We Are Probably Wrong About Calcium/magnesium Ratio


Jun 5, 2019
Serum ionized magnesium and calcium and sex hormones in healthy young men: importance of serum progesterone level. - PubMed - NCBI

If i am not mistaken the study above says that More magnesium and less calcium will result in higher progesterone production.

I had my doubts about calcium and dairy consumption.

If you look at regions where calcium consumption is pretty low people are not generally unhealthy in those regions.

Also i noticed that the places in east asia with the lowest incidence of male pattern baldness have the lowest calcium consumption in the world if the calcification theory about baldness is correct then maybe consuming lots of dairy and calcium without adequate magnesium and vitamin d and k1 , k2 is causing calcification of soft tissue.

maybe we consume way too little magnesium and we are making matters worse by consuming excessive calcium.

Most animals and many tribes and populations around the world do just fine without ever consuming dairy.

Sufficient magnesium vitamin d k1,k2 zinc etc. are probably keeping pth low and make the best out of the calcium we consume without the need of excessive milk drinking.

im gonna keep dairy consumption low and start eating more mag and vitamin k and try to get more sun
and see how it goes.

Also the idea of calcium lowering progesterone is disturbing because progesterone is one of the most protective hormones and also one for the best anti-fibrotic agents.

Anyway tell me what you think about it or personal experiences.

Thanks for reading.
Feb 26, 2018
I think the same thing. Calcium is not as important as ample magnesium, magnesium helps to retain calcium and vitamin d and balance out potassium and sodium. I think magnesium is the most important mineral to supplement with if you are not eating a lot of vegetables or fruit.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Drinking milk always makes me fat and gives me cellulite. Anytime I’ve quit dairy I lose weight and cellulite. Anytime I add it back in the reverse becomes true. Whole milk yogurt gives me acne around my jaw line, something I’ve never had in my 28 years of life until forcing myself to eat more dairy.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I’m having very good results using haiduts magnoil. It’s expensive but oral supplements irritate my stomach.


Feb 13, 2016
Dr. Peat used to say this, that calcium was estrogenic and that a high magnesium intake would raise progesterone but he changed his viewpoint over time. He said the same about copper and zinc but now he recommends eating copper freely.

I think a high calcium and copper intake are more optimal but they only work for people with very low prolactin and high CO2, which is probably why he is so insistent on maintaining high pulse and temps.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Many East Asian people have highly neotenous faces and very well developed large heads. It seems like calcium from dairy isn’t necessary for many peoples.


Jun 5, 2019
Another thing i wanted to add is that magnesium gets depleted from stress so milk producing animals that are raised in stressfull conditions and fed bad diets instead of being free to graze on grass will probably produce low magnesium milk not to mention that the lack of vitamin d from being raised inside will increase pth and raise serum calcium which can theoretically increase the calcium of their milk causing even more imbalanced calcium/magnesium adding that to pasturization antibiotics etc. makes commercially produced milk awful.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
magnesium helps to retain calcium and vitamin d and balance out potassium and sodium.

We are in a bit of a catch 22 here. Magnesium is only retained if there is sufficient ATP synthesis as magnesium is bound to ATP most of the time. However, in order to produce ATP properly, sufficient calcium is needed. So, maybe eat dairy and well-cooked leaves since this way you get both minerals?
Feb 26, 2018
We are in a bit of a catch 22 here. Magnesium is only retained if there is sufficient ATP synthesis as magnesium is bound to ATP most of the time. However, in order to produce ATP properly, sufficient calcium is needed. So, maybe eat dairy and well-cooked leaves since this way you get both minerals?

Sure, dietary calcium is essential too. I just have found that emphasizing ample calcium intake does nothing notable for me, where as magnesium does. I feel the same with double the rda calcium as I do with 1/3 the rda. I take supplemental calcium once or twice a week as a hedge, as I do not consume a lot of calcium lately. In the past I have gone a year making sure to get the rda in calcium and had nothing remarkable happen, I was hoping it would help with joint pains. I notice skeletal improvements within days of getting enough magnesium.
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2017
Preferred ratio is 1:1. 2:1 calcium:magnesium represents the maximum amount of calcium that can be handled by magnesium.

Even the RDA was originally to be set at 800 mg magnesium to be in a 1:1 ratio with expected calcium intake. It was eventually lowered to the minimum, 400 mg. See the original/associated RDA document on PubMed. It also states the ratio is more important than the dose, suggesting what needs to be done when taking more calcium.
Nov 21, 2015
some people such as Japanese get lower calcium consumption, and have high osteoporosis.

Estimating prevalence of osteoporosis: examples from industrialized countries

For females, osteoporosis prevalence ranged from 9 % (UK) to 15 % (France and Germany) based on total hip BMD and from 16 % (USA) to 38 % (Japan) when spine BMD data were included. For males, prevalence ranged from 1 % (UK) to 4 % (Japan) based on total hip BMD and from 3 % (Canada) to 8 % (France, Germany, Italy, and Spain) when spine BMD data were included.


Mar 27, 2018
Serum ionized magnesium and calcium and sex hormones in healthy young men: importance of serum progesterone level. - PubMed - NCBI

If i am not mistaken the study above says that More magnesium and less calcium will result in higher progesterone production.

I had my doubts about calcium and dairy consumption.

If you look at regions where calcium consumption is pretty low people are not generally unhealthy in those regions.

Also i noticed that the places in east asia with the lowest incidence of male pattern baldness have the lowest calcium consumption in the world if the calcification theory about baldness is correct then maybe consuming lots of dairy and calcium without adequate magnesium and vitamin d and k1 , k2 is causing calcification of soft tissue.

maybe we consume way too little magnesium and we are making matters worse by consuming excessive calcium.

Most animals and many tribes and populations around the world do just fine without ever consuming dairy.

Sufficient magnesium vitamin d k1,k2 zinc etc. are probably keeping pth low and make the best out of the calcium we consume without the need of excessive milk drinking.

im gonna keep dairy consumption low and start eating more mag and vitamin k and try to get more sun
and see how it goes.

Also the idea of calcium lowering progesterone is disturbing because progesterone is one of the most protective hormones and also one for the best anti-fibrotic agents.

Anyway tell me what you think about it or personal experiences.

Thanks for reading.

I had the same concerns about calcium as you do, until I learned about the difference between INTRAcellular Calcium and EXTRAcellular Calcium or calcium that is bound to bone.

Intracellular calcium is toxic and excitatory and I don't think I've seen anything showing that calcium INTAKE from food increases intracellular calcium.


Jan 11, 2019

so im confused, and would like more people to chime in on what they think. im on the fence.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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