Possible Goiter?


Jul 31, 2014
Hi all,
A little freaked out and not really sure what to do here...any insight someone might have to share would be very much appreciated :/
A little background--I have been on Tyromax for about 8 months, had worked my way up to 2+ grains and was feeling pretty good on it, however throttled back on my dose to about 1 grain after a doctor's visit/labs and a concern about weight loss. (My labs are attached--taken at the time I was still taking about 2 grains of Tyromax) Hair loss followed after messing with my dose, I honestly can't remember if it began before or after I lowered the dose--in my mind it would make sense if it began after but I honestly can't say for sure, I really should keep a journal of all of this. Because I remember feeling better on the 2 grains, I decided to work my way up again and am currently taking 1.5 grains split into two doses a day--I have been on this dose for a little under a week but I feel all over the place with my dose. For the past few days I have been experiencing a tightness in my throat, difficulty swallowing and kind of shallow breathing, cough, tightness in my chest and a sore neck and my throat seems to be a bit swollen. I don't feel great. Information I have found seems to suggest that this is a symptom of hyperthyroidism. I need to consistently start charting my temps/hr but the few times I have I am still not in an optimal range (70 hr, 97.8 temp) I really don't think quitting cold turkey sounds like a good idea. I have been corresponding with Danny Roddy and he thinks it's okay to continue experimenting safely because my cholesterol was on the high end. But I'm nervous that perhaps this has happened because of the NDT? Do you think it's smart to continue take the 1.5 grains? I am at my wits end with all of this, I feel so trapped and scared. I can't afford to lose anymore hair so I don't want to do anything drastic but I also don't want to continue taking NDT if it's causing the swelling in my throat. Thank-you so much, very grateful for this forum and it's members.


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Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
I don’t have any experience with thyroid but perhaps eating more would help. It sounds like things are out of balance and you are feeling stressed. So more food might help.


Jul 31, 2014
@Dolomite Thanks for your reply, you are definitely right. It certainly couldn’t hurt and I often go too long without eating and run into blood sugar issues. Thanks again


Oct 10, 2018
This might be a little basic, but have you completely ruled out a iodine deficiency already? It's much easier for a person to become iodine deficient then one might realize on a Peat inspired nutritional plan. For a couple of reasons, Peat doesn't put a lot of emphasis on iodine and actually preaches a message of caution towards it. All it takes is a devoted listener to exchange iodized salt for canning salt, not supplement iodine, and not eat seafood, then you have a perfect example of a iodine deficiency. I take 75mcgs (potassium iodide) of iodine a day plus eat seafood about 4 times a week. I find this approach supplies plenty of iodine without over doing it. Keep it under 200mcgs a day.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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