Thymus, Thoughts, Sex, "Natural state" and UG Krishnamurti

UG Krishnamurti
Sep 28, 2020
LOL! Wonderful quote. I guess he had other economical means to survive? lol
His friends always gave him money from the book sales and there would always been people in his house bringing some food which he loved (White chocolate, Heavy whipped cream etc). He was actually offered millions and millions from the rich people coming in contact with him - he always said his thanks and rejected them all :)
Unlike Jiddu or Osho.. or everybody else for the matter - not judging btw, just stating the facts :)

He was unlike anybody I've came across.


Apr 30, 2015
UG's mystique of enlightenment was like a bomb going off in my head when I read it around 10 years ago. Totally snapped me out of all these gurus I was following. Seeking Enlightenment took on a whole new meaning to me. His writings were painful but freeing


Nov 6, 2020
AFAIK nobody in thisnforum has ever discussed thymus gland supplementation. It would be very interesting to know its effects. Do they sell it?


Nov 6, 2020
I'll take a dead guru over a live one any day. The longer (dead) the better.
Yes, especially when they lived to a healthy old age. Health gurus giving advice who are still living on the abundance of youth make me laugh.


Oct 5, 2014
Yes, especially when they lived to a healthy old age. Health gurus giving advice who are still living on the abundance of youth make me laugh.
The thing is that nowadays to become a "guru" on any topic, you just have to pretend you are one.

You setup a nice webpage, write content picked up from here and there, generate a community, give the fake impression you have followers, a big audience, etc. and the rest is a snowball effect. It mostly depends on your ability to sell yourself, generate a fake image, write obvieties or duplicated content, weird theories that pick up with collective mind and... fake it until you make it.


Sep 7, 2022
I'll take a dead guru over a live one any day. The longer (dead) the better.

Osho showing off his cars on twitter, Jiddu replying with an insightfull poem and U.G. insulting both of them.
This would have been great.


New Member
Dec 16, 2020
In short, he was a guy who was searching for "Spiritual Enlightenment" all of his life and on his 49 birthday some biological transformation happened. People claimed that he got enlightened but he forcefully rejected that term and said that what happened to him was some kind of biological alignment. He called that state of the body a "Natural state". Body free from the control of thought. He didn't offer any advice on how to "achieve" what he has achieve because he claimed that he was "lucky" and he doesn't know what happened. He often said that what happened has happened not because of his wants and desires but in spite of them.

After that he talked about "physical glands" and not "spiritual chakras". In this little part of this lovely forum I'm sharing some of his thoughts, for no reason:

Q: What track would that be?
It is all chemical. If, as they say, desires are hormones, then the whole ethical code and culture that we have created through centuries to control the behavior of human beings are false. So, desire cannot be false. Anything that is happening within the [human] organism cannot be false.

Q: Are you saying that there will always be sexual desire even without thought?
There is no sex at all without thought. Thought is memory. These experts make fun of me when I say that the most important of all glands is the thymus gland. When I discussed this subject with some physiologists and doctors they made fun of me. Naturally so, because according to them, the gland is inactive. If it is activated through any external means, it would be an abnormal situation. But, you know, the thymus is the most important gland, and feelings operate there without the element of thought.

Q: From the thymus...?
Yes, from the thymus. You see, medical technology has ignored that for a very long time. They considered any unusual condition of the gland to be an abnormality and tried to treat it. It is true that when you reach the adolescent age, it becomes inactive, and then your feelings are controlled by your ideas.

Q: By culture rather than by natural biology....
...than by natural biology. Feeling, to me, is like this: if you trip, I don't actually trip along with you; but the whole of my being is involved in that `tripping over'. That is the kind of feeling that I am talking about; all other feelings are emotions and thoughts. The distinction between feeling (not in the sense that I mentioned just now) and thought is not really something ....

Q: It is just artificial.
It is very artificial. It is cultural. "The heart is more important than the head" and all such nonsense are absolute poppycock. When once this [U.G.'s] kind of disturbance takes place in the hormonal balance of the human body through this catastrophe, through this calamity, through whatever you want to call it, not only is the thymus activated but also all other glands such as the pineal and the pituitary are activated. People ask me, "Why don't you submit yourself to medical testing to validate all these claims?" I tell them that I am not selling these claims.

What I have against medical technology is that you want to understand the functioning of these things with a motive. When once you have some idea of how these glands function, how the activation of these things will help mankind, you are not going to use it for the benefit of mankind.

Q: And that is the reason why you are not interested in....
...not interested in studying all that. If you don't accept what I am saying, it is just fine with me. If some top physician wants to reject what I say, that fellow will say that I am talking rubbish. But now volumes have been written in America on the subject of the thymus gland. I am not claiming any special knowledge of these things. What I am trying to say is that the feelings felt at the thymus are quite different from the feelings induced by thoughts.


UG: "When I talk of 'feeling', I do not mean the same thing that you do. Actually, feeling is a physical response, a thud in the thymus. The thymus, one of the endocrine glands, is located under the breast bone. The doctors tell us that it is active through childhood until puberty and then becomes dormant. When you come into your natural state, this gland is re-activated. Sensations are felt there; you don't translate them as 'good' or 'bad'; they are just a thud. If there is a movement outside of you -- a clock pendulum swinging, or a bird flying across your field of vision -- that movement is also felt in the thymus. The whole of your being is that movement or vibrates with that sound; there is no separation. This does not mean that you identify yourself with that bird or whatever -- "I am that flying bird." There is no 'you' there, nor is there any object. What causes that sensation, you don't know. You do not even know that it is a sensation.

'Affection' (this is not my interpretation of the word) means that you are affected by everything, not that some emotion flows from you towards something. The natural state is a state of great sensitivity -- but this is a physical sensitivity of the senses, not some kind of emotional compassion or tenderness for others. There is compassion only in the sense that there are no 'others' for me, and so there is no separation"
I forget about him, but I stumble around him every now and then. He's influential to me, to say the least. "I'm just a barking dog."
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