Raising Dopamine


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I’ve been over the past couple years been trying to get back my sense of ease and happiness in life. Messed it up w hormones and slowly have been improving as I’m not on any right now. If it’s as I have to fight and struggle just to get to baseline, let alone thrive.

Sunlight helps , sugar helps , fruit , fun with friends , steak , milk. Lately I’ve had warmer temps, but an addrenaline like warm. I’m not cold and weak like I once was but I’m warm but slightly on edge w blood sugar issues. like I need too much juice and fruit after meals to be okay.

When I bend down I get dizzy and my cardio capacity is awful. Cant exercise at all really. Only 25, can’t even ride my bike or jog around the block , but still physically look good. High serotonin ? I messed myself up w a sarm, then went on trt , did too high dose SERM, now I’m about 10 weeks off everything. My breathing is awful , and literally when I attempt to do 1 push-up I get a headache. It’s very worrisome and I’m not sure if it’s just high addrenaline and serotonin , or I did some sort of structural damage inside. I got an ECG and brain scan, and it was all good. Not sure what the heck is Going on .

Is it worth it to maybe to try lisuride, metergoline, cypro, bromo, etc ? Not all at once obviously. Or is that just more trouble? I don’t want a crutch or anything long term, but I’m curious if anyone ever had a huge breakthrough w a short term protocol of any of these? Thank you ??

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I’ve been over the past couple years been trying to get back my sense of ease and happiness in life. Messed it up w hormones and slowly have been improving as I’m not on any right now. If it’s as I have to fight and struggle just to get to baseline, let alone thrive.

Sunlight helps , sugar helps , fruit , fun with friends , steak , milk. Lately I’ve had warmer temps, but an addrenaline like warm. I’m not cold and weak like I once was but I’m warm but slightly on edge w blood sugar issues. like I need too much juice and fruit after meals to be okay.

When I bend down I get dizzy and my cardio capacity is awful. Cant exercise at all really. Only 25, can’t even ride my bike or jog around the block , but still physically look good. High serotonin ? I messed myself up w a sarm, then went on trt , did too high dose SERM, now I’m about 10 weeks off everything. My breathing is awful , and literally when I attempt to do 1 push-up I get a headache. It’s very worrisome and I’m not sure if it’s just high addrenaline and serotonin , or I did some sort of structural damage inside. I got an ECG and brain scan, and it was all good. Not sure what the heck is Going on .

Is it worth it to maybe to try lisuride, metergoline, cypro, bromo, etc ? Not all at once obviously. Or is that just more trouble? I don’t want a crutch or anything long term, but I’m curious if anyone ever had a huge breakthrough w a short term protocol of any of these? Thank you ??
hi,can you explicit your diet?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
hi,can you explicit your diet?
Breakfast , baked potatoe sliced cooked well in coconut oil .. 2-3eggs w a serving of raw cheese and honey. Then 8oz Oj, and usually milk and coffee but I’ve cut the coffee

Lunch - 8oz grass fed chuck steak w white rice or another potatoe , followed by fruit or juice

After noon snack usually raw milk mango maple syrup smoothie

Dinner - 6oz shrimp , again potatoe again w cheese /honey . And homemade sorbet after

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Breakfast , baked potatoe sliced cooked well in coconut oil .. 2-3eggs w a serving of raw cheese and honey. Then 8oz Oj, and usually milk and coffee but I’ve cut the coffee

Lunch - 8oz grass fed chuck steak w white rice or another potatoe , followed by fruit or juice

After noon snack usually raw milk mango maple syrup smoothie

Dinner - 6oz shrimp , again potatoe again w cheese /honey . And homemade sorbet after
when did the negative symptoms from exercice started,when did it started relative to when you started "peating"?


Sep 22, 2021
new york

when did the negative symptoms from exercice started,when did it started relative to when you started "peating"?
The sarm was 2 years ago.. took Serms to try to recover my own system, Felt awful for a few months and just decided to go trt. Went on trt for 1 year, was able to lift and and was strong while on but had really low prog, dhea , preg, found peat right around then bc that made me check those levels.. towards the end of trt I started to get weak and then I’ve been off trt for almost 3 months now

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
The sarm was 2 years ago.. took Serms to try to recover my own system, Felt awful for a few months and just decided to go trt. Went on trt for 1 year, was able to lift and and was strong while on but had really low prog, dhea , preg, found peat right around then bc that made me check those levels.. towards the end of trt I started to get weak and then I’ve been off trt for almost 3 months now
do you sometimes get watery stool,or constipation?do you fele like you have a strong digestion,or you sometimes get foods or acid reflux and feel liek some foods sit in your stomach way to long?did you made any other change in your diet supplements toward the end of TRT arround the time you symptoms started,is there any association you could think of?you should try not eating in for sometimes,a day maximum to see if you can exercice decently with out getting dizzy or pain,i was getting all sort of pains from drinking certains milks,wasnt sure it was that up until i fasted a morning and seen i could exercice ay better up until i did drink milk again.

Thecalciumcad shared this on greekdemigodpost,i share in as an anecdote so you can investigate what make you feel sick"I barely have any symptoms, tho I did get dizzy and was sick from having mango juice everyday for a week"
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2021
new york
do you sometimes get watery stool,or constipation?do you fele like you have a strong digestion,or you sometimes get foods or acid reflux and feel liek some foods sit in your stomach way to long?did you made any other change in your diet supplements toward the end of TRT arround the time you symptoms started,is there any association you could think of?
I’m bloated 24/7 but I’m lean with 6pack from the steroids. Very tiny waistline but my stomach is pushed out. I can’t tolerate liquids well at all. I have 1 regular really good poop every morning but just 1. No other changes. I’ve felt poor for the past 2 years since the sarm. But things haven’t improved all to much no matter what . Digestion is def a lingering symptom .

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I’m bloated 24/7 but I’m lean with 6pack from the steroids. Very tiny waistline but my stomach is pushed out. I can’t tolerate liquids well at all. I have 1 regular really good poop every morning but just 1. No other changes. I’ve felt poor for the past 2 years since the sarm. But things haven’t improved all to much no matter what . Digestion is def a lingering symptom .
does the bloating feel only like gas,or is there actual food that stay there forever,and you get reflux of foods or acid at rest,or when you do sport?

for dopamine associated characteristics,the one you mentionned,i recommand you certains specific ripe fruits,the most potent ripe fruits i can eat actually are organic cherimoya/anone,its incredible in term of well being,motivation,brain pleasure;i also recommand you organic fresh unmature coconut water that is still in the coconut,like those from thailand,its also very potent for well bein,motivation,digestion,not as much for brain pleasure than cherimoya.Intense ligth whever from sun and or artificial light specifically when it start to get darker,potent too.i recommand you to try cutting certains foods so you can eliminate co founding factors and perhaps realise wich foods you do consume do impact you negatively whever the effect is subtile or more significant,personally eggs make me feel trash specifically in the characteristics you mentionned,and milk make me feel trash in some aspects,specifically limiting drastically my capacity to exercice,many fruits even when perfectly ripe many of those very orange fruits like persimon,mango make me feel worst in many aspects.
Mar 10, 2021
“4. Milk and dairy
Cheese, milk, yogurt—basically, all dairy products are a great source of tyrosine and thus, a great way of boosting your dopamine production.

5. Chocolates
Sweet treats work in two ways. Firstly, they produce the feel-good hormone, serotonin, in the body. And secondly, chocolates contain small amounts of a compound called phenylethylamine, which stimulate your brain cells to release dopamine, or so, says a study conducted at the Georgia Health Sciences University.

6. Strawberries
Strawberries can also boost serotonin and dopamine production in the body according to a study published in the journal Neural Regeneration Research.

7. Coffee
According to a study published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, the caffeine present in coffee can make the brain alert and boost dopamine production. This is exactly why you tend to feel more wakeful and focussed after drinking the caffeinated beverage.“

Mar 10, 2021
“Some animal research has found that saturated fats, such as those found in animal fat, butter, full-fat dairy, palm oil and coconut oil, may disrupt dopamine signaling in the brain when consumed in very large amounts (11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source, 13Trusted Source).

So far, these studies have been conducted only in rats, but the results are intriguing.

One study found that rats that consumed 50% of their calories from saturated fat had reduced dopamine signaling in the reward areas of their brains compared with animals that received the same amount of calories from unsaturated fat (14Trusted Source).

Interestingly, these changes occurred even without differences in weight, body fat, hormones, or blood sugar levels.

Some researchers hypothesize that diets high in saturated fat may increase inflammation in the body, leading to changes in the dopamine system, but more research is needed (15Trusted Source).“



Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
Okay, it doesn't read to me like a dopamine-deficiency; you seem to be still stressed over some aspect of your life or in your environment and you are not digesting the food you are eating. If you can't handle caffeine or coffee, something is up with your adrenergic system and your liver. My best guess is you are not digesting your food very well and it is leading to endotoxin, slowing your liver and creating inflammation and stress.

First, I would make sure you are chewing your food thoroughly. **** Portion Control (Nate Hatch) had some writing about this but the point is that chewing allows you to break down your meal both chemically and mechanically. Your body will be able to digest starch better, for example, when well mixed (and broken up) by salivary amylase. It will also improve your digestion.

Second, I would integrate Ray's carrot salad into your daily habit (even twice a day). The insoluble fiber and antibiotic-like effect from the carrots and coconut oil will help clear away bacteria from your small intestine and will physically push things in your tract along. The insoluble fiber also binds to bile, allowing it to be excreted instead of being reabsorbed. This should help with your digestion and your liver function (lowering endotoxin and excreting bile).

By fixing your liver, you will be able to create more glycogen which should help with the exercise endurance and the anxiety. It will also lower inflammation and will start to make things more peachy.

Try niacinamide and low-dose aspirin to help you oxidize glucose and lower stress. It sounds to me you are hyperventilating already and could use some more CO2 and glycogen.

Finally, try to integrate coffee back into your life! Nature's hot bean brew is a pharmacological panacea and blessing to behold. @Hans has a great article about it (linked below)

Coffee, the manliest drink


May 10, 2018
Okay, it doesn't read to me like a dopamine-deficiency; you seem to be still stressed over some aspect of your life or in your environment and you are not digesting the food you are eating. If you can't handle caffeine or coffee, something is up with your adrenergic system and your liver. My best guess is you are not digesting your food very well and it is leading to endotoxin, slowing your liver and creating inflammation and stress.

First, I would make sure you are chewing your food thoroughly. **** Portion Control (Nate Hatch) had some writing about this but the point is that chewing allows you to break down your meal both chemically and mechanically. Your body will be able to digest starch better, for example, when well mixed (and broken up) by salivary amylase. It will also improve your digestion.

Second, I would integrate Ray's carrot salad into your daily habit (even twice a day). The insoluble fiber and antibiotic-like effect from the carrots and coconut oil will help clear away bacteria from your small intestine and will physically push things in your tract along. The insoluble fiber also binds to bile, allowing it to be excreted instead of being reabsorbed. This should help with your digestion and your liver function (lowering endotoxin and excreting bile).

By fixing your liver, you will be able to create more glycogen which should help with the exercise endurance and the anxiety. It will also lower inflammation and will start to make things more peachy.

Try niacinamide and low-dose aspirin to help you oxidize glucose and lower stress. It sounds to me you are hyperventilating already and could use some more CO2 and glycogen.

Finally, try to integrate coffee back into your life! Nature's hot bean brew is a pharmacological panacea and blessing to behold. @Hans has a great article about it (linked below)

Coffee, the manliest drink
@Hans also made a video recently on why he gave up coffee.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
@Hans also made a video recently on why he gave up coffee.
I still have it, but only on occasion. I do best when I consume it about 3-4+ hours after waking and only once (at most twice) a day.


Mar 10, 2016
I'm trying to boost my dopamine, too. My diet is good but not great. It's hard to source quality protein. How much will having regular fruit juice along with a B-complex help, do you guys think?


Jan 26, 2017
A place that needs more coconuts and sun
I'm trying to boost my dopamine, too. My diet is good but not great. It's hard to source quality protein. How much will having regular fruit juice along with a B-complex help, do you guys think?

Try to source a good quality protein. Tyrosine within animal meat is used to create endogenous dopamine so it's necessary to have enough protein during the day. Balance it out with gelatin or collagen which can be sourced easily (whether or not a specific brand causes problems for you, that depends). Fruit juice with a b-complex can help but make sure to get sunlight and enough salt.


Mar 10, 2016
Sigh. I know. I'm gonna make some more omelets with cheese and vegetables, I appreciate you
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