Started Great, Now Gaining Belly Fat, Have High Blood Pressure, Starting To Feel Unwell



Mar 12, 2017
What thyroid are you using and also what kind of food makes up the 3400 on low fat days?

Haidut's Tyronine during the day (~16 drops on forearms or ingested) and Tyromix at night (1 drop on forearm).

Generally, 1600-2000 calories of OJ, milk, gelatin, and sugar, which I drink throughout the day. Then, a home made dinner with little to no PUFA (lean beef + some starch, often rice because I have a family and I don't want my wife to kill me). I'll have a soda with dinner if I think it's protein heavy. Generally have a sorbet for dinner, store bought but with few to no additives. I should make my own, but I don't have very much time.

Fat is creeping back in. For instance, we'll make some oxtail soup over the weekend and I'll eat that sometimes. I do try to have a carrot salad with hydrogenated coconut oil, salt, and vinegar, but probably only manage to do that every other day on average. We try to have cooked mushrooms all the time.

After the trip, I got constipated pretty badly and I've stopped the gelatin since that was pretty low on the trip. I brought a green can with me, but didn't have it consistently. Things have returned to normal, so I might get the gelatin back in, the two days that I've skipped it my protein is a lot lower. I've been up around 160g/day, now down to about ~100, which seems pretty low for 3-3.4k cals.

I'm mostly feeling better, but my energy is still pretty low compared to when I started peating in December. Sleep has been disturbed a lot for the last two weeks due to work and family travel, and the 3.5 year old keeps waking me up too, so that might be the cause of the energy decline the last few days.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
My BP hovered around 130/90 or so for ~a year, but since losing some weight, its jumped to closer to 145/75.

Its kinda scary tbh, because I feel as though I can "feel" the high blood pressure. Like every few mins, I'll take a breath that I seem to feel in my hands and feet, sort of like tingles.

I get TONS of calcium and take 1mg of Kuinone (vitamin K) daily.

The thing I think may be a cause is coffee intake - 4 double-strength coffees each morning, equivalent of course to 8 cups. If what a poster above said, that each cup of coffee requires ~50g of sugar, I may have inadvertently been causing adrenaline issues.

Outside of reducing coffee (I dont want to dramatically increase sugar in such a way), is there something I'm missing?

I am debating starting thyroid


Mar 12, 2017
My BP hovered around 130/90 or so for ~a year, but since losing some weight, its jumped to closer to 145/75.

Its kinda scary tbh, because I feel as though I can "feel" the high blood pressure. Like every few mins, I'll take a breath that I seem to feel in my hands and feet, sort of like tingles.

I get TONS of calcium and take 1mg of Kuinone (vitamin K) daily.

The thing I think may be a cause is coffee intake - 4 double-strength coffees each morning, equivalent of course to 8 cups. If what a poster above said, that each cup of coffee requires ~50g of sugar, I may have inadvertently been causing adrenaline issues.

Outside of reducing coffee (I dont want to dramatically increase sugar in such a way), is there something I'm missing?

I am debating starting thyroid

I found it almost impossible to lower my blood pressure. A few things have worked, most of them only temporarily. I take 5,000 micro g of vitamin K per day. (All vitamins and supplements, for me, are ones that Dan Wich recommends at

I was able to get some response by dropping my coffee consumption. I dropped from 4 cups of strong coffee/day (~1 cup of beans) to 2 cups (1/2 cup beans.) I kept the sugar the same. That dropped my BP from about 150/100 to about 140/95.

I had a colonoscopy a couple of months back, and for that I was required to basically do a juice fast for a day - no solid foods, no milk, no coffee, just clear or mostly clear juices, jell-o, that sort of thing. No green or red dyes. My blood pressure dropped from 140/95 or so to 135/90 or so, and it's stayed there for a while.

It drops further when I add some vitamin A, down to normal range of 120/83 or so. Once a week, I generally take 5 drops of 15,000 IU/drop, so a total of 75,000 IU vitamin A. My BP stays lower for a few days, 3 or so. But if I take A every day, it doesn't seem to do anything. I've read that the liver is very good at storing large doses of vitamin A, so maybe that's it.

There are a couple of posts where @haidut mentions possible non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome (NAFLD) as a possible mechanism for the liver not being able to process sugars well. I tried some methylene blue, and it actually dropped my BP as well, by as much as 10 points systolic. According to my Apple Watch, it also upped my metabolism by at least 100 kcals/day (2 drops of oxidal, one on each foot). So I've come to think of the core of my problems as NAFLD keeping me from processing sugar.

The current "wisdom" for NAFLD is fasting, or semi-fasting (800 kcals/day for 6 weeks,) or other things that obviously increase stress hormones. It seems to work, it de-fats the liver and sometimes permanently cures type 2 diabetes, but it's not fun and I don't think it seems very healthy.

But if you combine that current "wisdom" with @Peata 's posts on her weight loss journey, where she had to be very careful to meet all of the micros while actually coming up short on calories before she had positive results, and I've come to wonder if NAFLD was the culprit for her, too. She said that after she was done, she was able to consume many more calories than before, and be warm with less thyroid, and generally had excellent results - though I'm sure that the weight loss portion was tough.

I've started an experiment where I'm trying to repeat some of her efforts for myself. Today is day #2 of ~2,000 kcals/day, give or take, almost all from milk + juices. (I'm a 48-year old male, 259 lbs, and I've been having about 3,000 kcals (3 Mcals? lol) a day for about a year.) I had 2 oz of calf's liver last night, I figure I'll have an ounce or so of oysters tonight. I've been adding in a very small amount of salt (~1/2 tsp?) and tracking in cronometer to make sure I hit all the micros. I'm hoping to mimic the "juice fast" that I had to do for the colonoscopy for a few days to weeks, but adding in milk and coffee to make it mostly stress-free.

Of course I'll get some stress as I burn my own fat as FFAs, but I'm hoping that I can lose 10% or more of my body weight, de-fat my NAFLD (and possible fatty pancreas, my fasting blood glucose has been pretty high at 110 or so,) and be able to go back to eating a Peat-like diet to satiety and be weight stable at a lower weight. We'll see how long I can make it. I'm not tired or cold yet, so...better than expected.


Jul 3, 2016
My BP hovered around 130/90 or so for ~a year, but since losing some weight, its jumped to closer to 145/75.

Its kinda scary tbh, because I feel as though I can "feel" the high blood pressure. Like every few mins, I'll take a breath that I seem to feel in my hands and feet, sort of like tingles.

I get TONS of calcium and take 1mg of Kuinone (vitamin K) daily.

The thing I think may be a cause is coffee intake - 4 double-strength coffees each morning, equivalent of course to 8 cups. If what a poster above said, that each cup of coffee requires ~50g of sugar, I may have inadvertently been causing adrenaline issues.

Outside of reducing coffee (I dont want to dramatically increase sugar in such a way), is there something I'm missing?

I am debating starting thyroid
The coffee could very well cause it in your case. I would suggest stop taking coffee for a while and then take measurements.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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