New Year's Resolutions



Jul 1, 2013
United States
Jennifer said:
Okay, thanks! I do have a few quotes from Ray where he says that thyroid and progesterone aren't catabolic so I just wanted to double check on your experience with thyroid. I was trying to gage if I should drop the NDT because I got weighed at the doctors office Friday and I've lost 9 pounds since the beginning of December.

To not get off track from the thread's topic, my New Year's resolution is to not let my weight get below 100 pounds. :|

I remember those days :) Trying to get up from 95 lbs. I used to look to PB & mini m&m's :)

But seriously - I cannot really lose weight anymore, now that I'm taking thyroid & progesterone. I might lose water weight, but I just build muscle super easily and losing weight for me means catabolism. I only lose weight when my body is shedding muscle, or post surgery (I lost like 10 lbs. in a week or two then).

Try PB with chocolate :) Or, if you can - eat cheese!!


Jul 24, 2012
Or go for that Chocolate Cheese.

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Jul 8, 2014
lindsay said:
I remember those days :) Trying to get up from 95 lbs. I used to look to PB & mini m&m's :)

But seriously - I cannot really lose weight anymore, now that I'm taking thyroid & progesterone. I might lose water weight, but I just build muscle super easily and losing weight for me means catabolism. I only lose weight when my body is shedding muscle, or post surgery (I lost like 10 lbs. in a week or two then).

Try PB with chocolate :) Or, if you can - eat cheese!!
Funny, I use to binge on PB&J sandwiches after hikes. I'd eat 4 or 5 in a sitting.

But yeah, I'd imagine losing weight means shedding muscle for me too. I don't get it. Unless I'm eating more than 3000 calories, my weight won't stay above 100 pounds. This is only since hiking all those years. All that refeeding I did for a year and a half and now I'm back to the same point I started from, except this time around I'm not ravenous.

Dairy gives me that rash so it's a no go on the queso chocolaton, but I could do choco chips or choco bacon. Ooh..better yet, bacon wrapped scallops coverd in chocolate. Get some shellfish in there for added nutrients. :sick:


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Jennifer said:
lindsay said:
I remember those days :) Trying to get up from 95 lbs. I used to look to PB & mini m&m's :)

But seriously - I cannot really lose weight anymore, now that I'm taking thyroid & progesterone. I might lose water weight, but I just build muscle super easily and losing weight for me means catabolism. I only lose weight when my body is shedding muscle, or post surgery (I lost like 10 lbs. in a week or two then).

Try PB with chocolate :) Or, if you can - eat cheese!!
Funny, I use to binge on PB&J sandwiches after hikes. I'd eat 4 or 5 in a sitting.

But yeah, I'd imagine losing weight means shedding muscle for me too. I don't get it. Unless I'm eating more than 3000 calories, my weight won't stay above 100 pounds. This is only since hiking all those years. All that refeeding I did for a year and a half and now I'm back to the same point I started from, except this time around I'm not ravenous.

Dairy gives me that rash so it's a no go on the queso chocolaton, but I could do choco chips or choco bacon. Ooh..better yet, bacon wrapped scallops coverd in chocolate. Get some shellfish in there for added nutrients. :sick:

I wish I had your problem (the whole needing to eat 3,000 calories to not lose weight)! But seriously - maybe your adrenaline is high? People with high adrenaline often lose weight despite eating a good amount. Does all cheese also give you the rash?

Bacon wrapped scallops do sound delish, but have you considered carbing up instead?? Sugar is a great way to keep on the weight, because of the glycogen. Your body will waste less muscle if you get adequate sugar. Especially taking thyroid, you might just need more sugar.


Jul 8, 2014
lindsay said:
I wish I had your problem (the whole needing to eat 3,000 calories to not lose weight)! But seriously - maybe your adrenaline is high? People with high adrenaline often lose weight despite eating a good amount. Does all cheese also give you the rash?

Bacon wrapped scallops do sound delish, but have you considered carbing up instead?? Sugar is a great way to keep on the weight, because of the glycogen. Your body will waste less muscle if you get adequate sugar. Especially taking thyroid, you might just need more sugar.
LOL Trust me, with our digestion, 3000 can be a nightmare to take in daily.

You know, I've thought about it possibly being due to high adrenaline. Besides weight loss, what are the other symptoms? I don't get a pounding/racing heart which I know is one other symptom.

Yeah, I get the rash with all dairy, especially cheese.

LOL I was joking about the bacon wrapped scallops. I don't eat bacon. It's strange carbs preserve muscle, but on 80/10/10 my muscles wasted away. It was only till I added meat, eggs and dairy back into my diet that I was finally able to get my weight up to 95 pounds. I've been having chocolate bars, lots of juice, maple syrup and some eggs and chicken.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Jennifer said:
LOL Trust me, with our digestion, 3000 can be a nightmare to take in daily.

You know, I've thought about it possibly being due to high adrenaline. Besides weight loss, what are the other symptoms? I don't get a pounding/racing heart which I know is one other symptom.

Yeah, I get the rash with all dairy, especially cheese.

LOL I was joking about the bacon wrapped scallops. I don't eat bacon. It's strange carbs preserve muscle, but on 80/10/10 my muscles wasted away. It was only till I added meat, eggs and dairy back into my diet that I was finally able to get my weight up to 95 pounds. I've been having chocolate bars, lots of juice, maple syrup and some eggs and chicken.

I know - I can't imagine eating 3,000 calories unless I'm drinking most of them and even then, that would be too much fluids! I did, however, eat pizza for the first time yesterday and I've lived to tell about it. I took Ox Bile beforehand, ate carrot sticks and drank some wine with it (which usually eases the digestion) - experienced no bloating or stomach pain whatsoever, but it's usually the day after that's telling for me when it comes to starchy things made with yeast (like pizza dough). If I do well, however, I'm going to try making my own pizza with my sourdough, since it's easier on digestion.

You don't eat bacon..... what???? You are missing out my dear! I don't eat it all the time, but once a week or twice a month, we always have bacon in our home :) The stuff we get at Wholefoods has very solid fat too, which makes me think it has a better fat profile. It's pretty solid at room temp, unlike olive oil, so....

Regarding carbs and your weight, I think fruit is a different ballgame - first of all, the nutrients in fruit are suppose to allow for people to handle the sugars better than if they were just eating candy or drinking soda. Maybe adding some nutritionally poor carbs back into the diet will help keep weight on. Remember how RP talks about diabetics needing like 12 oz. of pure cane sugar to keep them from wasting away? And if you do have high adrenaline, the sugar should help, as many people who have issues with thyroid and adrenaline say that it does.

That's interesting about adding the protein back in and how it helped you gain weight. I had a similar experience, but it was a mix of protein and carbs that did it, I think. I went slowly from 95 lbs. to about 105 within one year, while still eating vegetarian - I snacked on m&m's and PB before bed. I stayed between 110 and 115 for about 2.5 or 3 years, but was dealing with bad eating disorders at that point. When I got home from Russia, I gained about 15 lbs. and in a frantic effort to lose the weight dieting and exercising, I killed my metabolism and my health spiraled downward. That's when I quit being a vegetarian. Although, prior to my oophorectomy, I dropped down to 112 again - I wasn't eating much carbs, protein or otherwise because of the stomach pains from the tumor. So my body was just killing muscle at that point. After my surgery, I tried really hard to get SFA and some protein (it was around this time that I discovered RP). I didn't gain any weight until I added in more carbs to the SFA and protein, which is what allowed my body to store the glycogen, I think. I think the reason I can't lose weight now is that post surgery, cortisol is elevated for quite some time. I lost weight during antibiotics, but then some of it came back. But I don't particularly care, so long as I feel good, which I do.

I hope you are able to get some calcium source? I wouldn't want your bones to take a hit through all this weight loss. RP says that minerals are very important. People can diet and lose weight without creating stress if they get proper minerals and vitamins. Do you take K2?


Jul 8, 2014
Lindsay said:
I did, however, eat pizza for the first time yesterday and I've lived to tell about it.
Pizza sounds really good right about now. I've actually thought about going back to eating my beloved French bread, but until I get the results of that stool test and know what I'm dealing with, I don't want to make things worse.

Lindsay said:
You don't eat bacon..... what???? You are missing out my dear! I don't eat it all the time, but once a week or twice a month, we always have bacon in our home :) The stuff we get at Wholefoods has very solid fat too, which makes me think it has a better fat profile. It's pretty solid at room temp, unlike olive oil, so....
LOL I know it's insane and I'm truly the oddball of my family. We do have bacon already cooked up that we keep in the fridge to have all week long, I just don't eat it. For some reason I never liked meat much and grew up eating tons of dairy instead. What a cruel joke that I can't have it now.

Lindsay said:
Maybe adding some nutritionally poor carbs back into the diet will help keep weight on. Remember how RP talks about diabetics needing like 12 oz. of pure cane sugar to keep them from wasting away?

That's interesting about adding the protein back in and how it helped you gain weight. I had a similar experience, but it was a mix of protein and carbs that did it, I think. I went slowly from 95 lbs. to about 105 within one year, while still eating vegetarian - I snacked on m&m's and PB before bed. I stayed between 110 and 115 for about 2.5 or 3 years, but was dealing with bad eating disorders at that point. When I got home from Russia, I gained about 15 lbs. and in a frantic effort to lose the weight dieting and exercising, I killed my metabolism and my health spiraled downward. That's when I quit being a vegetarian. Although, prior to my oophorectomy, I dropped down to 112 again - I wasn't eating much carbs, protein or otherwise because of the stomach pains from the tumor. So my body was just killing muscle at that point. After my surgery, I tried really hard to get SFA and some protein (it was around this time that I discovered RP). I didn't gain any weight until I added in more carbs to the SFA and protein, which is what allowed my body to store the glycogen, I think. I think the reason I can't lose weight now is that post surgery, cortisol is elevated for quite some time. I lost weight during antibiotics, but then some of it came back. But I don't particularly care, so long as I feel good, which I do.

I hope you are able to get some calcium source? I wouldn't want your bones to take a hit through all this weight loss. RP says that minerals are very important. People can diet and lose weight without creating stress if they get proper minerals and vitamins. Do you take K2?
Hmm...VoS had suggested sugar water and I was drinking that for a bit, but I went back to drinking carbonated juice because I noticed the carbonation calmed my stomach and I was getting sick of all that sweetness. I think it's due to all the chocolate bars I've been forcing in.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Lindsay. I too was having a fair amount of carbs with the extra protein when I gained some weight back. I think I mentioned this before, but after doing 80/10/10 and fracturing, I followed Dr. Shanahan's nutritional advice (WAPF), but was sticking to mostly whole raw milk, eggs, some raw cheese, crab and scallops as my protein sources. I was having at least 3 quarts of milk a day. I went from about 80 pounds to 95 (mostly muscle) and then my weight refused to go any higher so that's why I refed. It just doesn't want to keep fat on and stay above 100 pounds for some reason. I'm still craving protein like crazy. All I want is ricotta, mozzarella cheese and salty eggs. I thought the eggs were because of the salt, but now I think it's because of the cholesterol. My level is getting really low again. When I did 80/10/10, despite all that sugar, my cholesterol was only 115.

I'm hoping my stool test results reveal a cause for all this and I can get dairy back into my diet, but as a backup, I thought about drinking green broth or I do have leftover soft rock phosphate (calcium) from my RBTI days. I'm not sure what Ray's opinion would be on it, but my practitioner had documented success in reversing osteoporosis in her osteoporotic clients with its use. Two little caps total 1400mg. I might just start taking that again.


Jan 12, 2014
lindsay said:
lookingforanswers said:
So Growing up I was always anxious and cold. But it was manageable. I got mono and that was my breaking point. Since it I've had memory loss, freezing cold, depression, and anxiety, fatigue, etc. I've known about peat for 2 years and sick for 4 years and have certainly seen some improvement, but I'm still not there. I finally decided to take nutri pak bovine thyroid a couple weeks ago, and much to my surprise, it hasn't done anything, and I actually feel worse. I take 1/4 of a grain with a meal and I feel awful and get an adrenaline response. I was so excited and thought this was the answer after reading broda barnes, and have seen zero improvement. The stop the thyroid madness people tell me I need adrenal support but I'm not buying it obviously. How could I be so sensitive to the thyroid? I'm 6ft 175 lbs 24 year old male and I read that broda barnes started toddlers on 1/4 grain. Can I please die already.

The Mono could be a definitely rough point in your health endeavors - isn't that basically caused by Epstein Barr? You might want to contact RP directly and see if there is something you can do to help with this, since it never leaves your system (or at least that's what I recall hearing).

Regarding thyroid, my experience with NDT was that it didn't do anything. I took 4 grains of Thiroyd for about a month or two and it felt like I wasn't taking any thyroid at all, so I went back to Cynoplus, which I'm much happier with.

As for the adrenaline, this is common with all Thyroid supplements because it initially makes people sensitive to adrenaline. Most people usually counter it by eating more nutrient dense sugar - like OJ or other good quality juice. This has worked very well for me and I have no adrenal response to thyroid any longer (except for I regularly wake around 4 or 5 a.m. needing some sugars, so I drink OJ).

Don't give up - things will get better. You just have to keep truckin. There are people on here who have been able to heal themselves remarkably, but it DOES take time. I've gone through a lot of what you have following a surgery two years ago that really screwed up my health trajectory (well, except for the cold thing, but that's because I take 2 grains of Cynoplus in winter, which helps). The memory issues got better, as did many other things.

Thanks. I started taking the pregnenolone with the NDT, and it's amazing, I don't have the adrenaline issue anymore. I'm still being cautious with the increases, but it's actually warming my hands and feet up, which is incredible. I read that Broda Barnes would give hydrocortisone with NDT, for a small number of patients that did not respond well to the NDT. I think pregnenolone is a good substitute. I realized this after reading on STTM that I probably had a cortisol issue.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
lookingforanswers said:
Thanks. I started taking the pregnenolone with the NDT, and it's amazing, I don't have the adrenaline issue anymore. I'm still being cautious with the increases, but it's actually warming my hands and feet up, which is incredible. I read that Broda Barnes would give hydrocortisone with NDT, for a small number of patients that did not respond well to the NDT. I think pregnenolone is a good substitute. I realized this after reading on STTM that I probably had a cortisol issue.

That's interesting about the pregnenolone! I need to order more - it really helps cut down my progesterone costs. What brand of NDT do you take currently?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Dutchie said:
lindsay said:
Come on now! Does no one have goals for the New Year?? (I will omit the word "resolutions")

Personally I didn't make conscious resolutions/goals for this year,bc I get in this 'all or nothing'-mode which (at least in the past) leads ultimately to too much stress that I put upon myself.
It's actually a tricky thing bc on the one hand I like the competitiveness&action in trying to reach goals/resolutions and it helps me to get through days and feel like I'm moving on,but on the other hand I get carried away too much in it till the point where it's almost an obsession(&deprivation of other things/experiences) and 9 out of 10times I'm disappointed with the result anyway,even when I'd succeed for 99% I feel it's not good enough and I come down hard on myself.

So,sure there are things that I would like such as: getting&maintaining a certain physique,getting my financial situation under control and decreasing debts steadily instead of the up&down fluctuations etc. But I'm not gonna define a time-period to it,a starting date etc. I'm not even gonna call it goals,just to kinda play a mindtrick in trying to keep calm and not go overboard.:)

Your photo resolution is a great one.:) Back in the day I've done and tried to get into concertphotography,but eventually I gave up and other photography subjects never interested me. I still have my DSLR&lens though.
Maybe you can start some kind of photography log here,where you post a picture you made that/the previous day? (so you're sort of 'obligated' to take a daily picture.:))

Dutchie: I totally understand. I played sports most of my life and have a very competitive attitude, which is why I think I do better setting goals. But I also have to set limits on myself to not get over involved or upset if I feel like I'm failing. I also have decided to never try and set goals I won't enjoy doing - like reducing debt and getting more physically fit. Reducing debt is a good thing, as is getting physically fit, but neither one does much for my creative half of the brain. So it's useless in my mind getting a work out.

Maybe you should pick up your camera if you still have it - or sell it. One of the two. If you don't use it, the money might come in handy. I've decided to sell my road bike. I never use it and could use the money from it. But I just keep wondering, what if?? Maybe you would enjoy your camera. There's a lot of pleasure derived from taking pictures of even stupid mundane things. And yes - I do have a log of my images on Flickr. You can see them there if you like. I also upload them to a 365 group page, so it gives me a goal. Right now, my images are boring because it's cold and bringing the camera outside makes it fog up. But hopefully I'll be able to go outside more in the coming months. ... 9683213329


Nov 21, 2012
lindsay said:
Dutchie said:
lindsay said:
Come on now! Does no one have goals for the New Year?? (I will omit the word "resolutions")

Personally I didn't make conscious resolutions/goals for this year,bc I get in this 'all or nothing'-mode which (at least in the past) leads ultimately to too much stress that I put upon myself.
It's actually a tricky thing bc on the one hand I like the competitiveness&action in trying to reach goals/resolutions and it helps me to get through days and feel like I'm moving on,but on the other hand I get carried away too much in it till the point where it's almost an obsession(&deprivation of other things/experiences) and 9 out of 10times I'm disappointed with the result anyway,even when I'd succeed for 99% I feel it's not good enough and I come down hard on myself.

So,sure there are things that I would like such as: getting&maintaining a certain physique,getting my financial situation under control and decreasing debts steadily instead of the up&down fluctuations etc. But I'm not gonna define a time-period to it,a starting date etc. I'm not even gonna call it goals,just to kinda play a mindtrick in trying to keep calm and not go overboard.:)

Your photo resolution is a great one.:) Back in the day I've done and tried to get into concertphotography,but eventually I gave up and other photography subjects never interested me. I still have my DSLR&lens though.
Maybe you can start some kind of photography log here,where you post a picture you made that/the previous day? (so you're sort of 'obligated' to take a daily picture.:))

Dutchie: I totally understand. I played sports most of my life and have a very competitive attitude, which is why I think I do better setting goals. But I also have to set limits on myself to not get over involved or upset if I feel like I'm failing. I also have decided to never try and set goals I won't enjoy doing - like reducing debt and getting more physically fit. Reducing debt is a good thing, as is getting physically fit, but neither one does much for my creative half of the brain. So it's useless in my mind getting a work out.

Maybe you should pick up your camera if you still have it - or sell it. One of the two. If you don't use it, the money might come in handy. I've decided to sell my road bike. I never use it and could use the money from it. But I just keep wondering, what if?? Maybe you would enjoy your camera. There's a lot of pleasure derived from taking pictures of even stupid mundane things. And yes - I do have a log of my images on Flickr. You can see them there if you like. I also upload them to a 365 group page, so it gives me a goal. Right now, my images are boring because it's cold and bringing the camera outside makes it fog up. But hopefully I'll be able to go outside more in the coming months. ... 9683213329

Hi Lindsay,

Years ago I once partook in a digital photography class and after it a photography club,that's actually when I found I don't have any interest in photographing outside of concertphotography.
The thougth of selling the camera with the lens frequently crossed my mind,but just like you mentioned I keep being stuck with the 'what if' thinking....What if I sold my camera and somewhere in the future I migth want/need it? It's not like I have the funds to go out and buy a new one then and the money the camera will provide me with won't nearly be as much as it costs.
I know it's ridiculous bc I've taken it out several times,but still until this day it didn't spark anything in me...yet I'm hesitant to sell it,bc I've sold a lot of things already (bc I thougth I didnt like it anymore) and some things sometimes I look back on with a little regret. I guess,I inherited my grandma's 'hoarding' gene :roll:

Nice pictures you have a clear idea/topic/theme in mind which made you decide to photograph those objects?:)


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Dutchie said:
Hi Lindsay,

Years ago I once partook in a digital photography class and after it a photography club,that's actually when I found I don't have any interest in photographing outside of concertphotography.
The thougth of selling the camera with the lens frequently crossed my mind,but just like you mentioned I keep being stuck with the 'what if' thinking....What if I sold my camera and somewhere in the future I migth want/need it? It's not like I have the funds to go out and buy a new one then and the money the camera will provide me with won't nearly be as much as it costs.
I know it's ridiculous bc I've taken it out several times,but still until this day it didn't spark anything in me...yet I'm hesitant to sell it,bc I've sold a lot of things already (bc I thougth I didnt like it anymore) and some things sometimes I look back on with a little regret. I guess,I inherited my grandma's 'hoarding' gene :roll:

Nice pictures you have a clear idea/topic/theme in mind which made you decide to photograph those objects?:)

Gotcha. I understand - sometimes it's hard to part with things. My camera I could never part with - unless I bought a brand new one :) I hate doing these sorts of 365 projects - unless I'm traveling and find things that interest me. But then I was thinking about how I used to find everything interesting to photograph and how maybe if I make myself do it again, I will come up with pictures I love. You kind of have to look at it as though you are an archeologist and out looking for something really fascinating. I used to do really well seeing these things, which is what made me a good photographer. Now I have trouble being so creative. So this is practice.

I actually photographed a bunch of concerts when I was in Russia this past June - it was interesting. Unlike other things I've done. But they were classical music concerts and I was frustrated because I couldn't step wherever I wanted :P

Regarding the photos, the website I'm participating in the 365 project gives everyone a daily "assignment" - the titles of my images tell what the assignment was. Today is "Where I stand", which bores me to death. If I had a studio space to work in, creating all these images would be much easier. It's snowing outside here too, which makes me hesitant to take my camera out and get it wet. Oh well.


Jul 8, 2014
Dutchie said:
I guess,I inherited my grandma's 'hoarding' gene :roll:
LOL Your grandmother too, J? My grandmother hoards polyester clothing and empty Land O'Lakes margarine containers. I'm the lucky girl who gets to clean out her closets and cupboards. The only way to get her to get rid off clothes is if I say I'll take them. Her line "Tweety, these pants would look great on you! You'll take them, right!?" My line "Umm...okay, Mémé! I'll take them! They'll give my ankles and part of my calves a chance to breath. She's only 4'10". :lol:

Lindsay, your haircut looks so cute in that black and white selfie. I remember reading that you were going to chop your hair off. It looks almost like a pixie cut? Very cute! :)


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Jennifer said:
Lindsay, your haircut looks so cute in that black and white selfie. I remember reading that you were going to chop your hair off. It looks almost like a pixie cut? Very cute! :)

Thanks Jennifer :) It's actually grown in quite a bit. Not sure how long I'll keep it short, but I love how easy it is.


Jul 8, 2014
lindsay said:
Jennifer said:
Lindsay, your haircut looks so cute in that black and white selfie. I remember reading that you were going to chop your hair off. It looks almost like a pixie cut? Very cute! :)

Thanks Jennifer :) It's actually grown in quite a bit. Not sure how long I'll keep it short, but I love how easy it is.
Yeah, I can understand wanting an easy hairstyle. I keep my hair long (down to my butt) and just braid it. Nice and easy for me. :)


Nov 21, 2012
Jennifer said:
Dutchie said:
I guess,I inherited my grandma's 'hoarding' gene :roll:
LOL Your grandmother too, J? My grandmother hoards polyester clothing and empty Land O'Lakes margarine containers. I'm the lucky girl who gets to clean out her closets and cupboards. The only way to get her to get rid off clothes is if I say I'll take them. Her line "Tweety, these pants would look great on you! You'll take them, right!?" My line "Umm...okay, Mémé! I'll take them! They'll give my ankles and part of my calves a chance to breath. She's only 4'10". :lol:

Lindsay, your haircut looks so cute in that black and white selfie. I remember reading that you were going to chop your hair off. It looks almost like a pixie cut? Very cute! :)

My grandma rarely tossed out things,so it wasn't that she was collecting and buying lots of stuff. She just rarely would throw things out. So yeah,when she died and we had to clear her home....we surely had a task to fullfil!;)


Jan 12, 2014
lindsay said:
lookingforanswers said:
Thanks. I started taking the pregnenolone with the NDT, and it's amazing, I don't have the adrenaline issue anymore. I'm still being cautious with the increases, but it's actually warming my hands and feet up, which is incredible. I read that Broda Barnes would give hydrocortisone with NDT, for a small number of patients that did not respond well to the NDT. I think pregnenolone is a good substitute. I realized this after reading on STTM that I probably had a cortisol issue.

That's interesting about the pregnenolone! I need to order more - it really helps cut down my progesterone costs. What brand of NDT do you take currently?

I take Nutri-Pak Bovine Raw Thyroid. The pregnenolone was going great, but I think I over did it. I now have a lot of stress/tension in my face and sorry if this is TMI, but my nipples are bigger and sensitive. I am a 24 year old male.

Any thoughts?


Nov 21, 2014
My goal for this year is to live healthier and happier. That's all I want to happen.


Mar 29, 2014
You know, the usual, eat more sugar, salt, saturated fat, exercise less, watch more TV, ...
Actually, that was last year's and I think I achieved them all, except watch more TV (would probably have to get a TV for that :)).

Really, I'd like to get my health up to a level where I can make commitments to things I want to do with other people, and have a reasonable chance of mostly being well enough to follow through, instead of having to cancel out at the last minute more than half the time, or just giving up on planning things.


Jul 8, 2014
Looks like someone is sticking to one of her New Year's resolutions. I'm loving your avatar photos, Lindsay! :)
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