So sensitive to light. Something is damn wrong w my eyes


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I don’t love going from dr to dr to try to fix my issues and think lifestyle and diet can fix almost all.

But lately my eyes Have been so sensitive . I legit can’t take my blue light blocking glasses off. Vision is just off. My brain has to work way to hard just to see. And it’s not a glasses issue. I can see for distance great. Something is just off w the connection w my brain and eyes.

Sometimes the right side of my face goes numb. And the muscles around my mouth are weak. Like I can’t open my jaw wide at all without pain. Going from inside to out and the adjustment of light is really hard. I got an MRI bc I’m just convinced something is up. Does anyone know what to make of that fracture or those results. Is that something common many people may have if they did this MRI?

Waiting to hear back from Dr. What the heck is extraconal fat? I never had a traumatic accident to cause a fracture? I was a college football player but idk. In the morning when I come downstairs to lights on in the house it’s literally unbearable. I feel like a vampire.


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Oct 6, 2020
Are you taking any supplements/medication?

When did this issue start occuring? Any event that lead to it?


Oct 23, 2018
I don’t love going from dr to dr to try to fix my issues and think lifestyle and diet can fix almost all.

But lately my eyes Have been so sensitive . I legit can’t take my blue light blocking glasses off. Vision is just off. My brain has to work way to hard just to see. And it’s not a glasses issue. I can see for distance great. Something is just off w the connection w my brain and eyes.

Sometimes the right side of my face goes numb. And the muscles around my mouth are weak. Like I can’t open my jaw wide at all without pain. Going from inside to out and the adjustment of light is really hard. I got an MRI bc I’m just convinced something is up. Does anyone know what to make of that fracture or those results. Is that something common many people may have if they did this MRI?

Waiting to hear back from Dr. What the heck is extraconal fat? I never had a traumatic accident to cause a fracture? I was a college football player but idk. In the morning when I come downstairs to lights on in the house it’s literally unbearable. I feel like a vampire.
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?


I have been where you are now with the eyesight issues. I self treated by taking high dose vitamin A for a little while. Took about 2-3 weeks to resolve for myself.

The numbness of face and weakness of those muscles could be something more serious however.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
It sounds an old fracture that is starting to cause issues.
The lamina papyracea is part of orbit or eye socket. It’s a quite fragile bone. I’m sure you know from playing football that old injuries can catch up with us over time. Your facial muscles and nerves (possibly even the optic nerve although I’m not 100% certain) are probably being impacted by inflammation or the cyst itself. It’s an anatomical problem but that doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t things you can do to support your body in coping with it.
I don’t know what your doctor will recommend. I have a prosthetic orbit as a result of a car accident but it sounds like my injury was more severe. I had similar symptoms to the ones you describe during my injury and 0996F698-D50E-41AF-9A6B-3FEAF40C2E5B.jpeg recovery process.


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Are you taking any supplements/medication?

When did this issue start occuring? Any event that lead to it?
I had a bumpy road w hormones. Just 1 single steroid cycle w out a Test base that crashed me bad. Then went on trt for a year. Now been off trt for 6 weeks. Issue has been prevalent throughout . Can’t help but think that it is making it worse . Or it’s actually the only issue. But that wouldn’t cause a fracture. Who knows if the fracture is actually an issue even


Sep 22, 2021
new york
It sounds an old fracture that is starting to cause issues.
The lamina papyracea is part of orbit or eye socket. It’s a quite fragile bone. I’m sure you know from playing football that old injuries can catch up with us over time. Your facial muscles and nerves (possibly even the optic nerve although I’m not 100% certain) are probably being impacted by inflammation or the cyst itself. It’s an anatomical problem but that doesn’t necessarily mean there aren’t things you can do to support your body in coping with it.
I don’t know what your doctor will recommend. I have a prosthetic orbit as a result of a car accident but it sounds like my injury was more severe. I had similar symptoms to the ones you describe during my injury and recovery process.
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?


I have been where you are now with the eyesight issues. I self treated by taking high dose vitamin A for a little while. Took about 2-3 weeks to resolve for myself.

The numbness of face and weakness of those muscles could be something more serious however.
No Alch. My vitamin A copper and ceuroplasmn are all high just above range at perf spot. Managing iron well I believe. Sadly I think it’s a structural /anatomical issue


Oct 15, 2019
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?


I have been where you are now with the eyesight issues. I self treated by taking high dose vitamin A for a little while. Took about 2-3 weeks to resolve for myself.

The numbness of face and weakness of those muscles could be something more serious however.
How much of vitamin a did you take?


Oct 23, 2018
What form of Vitamin A did you take?
It was Solaray Dry A, although I believe it is discontinued. However there are similar products.

But it was a mix of retinyl palmitate and beta carotene.

And again I only took it for a couple weeks or so, and symptoms improved dramatically. Never had an issue since, however at the time I was drinking quite a bit and not eating enough.

Alcohol will disrupt absorption and Vitamin A function in the body.


Mar 31, 2021
That’s interesting. I’ve got light sensitivity but only to sunlight. It’s not painful or anything it’s just too damn bright and I can’t keep my eyes open. I haven’t worn sunglasses in years in an attempt to build “tolerance” but that hasn’t helped at all really. Some days are worse than others.

Something I posted about before here is that consuming beef liver regularly appeared to have made a significant impact in helping me with a lot of these issues. But it seems that the effect wears off quickly. I’ve even eaten around 100 grams a day raw for a while and kept the improvements going but then it just faded when I stopped after only a few days.

When you mention alcohol that’s interesting. I haven’t drank any alcohol in many years as I don’t believe in it anymore. But I did drink a lot in my young adult days. I wonder if that’s what affected it. Do you have anything for me to read about alcohols effect on Vitamin A in particular?

As an aside I’ve also noticed in Ireland a lot of people have this issue with it being too bright outside and I always attributed it to the fact that our country gets little sun and we’re not aclimatized to it. But we also drink a lot. So that gets me wondering.


Oct 23, 2018
That’s interesting. I’ve got light sensitivity but only to sunlight. It’s not painful or anything it’s just too damn bright and I can’t keep my eyes open. I haven’t worn sunglasses in years in an attempt to build “tolerance” but that hasn’t helped at all really. Some days are worse than others.

Something I posted about before here is that consuming beef liver regularly appeared to have made a significant impact in helping me with a lot of these issues. But it seems that the effect wears off quickly. I’ve even eaten around 100 grams a day raw for a while and kept the improvements going but then it just faded when I stopped after only a few days.

When you mention alcohol that’s interesting. I haven’t drank any alcohol in many years as I don’t believe in it anymore. But I did drink a lot in my young adult days. I wonder if that’s what affected it. Do you have anything for me to read about alcohols effect on Vitamin A in particular?

As an aside I’ve also noticed in Ireland a lot of people have this issue with it being too bright outside and I always attributed it to the fact that our country gets little sun and we’re not aclimatized to it. But we also drink a lot. So that gets me wondering.
I have sensitivity to sun light, so I do wear sunglasses. On cloudy days, UV light can become concentrated, and even on days like that I will also wear sunglasses and it can be much worse as opposed to clear sunny days.

It can also be a mental effect as well.

My light sensitivities I had previously discussed had more to do with darkness. Poor night vision, fire light, car lights, street lights etc, being too bright and even painful while in dark environment. Light streaks, burning, heavy eyes, etc. All between dusk and dawn.

The term "blind drunk" has meaning.

It is also important to note that folks with colored iris are typically more sensitive to sunlight/daylight than others who are not.

I have colored eyes, and it is not uncommon for daylight sensitivity as you travel down from brown. But I don't have any studies to say whether or not there is any corelation there between daylight/colored eye/vitamin A and light sensitivity.


Apr 19, 2020
I have sensitivity to sun light, so I do wear sunglasses. On cloudy days, UV light can become concentrated, and even on days like that I will also wear sunglasses and it can be much worse as opposed to clear sunny days.

It can also be a mental effect as well.

My light sensitivities I had previously discussed had more to do with darkness. Poor night vision, fire light, car lights, street lights etc, being too bright and even painful while in dark environment. Light streaks, burning, heavy eyes, etc. All between dusk and dawn.

The term "blind drunk" has meaning.

It is also important to note that folks with colored iris are typically more sensitive to sunlight/daylight than others who are not.

I have colored eyes, and it is not uncommon for daylight sensitivity as you travel down from brown. But I don't have any studies to say whether or not there is any corelation there between daylight/colored eye/vitamin A and light sensitivity.
My sensitivity to light has greatly increased in the last 30 years, I am just shy of 60 now. Sharp glare/sunlight reflections/strong Blue light from spotlights, usually are the culprits. So polarized lenses are vital in my case. I don't mind because I always preferred the 'vision' from sunglasses with polarization! Even as a young un. So, yes, changes can occur for a variety of reasons, including age, but also just random.

I worked with a woman who had 'Rose-Coloured" glasses and when got to know her I had to ask re glasses wearing inside. She said that she had quite abruptly when she was 20 y/0 major strange/severe symptoms, and she thought maybe she was going crazy/no energy/brain frizzle = not thinking clearly, Epilepsy? or something very difficult to overcome. A friend took her to a specialist related to vision and the diagnosis was that she couldn't (or her brain didn't ) process certain frequencies of light. She was in the Seattle area at the time.

This concept, or system was discovered/invented by Helen Irlen. Look it up as it is useful not just for dyslexia/difficulty reading issues, but a wide variety of neurological issues. If you are in the US or Aus there are many practitioners of this therapy, as it has been around for decades by now. (Yes it is considered woo-woo, even though it has helped many people over the years.) Good luck and keep on pursuing easy visions.
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