Progesterone Is Effective For Sciatica


Mar 26, 2014
I didn't have that problem - I had sciatica, but there was a regular physio and football FA physio on my course specifically to learn it. I think they some studies on their official sites (there are a couple of registers of practitioners) I did my training 15 years ago for home use only. I think it was reported to be twice as fast as surgery. It's a combo of Bowen and specific stretching exerises from what I remember. Pretty cheap and we'll worth finding an experience practitioner.

I'm on my phone and can't look but I think there are also some YouTube vids as it is quite a well known method now.

Good luck!

Thanks Milena - for anyone else in the UK I managed to order from - I had to e-mail them get manually affiliated to a practitioner before I could order but this was quickly done.


Feb 27, 2017
Amrita nutrition have vouchers for Nov on Web. Never know if they work but worth Googling and trying.


Jun 7, 2016
I dont think its a problem to ship progest e into the uk

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
Thank you for this. I had my most excruciating disc slippage ever today and happen to have just received some Progest-e. I will start with 10 mg topically on the area. Also taking aspirin USP w/baking soda and Vit. K, icing, red light and 'McKenzies.'


Jun 7, 2016
I had sciatic pain where I couldn't stand up for 3 years and a around a year ago I took a lot of DHEA powder (way more than recommended) mixed with DMSO for a few months with progest e in the mix as well on the spine and painful areas and over ate at the same time and the pain went away but I got fat at the same time, this occurred over a few months, I Put on like 20 kgs but became very strong and now work as a car mechanic again with no pain at all, no symptoms anymore. I have to work 45 hours now and no issues and there were times when I thought I was stuck with the pain forever. I was drinking 1 beer per day at this time but didn't do that before and don't do it now. I think it helped relax.
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Jul 13, 2014
have you tried Nigella Sativa? otherwise known as Black cumin seed oil?

it's been amazingly healing for my sciatic nerve damage. im astounded at how well it works

also there's a few good studies documenting its efficacy

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
have you tried Nigella Sativa? otherwise known as Black cumin seed oil?

it's been amazingly healing for my sciatic nerve damage. im astounded at how well it works

also there's a few good studies documenting its efficacy
Interesting. I bet it's used in some Ayurvedic mixes and that it smells real funky.


Dec 29, 2020
Back story: I have two herniated spinal discs in the lumber spine. Im not sure if its from the car wrecks, sporting accidents or being a car mechanic which did this damage or the poor diet and stressful western lifestyle making the body weak. I have had back pain since I begin physical work at age 14 now 31. 18 months ago I started going to the gym in attempt to make myself more robust, I used to go to the gym in my early twenties and did a few years as a personal trainer. I started getting intense pain in my right glute and radiating into my calf all the time and I stopped going to the gym and the pain got worse and I could not stand up for more than 1 minute or walk properly without being in intense pain, it stayed like this for the whole time until now and I went to chiropractor, osteopath,physical therapist, doctor and surgeon and all thought the nerve function was fine and the discs were not inflamed. I was in the chek institute and have many resources on the body and posture etc and attempted to use this knowledge as well to no avail. It made life hard to put it lightly, I could not work and ended up homeless, lived in my car for 3 months earlier this year and ended up becoming a taxi driver because I don't need to be able to stand or walk in order to survive. Now I have my own apartment and work full time, 70 hours a week sometimes 16 hours a day which is great that I can handle it but being homeless will motivate a person.

Recently I went to a chiropractor each week and this gave me some relief and improvement, my posture is already almost perfect and I'm very healthy besides this issue.

I have been experimenting with progesterone and was putting it on the damaged discs which didn't do a lot but the last 3 nights I've been applying around 100mg of progest-e on the glute muscle where the actual pain is and its completely taken away the pain and gets better each day. Its amazing really. Ray has written this in his book progesterone in orthomolecular medicine and where I got the idea. Also I have been taking magnesium each night and having cheese and milk from what Ray Peat mentioned in his book about calcium and magnesium. It hasn't killed my androgens because I still get nocturnal erections every night.

I thought this was worth writing about because its not well documented how much progesterone to use and it doesn't seem popular to use such a large dose topically and its usually discouraged to experiment like this but it works and no other health professional knew how to heal it. I think for other people, never give up, keep exploring no matter how unbearable life has been.

Over the 18 months I did try many things like high dose aspirin, high dose gelatin, but it didn't do anything.
I’ve just read your message and at the moment I’m suffering with frozen shoulder. It’s painful and range of movement is limited.. I’m just about to apply progest e and hoping it works .. thank you for sharing this ?
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