PUFA Experiment

Benjamin Button
Jan 10, 2016
I'm gone. I see that if a person even try's to discuss alternate possibilities they will be met with hostility.

What am I trying to achieve??? HEALTH!!!!!



Jan 26, 2016
I remember Edward Edmonds saying that Fish oil and other pufa are potent uncouplers (he's anti pufa btw)....


Mar 29, 2014
As a result I was forced to change my paradigm to find a solution, because as far as peating goes, I already do everything.
I'm a bit puzzled about what you could mean by this - I just don't get the concept of 'doing it all'. Especially since you don't seem to be familiar with some of his key idea in this area. I can't recall if you've spelled out what you've actually been trying somewhere?
If my pulse is low and I'm cold I thought thyroid would bring them up and pufa would bring it down.
Is this + milk + OJ + coconut oil what you mean?

Maybe you had some nutrient deficiencies a la the Burr experiment
Also you can overdo thyroid, caffeine etc...

The burr experiments say that pufa is essential, so contradict peat... That's why I'm raising the point, I was deliberately aim to eliminate all pufa I the body as per peats work.
AIUI, Peat's interpretation of the Burr's experiment, together with later related experiments seem consistent with his idea that higher metabolism requires more of many nutrients (including demonstrably some b-vits, calories, and likely others).
Have you had a go at totting these up for the odd typical day with something like cronometer to see if you are low on anything that could run to deficiency when you use thyroid, caffeine etc? (Ignoring their and most public calorie recommendations as typically too low.) Have you been eating of the order of 3000 cals, at least 80-100g protein, more calcium than phosphorus, some liver (many micronutrients), oysters (esp for zinc), some source of selenium, all the b-vits, ...

My understanding is that even those people who consider that the evidence points to some need for dietary EFAs still assess these needs as so low as to be almost impossible to avoid if eating actual food.

I assume that Peat is not always right about everything. To my current level of understanding., he does make a lot of sense, though. He provides us with a lot of the information on which he bases his opinions and conjectures, so we have something to work with. Before contradicting him, it probably makes sense to find out what he says, and whether your evidence addresses that.

It is consistent with the purposes of the forum to refer to and discuss Peat's work. It is not consistent to tell people off for doing so. That doesn't mean you have to agree with everything he writes/says. But if you don't want to read people referring to Peat's work, then I guess this isn't the place for you.
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Sep 9, 2016
@Benjamin Button , atleast don't leave the forum. Since you regrew slick hair like that without taking anti-androgens , many of us would like to pm you for advice. There is no need to fight over the essentiality of omega-3, omega -6,we already get a bit from eggs, meat and small fish like sardines if anyone here eats them. Most of us are not really deficient in 'essential fats'


Sep 19, 2016
Technically the body makes unsaturated fats from sugar.

My way of thinking is that if the body needs a certain kind of fat... eat more sugar so that the body can decide what unsaturated or saturated fat it wants.

I went through a phase of doing strictly peat and having my temps read low, but realized how caffiene, coconut oil, and haiduts products can lead to low temps and extremeties. Why? Everything was perfect.

Some people are more sensitive than others, and you have to hit the sweet spot with these things.

If it works for you, please update from time to time. Right or Wrong, itll give us all something to work with.
Nov 21, 2015
some people's temps drop with coffee (mine does, but I drink it anyway)...coconut oil made me fatter...people are all different BUT I don't believe PUFAs are healthy for anyone. And I think Peat doesn't recommend a particular approach anyway, but rather a view of life that encourages experimentation without some explanatory theories. One of those theories is thyroid vs. stress hormones, another is satfat vs. PUFA and I believe they are both completely valid. How that pans out in each of us is a different story of course.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
I had a hair shed recently after making a lot of progress.

As a result I was forced to change my paradigm to find a solution, because as far as peating goes, I already do everything.
I consulted Taeian, the guy who I first took advice from. He told me that healthy scalps have a thick fat layer to support follicles. This fat is 60% linoleic acid. He advised me to increase omega 6 in the diet, and topically apply evening primrose oil, castor oil, rosemary oil, and less frequently hydrocortisone cream. In days my hair is dramatically thickening up, it's quite surreal.

Following on from this, I drank the oil as well. Then I ate fast food that was fried in oil, and indulged in several PUFA snacks I used to binge on...

My heart rate is 95 beats per minute, and my temperature is 98 degrees. Which is the highest my metabolism has been since I began pleating, including downing thyroid, caffeine, and coconut oil. And it is 54 degrees Fahrenheit where I am now, which is pretty cold.

This cannot be explained away scientifically as "stress response".

Perhaps PUFA overload is a problem, but so is a deficiency...

I understand this is not going to sit well with any of you, but it's the truth...

Sorry but that sounds exactly like a stress response! At 95 bpm my temperature would be over 99 or even over 100. Also 95 is very difficult to achieve with thyroid, may take eyars of pufa depletion. But with high estrogen, cortisol, adrenaline, it can be achieved. I think you shocked your system diving back into all the unsaturated oils.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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