WEF Great Reset Again


Jun 11, 2018
If anyone is interested in a broader view of the world economic forums plan check out this lady, Peat mentioned her in an interview, she has put together the links quite well.
She has first hand experience of how they started this crap with kids in America , they target the kids.
Technocrats, Great Barrington, and Bermuda Grass – Why Settle For Reform When A Radical Solution Is Needed?

I went to sign the declaration because Del Bigtree told me to. Then I read it and decided on a strong no, because it said Covid reduces childhood vaccination and therefore is bad. Covid is good because less children get vaccinated. Nice article, these points are very important and what a declaration like this should have:

"If you were to sign, these items are among the things you’d be agreeing to:

  1. We did in fact experience a legitimate global health emergency.
  2. Using PCR as a diagnostic test for Covid is valid.
  3. We should seek to constrain targeted groups of healthy people – focused protection.
  4. It is acceptable to socially isolate elders, including from family members.
  5. Advancing the current childhood vaccination program is a priority.
These are crucial topics I think should have been discussed, but were left out.

  1. Tech-based contract tracing undermines civil liberties.
  2. Biometric health passports used to control population mobility and access to work and education are repressive.
  3. Vaccine mandates should be opposed.
  4. Population level bioengineering using mRNA vaccine platforms and biosensors should be opposed.
  5. Investigations should be made into corrupt public health contracts.
  6. Mask wearing by healthy individuals damages health and mental health.
  7. Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
  8. The Covid Reset shift to telemedicine has been harmful." (from the article)


Feb 18, 2016
I went to sign the declaration because Del Bigtree told me to. Then I read it and decided on a strong no, because it said Covid reduces childhood vaccination and therefore is bad. Covid is good because less children get vaccinated. Nice article, these points are very important and what a declaration like this should have:

"If you were to sign, these items are among the things you’d be agreeing to:

  1. We did in fact experience a legitimate global health emergency.
  2. Using PCR as a diagnostic test for Covid is valid.
  3. We should seek to constrain targeted groups of healthy people – focused protection.
  4. It is acceptable to socially isolate elders, including from family members.
  5. Advancing the current childhood vaccination program is a priority.
These are crucial topics I think should have been discussed, but were left out.

  1. Tech-based contract tracing undermines civil liberties.
  2. Biometric health passports used to control population mobility and access to work and education are repressive.
  3. Vaccine mandates should be opposed.
  4. Population level bioengineering using mRNA vaccine platforms and biosensors should be opposed.
  5. Investigations should be made into corrupt public health contracts.
  6. Mask wearing by healthy individuals damages health and mental health.
  7. Asymptomatic transmission is rare.
  8. The Covid Reset shift to telemedicine has been harmful." (from the article)

Exactly. Let’s see how they go.


Aug 17, 2016
I hate the expression "evil genius."
More like aggressively stupid psychopath.
But anyway, they're planning on going inside us. Because "science" and because "progress."


Aug 17, 2016
Jeez, you always post the most hopeless damn resources lol. I'm not saying they're wrong in any way, but they sure are dark.
I'm just walking around with a flashlight, trying to figure out what's going on. It sure feels like a tectonic shift.
I feel like if we don't know what we are dealing with, than that's the more hopeless situation.


May 20, 2020
Great Britain passed the baton to the USA as the financial capital of the world after WWII (reward for entering the war), who will receive the baton next when all of the most important english-speaking countries were bought for and are destroying themselves with the forced lockdowns?

China will be the world economic center after ~2030.
Do you follow Martin Armstrong too ?


Dec 16, 2017
Individual Freedoms, The right of property, hallmarks of our progress in the west. Having your property, your own stuff, your money, gives you freedom. Our freedoms are being eroded each passing day. If you own nothing, that means the State/Government owns everything, including you. This is called Communism/Socialism. It is their goal. At least it is now in open view for anyone with a couple brain cells to see. The communists/marxists have been working on the shadows for decades.
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May 20, 2020
Individual Freedoms, The right of property, hallmarks of our progress in the west. Having your property, your own stuff, your money, gives you freedom. Our freedoms are being eroded each passing day. If you own nothing, that means the State/Government owns everything, including you. This is called Communism/Socialism. It is their goal. At least it is now in open view for anyone with a couple brain cells to see. The communists/marxists have been working on the shadows for decades.
You're right, they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Sickening.


Aug 17, 2016
You're right, they're not even trying to hide it anymore. Sickening.
because we fall for every soft weapon.
With Rules for Radicals, they can waltz in and take what they want, continue to build THEIR empire, and we seem to think they're experts and/or our leaders.


Feb 18, 2016
anyone who thinks this toadie didn't spray us is stupid little twat.

Below are the goals, it’s basically a digital plantation.
They don’t need tax loopholes anymore with a Universal basic income, the central bank prints money and give it to the peasants, the peasant must spend it to survive with the big corporate groups, it’s a noveaux style of Ponzi scheme with human immigration at its core, ponzi 2.0. The humans are called upon to migrate when the natives consumerist habits are drying up.
The ruling class will hold all the money, it won’t circulate, it gives them immense power over governments and the central bank, I mean they already have it, this just insures it, as long as the peasants in the lower caste keep assigning value/meaning to the money they will be trapped.
Big data will tell them when and where social unrest is happening and the ruling class will throw some tokens there way to calm the unrest.

  • Paying fair wages
  • Reducing the CEO-worker pay ratio
  • Ensuring safety in the workplace
  • Lobbying for higher tax rates and avoiding tax loopholes
  • Providing good customer service
  • Engaging in honest marketing practices
  • Investing in local communities
  • Preventing environmental damage


Aug 17, 2016
Below are the goals, it’s basically a digital plantation.
They don’t need tax loopholes anymore with a Universal basic income, the central bank prints money and give it to the peasants, the peasant must spend it to survive with the big corporate groups, it’s a noveaux style of Ponzi scheme with human immigration at its core, ponzi 2.0. The humans are called upon to migrate when the natives consumerist habits are drying up.
The ruling class will hold all the money, it won’t circulate, it gives them immense power over governments and the central bank, I mean they already have it, this just insures it, as long as the peasants in the lower caste keep assigning value/meaning to the money they will be trapped.
Big data will tell them when and where social unrest is happening and the ruling class will throw some tokens there way to calm the unrest.

  • Paying fair wages
  • Reducing the CEO-worker pay ratio
  • Ensuring safety in the workplace
  • Lobbying for higher tax rates and avoiding tax loopholes
  • Providing good customer service
  • Engaging in honest marketing practices
  • Investing in local communities
  • Preventing environmental damage
I think your description hits the bullseye, as usual. But your bulleted list is just their sales pitch right?

So, these robber barons are gonna play God on their global sandalista kibbutz. You forgot mandated medical tyranny and communitarianism.
There is no way that mandated medical tyranny plus communitarianism does not equal concentration camp.

Have we humans lost all negotiating power?
I realize we can't say, "You and what army?"
Cuz they'll say, "Um, NATO? Pentagram? Darpa? Oh and our "Experts" lol at the WHO and NIH and USAID; Oh and have you heard about the new space force (rflmao), um, lockheed? raytheon? and ummm, we have all the bioweapons too? and the media? umm and every Blackwater type contractor forces, oh and control of all the money and yours will be programmable (we are trying not to laugh but it's hard); oh and we can keep this lockdown thing going until there are no businesses besides our country store where you can spend the lil worthless tokens we issue you for being good. And could you put on two masks and don't speak to me.
Of course, that's if we feel like it. We might get bored and just kill all of you.
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