Reasons For Low Bile, How To Increase?


Apr 14, 2013
infusion is more a word about using hot water. With cold water, this is called water extraction, or cold maceration. Decoction would be when you let it boil a moment and then let it stand up to a few hours.

It makes me thik of another help, horse tail. It helps to hydrate, through silica. You have to start it as a cold maceration, overnight in a tight container is fine too, and then you boil it all in the morning. I have not looked for the time to boil it, if somebody has...

Hydration is important for making fluid bile!
look at the chinese sign: astraight line in the center of the tongue signals a lack of hydration. If you pee more when you drink more, it means that you are too much making lactic acid and not enough CO2 and H2O from your metabolism.

That is when taking sunlight in the morning, or doing red light therapy, is useful, as it influences water. Also Buteyko and grounding. Water has to do with electricity and conduction. Enough CO2 has to do with bringing enough O2 to the cells. Then as I have had a prebirth toxicity, I need more than most people to retrain the automatic memory of my organic intelligence.... As you know, i cannot help ending by the advice to always add some care of your dear ANS! After all, it regulates all the other systems...

Good points! Thanks for helping me with my tea brewing terminology ;)

I also love horsetail tea, but I'm a bit concerned about the thiaminase that it contains. I already have thiamine deficiency and liver issues. Do you know if this thiamine inhibiting enzyme is an issue in the tea; I know it's a real issue with the supplement forms? (I hope this doesn't deviate from the thread topic too much!)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Good points! Thanks for helping me with my tea brewing terminology ;)

I also love horsetail tea, but I'm a bit concerned about the thiaminase that it contains. I already have thiamine deficiency and liver issues. Do you know if this thiamine inhibiting enzyme is an issue in the tea; I know it's a real issue with the supplement forms? (I hope this doesn't deviate from the thread topic too much!)
Where do you source your dandelion root/leaves and Nettle root/leaves?
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Apr 14, 2013
Where do you source your dandelion root/leaves and Nettle root/leaves?

Nettle tea

Dandelion Leaf & Root Herbal Leaf Tea
(I hope to find this in bulk someday, I use at least 4 tea bags per day. So far all I can find is the roasted root in bulk, which doesn't have the same nutrient profile as the leaf tea, I prefer both parts of the plant to get full effects, plus the roasted tastes funky IMO)

They both have a bitterness flavor to them which is a little off putting at first but now I love it.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nettle tea

Dandelion Leaf & Root Herbal Leaf Tea
(I hope to find this in bulk someday, I use at least 4 tea bags per day. So far all I can find is the roasted root in bulk, which doesn't have the same nutrient profile as the leaf tea, I prefer both parts of the plant to get full effects, plus the roasted tastes funky IMO)

They both have a bitterness flavor to them which is a little off putting at first but now I love it.
Thank you. How long did it take so see relief after drinking the tea?


Apr 14, 2013
I started with Nettle. I'd say it was about a week before I first noticed an improvement, and it continued to improve my condition after that as I drank it on daily basis. I used a 1500 mL broscilite glass pitcher, I filled it about 3/4 full of spring water, let it come to a boil, moved it to the counter, and filled the last 1/4 with the Nettle tea, covered with hermetically sealing lid, let it steep overnight, strained it and chilled (chilled is just my personal preference), drank this over 2 or 3 days. After a while I started with dandelion. I use 4 tea bags, fill with 10oz near boiling water (from my Keurig), steep overnight. These are the amounts that worked for me, I suppose someone else might need more or less.

The improvement was gradual. I am still drinking the tea nearly everyday, if I skip a couple days symptoms start creeping up again.


Apr 14, 2016
@faisman I have bile flow problems as well. My symptoms range from inflammation and digestion issues when eating too much fat, except coconut oil which does not require much bile to be easily digested. My main problems from the bile flow issue were GERD and LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflux), and recurring hiatal hernia. I am proud to say I have eliminated this issue by about 90% by drinking Dandelion root/leaf and/or Nettle root/leaf tea infusions, chilled. It's weird, hot liquids worsen my upper digestion problems but these teas chilled are amazing. The other important thing is to steep overnight in a hermetically sealed container to get all the minerals out from the plant cells into the water (this is known as an infusion). I think it's important to drink these herbs as opposed to taking them as supplement capsules; you want the minerals to hit the mucous membranes in your esophagus as well as enhance bile flow lower down. Plus side is they have a lot of calcium, of the non-constipating sort.
Thanks for this Zpol, I ordered some dandelion root and will be adding this to my regimen. I've been using infrared light therapy around the gallbladder area for a week now and I definitely feel a difference with it.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Good points! Thanks for helping me with my tea brewing terminology ;)

I also love horsetail tea, but I'm a bit concerned about the thiaminase that it contains. I already have thiamine deficiency and liver issues. Do you know if this thiamine inhibiting enzyme is an issue in the tea; I know it's a real issue with the supplement forms? (I hope this doesn't deviate from the thread topic too much!)
This i did not know! That can explain why i always forget about doing this tea after a few days... My liver is not top!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
Fat + Acid is the best way to stimulate bile production. Unsaturated fats work best, so Olive Oil + vinegar for instance, or fruit + almonds/peanut butter, Olive Oil with OJ, etc...
I have good result with lemon juice + olive oil 1st thing in the morning.
+ chewing bitter herbs. It cost less if you grow them or take them from the wild! It is important to taste the bitterness, that is how it works. in the end, this is "good", it feels "cleaning"!


Apr 14, 2016
I have good result with lemon juice + olive oil 1st thing in the morning.
+ chewing bitter herbs. It cost less if you grow them or take them from the wild! It is important to taste the bitterness, that is how it works. in the end, this is "good", it feels "cleaning"!

I agree about needing to experience the taste!!


Apr 14, 2013
I just started using Artichoke extract before meals and definitely helps to increase bile flow (at least in my n=1 experiment). Stools used to be runny and very light colored, now after adding in the Artichoke extract they are dark brown and formed. I am not experiencing any relief in constipation however, I still have to use about 1600mg Cascara Sagrada everyday.


Nov 24, 2017
When I take ox bile my stools become frequently , my hot flashes and sweating disappears and my urine stops being foamy.

No idea what's wrong with me. Maybe it's connected with my histamine int.
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A. squamosa

Sep 27, 2016
I have the same issues - I wonder if pancreas issues are involved? i.e., pancreatic insufficiency, @Dan Wich, do you know of tests for pancreatic insufficiency (like a lack of the pancreatic enzymes)? Checked your website and couldn't see anything pancreas-y.


Nov 24, 2017
All tests came back normal.
Cholesterin , thyroid etc. etc.

Only thing unusual is that my zinc and copper is always very low


Jul 11, 2017
You found one? Really need to try if this helps me

I tried a bottle of the Nutricost. I’m unsure it did anything significant. I didn’t really get the mood boost of taurine or the reduced liver burden feeling of activated charcoal. Meh.


Nov 24, 2017
I tried a bottle of the Nutricost. I’m unsure it did anything significant. I didn’t really get the mood boost of taurine or the reduced liver burden feeling of activated charcoal. Meh.

Too bad. What symptoms does taurine improve for you ?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Beneficial role of dietary folic acid on cholesterol and bile acid metabolism in ethanol-fed rats

"In alcohol-treated rats, we observed an increase in hepatic cholesterol, consistent with a high level of HMG-CoA[*] activity. This increase was observed as hepatic-free cholesterol because all the groups presented the same hepatic cholesterol esters values. Supplementation with folic acid decreased these values, playing a beneficial role in cholesterol homeostasis. This fact suggests that, in ethanol-fed rats (A), hepatic cholesterol esterification is insufficient, perhaps because the level of enzyme acyl-CoA: cholesterol acyltransferase—responsible for hepatic cholesterol esterification—does not increase. The accumulation of free cholesterol in hepatocytes is very important, because the only way to diminish it is by esterification of free cholesterol that is ultimately available for secretion in lipoprotein or bile. Therefore, cholesterol esterification plays an important role in protecting the cell from free cholesterol accumulation (Stone et al., 1989)."

* "Microsomal 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase is the major rate-controlling enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis. In the liver, its activity could be altered by changes in the rates of enzyme synthesis or degradation, or by changes in the state of activity in preformed enzymes, such as what might occur through a phosphorylation–dephosphorylation reaction (Law et al., 1996)."​

"BAs [bile acids] are derived from the catabolism of cholesterol. Because they modulate bile flow, they are an important element in cholesterol metabolism."

"Surprisingly, in our research, ethanol (concomitantly with folic acid) induced a significant increase in bile secretion."

"The increase in bile flow and the significant enhancement of total hepatic BA concentration in AF groups clearly indicated true choleretic properties of the folic acid in the biliary salt dependent fraction."

"In any case, we have observed that folic acid had a remarkably high choleretic action when we supplemented it to ethanol-treated rats. Control-supplemented rats did not change their choleretic properties. Therefore, it would appear that the choleretic effect of folic acid depends on the subject’s basal conditions. In this case, the ethanol-fed rats are folic acid deficient."

"In conclusion, ethanol produced an increase in cholesterol synthesis, bile cholesterol secretion, enterohepatic cholesterol circulation, and BA hepatic synthesis. Folic acid supplementation decreased serum and hepatic cholesterol values in alcohol-treated rats, despite the lack of change in HMG-CoA activity. This could be explained by the fact that folic acid increases BA hepatic synthesis, fecal BA excretion, and bile cholesterol secretion and decreases enterohepatic BA and cholesterol circulation. The liver is the major source of serum cholesterol, and its concentration depends on the balance of the hepatic synthesis and catabolism, wherein BA plays a very important role. Therefore, folic acid increases bile fl ow, BA synthesis from cholesterol, and BA excretion by feces, thus provoking a decrease in serum and hepatic cholesterol. However, these actions are observed only in ethanol-consuming rats, not in their supplemented control counterparts. This might be another beneficial effect of folic acid on alcoholic patients."​

So that's a stressed state. If your needs are higher for whatever reason, you might be in a similar condition. And if choline supplementation has its risks, you can place some of the burden on folate and increase its consumption because the regulation of methylation seems to be more regulated with it. Just search for 'folate liver/nafld'.

Role of folate in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

"Since liver is a major organ for folate storage and metabolism (Wright et al. 2007), it plays an important role in maintaining whole body folate homeostasis (Steinberg et al. 1979)."​


Aug 16, 2016
yes i think it is a good bitter!
I am still scratching my head to understand how bile can come upward into the stomach.... Even if we produce too much bile, why does not it just go downward? How can it force entrance into our stomach?

The only thing that can be less interresting with chicoree root than bitter leaves, is the content in sugars - I think inuline? - and the content in soluble fiber... then it all depends on your microbiome!

i am still with coffee, but i start to doubt if good for me, or bad for me... and i dont know how to decide... I am almost sure that chicory was making me fart when I tried it.

Being sub-tropical, I have a lot around, so I have used bitter greens, soemtimes chewing and spitting fiber, so no tea needed except for nettles lol....

Then I found that aloe and olive leaves were really good. Aloe is also good for gums. olive leaves are said to be good agains h. pylori, so all the better! just in case!

bitters are best used I think, first thing in the morning, and the bitter taste feels cleaning in the mouth at this moment. Nettle tea is very nice to wake up in the morning, and I will try it with the night maceration as Zpol said!
But isn't aloe estrogenic? And chicory?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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