Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield

Nov 21, 2015
Very interesting @Lecarpetron

I might try to up my T3. It never "did" anything for me, but who knows.

I wanted to discuss where I met with the reset. Because I had some news.

Before that I sort of stopped paying a lot of attention to my temperatures because I was traveling and it wasn't convenient to worry about it. But I have retained my conscious awareness of getting cold, and if continued immediately putting on or taking off extra close to avoid cooling down.

My temperatures were still not where they should be but then something happened. About two weeks ago I came down with the flu. I got something I almost never have ever gotten in my life, which is a high fever. I was running about 102 Fahrenheit on-and-off for two or three days.

It's now about a week later, and my temperatures have remained higher. I just took it and it's about noon here and it's 98.6. Right now my temperature seems to be normal much of the time during the day, although it seems to fall into the 97's around two or three in the afternoon. But this is the first time that it is behaving semi-normally and I'm very pleased about it. I am in a warm climate right now which I think makes it much easier to maintain temperature.


Sep 13, 2012
Very interesting @Lecarpetron

I might try to up my T3. It never "did" anything for me, but who knows.

I wanted to discuss where I met with the reset. Because I had some news.

Before that I sort of stopped paying a lot of attention to my temperatures because I was traveling and it wasn't convenient to worry about it. But I have retained my conscious awareness of getting cold, and if continued immediately putting on or taking off extra close to avoid cooling down.

My temperatures were still not where they should be but then something happened. About two weeks ago I came down with the flu. I got something I almost never have ever gotten in my life, which is a high fever. I was running about 102 Fahrenheit on-and-off for two or three days.

It's now about a week later, and my temperatures have remained higher. I just took it and it's about noon here and it's 98.6. Right now my temperature seems to be normal much of the time during the day, although it seems to fall into the 97's around two or three in the afternoon. But this is the first time that it is behaving semi-normally and I'm very pleased about it. I am in a warm climate right now which I think makes it much easier to maintain temperature.
Congrats on your fever! A sign of strength! And sounds like this whole approach works!
Nov 21, 2015
I'm wondering why it seems most people who do a reset have illness or infection as a result.

And does this go away?

One theory is that microbes are infecting the body's cells, and when you raise your temperatures, you activate immune responses to this infection, which appears as symptoms of illness.

But I just wonder about this...
Nov 26, 2013
I'm wondering why it seems most people who do a reset have illness or infection as a result.

And does this go away?

One theory is that microbes are infecting the body's cells, and when you raise your temperatures, you activate immune responses to this infection, which appears as symptoms of illness.

But I just wonder about this...

Raising temperature beyond comfort releases serotonin
Nov 21, 2015
it's interesting but I'm not sure. Ray indicates higher serotonin puts animals in lower temperature hibernation mode if I am not mistaken.
Nov 26, 2013
it's interesting but I'm not sure. Ray indicates higher serotonin puts animals in lower temperature hibernation mode if I am not mistaken.

Yes, but I think a forceful change in temperature is just the same as any other stressor... not to say that the body won't grow to prefer it in the long term. But it's something that deviates from what the body would want to do in that moment, so there is an adaptive release of mediators.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I'm wondering why it seems most people who do a reset have illness or infection as a result.

And does this go away?

One theory is that microbes are infecting the body's cells, and when you raise your temperatures, you activate immune responses to this infection, which appears as symptoms of illness.

But I just wonder about this...
This is a completely different situation from those texts, here they are stressing the body beyond its capacity at that time, not just optimizing the temperature.
On top of that, they are probably much better off without forcing their temperature to extremes before correcting what diminished it in the first place.
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Dec 7, 2015
Yeah I think sweats are the body rapidly cooling off, gotta think of how it feels when you are sick with a fever and while the temp is rising you get chills and when the fever breaks and comes down you sweat. It's the opposite of what you might think. So night sweats could mean the temp when you go to bed is still too high and then finally comes down rapidly.
Remembered Peat said something about this, found it:
Measurement of body temperature before and during hot flashes has shown clearly that the internal temperature is lowered slightly by the hot flash, as heat is lost from the skin, as a result of vasodilation.

It has been known for a long time, from studies in animals and people, that estrogen lowers body temperature, and that this involves a tendency to increase blood flow to the skin in response to a given environmental temperature, that is, the temperature "set-point" is lowered by estrogen. Besides increasing heat loss, estrogen decreases heat production. These physiological effects of estrogen can be seen in the normal menstrual cycle, with progesterone having the opposite effect of estrogen on metabolic rate, skin circulation, body temperature, and heat loss. This causes the familiar rise in temperature when ovulation occurs. Occasionally, young women will experience hot flashes during the luteal phase of their menstrual cycle because of insufficient progesterone production, or at menstruation, when the corpus luteus stops producing progesterone.
both quotes from "Hot flashes, energy, and aging."

I'm a bit confused about brown fat. It's made when the animal is in a cold environment and it's thermogenic, increasing metabolism/body temp by generating interior heat (good for hibetnation).
The animals in warm climates, which are externally heated - the equivalent of blankets, red lights, warm baths, etc. that are used in body temp resetting - have much less brown fat than the cold environment animals. And yet, resetting the body temp is done with external heating methods. Why is this? What are the differences between a high body temp/metabolism from lots of brown fat versus from external warming measures? One difference in body composition is that the cold climate animals retain much more unsaturated fat. Is the brown fat metabolism achieved by oxidative stress? My impression is that it is designed for fat burning. How does it work in the spring/summer with an abundance of starches and carbs?

@ecstatichamster - how has your control pause changed over the course of your reset experiment?


Dec 7, 2015
Thanks @ecstatichamster - it is puzzling to me, because wouldn't an increased metabolic rate while Peating result in more CO2 and a higher CP? And why does Artour recommend cold showers for increasing CP, which increase brown fat metabolism?


Sep 13, 2015
And why does Artour recommend cold showers for increasing CP, which increase brown fat metabolism?
He recommendes a few things that lower metabolism and so raising CP. I am not sure if he is aware of this, though


Mar 29, 2014
it is puzzling to me, because wouldn't an increased metabolic rate while Peating result in more CO2 and a higher CP?
Looks to me as though increased metabolic rate would produce more CO2, but not necessarily increase CP in all circumstances, because one might in some circumstances need to breath more to supply the additional oxygen needed to maintain the higher metabolism.

And why does Artour recommend cold showers for increasing CP, which increase brown fat metabolism?
Artour only recommends cold showers after one can maintain a CP over 25s, right?
Maybe up at around that level the body can use the short-term cold to adapt and grow more brown fat to support ongoing warmer temps without getting overwhelmed by the cold, whereas below that we are less likely to have the resources to not just get too cod from it?
IIUC, Richfield too says that one way to mess with the temperature regulation system is to never challenge it with cold temps. When the temp regulation is working well it should handle occasional short bursts of cold without it suppressing longer term temps.


Dec 7, 2015
Thanks EH and Tara- this makes sense. I guess first we layer on the woolen undies and blankets, then later when we're more robust we join the polar bear club!:oops:yipes
Nov 21, 2015
Temps have not been high lately. Not sure why. One difference is I'm taking phages. Maybe that is the issue. My temps were 97.4 waking. At this point around 1pm 97.5.


May 21, 2016
Raising temperature beyond comfort releases serotonin
That's interesting, because I've experienced some diarrhea when I overdid it.
But it could be also something I ate that cause me diarrhea.
There are two many variables, unfortunately.
This is a completely different situation from those texts, here they are stressing the body beyond its capacity at that time, not just optimizing the temperature.
On top of that, they are probably much better off without forcing their temperature to extremes before correcting what diminished it in the first place.
I've realized when I forcefully raised my body temperature, my lower back would start hurting. So I can only assume, my body is lowering my metabolism as a self defense, because there's some inflammation going on or something is triggering inflammation.
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