Trying to GAIN weight


Feb 12, 2015
Hey, I may be one of the few trying to actually gain weight, for most of my teen years I've weighed 137 lbs at 6 foot, screwing up my diet (going low carb, low sodium, lots of veggies) made that go down to about 125 lbs. So, because I wrecked my metabolism, coming to a peat diet has gotten me up to 152 at my highest and it just hovers around there (presumably due to water weight) and I'm concerned I might actually be losing weight again. I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p


Jun 16, 2014
I gained about 3 Kg recently eating lots of sweetened condensed milk.


Feb 12, 2015
I read somewhere condensed milk is worse than pasteurization and homogenization :? in terms of oxidized cholesterol anyway, I'm not sure if people are just paranoid about cholesterol or if oxidized cholesterol really does tear your arteries. I've started sweetening everything I drink, both orange juice and milk, but only a little since too much actually is way too sweet.


Mar 29, 2014
Hi Blinky,
Sorry if you've answered these elsewhere.
Are you still consistently eating at least 4000 cals/day?
Do you sometimes get hungry for more, and if so, do you follow your hunger?
Does everything you eat seem to digest OK? If not, can you identify any particular foods that give you GI tract trouble? Do you tend to diarrhea or constipation?
I would guess that you might have been very depleted for a long time, and you may need more than maintenance amounts of everything - calories, carb, protein, minerals, vitamins.
You mentioned high blood CO2 - have you also had blood O2 saturation tested? If your lungs are inefficient at picking up O2, I wonder if that could be limiting growth and recovery. Have you had any medical assessment/opinions about that?


Feb 12, 2015
Nope, back in my days of hypochondria I wanted a lung function test done, but I did get a device u put on your finger -can't remember what it's called- and it tells you your pulse and oxygen saturation, don't know how accurate it was but it said %96 and at this time I was very close to sea level, now I've moved back to Kansas which isn't that high but it's around 2500 feet above sea level. I also have no idea what my calories are and I'm thinking that even with the ice cream they don't come close to 4000 because I just can't drink too much liquid and I end up not eating very much at all, and I actually just today had the runs :S but i don't usually have digestive problems.


Nov 9, 2012
Blinkyrocket said:
I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

1 quart of ice cream is "only" 1000 or 2000kcal. Some brands are much less. Yet, it is large in volume and filling. If you want calories, go straight to the source, which is the double cream. The cream is diluted to make ice cream. You could drink 1000kcal like yogurt in a minute if you wanted. And it could be organic and green pasture, much higher quality than products used in ice cream. It doesn't mean you'll increase weight, though. I used to have a quart of ice cream before bed for a good night's sleep, now I only use pure cream after comparing what works best, but if anything I am more toned now than before. I think getting enough good calories should in theory bring you towards your healthy weight, whether it is higher or lower than it was before.


Feb 12, 2015
And, for the hunger question YES, I am HUNGRY but I work at a restaurant (fried food) and I have little options. Other than sweetening my milk and OJ and trying to add heaps of sugar to everything I eat :D at some point I need to take the time to use the cronometer.


Feb 12, 2015
jyb said:
Blinkyrocket said:
I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

1 quart of ice cream is "only" 1000 or 2000kcal. Some brands are much less. Yet, it is large in volume and filling. If you want calories, go straight to the source, which is the double cream. The cream is diluted to make ice cream. You could drink 1000kcal like yogurt in a minute if you wanted. And it could be organic and green pasture, much higher quality than products used in ice cream. It doesn't mean you'll increase weight, though. I used to have a quart of ice cream before bed for a good night's sleep, but now I prefer pure cream, but if anything I am more toned now than before. I think getting enough good calories should in theory bring you towards your healthy weight, whether it is higher or lower than it was before.

Hmmmmm more money to spend :P I'll try that though, I plan on getting my own goat and cow to get A2 or at least better quality milk and also make my own ice cream with a preferably high calorie content :D


Nov 9, 2012
Blinkyrocket said:
Hmmmmm more money to spend :P I'll try that though, I plan on getting my own goat and cow to get A2 or at least better quality milk and also make my own ice cream with a preferably high calorie content :D

Quality cream is MUCH cheaper than ice cream.


Feb 12, 2015
jyb said:
Blinkyrocket said:
Hmmmmm more money to spend :P I'll try that though, I plan on getting my own goat and cow to get A2 or at least better quality milk and also make my own ice cream with a preferably high calorie content :D

Quality cream is MUCH cheaper than ice cream.

Well, what I meant was, if I do buy cream it's probably gonna be on top of the ice cream... Heh heh

Unless..... I could just sweeten the cream to the equivalent of ice cream maybe?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Blinkyrocket said:
Hey, I may be one of the few trying to actually gain weight, for most of my teen years I've weighed 137 lbs at 6 foot, screwing up my diet (going low carb, low sodium, lots of veggies) made that go down to about 125 lbs. So, because I wrecked my metabolism, coming to a peat diet has gotten me up to 152 at my highest and it just hovers around there (presumably due to water weight) and I'm concerned I might actually be losing weight again. I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

If and your doctor are willing to try a fairly benign drug, I'd go for a regular dose cyproheptadine. Here is the wikipedia page if you need more info on it. It's basically an old allergy medicine that turned out to have a lot more benefits than the original inventors expected.

"...Use of the drug can stimulate the appetite and may lead to weight gain, which is helpful for underweight people."

Many people on the forum have found out (to their dismay) that cypro made them gain weight, so hopefully it will work for you as well.


Nov 9, 2012
Blinkyrocket said:
Well, what I meant was, if I do buy cream it's probably gonna be on top of the ice cream... Heh heh
Unless..... I could just sweeten the cream to the equivalent of ice cream maybe?

It can be eaten/drank like yogurt. You can have it in addition to whatever you like to eat, if you wanted to eat something else too. I usually have it with coffee in the morning and before bed on its own. I notice good effects in both cases.


Feb 12, 2015
haidut said:
Blinkyrocket said:
Hey, I may be one of the few trying to actually gain weight, for most of my teen years I've weighed 137 lbs at 6 foot, screwing up my diet (going low carb, low sodium, lots of veggies) made that go down to about 125 lbs. So, because I wrecked my metabolism, coming to a peat diet has gotten me up to 152 at my highest and it just hovers around there (presumably due to water weight) and I'm concerned I might actually be losing weight again. I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

If and your doctor are willing to try a fairly benign drug, I'd go for a regular dose cyproheptadine. Here is the wikipedia page if you need more info on it. It's basically an old allergy medicine that turned out to have a lot more benefits than the original inventors expected.

"...Use of the drug can stimulate the appetite and may lead to weight gain, which is helpful for underweight people."

Many people on the forum have found out (to their dismay) that cypro made them gain weight, so hopefully it will work for you as well.

Hmmm, this is interesting because I have had an anxiety problem for quite a while (almost all my remembered life, since I was 6 and accidentally watched a movie called The Core with my parents... Lol idk why but that movie pretty much ruined my life) and it says it has antihistamine and antiserotonergic effects as well.... Interesting, only problem is I'm not necessarily independent yet, and my family and I are not exactly the picture of wealth. :/ and I'm anxious to try drugs, because I had poison ivy one time and was prescribed some sort of steroid (I think) and I remember every time I tried to sleep for some reason I couldn't and it felt like I was floating and rocking on the high seas or something, again, I can't remember much of this but it's safe to say whatever the doctors gave messed me up pretty good.


Feb 12, 2015
Scratch that, it was an antibiotic, idk why an antibiotic would cause such bad effects o_O


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Blinkyrocket said:
haidut said:
Blinkyrocket said:
Hey, I may be one of the few trying to actually gain weight, for most of my teen years I've weighed 137 lbs at 6 foot, screwing up my diet (going low carb, low sodium, lots of veggies) made that go down to about 125 lbs. So, because I wrecked my metabolism, coming to a peat diet has gotten me up to 152 at my highest and it just hovers around there (presumably due to water weight) and I'm concerned I might actually be losing weight again. I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

If and your doctor are willing to try a fairly benign drug, I'd go for a regular dose cyproheptadine. Here is the wikipedia page if you need more info on it. It's basically an old allergy medicine that turned out to have a lot more benefits than the original inventors expected.

"...Use of the drug can stimulate the appetite and may lead to weight gain, which is helpful for underweight people."

Many people on the forum have found out (to their dismay) that cypro made them gain weight, so hopefully it will work for you as well.

Hmmm, this is interesting because I have had an anxiety problem for quite a while (almost all my remembered life, since I was 6 and accidentally watched a movie called The Core with my parents... Lol idk why but that movie pretty much ruined my life) and it says it has antihistamine and antiserotonergic effects as well.... Interesting, only problem is I'm not necessarily independent yet, and my family and I are not exactly the picture of wealth. :/ and I'm anxious to try drugs, because I had poison ivy one time and was prescribed some sort of steroid (I think) and I remember every time I tried to sleep for some reason I couldn't and it felt like I was floating and rocking on the high seas or something, again, I can't remember much of this but it's safe to say whatever the doctors gave messed me up pretty good.

Cyproheptadine used to be the primary allergy drug for children for decades and is much safer than current allergy drugs. In many countries it's over the counter and it's dirt cheap, even in the US (however requires prescription from a doctor).
If anything, it will sedate you greatly and make you sleep. Many people on the forum take it for that purposes. Typical dosage for weight gain is 4mg daily, which is also the standard dose.
However, it may make anxiety worse so I'd be careful there. That's why I recommend asking a doctor first.
Also, if you can gain weight naturally then that would be the best course.
In my experience, the best option for gaining weight is a combination of starch and fat. Mashed potatos with heavy cream should be able to bulk you up in 1-2 weeks.


Feb 12, 2015
haidut said:
Blinkyrocket said:
haidut said:
Blinkyrocket said:
Hey, I may be one of the few trying to actually gain weight, for most of my teen years I've weighed 137 lbs at 6 foot, screwing up my diet (going low carb, low sodium, lots of veggies) made that go down to about 125 lbs. So, because I wrecked my metabolism, coming to a peat diet has gotten me up to 152 at my highest and it just hovers around there (presumably due to water weight) and I'm concerned I might actually be losing weight again. I have about a quart of ice cream every day on top of other things so I guess u can imagine my dismay here :p

If and your doctor are willing to try a fairly benign drug, I'd go for a regular dose cyproheptadine. Here is the wikipedia page if you need more info on it. It's basically an old allergy medicine that turned out to have a lot more benefits than the original inventors expected.

"...Use of the drug can stimulate the appetite and may lead to weight gain, which is helpful for underweight people."

Many people on the forum have found out (to their dismay) that cypro made them gain weight, so hopefully it will work for you as well.

Hmmm, this is interesting because I have had an anxiety problem for quite a while (almost all my remembered life, since I was 6 and accidentally watched a movie called The Core with my parents... Lol idk why but that movie pretty much ruined my life) and it says it has antihistamine and antiserotonergic effects as well.... Interesting, only problem is I'm not necessarily independent yet, and my family and I are not exactly the picture of wealth. :/ and I'm anxious to try drugs, because I had poison ivy one time and was prescribed some sort of steroid (I think) and I remember every time I tried to sleep for some reason I couldn't and it felt like I was floating and rocking on the high seas or something, again, I can't remember much of this but it's safe to say whatever the doctors gave messed me up pretty good.

Cyproheptadine used to be the primary allergy drug for children for decades and is much safer than current allergy drugs. In many countries it's over the counter and it's dirt cheap, even in the US (however requires prescription from a doctor).
If anything, it will sedate you greatly and make you sleep. Many people on the forum take it for that purposes. Typical dosage for weight gain is 4mg daily, which is also the standard dose.
However, it may make anxiety worse so I'd be careful there. That's why I recommend asking a doctor first.
Also, if you can gain weight naturally then that would be the best course.
In my experience, the best option for gaining weight is a combination of starch and fat. Mashed potatos with heavy cream should be able to bulk you up in 1-2 weeks.

Ah, very nice, I've actually been having some potatoes some times, although I leave the skin on usually since I'm lazy but after learning about toxins and digestive issues with potato skin, might just skin em and mash em from now on.


Mar 29, 2014
jyb said:
Quality cream is MUCH cheaper than ice cream.
Lucky you. Not where I live.


Mar 29, 2014
It is good that you have hunger signals telling you to eat more.

Cheapish high-calorie density food:
cheesecake (cottage cheese -with as much milk fat in it as you like, egg, sugar, lemon juice or other flavour, salt)
chocolate (cocoa) milk with extra condensed milk [+optional salt, cinnamon, vanilla]
Chocolate sauce (sweetened condensed milk, cocoa, optional cococut oil)
Potato chips baked/fried in coconut oil
mashed potatoes with cream/butter
Potato gratin with lots of cheese on top
OJ+ milk + sugar + cream [+ coffee]
Biscuits/slices made with a little rice flour pr masa harina if you tolerate them and lots of sugar, butter, milk powder, cocoa or ginger for flavour
creme brulee

Some of these are quite portable. I carry dates in my glove box and bag and sometimes pocket, so I always have something at hand in case I need it as extra emergency food on top of my fresher meals.
I favour getting enough food over being so careful about perfect food as to starve. But I do think it's worth avoiding PUFA fried food if you can get enough other ways - which I think you can with a little planning.


Apr 12, 2014
New Zealand
besides just eating more you could try some quick resistance training (weight lifting) routines to give your body a stimulus to actually need to add weight. Even if you don't build any actual muscle you'll improve your bodies ability to use and store glycogen which will result in a slight weight gain.


Aug 9, 2013
Blinkyrocket said:
jyb said:
Blinkyrocket said:
Hmmmmm more money to spend :P I'll try that though, I plan on getting my own goat and cow to get A2 or at least better quality milk and also make my own ice cream with a preferably high calorie content :D

Quality cream is MUCH cheaper than ice cream.

Well, what I meant was, if I do buy cream it's probably gonna be on top of the ice cream... Heh heh

Unless..... I could just sweeten the cream to the equivalent of ice cream maybe?

When making home-made ice cream you make the blend and then chill it, then use the ice-cream maker.

I found the blend of cream, milk, sugar and chocolate/vanilla to taste AMAZING when it's chilled, before making into ice cream.

You could add some collagen to this to beef up (pun intended) the protein content of it, so it would be quite well balanced.

Bulk dried fruit (pref organic) is cheap for the amount of calories you get - 100 grams of dried cherries is around 350 calories, you can eat this in 1 minute as a snack between meals while on the move at the resturant. Make gummy squares with fruit juice, sugar and gelatin and you'll have the protein up.
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