Salt And A Spiritual Battle (Sleep Paralysis)


Mar 13, 2018
This morning at about 3AM I woke up for no apparent reason. My breathing was hindered and felt like no matter how deeply I breathed, it didn't feel like I was getting enough oxygen. Anyway, I got up for some water and to pee. I laid back down and could feel myself slipping into sleep, though still conscious. I felt the oncoming of sleep paralysis and I did fight/escape it one or two cycles of it. But on the next occurrence I didn't fight/escape it. I surrendered to it and I felt as if my consciousness launched into space along with a sense of rapid vertical rotation. I then experienced a trembling and increasingly intense build up of energy and sound. It felt very real and was very overwhelming, as if something was under tremendous pressure and was bound to burst. Instead of attempting to overpower, fight, and break from this energy as I've done ever since I've started experiencing these paralyses for years, I strongly willed an energy of love and acceptance. This was not a soft and comforting reaction, but almost a militant and aggressive attack of love and acceptance as if I was shouting down this energy with my entire being. I believe this to have been a spiritual battle and whatever I was fighting was weak to the powers of love and acceptance.. because I defeated it... and what came after was a lucid dream or perhaps astral projection....

One thing to note.. that night at about 10pm I had a very strong serving of miso soup. Miso is very (very) concentrated with salt. I'm talking several grams of salt I must've had. Salt is highly associated with spiritual purification, exorcisms, banishment of demons/spirits, etc. Could the salt have given me power to confront and banish this negative energy?

Peat is pretty supportive of salt and its properties.. is this another reason to embrace salt? Perhaps the thousands of years of folk medicine and myth and spirituality aren't wrong about this stuff...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
There has been some discussion about sleep paralysis in the Inclined Bed Therapy thread.

over many years of observing my Wife, I cannot recall her in REM sleep since IBT but can remember her in this state often. I trained myself to respond to her frequent nighttime paralysis attacks, sometimes she would have multiple, which appear to have gone now also. She would wake me up with a stifled murmur as she panicked to get out of it. Then I would have trouble getting back to sleep, so would monitor her until I fell asleep.

The NHS says the phenomenon happens when "parts of rapid eye movement (REM) occur while you're awake".

What the NHS says
On the NHS website it says: "REM is a stage of sleep when the brain is very active and dreams often occur and during this stage the body is unable to move, apart from the eyes and muscles used in breathing, possibly to stop you acting out your dreams and hurting yourself."
The terrifying condition which leaves people 'pinned to their bed'


Oct 11, 2015
I had the same experience with large amount of salt and sleep paralysis, for me it felt more like kidneys being poisoned and becoming vulnerable to attack. It was a very intense experience either way
Oct 15, 2015
I am inclined not to spiritualize it at at all but to say it is a completely physical issue. My guess is this is related to a sleep phase issue. I use to get sleep paralysis when I was younger, which can be terrifying and have an ominous spiritual feel to it. I have sometimes even felt like I was having an out of body experience. But I think it is probably just viewing your subconsious mind with your consious mind which is quite a strange experience and not meant to happen.

I no longer get sleep paralysis but instead I startle awake a lot. I dream I am falling or something like that and startle awake. My theory is that it happens when you skip stages of sleep so you might go from stage 1 to stage 4 without any of the in between steps. And I think sleep paralysis might be similar. You are supposed to lose consciousness before the body moves into sleeping mode so you are never meant to witness the unconscious mind at work while having your body be "paralyzed". You shouldn't be awake for that but when something goes wrong your conscious and unconscious minds meet and it can get weird.

And as to the salt. Possibly that much salt caused dehydration and was a trigger for faulty sleep phase progression.


Jul 8, 2018
@cry0genicz If you think you were lucid dreaming, I have no intention of saying you weren't. Until one experiences it and can control it, it would be difficult to believe and many fall back to explainations from science.

I never had problems with sleep paralysis but I am a lucid dreamer. Most of this activity has been pleasurable but I have had times where I was under hyperdimentional attack. These attacks were countered by my willful engagement in defensive measures.

Anyone can train themselves to lucid dream. I have always done this naturally but it was the attacks which taught me how to control my actions.

It is possible to enter a lucid dream directly from waking. Usually this entails lying down, relaxing, and allowing the body to fall asleep while the mind stays awake. Difficulties include falling asleep along with the body, or the body staying awake with the mind. Decoupling body and mind so that the latter can stay awake while the body falls asleep is difficult but possible.

The Process of Sleep
To enter normal sleep we begin by letting our thoughts wander until they turn into daydreams that either dissolve into oblivion along with our self-awareness and volition or else spontaneously evolve into hypnagogic imagery (short vivid hallucinations) that eventually cohere into a full-blown three dimensional dreamscape.

Whether drifting off takes us into oblivion or into a vivid dreamscape can depend on how far we are into our nightly sleep cycle. Early in the cycle, sleep tends to consist of delta brainwave activity and no REM (rapid eye movement), which indicates consciousness is off elsewhere. Most likely the soul is running its astral errands while the body does its repairs. Later in the cycle after these tasks are out of the way, or when taking a nap, the delta stage is replaced by immediate onset of hypnagogic and REM activity after mental relaxation. But these are passive dreams since lack of lucidity in them implies impaired volition.

Why are dreams so much more vivid than imagination? Because the images are being projected by the subconscious, not the conscious mind. Why do we lose self-awareness when we go to sleep? Because as we let our thoughts wander, the subconscious starts to influence our consciously projected internal images (imagination, visualization, daydreaming, mind chatter) while the conscious mind takes on a more passive and self-obliterating role. Not long after that, the subconscious takes over the role of projector and that is when mere mental images become virtual realities. The trade-off is that we have already abandoned ourselves by the time the dream projection kicks in.

We can understand the various states of internal imagery as being the result of either the conscious subconscious either directing or projecting these images:

active dreaming: conscious directs while subconscious projects.

passive dreaming: subconscious directs and projects.

daydreaming: subconscious directs while conscious projects.

visualizing: conscious directs and projects.

Inducing lucid dreams from a waking state therefore requires that the conscious mind retain its awareness and volition while the subconscious is given free reign to begin projecting the dreamscape. The prerequisite is total relaxation of the body, usually done in a step-wise fashion from head to toe, either by focusing on relaxing a particular body region, or tensing and releasing that region. A good exhausting workout that leaves you wiped out can also accomplish this.

Watching Phosphenes
One method of keeping your mind awake while falling asleep involves watching the phosphene images behind closed eyelids. These are the glowing blobs of static noise patterns that always fill our vision but are more easily noticed in the dark. Unlike passive dreaming, this keeps one’s visual faculties active and focused on real sense impressions instead of turning within and getting lost in consciously projected daydreams or visualizations.

Why is this important? Because notice that in dreams your “eyes” are focused on an environment existing “outside” you, seemingly as real as anything you might see with your physical eyes while awake. Also notice that in a dream, despite both your thoughts and the dreamscape being all “in your head”, you can still imagine things internally that are separate from the surrounding dreamscape. This means that the full blown 3D dreamscape is always perceived as an external phenomenon to your five senses, than mere imagination which is internal and runs in parallel to your surroundings. So staring out into the field of phosphenes involves a similarly externalized point of focus, even though eyes are closed. In this way, one aspect of the dream experience (the external visual focus) is already established. It therefore does not take long for hypnagogic images to start up this way, although these can startle one back into full consciousness. With repeated exposure they become less startling, especially if you cultivate a calm, detached, nonplussed attitude and ease into these images without becoming self-conscious and excited, which can snap you awake.

The next issue is becoming so quickly absorbed in the phosphenes and hypnagogic images that one loses self-awareness before the subconscious is ready to begin fully projecting a dreamscape. To counter this, a second technique may be employed: quickly opening and shutting your eyes every two or three breaths. This allows enough real sense data to come in, and is so intentionally controlled, that the mind has better chances of staying alert. And yet since this involves mere movement of the eyelids, the rest of the body is not prevented from doing its thing to fall asleep. One can keep this up until the hypnagogic state kicks in, then continue watching those and the phosphenes.

Sleep Paralysis
Very soon the body falls asleep by entering sleep paralysis, which feels like a sudden sinking, melting, tingling feeling. This is not your body going numb with boredom from having lain still for an hour. Sleep paralysis comes with a release of the soul from the physical body, and that induces the sinking or melting feeling. You may also notice your breathing suddenly becoming deeper, effortless, and automatic as the parasympathetic nervous system takes over. If your mind is still highly active, your breathing restricted, and your body simply numb from lack of stimulation then you’re not in sleep paralysis. You literally have to fall asleep, but with your awareness intact.

The subconscious is then at the verge of fully projecting the dreamscape, and one has only to retain enough self-awareness throughout the onset of sleep paralysis to allow the final consciously directed nudge to kick off a dream. (After catching your body falling asleep, before a dream begins you can visualize and intend to roll out of bed and that will induce an astral projection instead of a dream). Or you can visualize something and “get into it” and that will initiate a dream.

It is the intent combined with visualization that puts the subconscious fully online, and a dream begins. Then you can do reality checks (flipping a light switch, looking for inconsistencies) or astral checks (seeing your body still in bed with correct clothes on) and lucidly go from there.

Take note that because this technique requires immediate access to REMsleep, it must be done after already having slept five or six hours, or during the day when napping. If you’ve had a long day and are beat, and crawl into a cozy bed for lights out, you’ll have a tough time retaining awareness and your brain won’t initiate heavy REM activity right away. Rudolf Steiner talked about remaining aware regardless as being a qualification for occult initiation, and that in doing so you get to witness what happens during the delta non-dream sleep. He says one visits the spirit realm and experiences things there are harmonies and colors (which is probably all that the conscious mind can decode of that experience at first, whereas the subconscious or higher mind during this experience is probably having a very involved time “up there”). But for active dreaming purposes, later in the sleep cycle or during a nap is better.

Some induction techniques start off with visualization, whereby the conscious mind directs and projects mental imagery until the subconscious takes over the role of projector. The above technique of staring into the phosphene void and looking at hypnagogic imagery that arises does not use intentional visualization until the final nudge, thereby allowing the subconscious to start projecting more easily because it does not have to wrestle that role away from the conscious. To repeat, visualization is not necessary until the final stage when the body is asleep, otherwise it might interfere with the subconscious stepping into its role as projector. You can indeed use visualization, and Steiner’s method as well as Theun Mares’ method employ that, whereby an imagined visual suddenly blooms to life when the subconscious takes over and turns it into a dream experience (Steiner himself got that technique from Goethe, who wrote of experiencing exactly such a imagination -> dream phenomenon).

Why is active dreaming important? Because it allows access to the dreaming faculty at will and is therefore more repeatable at will compared to other methods of lucid dream induction involving autosuggestion, dream signs, periodic reality checks, and so on. However it is also more difficult to implement due to having to be conscious the moment the body falls asleep. But like any activity that requires finesse, whether hitting a golf ball or parallel parking, it can be trained with practice.

When you have achieved this state, which Robert Monroe termed “mind awake, body asleep” then you are effectively on a launch platform for dreaming, astral projecting, scrying, remote viewing, healing, entity evocations, past life exploration, spirit releasement therapy, subconscious reprogramming, communicating with the higher self, etc. This state of mind, which some claim consists of theta brain waves overlapped with high frequency gamma waves, is the state from which most occult maneuvers are performed.

Mnemonic Anchoring
When the body has entered its melted tingly state, it is possible to anchor this mnemonically using some tongue position, breathing pattern, eye movement, visualized sequence of symbols, hand mudra, or command phrase. When the anchor is repeatedly associated with this state, later the anchor can be invoked to cause the body to reflexively enter the state, dramatically shortening the induction procedure. But creating the association takes much repetition. Theun Mares’ technique and the Silva Method employ such mnemonic triggers.

Trance Clairvoyance
If the dream state is induced with the eyes open, then visual perceptions are no longer filtered or interpreted by the normal waking linear mind. Some data streams include energy patterns that normally escape our perception, such as etheric critters, thoughtforms, machinery, or intelligent beings positioned around us. What we see while in this state, or at least the visual image of it, is not actually outside of us but rather projected onto our field of vision from within by the subconscious. The subconscious projector overlays upon the visual field an interpretation of the incoming data stream. It is like an internal HUD (heads up display). Science attributes these to hypnopompic hallucinations, but I doubt these images are always mere phantasms.

Be informed, however, that this state of clairvoyance is not the only way to be clairvoyant. True clairvoyants aren’t in sleep paralysis and halfway detached from their bodies. They are fully in their bodies, however their souls have grown psychic appendages that act as periscopes or transceivers to the occult realm. In this way they can be awake, walking and talking, while peering into the etheric data layer of existence.

Direct Etheric Data Access
You may have noticed that dreams communicate to us messages from the subconscious via symbolic images, plays on words, and allegorical themes. But really the subconscious is just a portal to intelligences outside our linear conscious minds, one of these being the higher self or higher mind. The dream projection, which employs the visual sense mostly, is therefore an indirect communicator allowing information flow across the conscious/subconscious gap. It is possible to do away with the visual aspect entirely and allow direct communion between yourself and the higher self, or at least between your consciousness and the true essence of things rather than their visually interpreted representation. With eyes open, rather than seeing interpretations of the data stream one could, after sufficient levels of development, experience the data directly — this would be equivalent to seeing the “code of the matrix” so to speak.

Exploring inner space can therefore be quite productive, and it is the most rewarding and immediately evident superior alternative to technological substitutes that threaten to disconnect us from our conscious abilities. In terms of detail and effects, lucid dreams far surpass any available video gaming system. Of course it is easier to hit a power button than train to actively dream, but the thought that we carry within us such untapped power does evoke awe.


Active Dreaming | ( Research Notes



Jul 8, 2018
  1. Frederik van Eeden (1913). “A study of Dreams“. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
  2. Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (1990) “Lucid Dreaming: Psychophysiological Studies of Consciousness during REM Sleep
  3. Joe Russa (1999) “SUNEYE, Lucidity & Enlightenment”
  4. Robert A Monroe (1971) “Journeys Out of the Body
  5. Stephen LaBerge, Leslie Phillips, & Lynne Levitan (1994) Lucidity Institute “An Hour of Wakefulness Before Morning Naps Makes Lucidity More Likely
  6. Maury, Louis Ferdinand Alfred (1848). ‘Des hallucinations hypnagogiques, ou des erreurs des sens dans l’etat intermediaire entre la veille et le sommeil’. Annales Medico-Psychologiques du système nerveux Hypnogagia Wiki

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
This morning at about 3AM I woke up for no apparent reason. My breathing was hindered and felt like no matter how deeply I breathed, it didn't feel like I was getting enough oxygen. Anyway, I got up for some water and to pee. I laid back down and could feel myself slipping into sleep, though still conscious. I felt the oncoming of sleep paralysis and I did fight/escape it one or two cycles of it. But on the next occurrence I didn't fight/escape it. I surrendered to it and I felt as if my consciousness launched into space along with a sense of rapid vertical rotation. I then experienced a trembling and increasingly intense build up of energy and sound. It felt very real and was very overwhelming, as if something was under tremendous pressure and was bound to burst. Instead of attempting to overpower, fight, and break from this energy as I've done ever since I've started experiencing these paralyses for years, I strongly willed an energy of love and acceptance. This was not a soft and comforting reaction, but almost a militant and aggressive attack of love and acceptance as if I was shouting down this energy with my entire being. I believe this to have been a spiritual battle and whatever I was fighting was weak to the powers of love and acceptance.. because I defeated it... and what came after was a lucid dream or perhaps astral projection....

One thing to note.. that night at about 10pm I had a very strong serving of miso soup. Miso is very (very) concentrated with salt. I'm talking several grams of salt I must've had. Salt is highly associated with spiritual purification, exorcisms, banishment of demons/spirits, etc. Could the salt have given me power to confront and banish this negative energy?

Peat is pretty supportive of salt and its properties.. is this another reason to embrace salt? Perhaps the thousands of years of folk medicine and myth and spirituality aren't wrong about this stuff...
Dude, just try to astral project. Perfect opportunity.

But you can also focus on moving a finger or a toe, even a little movement is supposed to break it very quickly.


May 21, 2015
Salt inhibits Serotonin which is associated with fear. It's a common notion in popular culture that demons feed on fear and the extent of their power on an individual depends on fear (not that I experienced it knowingly but I'm still considering the idea). Plus the whole Yoda dialect (pop culture often referencing ancient occult knowledge) that fear leads to hatred and the dark side so implying that it is a doorway for negative energy. I've noticed that I became abnormaly insensitive to fear from years of running on high Dopamine where I can't relate to most things people mention trigger fear. At times it has been negative regarding risk taking and making so much logical connections that it ressembled schizophrenia so I believe an excess of Dopamine can be detrimental. For instance, people with toxoplasmosis (which I suspect to have been infected with at some point) are known to have increased Testosterone and Dopamine and to take more risks, studies on rats show them being insensitive to predatory signals which decreases their survivability. I think my high Zinc state could also explain it since it is dopaminergic and it is associated in alternative medicine to a state lacking emotionality and being strictly rational, while the high Copper state is of excess emotionality. I remember an Haitian book where a character asks forgiveness for eating salt after bandits seize her village and cause terror, I think it was from a cultural view that it is too much of an "easy way out" and that they should be able to be in a state of peace/bliss without the use of crutches.
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Feb 13, 2018
I once experimented with "salt water fasting" (don't ask), which entailed eating and drinking nothing but spring water with a high concentration of pink Himalayan salt dissolved in it. Only did one day of it and then quit forever, because when I went to sleep that night, I had a deeply disturbing experience much like the one you've described, a kind of sleep paralysis where I was half-conscious and strongly felt the presence of something sinister and supernatural hovering in the room with me. I couldn't see it visually, but was projecting an internal image onto my environment based on what I felt. This projected image was indescribable, and not totally distinct. I spent a whole night feeling tormented by the presence of this demonic thing, the two of us just watching each other for what felt like an eternity. Nothing more happened, but when I woke up, I was terrified and promptly resolved to never try the salt water thing again.

Ever since it happened two years ago I've contemplated it periodically, but have never been able to draw any conclusions about what it was or meant. The last thing I ever expected was to see someone else corroborating it.
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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
That's two of you with a similar story. I don't know what to make of it but I'll certainly not be experimenting with high salt intake before bed!


Feb 18, 2018

It is the intent combined with visualization that puts the subconscious fully online, and a dream begins. Then you can do reality checks (flipping a light switch, looking for inconsistencies) or astral checks (seeing your body still in bed with correct clothes on) and lucidly go from there.

Take note that because this technique requires immediate access to REMsleep, it must be done after already having slept five or six hours, or during the day when napping. If you’ve had a long day and are beat, and crawl into a cozy bed for lights out, you’ll have a tough time retaining awareness and your brain won’t initiate heavy REM activity right away. Rudolf Steiner talked about remaining aware regardless as being a qualification for occult initiation, and that in doing so you get to witness what happens during the delta non-dream sleep. He says one visits the spirit realm and experiences things there are harmonies and colors (which is probably all that the conscious mind can decode of that experience at first, whereas the subconscious or higher mind during this experience is probably having a very involved time “up there”). But for active dreaming purposes, later in the sleep cycle or during a nap is better.

Very cool read. I've noticed that during naps, I almost instantly enter into the dream state, and now I see why that occurs. I always thought this was a bad thing, as it usually meant I did not get enough sleep the night before, and I think I'd rather get a full night's rest then be constantly engaged in this 5-6 hour sleep cycle, wake, eat food, read for a couple hours than fall back asleep for another hour or two cycle I've been stuck on for the past couple months.

However, it does mean that I get to have cool dreams during my nap. Just today, I entered a state where I believed I was dreaming, ran a reality check by looking at the clock, but the clock read a normal time (???) so I convinced myself a must be awake. Of course, ridiculous things were occurring and I was dreaming the entire time. In any case, I like how breaking down my dreams allow me to bring to the forefront neurotic issues about myself that one doesn't realize until they are able to analyze their dream. Of course, cultivating an aware attitude towards our individual thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors accomplishes the same.

@cry0genicz, in high school and college, I'd experience sleep paralysis about once or twice a month. I remember the first time I experienced one I believed I was dying, and it was a truly terrifying experience. As they continued to occur, I learned that complete acceptance of the event was the only way to deal with them. My episodes were usually loud rhythmic ringing accompanied by an intense pulsating drumming sensation. By the time I had accepted them, they became a nuisance, like what I'd imagine many Americans feel visiting their in-laws. If I had known about the ability to consciously kick off a dream...who knows what type of experiences I could have had. I no longer have paralysis episodes.

The dreamscape no doubt is very tempting, but is it worth the work? Does it not slightly detract from real life? I forgot who, but I remember spiritual guru commented on how living in the dream/spiritual world 24/7 was a waste of life, however comforting and pleasant it may be. What about ingesting substances like DMT, Psilocybin, LSD, would this not allow the same experience but without the need to spend hours practicing dreaming?

Perhaps meditation is more beneficial, in terms of seeing things as they are, and cultivating a connection with the Higher Self, whoever He may be. Judeo-Christian beliefs have some very powerful theories, God creating man in His own image, for are we not creators ourselves? We take disorder, organize it, create beauty, carve out our environment. Perhaps our ultimate attainment is becoming God himself, Ex-Machina style. Quite the task, and makes me want to re-watch that film, last time I couldn't finish it because I became too emotional from ingesting a large amount of cannabis pre-movie. Must be my high estrogen status =P

Anyways fascinating stuff

astral kid 2

Jul 25, 2018
I once experimented with "salt water fasting" (don't ask), which entailed eating and drinking nothing but spring water with a high concentration of pink Himalayan salt dissolved in it. Only did one day of it and then quit forever, because when I went to sleep that night, I had a deeply disturbing experience much like the one you've described, a kind of sleep paralysis where I was half-conscious and strongly felt the presence of something sinister and supernatural hovering in the room with me. I couldn't see it visually, but was projecting an internal image onto my environment based on what I felt. This projected image was indescribable, and not totally distinct. I spent a whole night feeling tormented by the presence of this demonic thing, the two of us just watching each other for what felt like an eternity. Nothing more happened, but when I woke up, I was terrified and promptly resolved to never try the salt water thing again.

Ever since it happened two years ago I've contemplated it periodically, but have never been able to draw any conclusions about what it was or meant. The last thing I ever expected was to see someone else corroborating it.
These types of experiences happen to me a lot ever since I found out about lucid dreaming at 16. One thing I have to make clear is nothing bad has ever happened to me. These entities that we feel or project never actually truely hurt us. They can traumitize from the experience alone but that's only if you let it. There's really nothing to be scared of. You'll always wake up unscaved.

astral kid 2

Jul 25, 2018
These types of experiences happen to me a lot ever since I found out about lucid dreaming at 16. One thing I have to make clear is nothing bad has ever happened to me. These entities that we feel or project never actually truely hurt us. They can traumitize from the experience alone but that's only if you let it. There's really nothing to be scared of. You'll always wake up unscaved.
To put it more clearly these entities are nothing more then the manifestation of the fear you are feeling in the moment . The more you fear in sleep paralysis the more you will be tormented. If you can let go of fear in these moments I can guarantee the sleep paralysis with be the most relaxing and calming experience you can feel. It will beat your deepest meditation session ever.


Jul 2, 2017
To put it more clearly these entities are nothing more then the manifestation of the fear you are feeling in the moment . The more you fear in sleep paralysis the more you will be tormented. If you can let go of fear in these moments I can guarantee the sleep paralysis with be the most relaxing and calming experience you can feel. It will beat your deepest meditation session ever.
there's much more to it


Feb 13, 2016
I have tried for the majority of my life to not be mystical, but I still felt very curious after reading this thread and wanted to try something with salt before I slept tonight... I was scared to do what the others on here did (ingesting salt) in case I also would meet negative entities, so instead I put sea salt in bowls in the four corners of my room because apparently that is supposed to suck out any negative energy instead of making you have to confront any negative energy. I normally sleep through the night without any wakings, but I literally just woke up after having met and talked to God in my dream...
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Mar 29, 2014
My breathing was hindered and felt like no matter how deeply I breathed, it didn't feel like I was getting enough oxygen.
Whatever else might be going on, that sounds like you might have got into a hyperventilation state. Probably preventable, but once in it, personally, I've only been able to get out of that state by getting up and moving around.
Are you reliably breathing through your nose while sleeping? If not, I'd recommend trying some mechanical support to help with that - chin strap or tape.


Oct 5, 2014
I had the same experience with large amount of salt and sleep paralysis, for me it felt more like kidneys being poisoned and becoming vulnerable to attack. It was a very intense experience either way

I also had that experience once while taking antibiotics for a bronchitis. During one night I felt a "foreign attack" to my kidneys and I felt really tired for many weeks after.

And by the way salt is considered to CLOSE the energetic body/field so if something, it should protect, not open you up for energetic attacks.

That's all I can add to the discussion.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I normally sleep through the night without any wakings, but I literally just woke up after having met and talked to God in my dream...


Feb 13, 2016

I just reread what I wrote, and I realize the way I wrote that, it could be interpreted as me just joking or even mocking others who have had spiritual experiences with salt, but I was being completely serious. I am a Hindu by birth, and I met the Hindu God Vishnu. He said, "I don't resent you at all for having questions, but let this put an end to your doubts, My dear, and prove My existence to you." I instantly woke up. Regardless of whether it was just imagination or something more, it still made me feel very calm, clear-headed, and fearless.
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