days.

Using elimination diet, i realized to my stupefaction the vegetables and most fruits i've been eating my entire life were causing these headaches.

Onions were a sure trigger.
Corn, peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and even potatoes would be triggers as well.

Right now i can only eat some fruits (common oranges, lemons, melons, bananas, grapefruits, ananas, mangoes) which contain almost no traces of pesticides because their external skin, and NO VEGETABLES AT ALL. Unless they come from a private garden that doesn't use chemical pesticides.

My control over headaches is almost total: i've forgotten them.

The kicker here is although i have trouble feeding myself (90% of lactate products give me headaches as well) and i feel kind of physically weak sometimes, people have told me i look better and i've lost weight.

Which brings me to my post about glyphosate, which was shown 7 years ago to multiply 10 fold the blood triglycerides at concentrations of 4 ng/day, which is thousands of times lower than the admitted norms.

This proves to me it's much more important for our health to avoid eating pesticide ladden foods than trying to improve health through supplements.

No supplement will help you if you keep ingesting poisons.

But of course it's way, way more difficult to eat foods exempt of pesticides (or organic) than to make a multi vitamin order at Amazon. So my advice might not come as very convenient for most.

I believe Amish people have an excellent health and they don't gobble up supplements every day as we do and they aren't overweight.

We have no data on the long term health effects of pesticides eaten over one's lifetimes: endocrinal effects are notably worrisome.

I specifically wrote this message because i read scores of threads with people looking for miracle supplements or exotic remedies and imagining terrible illnesses and complaining not finding relief whatever they try.
But since we've all eaten foods with pesticides all our life, it's the last area were we use our judgement.

So the scope here is if people cannot get healthy no matter what, try to avoid foods with pesticides for one month and see if there's no improvements.
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Jan 1, 2013


Sep 12, 2015
Personal testimony here.

I'm in my fifties.
1.5 years ago, i began having headaches every day.
Even on waking up from sleep.
Before that, i would get them every 3-4 days.

Using elimination diet, i realized to my stupefaction the vegetables and most fruits i've been eating my entire life were causing these headaches.

Onions were a sure trigger.
Corn, peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and even potatoes would be triggers as well.

Right now i can only eat some fruits (oranges, lemons, melons, bananas, grapefruits, ananas, mangoes) and NO VEGETABLES AT ALL. Unless they come from a private garden that doesn't use chemical pesticides.

My control over headaches is almost total: i've forgotten them.

The kicker here is although i have trouble feeding myself (90% of lactate products give me headaches as well) and i feel kind of physically weak sometimes, people have told me i look better and i've lost weight.

Which brings me to my post about glyphosate, which was shown 7 years ago to multiply 10 fold the blood triglycerides at concentrations of 4 ng/day, which is thousands of times lower than the admitted norms.

This proves to me it's much more important for our health to avoid eating pesticide ladden foods than trying to improve health through supplements.

No supplement will help you if you keep ingesting poisons.

I believe Amish people have an excellent health and they don't gobble up supplements every day as we do and they aren't overweight.

We have no data on the long term health effects of pesticides eaten over one's lifetimes: endocrinal effects are notably worrisome.

So my message here is if people cannot get healthy no matter what, try to avoid foods with pesticides for one month and see if there's no improvements.
No meat, eggs, or dairy?


Jan 1, 2013
No meat, eggs, or dairy?
Eggs are alright, of course.

So is meat, as long it's free of MSG.

Dairy is touch and go: SOME cheeses and SOME milks (GOAT milk is OK: cow milk is not)


Mar 13, 2017
Another angle to consider is oxalates/other defense chemicals in vegetables. Carnivore MD Paul Saladino discusses this often when recommending fruit but not vegetables…he says fruit are among the least defended plants because they want to be eaten but vegetables do not. So, many people see health improvements when removing vegetables from diet because of this. Peat mentioned the same defense chemical reasoning in one of his articles too.


Jan 1, 2013
I CAN eat vegetables without problems, as long as they're not sprayed.

I actually feel the physical need to eat them.


Jul 18, 2017
Personal testimony here.

I'm in my fifties.
1.5 years ago, i began experiencing headaches every day.
Even on waking up from sleep.
Before that, i would get them every 3-4 days.

Using elimination diet, i realized to my stupefaction the vegetables and most fruits i've been eating my entire life were causing these headaches.

Onions were a sure trigger.
Corn, peas, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and even potatoes would be triggers as well.

Right now i can only eat some fruits (common oranges, lemons, melons, bananas, grapefruits, ananas, mangoes) which contain almost no traces of pesticides because their external skin, and NO VEGETABLES AT ALL. Unless they come from a private garden that doesn't use chemical pesticides.

My control over headaches is almost total: i've forgotten them.

The kicker here is although i have trouble feeding myself (90% of lactate products give me headaches as well) and i feel kind of physically weak sometimes, people have told me i look better and i've lost weight.

Which brings me to my post about glyphosate, which was shown 7 years ago to multiply 10 fold the blood triglycerides at concentrations of 4 ng/day, which is thousands of times lower than the admitted norms.

This proves to me it's much more important for our health to avoid eating pesticide ladden foods than trying to improve health through supplements.

No supplement will help you if you keep ingesting poisons.

But of course it's way, way more difficult to eat foods exempt of pesticides (or organic) than to make a multi vitamin order at Amazon. So my advice might not come as very convenient for most.

I believe Amish people have an excellent health and they don't gobble up supplements every day as we do and they aren't overweight.

We have no data on the long term health effects of pesticides eaten over one's lifetimes: endocrinal effects are notably worrisome.

So my message here is if people cannot get healthy no matter what, try to avoid foods with pesticides for one month and see if there's no improvements.
I have never used a single supplement.

Where do you live man?
Here is a link where you find the list of pesticides used by countries:

I got the headaches when i have consumed buttermilk frequently, i also got it everytime i used doxycycline 20 mg once a week, i stopped drinking buttermilk and decided to get doxycycline only when i have cold/flu and the headaches disappeared.

I sometimes get headaches from consuming meat or sleeping for more than 8-9 hours, i tried every kind of diet and i personally find myself doing best with only milk, eggs, some animal rennet cheese and most ripe fruits, i really don't see vegetables and legumes as foods anymore, i think as you said heavy skin of some fruits protects from accumulating pesticides residues in the flesh that's why you don't notice problems from eating melons and bananas, i do fine with half brown bananas.

Organic would be the best thing for someone who eats vegetables and legumes but of course it can cost double the price.


Jan 1, 2013
Can you elaborate? What did she make up? I recall her method for combating glyphosate was glycine.
For starters, she said MMS would detox glyphosate and she misrepresented an existing study for that.

Then she published an article on glyphoste substituting for glycine which has no scientific basis, as Antoninou exposed.

I'm amazed at all the people she fooled.


Apr 28, 2018
I have been saying WHICH milk and dairy,
WHICH meat are you eating
WHICH grains
WHICH veggies ever since I started engaging with this forum instead of lurking.
Very few care to look.
The differences between tortured animals fed pufa-laden garbage... antibiotics because they stand in 2ft of their own pee and poop---- and real CLEAN meat, is huge.
And all dairy products same same
Even chickens and eggs...
My great aunt and uncle raised 15,000 broiler hens all my young life spent summers there. We were hustled inside when the grain truck came to fill the silo, and 24hrs after kept inside, the chem smell was overwhelming, that was in the 70's.
I hope your post spurs at least one person to listen to wisdom.
The food chain is poisoned.
Commercial wholesale restaurant goods are the worst bottomofthebarrel substances.
GMO'd all.
Spectricides and pesticides everywhere, lowering immunity and birthrate
Irradiation and gassing fruits and veggies, watered with who knows what
Meat gassed and fluoride water injected if feeding them pufa sprayed grain to get fat wasnt enuf

Grains defoliated with glysophate by plane, then bleached or hexaned after mold and mildewed in the field
Its overwhelming really.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yes, it’s unfortunate but we must be very cautious about the foods we choose to eat in our modern world. We all owe it to ourselves to do the necessary research and experimentation to find what works best for us. I’m glad you solved your headaches @burtlancast.


Aug 15, 2015
You can't really avoid all the bad things from food and environment. But what we do is minimize the bad stuff and maximize the good stuff like what @burtlancast is doing with the pesticides and vegetables. Otherwise, we will not eat anything and be miserable and live alone. We have to mingle with the society and live happily in groups but in the back of our minds we are aware of the dangers of the food selection and environment we are surrounded with and make efforts to lessen them. For example, PUFA. Maybe just eat grilled food and boiled food. So many restaurants carry those. And when in doubt, take some vitamin E and aspirin with the meal. Of course you can't guarantee the meat is organic but it's good enough and much better than other food like legumes and raw vegetables. Drink some coffee with it to reduce iron. Commercial non-organic grass-fed cow milk could cause allergy but most of the allergy is probably concentrated in the fat. Get the low fat option to mitigate it. Or if it's really really bad, take calcium supplement. We could make it work and not give up quickly. We can make people aware of the danger of PUFA. I changed three of my relatives houses. Now they don't allow any vegetable oil in their kitchens. I call it a small win in my book and I can go there and eat happily in their houses.


Aug 15, 2015
My uncle has limited resources and big family. Here in my country palm oil is cheap compared to butter/ghee/coconut oil. Even though it has 12% PUFA and Peat is not a big fan of it, I recommended to him because 12% PUFA is much much better than 50%+ PUFA found in seed oils. Plus, it has around 40% saturated fat which should help mitigate some of the PUFA danger.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@milk_lover, that’s really great that you helped him make a positive change for his family on a budget.


Apr 28, 2018
My uncle has limited resources and big family. Here in my country palm oil is cheap compared to butter/ghee/coconut oil. Even though it has 12% PUFA and Peat is not a big fan of it, I recommended to him because 12% PUFA is much much better than 50%+ PUFA found in seed oils. Plus, it has around 40% saturated fat which should help mitigate some of the PUFA danger.
What a thoughtful compromise. I bet as soon as you showed him, he "got it".


Nov 13, 2020
Really helpful post. I am very pro organic. But one word on that: organic crops can be sprayed with "approved" pesticides / herbicides as long as they are omri listed, which mostly verifies that they are natural substances and not synthetic. So when @burtlancast commented about getting veggies from a private garden, it made sense, because he likely knows the farmer who grew the produce, who can vouch for how the produce was grown. Maybe it would be ideal if we could buy all our produce this way, from people we know / trust. But since we can't, organic is the next best.


Jul 30, 2017
For starters, she said MMS would detox glyphosate and she misrepresented an existing study for that.

Then she published an article on glyphoste substituting for glycine which has no scientific basis, as Antoninou exposed.

I'm amazed at all the people she fooled.

It seems the first article is trying to say glyphosate has no health implications… feels very bought and paid for.

Same with the second resource. It’s funded by something called sustainable food alliance. Idk what they do exactly but a perusal of their website gives me world economic forum vibes where they want farmers to go “green” which is code for controlled.


Jan 1, 2013
It seems the first article is trying to say glyphosate has no health implications… feels very bought and paid for.

For reminders, Antoniu is the researcher who published the article proving glyphosate magnifies 10 fold blood tryglycerides.....

You reckon he's working for these people ???


Jan 1, 2013
Really helpful post. I am very pro organic. But one word on that: organic crops can be sprayed with "approved" pesticides / herbicides as long as they are omri listed, which mostly verifies that they are natural substances and not synthetic. So when @burtlancast commented about getting veggies from a private garden, it made sense, because he likely knows the farmer who grew the produce, who can vouch for how the produce was grown. Maybe it would be ideal if we could buy all our produce this way, from people we know / trust. But since we can't, organic is the next best.

Except even organic onions i can't eat.

As you wrote, organic still allows some chemicals. Or maybe doesn't take into account pesticide contamination of organic fields.

I've taken up gardening and intend to grow my own organic stuff.

That's the surest and most affordable way down the road.
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