Need Help Desperate: Need To Force Bowel Movement. Serious Constipation

Aug 18, 2015
You're so, but so right about this. When I started entering this world of diets, I just went ham like crazy without really knowing what a hell I was doing. Then, I started calling for help, but in the end, it was all my fault for not being careful enough. And the worst is, no one really knows what is the best for you and you will hear different opinions everywhere. But, please, please, don't tunnel vision yourself. And don't take all for granted. The human body is more complex than you think.

Only honey? What about whole foods? Have you ever checked how much nutrients honey has?
Show Foods

I think it is not impossible. But 1700 cals from real whole foods, not just sugar.

Meals or Grazing? - WaiTalk . Hope this is not interpreted as if I was promoting something. But since you asked :p

Well it looks like honey has close to 1k calories per bottle. Ill do a bottle today almost then eat eggs beef oj and coke as well later.

Apparenty the high spikes of insulin is not helping me. My temp has 98.6+ all day and ive only eaten honey and milk and just sip th honey all day withouy a lot of movement.

It seems im pretty insulin resistant maybe. I ate a bag of pretzels earlier.. Very out of the ordinary fyi, but my nlood sugar spiked to 200+ and i fet very sleepy. After coffee it dropped back down to normal levels.

Im trying to stablize cortisol with constant sugar and not over burden body with insulin that i cannot handle right now. I think it is working.

I started taking taurine in larger doses. .. I think it is making hydrogen sulfide which is getfing rid of this bacteria ajd blocking nitric oxide


Jun 8, 2014
Well it looks like honey has close to 1k calories per bottle. Ill do a bottle today almost then eat eggs beef oj and coke as well later.

Apparenty the high spikes of insulin is not helping me. My temp has 98.6+ all day and ive only eaten honey and milk and just sip th honey all day withouy a lot of movement.

It seems im pretty insulin resistant maybe. I ate a bag of pretzels earlier.. Very out of the ordinary fyi, but my nlood sugar spiked to 200+ and i fet very sleepy. After coffee it dropped back down to normal levels.

Im trying to stablize cortisol with constant sugar and not over burden body with insulin that i cannot handle right now. I think it is working.

I started taking taurine in larger doses. .. I think it is making hydrogen sulfide which is getfing rid of this bacteria ajd blocking nitric oxide

Are you dissolving the taurine in a liquid before consuming? I usually get sulfur smelling gas if I don't. I think it may go unabsorbed and be degraded by bacteria into some type of sulfur compound otherwise (taurine contains sulfur).


Apr 9, 2015
Coffee lowered your blood sugar because caffiene raises your metabolism, and therefore will cause more energy (sugar) to be utilized by the cells. It's also an insulin sensitizer. It sounds like your glucose control is compromised, or your glucometer is junk.

Insulin is not bad when it's a response to food. Insulin shuttles energy to cells, and allows growth and repair. However, if insulin is elevated chronically due to insulin resistance, it can cause problems.

I would highly suggest you purchase a phisiology text book and learn about the basics of human metabolism, or hire someone that does. Trying to apply any dietary recommendations without that basic knowledge is going to be difficult, an possibly dangerous. Especially if you have an extreme mindset, which it sounds like you may posses. Going from heavily restriction calories, to guzzling sugar. I'm certainly not trying to be judgemental, but we all need to recognize and embrace our faults, and know when to ask for help.

Dr Peat's work is brilliant. However applying it without understanding what you are doing could be detrimental. If you are unwilling or unable to learn this foundation information, I would probably just reccomend eating a "normal" mixed diet and count calories.

Btw. Your fasting blood sugar needs to be taken when you are in a fasted state. i.e. At least 8 hours after your last meal, preferably first thing in the morning.

This is awesome advice
Aug 18, 2015
Are you dissolving the taurine in a liquid before consuming? I usually get sulfur smelling gas if I don't. I think it may go unabsorbed and be degraded by bacteria into some type of sulfur compound otherwise (taurine contains sulfur).

Yeah I dissolve it in water or milk and mix it in. I don't know, it seems to be a good thing to be honest, i'm not sure. i read somewhere hydrogen sulfide blocks nitric oxide in the body.. and i read taurine creates bile acids.. i've always had issues digesting protein... i'm hoping maybe my body is finally digesting protein with the taurine and maybe killing off the bacteria. i just started the taurine when this started.

Almost a bottle of honey?

Yeah like a bottle of honey you buy at the supermarket that comes in teh squirt plastic bottles.

Okay guys... I have a problem. I ate some beef and honey, checked my blood sugar.. it was 222... then 7 or 8 mins later.. it as 300+.. I drank some coffee and took a pee.. it went down to 148. I do notice when I eat beef I get very puffy nipples. It wasn't even that much to be honest with you.

I think I discovered the problem here. Thanks James. It seems like my blood sugar is shooting through the roof and I'm getting estrogenic symptoms based off this. So I'm nearly losing all my hair at this time and now this. I'm not really sure how to proceed at this point. Ray says if thyroid is adequate, then prgesterone, DHEA, and pregenelone will stop any cortisol spikes. I'm assuming the cortisol is what is making the insulin not work correctly?

I'm about to go do some research for a few hours to try to figure out what is going on... happy memorial day folks. lol damn it.

The thing is my temperature is 98.6+................. I don't know why the thyroid doesn't seem to be working properly in my body even though my temp is high. I don't think it's running off stress because ive been peating so long.

@haidut any thoughts on this man? massive blood sugar spike after meals... this is my problem. damn.


Sep 11, 2013

For diabetes, maybe try vitamin B's in mega dosis. Like 3x 5 biotin and 3x 500 nicotinamide. Maybe also energin to keep the B's a bit more balanced.
Aug 18, 2015

For diabetes, maybe try vitamin B's in mega dosis. Like 3x 5 biotin and 3x 500 nicotinamide. Maybe also energin to keep the B's a bit more balanced.

Based on... ?

So even 1hr+ after eating, my blood sugar is 116. Looks like I basically gave myself diabetes to some extent. I am basically assuming I am going to lose my hair at this point because I don't see any way I can possibly fix this so soon. RIP. At least I tried. And got diabetes apparently in the long run. Jesus. Can't thank james enough for the tip on the blood sugar monitor. Damn.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
So even 1hr+ after eating, my blood sugar is 116. Looks like I basically gave myself diabetes to some extent.
Normal (2 hours) post meal blood sugar is less than 140 so you probably don't fit the diabetes criteria. Try to stay calm. There's probably a lot of fluctuations going on right now with all the changes you've made recently. At least get your hemoglobin A1C tested before you throw in the towel and label yourself diabetic. Please
Aug 18, 2015
Normal (2 hours) post meal blood sugar is less than 140 so you probably don't fit the diabetes criteria. Try to stay calm. There's probably a lot of fluctuations going on right now with all the changes you've made recently. At least get your hemoglobin A1C tested before you throw in the towel and label yourself diabetic. Please

That is very unfortunate :( Good luck with your endeavor

Yeah I don't know though, I hoenstly have never felt better doing this diet though. I think the taurine recently added made a big difference, but my temperature is consistently 98.6+, plus I feel really centered in my head. My hunger seems to have kicked in and I'm craving food and I feel way more grounded. I don't know what's happening really. I also have been dreaming more often. I don't feel libido necessarily, but other things are clicking, like I can talk to people normally almost and joke around.

Ray said that the blood sugars spike don't matter as long as they drop back down after 2 hours. Hmmm... maybe I'm not that bad after all, I feel like everyones blood sugar would spike a lot after eating no matter what, how can you control that? I'm saying that hypothetically, you can't control blood sugar entering right after you eat, or is it abnormal for it to go really high after eating a high sugar thing...

The taurine I think is next to incredible for me honestly since I've been doing it
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Aug 18, 2015
You know, I thnk I might be all right actually. I just ate an egg, a glass of OJ, and an orange as well and some cheese. My blood sugar right now is 107 after like 15 or 20 minutes and I have next to no scalp itch right now............. and my temperature is 99.6 or 99.7......... lol.......... nice!!!!!!!!!! damn... i thought i was done for earlier.......... maybe the beef was just too much insulin for me or something... that was crazy.. or maybe its the taurine helping.. i just took a lot of taruine before this meal......... i'm not sure

Or actually, probably the honey really spiked my blood sugar... I had OJ with that meal just now.. .I know frutose doesn't raise insulin to crazy levels.. maybe the fresh squeezed OJ is doing me good... I didn't have it all day today


Apr 30, 2015
Yeah I don't know though, I hoenstly have never felt better doing this diet though. I think the taurine recently added made a big difference, but my temperature is consistently 98.6+, plus I feel really centered in my head. My hunger seems to have kicked in and I'm craving food and I feel way more grounded. I don't know what's happening really. I also have been dreaming more often. I don't feel libido necessarily, but other things are clicking, like I can talk to people normally almost and joke around.

Ray said that the blood sugars spike don't matter as long as they drop back down after 2 hours. Hmmm... maybe I'm not that bad after all, I feel like everyones blood sugar would spike a lot after eating no matter what, how can you control that?

I would not worry too much. I remember I tested my brother's blood sugar when he was a teenager after he drank a coke and it was 140. Most doctors would ***t their pants and call him a diabetic because it wasn't in the normal range. The fact is, doctors, and their definition of diabetes is pretty arbitrary when it comes to defining when the "bad" stuff starts. Most doctors will tell you "your blood sugar is too high," and call you diabetic because in their mind it is a progressive disease and once they start seeing those higher readings, well it wont be long until the gangrene and the toe chopping starts. But if you were to ask them, "hey I have these high blood sugars, when will I lose my sight and lose my limbs," they can't really answer you because they do not really understand the whole picture. In fact you could be called a type 2 diabetic from a high reading, but be fine for decades. Not saying that will happen, but it does.

I have had type 1 diabetes for almost 17 years. Yeah it is a different animal, but I get high blood sugars all the time. Easily in the 250ish area. Had one this morning before it came down after breakfast. I just got an eye exam and the doctor said that if he did not know I was diabetic, he would not be able to tell by my retinas, they were in such good shape. I have no nerve damage, no tingly toes or anything like that. I have probably had a high blood sugar reading almost every day for 17 years. Now maybe it would be a different story if it was high ALL the time. Maybe damage would happen then. But I, and many other type 1s, are living proof that a high blood sugar in and of itself is not very damaging, if at all. I dunno, maybe one day it'll all fall apart, but their definition of type 2 diabetes is wrong in my mind. They think that the high blood sugar is what causes the damage, so they do everything they can to lower the blood sugar. But the high blood sugar is a symptom of the actual damage that is occurring.
Aug 18, 2015
I would not worry too much. I remember I tested my brother's blood sugar when he was a teenager after he drank a coke and it was 140. Most doctors would ***t their pants and call him a diabetic because it wasn't in the normal range. The fact is, doctors, and their definition of diabetes is pretty arbitrary when it comes to defining when the "bad" stuff starts. Most doctors will tell you "your blood sugar is too high," and call you diabetic because in their mind it is a progressive disease and once they start seeing those higher readings, well it wont be long until the gangrene and the toe chopping starts. But if you were to ask them, "hey I have these high blood sugars, when will I lose my sight and lose my limbs," they can't really answer you because they do not really understand the whole picture. In fact you could be called a type 2 diabetic from a high reading, but be fine for decades. Not saying that will happen, but it does.

I have had type 1 diabetes for almost 17 years. Yeah it is a different animal, but I get high blood sugars all the time. Easily in the 250ish area. Had one this morning before it came down after breakfast. I just got an eye exam and the doctor said that if he did not know I was diabetic, he would not be able to tell by my retinas, they were in such good shape. I have no nerve damage, no tingly toes or anything like that. I have probably had a high blood sugar reading almost every day for 17 years. Now maybe it would be a different story if it was high ALL the time. Maybe damage would happen then. But I, and many other type 1s, are living proof that a high blood sugar in and of itself is not very damaging, if at all. I dunno, maybe one day it'll all fall apart, but their definition of type 2 diabetes is wrong in my mind. They think that the high blood sugar is what causes the damage, so they do everything they can to lower the blood sugar. But the high blood sugar is a symptom of the actual damage that is occurring.

140 after a meal..... how long after was it 140?
Aug 18, 2015
Are you taking K2?

yes i do 10mg on my legs 1x a day or every other day

So this is interesting.. it seems ray is right about fructose being not a big spiker of blood sugar. I just drank a glass of fresh squeezed OJ with some cheese, my blood sugar was 90, then it went to 98 like 5 to 10 minutes after. It seems like the true spiker of blood sugar was when I had honey or beef.. something that is not fructose. Very interesting. I guess if I eat something that is not fructose, I need to have some kind of glucose things, like coffee or niacin or aspirin or something to make the blood sugar go down.


Mar 15, 2014
I would suggest taking the k2 orally in a much smaller dose (1 - 2 mg a day worked well for me, more if you notice harmful calcification).

The insulin spike was probably from the larger amount of sugar in the honey, and the insulinogenicity of the protein.
Aug 18, 2015
I would suggest taking the k2 orally in a much smaller dose (1 - 2 mg a day worked well for me, more if you notice harmful calcification).

The insulin spike was probably from the larger amount of sugar in the honey, and the insulinogenicity of the protein.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I can't do the k2 internally, it makes me feel like I'm having a reaction to it. I emailed ray about it, he said he only does the oily vitamins on his skin to avoid gut irritation. I do more around 10mg to account for the absorption through the skin
Aug 18, 2015
Almost lost all my hair on my head. Fungus is still on my chest. I "feel" better and taurine has been helping me a ton. But it looks like I'm donezo. Still get itch from time to time with certain foods. Still constipated to some extent and can't push everything out all the way. I was drinking a ton of coffee everyday when things were working better, but it really took a lot for it to work. Taurine seems to be the best thing for me in general, I wish I found it a while ago. I don't think the lots of coffee was a good thing.

I'm losing so much hair it's honestly unreal. One run through my hair and I have like 50 or 60 hairs in my hand. Literally. I can almost see through my scalp. I have to comb my hair over in a way for it to be covered, but I hoenstly almost lost. I can't believe I'm typing this and failed this experiment. I really believed in my self to be able to handle this, but I couldn't figure it out. Sigh.

The sad part is my temperature is consistently 98.6+, but my symptoms really seem to be estrogen being high, my puffy nipples that never seem to go down, and my fungus on my chest that never goes away. Even today my temp was 99.5 without taking any thyroid son. That is respect ! I was dosing high with vitamin A and it didn't work. I do eat liver once a week. I did have thyroid meds, but it seems to send me on an adreanline rush and never really worked.

I wound up getting random aches in my body and my fingers sometimes now. I don't know why. This tradermarks milk I got seemed to fix it.

I really need to do ONE last drastic change now. If I could stop my hair loss like in the next week I might be saved. Please don't say hurr durr it takes x amoutn of time to fix it, whatever whatever, but something I'm doing is obviously wrong.

I have penicillin sitting here that I haven't tried yet. Maybe it is the answer, I'm still considering if I shoudl take it or not I'm not sure.

Not sure what to do right now. This is very unfortunate. To all the guys out there who are losing hair, just figure it out the peat way. I unfortuantely took finasterde as a 19 year old and it drastically changed me. It really left me in bad shape and gave me very high estradiol. I really don't know how danny roddy fixed it himself, but I think it was from him taking so much thyroid medication, but thyroid hasn't really been that good to me. I think I react bad to the brand WP-thyroid or something. Soemtimes I will notice some finger aches in my hand. It goes away after I have a bowel movement, but we come full circle around to I'm never able to have bowel movements and something is always trapped. Damn it propecia. Damn it. Damn it. Damn. It. It. It Damn.

One year of meticously trying everyday. Thousands in blood work and doctors visits trying to track everything. The fungus has been a mainstay nearly the entire time along with the nipples being puffy.

Let this be a lesson guys, don't take finasteride in anyway shape or form. I've had one GF for one month in my entire life and about to be completely bald at age 27.

Time to go make some money I guess and build my business, nothing really left to do in my social life at this point lol.

Ray told me that sometimes estrogen can be a sign of an injury. I do believe I have some kind of injury. My penis is usually always contracted, like massive cortisol being built up. I do think I am in some kind of shock that I can't bring down. I think it's the reason for the high cortisol and high estrogen.... but my temperature is alwaays 98.6+, usually 99+.. I don't know why it would be like that and not be able to control anything.... how is that possible...........

i hope when im long gone, someone, somewhere, some young guy, realizes finasteride is not the answer, and he will use peat, and he will get and keep his hair, have a beautfiul wife and kids and a great life, and not waste his youth on a drug that is poison. i did this for you, person in the future. i went through this i guess to help someone else is all i can look at it now. im sorry, finasteide is not the ansewr, but peat is.. you will heal your hair loss if you peat..
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Aug 18, 2015
Man I am so close actually. the taurine has helped me 10 fold in feeling better. something has got to change here, i know i can fix this, i shouldnt give up on it, but damn what the hell else could i be missing or to try. getting everything bad out of my system seems to be paramont. but even people with low metabolism can have bowel movements, why cant i properly
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