Seriously Confused About CO2 After Reading Gbolduev's Thread


Jun 26, 2014
Sorry but you honestly think that the face in the second photo looks healthier and younger than the face in the first? That is Ray at 75 and Stanislaf at ~80. Peat has zero observable wrinkles! Incredible for that age! Maybe you are being distracted because Stanislaf has a nice big chin, was probably quite handsome in his younger days. He also has a fairly decent head of hair for a man his age. That doesn't mean he looks better! The guy in the third photo is what a walking corps looks like. Ah, alcoholism. (btw bill murray is just 66)

Slader. that is a picture of Peat at 69. Have you seen his picture at 76 . He looks like corps. Grof at 70 looks much better than Peat.

Look at Grof at 70 years old,
Check the date of this conference.
And now compare this to the picture you posted of Peat at 69. LOL there is no comparison Peat looks 20 years older. Grof at 70 could date young women easy, Peat at 70 is a grandfather with thick glasses, grey COLORED hair, shaky voice ,shaky hands.

Here is the picture of Ray Peat at 76. ray peat - Yahoo Image Search Results

No wrinkles? Haha You are crazy. He looks very old here. Walking corps. Look at his skin, look at his chin and wrinkles ,his hands. People age very fast at those ages 5 years is a huge difference. Peat looks like his protein synthesis is giving up on him. He looks anemic and dehydrated. Aging markers with see thru pale skin . My grandfather is 87. and Peat looks 110 comparing to him.

Grof at 76 looked incredible. He looked late 50s . He started to give up at 84 when his wife died

I have no idea what you are talking about, but Peat looks his age on average. He did not stay young , that is for sure

Bill Murray did get screwed up from alcohol , but he is still cool

Feels much younger than Peat, although the face does look screwed up

Now I know some people who fast, and they are 73 -77. You should see those people . You will never say they are over 60

Grof is just an example of how some people find what works for them and just do it without even thinkin about it. The guy probably is a slow oxidizer and he hyperventilates all his life on purpose to keep his metabolism a little bit faster.

And Peat is a fast oxidizer and takes all this calcium and aspirin hormones and I think he overshoots thus he aged incredibly fast the last 11 years . even from his youtube videos of 2005 when he was just 69.

If Peat looked much y0unger than his age at 76 I would listen to him. But to me he looks his age and much worse than the positive outliers in his age group. I know pretty amazing cases and most of those people are on calorie restriction or fasting

It is weird to listen to someone who ages incredibly fast for the last 10 years, it seems the more research he does the faster he ages and it was supposed to be anti aging.
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Sep 9, 2016
I doubt this. Bothers me about you is you never give cites .

Be that as it may, the haldane effect says that less oxygen present in high-altitude displaces less carbon dioxide and so there is actually more carbon dioxide rather than less in the body. That's what Ray says.

It is evident that a striking degree of acclimatisation was actually obtained, as on the fourth day J. S. H. could easily carry on with gas analyses, etc., and even work on the ergometer, ,for not only did the hemo- globin percentage fail to rise (since in both subjects it was lower on the fourth than the first day), but there was no lasting lowering of the alveolar CO2 pressure, which was almost as high on the morning of the fourth day as on that of the first day
the link you gave doesn't work . any other link for the paper ?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Please, posters who ask questions are less gratified than posters who argue!

do different things to keep the balance. One should breath faster , another should breath slower to be perfect.
How do you breathe faster?
How do you modify this?
Would it be by breathing exercises that are the contrary of Buteyko exercises?
Holotropic breathing?

Thanks @tara for relativity: yes, daily life and occasional issues are different, I use Buteyko only when needed and not on a regular basis for example. Or else if we are not right about what I said and you said, you could fast forever! Fasting can cure, and does not mean never eating again!
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Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
@charlie can you suppress all messages that are not fitting into the title?
We are free to have childish reactions but keep them for ourselves and have HUMILITY. Even the most right person here with the most advanced scientific knowledge, would make future scientists laugh in some centuries beyond!!!!!!!!!!!

We are here to understand globaly but then act personally, we are THE SAME AND DIFFERENT AT THE SAME TIME!

Breathing is the best free medicine, and all traditions have used it to regulate many things in the body. This topic is super good, thanks OP!
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Mar 1, 2017
Ray's posture looks really good especially at his age.
Posture is irrelevant to diet. Anyone can maintain good posture well into elderhood as long as they give a fuk about using their bodies in an anatomically wholesome way.


Jan 6, 2015
Posture is irrelevant to diet. Anyone can maintain good posture well into elderhood as long as they give a fuk about using their bodies in an anatomically wholesome way.
I don't think so,

An atrophied muscle and skeleton doesn't let you do it.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I want to understand CO2 and not being confused any more.

- I made a big time-consuming work of looking for Co2 quotes out of 30 pages.
- I then make some questions to ask to clarify a few points that are indeed confusing for me at least.
- cannot get answers.
- discussions about provocations for who look older or younger etc...

My mother just died at 80 from cancer but with no wrinkles and she could still read without glasses.
She did have many health issues. She was an obvious fast oxidizer and she was hyperthyroid then hypo after surgery for nodule. She kept part gland and was on T4 for years. She slowly went back to hyper I think because she was always feeling warm. She liked fruits and she would also feed heavily on quark + sugar, or could get supper in form of a whole can of "creme de marron"! She followed what she liked.
My dad is a slow oxidizer and is all different of course... I try to help him, but do not want to harm.

So please look back at the 1st pages and let's try to figure out and understand how it works.


Mar 1, 2017
I don't think so,

An atrophied muscle and skeleton doesn't let you do it.
On what kind of diet do you achieve those conditions? Sounds more like the problem would be complete physical inactivity.

The amount of effort needed to stand and walk straight is very small... although the effort needed to ACHIEVE good posture is not, especially after years of sloughing. But when you have it, it's very easy to maintain.

I do agree that with inadequate nutrition standing straight can become less automatic, but in general it doesn't seem to matter much either way.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Please stay on topic ya'll. :hattip

Nov 26, 2013
gbold creating yet more confusion and chaos


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Hope the thread will lenghthen constructively.

Buteyko's exercices seem to work well for asthma.
Also he says diabetis.

-> Any common point between those 2 issues for the CO2 levels or acidity state?

And I efficiently get rid of headaches from time to time, though my main success at the basis of the migraine problem has been to work on my nervous system.
Working with CP has been good when recovering from bronchitis, but only until I got a CP of 30. And it took me veeery little work to do so.

So I prefer to use this occasionally and not on a regular basis.


Jan 6, 2015
On what kind of diet do you achieve those conditions? Sounds more like the problem would be complete physical inactivity.

The amount of effort needed to stand and walk straight is very small... although the effort needed to ACHIEVE good posture is not, especially after years of sloughing. But when you have it, it's very easy to maintain.

I do agree that with inadequate nutrition standing straight can become less automatic, but in general it doesn't seem to matter much either way.
A diet that supports a good thyroid function.

Vitamin A is important.some nutrients are important in this regards , taurine ,manganese are underrated.


Jan 6, 2015
A freely chosen diet sounds perfect if we where in our natural environment.

On a high carb diet you get you thyroid hormones up , and that increase your voitamin A requirement. Sun exposure also increase its requirement.

Many people don't get optimal vitamin A.

So a high carb diet should have decent vitamin A also.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Based on balance, go to the 1st page and try to see if you can add something about understanding CO2.

About high stress level, many here seem to need adrenaline and are happy to find child pillow play-battle funny!

But I have a father to help... and help myself too.


Jun 26, 2014
globuwhoever seems to be full of ***t. His philoshophy seems to be based on having very high stress levels, which does alleviate a lot of conditions.

What? FWIW my philoshopy is based on people having too little stress by sitting on their asses all day and not moving much. Driving cars and not exercising and overeating. I think you did not read my thread.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
What? FWIW my philoshopy is based on people having too little stress by sitting on their asses all day and not moving much. Driving cars and not exercising and overeating. I think you did not read my thread.
Do not fall into the trap, it is just to bring more adrenaline for people stuck in a chair!
Answer to the people who need help or ask questions.
:pillowfight:shootself zone around here lately

Most exciting it has been in awhile!

Please stay on topic ya'll. :hattip

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