T4 Prolongs Duration Of Hair Growth Phase


Jul 13, 2014
Ive noticed that only enough T4 with T3 will stop my hair shedding. T3 alone doesnt work.

I found this study which says:

" T4 also prolongs the duration of the hair growth phase (anagen) in vitro, possibly due to the down-regulation of TGF-beta2, the key anagen-inhibitory growth factor."

Thyroid hormones directly alter human hair follicle functions: anagen prolongation and stimulation of both hair matrix keratinocyte proliferation a... - PubMed - NCBI

While T3 appears to be the most metabolically active, all thyroid hormones (T4, T3, T2, T1, T0) have non-genomic effects many are not aware of. All this means is that they can exert an effect on the cell at the plasma membrane (surface) or cytoplasm level, whereas the primary effects of T3 are at the cell’s nucleus (after conversion from T4). In other words, T4 exerts these non-genomic effects outside of the nucleus, and before its conversion to T3. So to say it is a prohormone (storage hormone) with no effect is a false statement, because it does have an effect in its unconverted state, as T4. [25]

Hair needs T4, because it lengthens the hair growth phase. [26] My Free T3 has been below range, mid-range, and over-range, but my hair was still not right at any of those levels. Only since adding T4 to get my Free T4 above mid-range (and lowering my desiccated dose) has both my hair texture and volume improved. It should be noted that hair loss is a symptom of both too much and too little thyroid.

In one experiment on dogs, T4 was administered both topically and orally. In either case, there was an increase in both the rate of hair growth and in the number of hair follicles entering the growth (anagen) phase of the hair cycle. [50]

T4 converts into other essential metabolites besides T3. These cannot be made from T3. Just like T4 is deiodinated (converted) to T3, T4 can also be deaminated (converted) to tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac). Tetrac has been shown to inhibit tumor growth, while T3 and T4 stimulate it. [27] If T4 is eliminated, then there is no source from which to make tetrac, which may be just one of several metabolites that can only be created from T4.

T(1)AM (3-iodothyronamine) is another biologically active T4 metabolite which has nongenomic cardiac effects. This metabolite induces opposite effects from those stimulated by T3 and T4, such as decreased heart muscle contractions and decreased heart rate. Both T3 and T4 have multiple nongenomic cardiac effects, and an equilibrium between T3, T4, and T(1)AM levels is essential for heart health. [63]
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Nov 28, 2014
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I've also been experiencing improved hair status since paying attention to t4.

I usually get seasonal hair shedding from late summer to mid-winter. Even when having good t3 levels like you mentioned. For the last couple of years, I've been focusing on optimizing t4 levels. They were always at the bottom of the range or lower. My total t4 and free t4 levels are now both in the upper quartile of the reference range. And this year, I've experienced no hair shedding.


Jul 13, 2014
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this. I've also been experiencing improved hair status since paying attention to t4.

I usually get seasonal hair shedding from late summer to mid-winter. Even when having good t3 levels like you mentioned. For the last couple of years, I've been focusing on optimizing t4 levels. They were always at the bottom of the range or lower. My total t4 and free t4 levels are now both in the upper quartile of the reference range. And this year, I've experienced no hair shedding.
very interesting. just to clarify are you male or female?

and did you at one point only take t3, and if so, at that time did you get your free t4 level checked? im just wondering if supplementing just t3, would increase your free t4 levels?

about two years ago i was supplementing just t3 daily, and it didnt stop my hair shedding, but when i got my free t4 blood test done, it was on the cusp of the upper limit! but i clearly still needed to supplement t4 because its the only thing that stops my hair shedding


Nov 28, 2014
I'm female. Until a couple of years ago, I've taken NDT or some mixture of t4/t3 with an emphasis on t3 since that's what Peat mainly emphasizes. Trying ratios of 4:1 even down to 1:1. Not focused on my hair, just trying to feel decent. T4 levels were always tanked. Finally got fed up feeling lousy and decided to try something different. That's when I started increasing my t4.

Not sure how taking t3 only would increase t4. Isn't that what people do who are trying to clear reverse t3? They take only t3 to lower t4 and thus reverse t3 supposedly.


Jul 13, 2014
Not sure how taking t3 only would increase t4. Isn't that what people do who are trying to clear reverse t3? They take only t3 to lower t4 and thus reverse t3 supposedly.
i still cant get my head round it all!! but i did hear that free t4 is not a good reflection of actual t4. apparantly total t4 is a lot more accurate. so i should try that next time.


Nov 28, 2014
about two years ago i was supplementing just t3 daily, and it didnt stop my hair shedding, but when i got my free t4 blood test done, it was on the cusp of the upper limit! but i clearly still needed to supplement t4 because its the only thing that stops my hair shedding
Somehow I missed this part of your message when I replied above. That's interesting. I don't know what would cause that. I wonder what your total t4 levels were.


Jul 13, 2014
Somehow I missed this part of your message when I replied above. That's interesting. I don't know what would cause that. I wonder what your total t4 levels were.
yes i should have checked total, not free t4. thanks


Apr 29, 2018
Nice article sir. Right now Im on t4 with a tsh of 1.8 about to up my dose, see how that goes.


Nov 26, 2012
I think that the main reason why topical T4 was effective for hair growth in the dog’s experiment is because, contrary to human skin, dog’s skin is lacking type III deiodinase enzyme.
On human skin, the presence of this type III enzyme is important and there is a strong probability that the topically applied T4 would be quickly inactivate into rT3.
For human, topical T3 would probably be a better option than T4 for hair problems.


Feb 8, 2017
I think that the main reason why topical T4 was effective for hair growth in the dog’s experiment is because, contrary to human skin, dog’s skin is lacking type III deiodinase enzyme.
On human skin, the presence of this type III enzyme is important and there is a strong probability that the topically applied T4 would be quickly inactivate into rT3.
For human, topical T3 would probably be a better choice than T4 for hair problems.

Good point and probably why Peat himself recommends topical T3 for that..
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