Question about alcohol and hair growth


Feb 6, 2021

I am a 24 year old male that has been doing a mostly-ray-peat-inspired diet (so far haven't tried more of the far-out experimental foods/supps) and am generally healthy (pretty fit, do light exercise 3-4 times a week) except for diffuse thinning on the scalp and receding on the temples, which is what led me to danny roddy>ray peat. I don't believe I am suffering from MPB, from everything I've read on the subject my symptoms don't seem to match up with what most people experience with it. I feel like most of the things I've adopted have improved my health - cutting out PUFAs and grains for example - but I haven't really noticed much change with my hair.

Anyways that is just a brief introduction to where I am at, I am learning more and more about metabolism/temperature, etc. and am adopting these concepts more so I'm looking forward to those benefits but I do have a specific question about alcohol:

I live in a college town in the midwestern US so naturally me and my friends like to go out and drink. I used to drink heavily - lots of beer - and I always knew that contributed to my hair loss so I've toned it back significantly and have 100% cut out beer to get rid of the phytoestrogens and yeast. Side note, my scalp used to itch a lot when I would drink beer but now that is gone.

But to get to the point I've switched from drinking beer/wine to "screwdrivers" - clear Tito's vodka with orange juice. I'm wondering if drinking these in moderation could actually promote hair growth and what are really the negative aspects of it. Whenever I do drink these - sometimes I go a little overboard and have 3-4 of them - I wake up the next morning and my hair actually does pretty well and I have no hangover. Like I said I am generally healthy and am a large man so I can tolerate alcohol very well. Would just like to know what could be going on under the hood and if sustaining this habit would be detrimental in the long run or just fine.



Feb 6, 2021
I should note I discovered "peating" late last year and have begun implementing some of the staples (lots of OJ and milk, daily carrot, some liver and eggs) for the past few months.


Jul 29, 2020
Alcohol won't help your hair but socializing with people might, alcohol could help with that seeing as it's a top lubricant. Alcohol's proposed healthy benefits are overblown to justify alcoholism.


Feb 6, 2021
Alcohol won't help your hair but socializing with people might, alcohol could help with that seeing as it's a top lubricant. Alcohol's proposed healthy benefits are overblown to justify alcoholism.
Thank you. What about alcohol's relation to increased metabolism? I'm sure it's a double-edged sword but wouldn't that technically go in-line with the peat lifestyle? By the way I'm talking about a drink or two... Having 2, maybe 4 ounces of gluten-free Tito's vodka with the orange juice on any given night.


Aug 22, 2019
WHy do you think hobos have full heads of hair? Their diet consists of booze and the occasional slice of pizza.


Jul 29, 2020
Thank you. What about alcohol's relation to increased metabolism? I'm sure it's a double-edged sword but wouldn't that technically go in-line with the peat lifestyle? By the way I'm talking about a drink or two... Having 2, maybe 4 ounces of gluten-free Tito's vodka with the orange juice on any given night.
Well vodka is your best bet and we know OJ will aid in ethanol metabolism, increasing the buzz (positive) and decreasing any negative effects.
Sounds perfect and reasonable to me.


Sep 28, 2019
Drinking 1-2 units daily may promote your digestion, and thus may theoretically help with the hair growth problem. Accidentally I had the most hair growth when I ate a lot of convection roasted chicken meat daily. Lots of red (cow, bison) meat adds to muscle growth, and lot's of chicken meat to the hair growth that's my observation.


Aug 27, 2018
Receding temples = MPB. Why do you think you don't suffer from it?
Mar 10, 2021

I am a 24 year old male that has been doing a mostly-ray-peat-inspired diet (so far haven't tried more of the far-out experimental foods/supps) and am generally healthy (pretty fit, do light exercise 3-4 times a week) except for diffuse thinning on the scalp and receding on the temples, which is what led me to danny roddy>ray peat. I don't believe I am suffering from MPB, from everything I've read on the subject my symptoms don't seem to match up with what most people experience with it. I feel like most of the things I've adopted have improved my health - cutting out PUFAs and grains for example - but I haven't really noticed much change with my hair.

Anyways that is just a brief introduction to where I am at, I am learning more and more about metabolism/temperature, etc. and am adopting these concepts more so I'm looking forward to those benefits but I do have a specific question about alcohol:

I live in a college town in the midwestern US so naturally me and my friends like to go out and drink. I used to drink heavily - lots of beer - and I always knew that contributed to my hair loss so I've toned it back significantly and have 100% cut out beer to get rid of the phytoestrogens and yeast. Side note, my scalp used to itch a lot when I would drink beer but now that is gone.

But to get to the point I've switched from drinking beer/wine to "screwdrivers" - clear Tito's vodka with orange juice. I'm wondering if drinking these in moderation could actually promote hair growth and what are really the negative aspects of it. Whenever I do drink these - sometimes I go a little overboard and have 3-4 of them - I wake up the next morning and my hair actually does pretty well and I have no hangover. Like I said I am generally healthy and am a large man so I can tolerate alcohol very well. Would just like to know what could be going on under the hood and if sustaining this habit would be detrimental in the long run or just fine.

I have been a moderate drinker for 25 years and I don't think alcohol has anything, necessarily, to do with hair growth or lack thereof. I use to have a thinning/breakage problem in the middle back of my hair that I thought was from wearing necklaces and the hair, maybe, getting caught in the clasp, so I stopped wearing necklaces and nothing improved. Finally I decided to try a good hair skin and nail vitamin which, surprisingly, solved the problem. My hair got enviously thick and long and even just as thickbinbthe back, but I noticed that the underside was very kinky and dark, and so different from the rest of my outer hair and was getting wiry gray hairs that hadn't been there before. It wasn't until "Peating" and stopping those vitamins that my hair started getting healthier, from cutting out most starches, eating liver every week, and upping my proteins and sugars. and Today most gray hairs have turned to color again and the underside color and texture now match the rest of my hair. What I have realized, being well versed in "Peatiness", is that those hair skin and nail vitamins filled in where I was lacking, which was probably biotin, but had high amounts of the wrong vitamin A, which was aging my hair. I bought one several years ago low in vitamin A and take one, instead of two tablets, every other day and my hair has never been healthier at 57 years old! Also I don't know if it made a difference, but about 4 years ago I also switched to organic white tequila and have been drinking it exclusively, so maybe that played into the better hair too I don't know. Here are the lower vitamin A hair vitamins I switched to, and a pic of the integrity of my hair, and i do not dye or bleach it.


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Jack Earth

Nov 15, 2019
Healthy women are not estrogenic, quite the opposite.

I would say they have low cortisol, just chilling all day

So women have higher T and men have higher E right?
Stop confusing people with word play you know exactly what I mean.


Aug 9, 2019
I think it was Haidut that said that whenever you expect a night of drinking, take some Aspirin before and an AI like Examestane, although I'm not sure if guys in here take AIs, or anything that lowers Estrogen and it's safer works too.
Last night, I took some 5a-DHP before drinking a few glasses of wine. I felt a significant increase in the amount of alcohol I could tolerate.

Good choice on switching from beer to vodka + juice.
Mar 10, 2021
I think it was Haidut that said that whenever you expect a night of drinking, take some Aspirin before and an AI like Examestane, although I'm not sure if guys in here take AIs, or anything that lowers Estrogen and it's safer works too.
Last night, I took some 5a-DHP before drinking a few glasses of wine. I felt a significant increase in the amount of alcohol I could tolerate.

Good choice on switching from beer to vodka + juice.
The flip side of that advice is that aspirin thins the blood as does alcohol. Factor in "O" blood types already have blood clotting challenges, and vitamin E foods thin the blood too, God help the person, that checks all four boxes, if they get into a serious accident and bleed!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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