Question On Joovv Import To UK



Jun 30, 2018
Anyone buying from outside the EU, you WILL get hit with customs duties, VAT and a customs handling charge. Unless the seller lies on the shipping label which is a crime. They can still open packages and check invoices or look up the product too if they suspect the value has been wrongly listed on the item.

I bought a high ticket item ($600) from the US from a small seller which was just sent in a brown cardboard box, and ended up paying around 30% extra in charges (20% VAT, plus duty, plus handling charge), before the item was released to me.

Indeed, so the only way would be to get them shipped to a local address then reshipped to you. As I mentioned above if anything goes wrong it will probably be more costly. Other option would be if you are self employed or have a fiend with a small business to put them through as a business purchase then you should be able to claim back the VAT.
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