Need to rant about covid, what am I missing?


Jun 30, 2018
Hello all

I live in USA and run a small business in a state that has been rampant with covid, ironically because of my anxiety the last few years I have not really been going out around many people, and when I do its an outdoor venue, many people around me are vaxed, others are not,,,,I think something smells rotten about the whole thing and dont feel keen on a "jab" at this point

I go into offices around people from time to time and do business remotely, however,,,,

Every time I am on the phone with a client, they proceed to tell me that one of their emplyees is very sick with covid, or someone just died of it,,,,,some of the people I talk to are sick for few days then better, others much worse,,,it's every time I turn around someone is sick or very sick and I almost certain its related to this whole thing

I feel there may be something more sinister with this whole thing and that possibly the mortality rate and even infection rate is HIGHER than advertised, I have been much more paraniod lately trying to conduct business, when I go into a venue around people the next day I alwasy wonder if I somehow contracted it

Im only going with what I am hearing in real time by the people I do business with, its just seems so many people in this state are getting sick and I am truly inclined to lay low for months or years until things imrpove, If they do. i have a family to protect and even though I may loose business, oh well, every time I hear of someone sick or passing it makes me think about loosing my family

Quite frankly, I pissed, upset and angry and dissapointed, all at the same time about the current state of affairs, and humanity itself

I just need to vent and would like any feed back on my post
TY all
Mar 10, 2021
Hello all

I live in USA and run a small business in a state that has been rampant with covid, ironically because of my anxiety the last few years I have not really been going out around many people, and when I do its an outdoor venue, many people around me are vaxed, others are not,,,,I think something smells rotten about the whole thing and dont feel keen on a "jab" at this point

I go into offices around people from time to time and do business remotely, however,,,,

Every time I am on the phone with a client, they proceed to tell me that one of their emplyees is very sick with covid, or someone just died of it,,,,,some of the people I talk to are sick for few days then better, others much worse,,,it's every time I turn around someone is sick or very sick and I almost certain its related to this whole thing

I feel there may be something more sinister with this whole thing and that possibly the mortality rate and even infection rate is HIGHER than advertised, I have been much more paraniod lately trying to conduct business, when I go into a venue around people the next day I alwasy wonder if I somehow contracted it

Im only going with what I am hearing in real time by the people I do business with, its just seems so many people in this state are getting sick and I am truly inclined to lay low for months or years until things imrpove, If they do. i have a family to protect and even though I may loose business, oh well, every time I hear of someone sick or passing it makes me think about loosing my family

Quite frankly, I pissed, upset and angry and dissapointed, all at the same time about the current state of affairs, and humanity itself

I just need to vent and would like any feed back on my post
TY all

I agree with you that more people are sick than reported, absolutely! Most people I know who have been terribly sick with Covid haven't reported anything. Usually one gets tested and then the rest know why they all are sick too. How many people are so sick and lying in their bed are gonna get up and go get a test, what is the point when you already know? I am shocked how many sick people I know this past couple of months, when this time last year, before the vaccinations, I hadn't known of anyone sick last summer, and so many young ones now too, even a two year old!

We own our own business and home and are prepared to do what we have to to avoid this vaccine, if it means walking away from it all. EVEN IF the vaccine were not as bad as it is, nobody should take away your freedom to decide what is goung to into your body. That is right up there with those horrible days of experimentation in sanitariums.

I told my husband last year that we are gonna have to view this like a video game where we each get 3 "lives. Once you get Covid you are are down one. Once you get the vaccine you are down 2, and once you die you are out of the game. We still have 3 lives and are happy to be away from the idiots, cause it has gotten crazy.

We have 40% of the word feeling the same as us. More were feeling like us, until they gave up, gave in and got the vaccine. I know quite a few of those and they aren't feeling too healthy. There aren't too many people otherwise who would let the government experiment on the them.

Did you see this 9 minute video? Just remember WE are warriors. I like this saying, "A man with no enemies stands for nothing."

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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