An increase in time perception speed


Oct 7, 2020
Hey everyone

I turn 22 in summer

I noticed in last 1-2 years especially since covid happened time feels as it speeds up yearly way more than it did before

I graduated HS in 2020 at peak of covid lockdowns and in 2020-2021 time still felt somewhat normal and I felt mentally busier

However last year and this year it feels as if time perception is literally speeding up

As if the seasonal differentiation is reducing, like the whole 4 seasons feel more like one mix

It all started around 2020

Before that things literally felt slower, I could fit in more thoughts/activities in a day and so on


Nov 5, 2021
metabolism has been shown to effect one's perception of time and anecdotally I can say this to be very true, perfectly exemplified by low doses of LSD

engaging in mindless activities like scrolling will speed time up but this itself could be seen as downstream from having a slower metabolism, resorting to cheap dopamine because you're not in an energetically wealthy state or have an unstimulating environment

my advice would be to try something new, what about a job? a new environment can be great for breaking through some learned helplessness


Jan 6, 2019
To me it seems like even the seconds on the clock go by quicker than they did when I was a child. How's your health? I wonder if poor health results in fewer 'frames' of consciousness per second, leading to accelerated perception of time. It definitely seems biological in one way or another, as I've done drugs that make minutes feel like hours. Perhaps the reason old people move so slow from our point of view is that their reality is so accelerated from their point of view?


Mar 26, 2014
Does it matter if we 'feel' things as slow or fast? Surely the quality of each moment is the important point.


May 31, 2018
It's that life is mundane, repetitive, stressful since covid. I don't know about everyone else, but my life changed for the worse. Lost all my friends with opposing nasty opinions about everything (unfortunately Libs who drank/drink the koolaid), nothing to do anymore, nowhere to go anymore. I take the trash out on trash day and every single week it feels like 3 days go by and it's time to take the trash out again.

My opinion is that every day is like groundhog Day... the same crap, different day Nothing to look forward to but more hideous things coming down the pike.


Feb 13, 2021
To me it seems like even the seconds on the clock go by quicker than they did when I was a child. How's your health? I wonder if poor health results in fewer 'frames' of consciousness per second, leading to accelerated perception of time. It definitely seems biological in one way or another, as I've done drugs that make minutes feel like hours. Perhaps the reason old people move so slow from our point of view is that their reality is so accelerated from their point of view?
Super interesting thoughts here. There's one biologist who refers to these 'frames' as periodicity and believes the more frames/second the better.


Feb 13, 2021
To me it seems like even the seconds on the clock go by quicker than they did when I was a child. How's your health? I wonder if poor health results in fewer 'frames' of consciousness per second, leading to accelerated perception of time. It definitely seems biological in one way or another, as I've done drugs that make minutes feel like hours. Perhaps the reason old people move so slow from our point of view is that their reality is so accelerated from their point of view?
To add another layer to this, I wonder if doing things to increase proprioception/coordination/reaction time could allow one to process more consciousness snapshots per second, thereby slowing down the rest of one's time perception (at least in relative terms).


Mar 18, 2021
EMFs affect time perception by their influence on the nervous system, there is quite a bit of research done by Soviets in the 60s for their space program and by NASA as well. Health and metabolism are very important, because when the energy of the nervous system is weak, it is more susceptible to these influences.
But in general experiments showed that the physiological reactions do not depend on the intensity of the electromagnetic fields at all, but rather on the information they introduce into the biological systems depending on frequency, patterns of variation etc. This means they will cause effects even if a regular meter will not detect them, or if they are well below the accepted safety limits. They don't necessarily introduce new energy, but rather cause a redistribution of energy in the nervous system affecting the processes that take place. Recently I experimented with some full spectrum ceramic metal-halide lamps (4 of them) which required high voltage ballasts to ignite. The light quality was great but I had to get rid of them within 2 days because of the EMFs. It caused me a constant sense of urgency, accelerated time perception and racing thoughts with a feeling that I wasn't able to accomplish anything for the day.
There is a lot of modern research on the subject too. Alterations in time perception is a common symptom in nervous disorders.


Oct 11, 2015
The "acceleration of time" is something other people have discussed also.

And yeah perception of time is relative, but in general political phenomena and things like that seem to be happening faster and continue to accelerate
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