Remdesivir To Become Standard Of Care After Trial


Mar 29, 2016
Speaking of education, though, trump thought it wise to install DeVos into the role of US Secretary of Education and I think that’s a terrible choice. She’s not only a religious fanatic, she also continues to lean heavily on the CORE standards testing which has been shown time and time again to be destructive to children’s ability to be creative and think for themselves. It’s all about teaching to the test and doesn’t take into account the need for children to have free time to run and play imaginatively outside. It seems to me that she’s one of the people trump has chosen (like Mike pence) to make himself “voteable” to those who are right wing extremists (gun advocates and vigilante pro-lifer religious extremists) and that doesn’t seem to me like someone who is really doing things based on what he actually believes in as opposed to appealing to his voter base, which are people I doubt he would ever associate with except to gain voter favor.

He is part of the elite and I can’t believe people actually believe that he cares at all about the proletariat except for the fact that they’re “low-hanging fruit,” as long as he continues to side with them on “their” issues (abortion, gun control, racist agenda as he doesn’t take a firm stance against their actions-because hey-they’re still voters!). Just because he’s not part of any intellectual group within the elite doesn’t make him an honest person, he just obviously doesn’t have strong enough views of, or understanding, of issues that affect millions of hard working voters, so he’s just gone with the most common denominator, because it ensures certain folks will vote NO MATTER WHAT. Then there are people like you who think he’s a moderate politically so that makes him less dangerous than, say, douchbag Obama (a sentiment to which I thoroughly concur) but in actuality his disregard for women’s right to choose for herself if she should have an abortion should be eye opening to anyone, especially considering he used to donate funds towards pro-choice lobbies. Sounds like someone who has tons of integrity!

So glad to agree with you about Obama being a douchbag.

Just curious, who is your choice to be our next president?

Yes. It’s also science that the longest trump can be in office is eight years, although I’m sure he’ll attempt to pull a Putin and change that law so he can remain in power forever. In the process he’ll probably also try to change the laws to say only people who live in rural areas with lower education levels are allowed to vote. Oh, and people who have swastikas and confederate flags in their home decor.

It's hard to listen to you talk about Trump being for sure a dictator. What gave you that idea? Does that make you at all credible when discussing politics? It's just my opinion, but I hope your ideas are yours and not fed into you by your favorite news channel.

Again-why is Trump blameless here? Fauci is working for him, presumably, am I correct? Why would trump allow these dismal results Of Remdesivir to fly under the radar-either he doesn’t even understand the results and he’s just letting Fauci explain them to him (which I suspect is the case), or he would simply like to appear that they’re figuring this thing out and he’s knowingly deceiving the public (which I suspect is what Fauci is doing.) Even I don’t think trump is that malicious but this whole situation goes to show that because trump has surrounded himself so thoroughly with Yes-men and cronies that he can’t actually understand that Fauci is pulling the wool over his eyes.

Trump isn't blameless here, for sure. But I think that Trump has bigger battles to fight. If he disagrees with Fauci, will you actually back Trump or will you join the chorus from the fake media? I just wanted to make sure you don't exhibit the symptoms of TDS, as @Waynish alleges.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
Again-why is Trump blameless here? Fauci is working for him, presumably, am I correct? Why would trump allow these dismal results Of Remdesivir to fly under the radar-either he doesn’t even understand the results and he’s just letting Fauci explain them to him (which I suspect is the case), or he would simply like to appear that they’re figuring this thing out and he’s knowingly deceiving the public (which I suspect is what Fauci is doing.) Even I don’t think trump is that malicious but this whole situation goes to show that because trump has surrounded himself so thoroughly with Yes-men and cronies that he can’t actually understand that Fauci is pulling the wool over his eyes.

Your boring rants have completely destroyed this thread. After the first 2-3, I have decided to skip your comments from now on.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2017
There are so much places here in South America to go off the grid you could not even imagine. I also hope our president Bolsonaro would be against mandatory vaccination.
In Paraguay a foreigner could buy a terrain and become resident based on rights of property. After 3 years they give citizenship if you qualify.
I don't have much experience in S. America, but I went to Ecuador for a conference and I loved it! Quito - beautiful city and wonderful airport. The 9000 foot altitude did not bother me - love the fact that there are no mosquitoes at that altitude. I'd love to visit Cuenca.

In central America, there is a lot to like about Panama but it is hot and muggy at low altitudes. Very friendly to expats. Next country to check out is Costa Rica.


Apr 19, 2017
So glad to agree with you about Obama being a douchbag.

Just curious, who is your choice to be our next president?

It's hard to listen to you talk about Trump being for sure a dictator. What gave you that idea? Does that make you at all credible when discussing politics? It's just my opinion, but I hope your ideas are yours and not fed into you by your favorite news channel.

Trump isn't blameless here, for sure. But I think that Trump has bigger battles to fight. If he disagrees with Fauci, will you actually back Trump or will you join the chorus from the fake media? I just wanted to make sure you don't exhibit the symptoms of TDS, as @Waynish alleges.
If Trump actually took a stand against something besides his own ego then I would certainly change my perspective of him to an extent. So in this case if he were to demand proof from Fauci that Remdesivir worked then I would gain some respect for him. I don’t see that happening, though, since like I said he has surrounded himself with Yes-men and cronies. People who do that (a large majority of large business owners) tend to ignore sound advice because it tends to be unpopular.

In this case with covid-19, Fauci has proven to be more popular than him so he’s been forced to sit in the corner to an extent and nod his head. For all of his ranting and shutting people down, he’s very careful to do it when he believes he’s not going to pay any consequences for it. Fauci may be the first person that people actually wanted him to listen to because of their fear of covid-19, so he had no choice. Trust me, he doesn’t like it and seems to still want to promote his HCQ, despite Fauci clearly leaning towards Remdesivir. But he’s playing along because he sees that it could backfire on him if he stood up to Fauci. If he actually understood research at all (as the guy in the video managed to) he’d see that the Remdesivir test results were less than stellar and could even be seen as unethical. But because it’s close to election time and we’re in the middle of a crisis, and he doesn’t want to piss off too many moderates, so he’s for once being “politically correct.”

Candidates that win the nomination for democrat and republican are both corrupt and I have no interest in Biden. I see how people like the idea that because trump isn’t a career politician that makes him less corrupt and evil. Career politicians who are able to secure the nomination for either of those parties truly are the worst. However just because he isn’t one of them (won the republican ticket based on sheer numbers) doesn’t clear him for me. I’ve seen how big business works in this country. My husband has worked for several large and medium sized corporations and they’re all the same. It is a different form of politics but it’s all based on a company instead of a country. Cronies and yes-men make it to the top while the honest, hardworking folks get stuck at the bottom, or worse, in the middle where they’re basically getting crapped on from both sides: those at the “bottom” who are just trying to do their jobs and make a living, and those at the “top” who don’t seem to have a clue what’s actually going on except for where the money is coming from, with the higher-ups getting randomly mad at the mid level management whenever something goes wrong, even if that was the result of the higher-up’s negligence. Those at the very top usually remain scot-free, enjoying their millions or billions while surrounding themselves with the brownest of the brown nosers.

Hospitals are basically businesses and they’re under a larger umbrella of research institutions like universities and we all know how corrupt they are. But I’m those cases the corruption is based not only on money but the influence of the intellectual elite. The humble research scientist trying to find truth is barely noticed, and happy if he or she can just get enough scraps from the table to fund their work.


May 11, 2020
If Trump actually took a stand against something besides his own ego then I would certainly change my perspective of him to an extent. So in this case if he were to demand proof from Fauci that Remdesivir worked then I would gain some respect for him. I don’t see that happening, though, since like I said he has surrounded himself with Yes-men and cronies. People who do that (a large majority of large business owners) tend to ignore sound advice because it tends to be unpopular.

In this case with covid-19, Fauci has proven to be more popular than him so he’s been forced to sit in the corner to an extent and nod his head. For all of his ranting and shutting people down, he’s very careful to do it when he believes he’s not going to pay any consequences for it. Fauci may be the first person that people actually wanted him to listen to because of their fear of covid-19, so he had no choice. Trust me, he doesn’t like it and seems to still want to promote his HCQ, despite Fauci clearly leaning towards Remdesivir. But he’s playing along because he sees that it could backfire on him if he stood up to Fauci. If he actually understood research at all (as the guy in the video managed to) he’d see that the Remdesivir test results were less than stellar and could even be seen as unethical. But because it’s close to election time and we’re in the middle of a crisis, and he doesn’t want to piss off too many moderates, so he’s for once being “politically correct.”

Candidates that win the nomination for democrat and republican are both corrupt and I have no interest in Biden. I see how people like the idea that because trump isn’t a career politician that makes him less corrupt and evil. Career politicians who are able to secure the nomination for either of those parties truly are the worst. However just because he isn’t one of them (won the republican ticket based on sheer numbers) doesn’t clear him for me. I’ve seen how big business works in this country. My husband has worked for several large and medium sized corporations and they’re all the same. It is a different form of politics but it’s all based on a company instead of a country. Cronies and yes-men make it to the top while the honest, hardworking folks get stuck at the bottom, or worse, in the middle where they’re basically getting crapped on from both sides: those at the “bottom” who are just trying to do their jobs and make a living, and those at the “top” who don’t seem to have a clue what’s actually going on except for where the money is coming from, with the higher-ups getting randomly mad at the mid level management whenever something goes wrong, even if that was the result of the higher-up’s negligence. Those at the very top usually remain scot-free, enjoying their millions or billions while surrounding themselves with the brownest of the brown nosers.

Hospitals are basically businesses and they’re under a larger umbrella of research institutions like universities and we all know how corrupt they are. But I’m those cases the corruption is based not only on money but the influence of the intellectual elite. The humble research scientist trying to find truth is barely noticed, and happy if he or she can just get enough scraps from the table to fund their work.

Wow, shill much? This guy goes into most remdesivir threads and turns it into a purely political debate, totally throwing everyone off the issue. The only thing worse than a paid shill is one that does it for free without even knowing it. Please stop. If you can't stop, go do this on One America News comment sections. You'll have lots of fun there.
Last edited:


Mar 26, 2018
A trial testing an inhaled formulation as compared with the drug's currently available intravenous form could end up reaching the outpatient setting, where patients have less severe disease, and such early treatment could help them avoid hospitalisation.


Jan 9, 2019


Jan 15, 2016
Well, if their leaders don't go along with it there's always the "We coup whoever we want, deal with it" - Elon Musk approach
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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