Language is a virus

Nov 26, 2013
Kiwi said:
What were you thinking during your 2-3 hours shroom trip? For me it's hard to imagine you were not thinking anything during that time, more specifically thinking 'in words'. Is it just me or do people mix up thinking and talking here? Even if you're not talking for many hours, it's hard to imagine you're not thinking in words.

Have you never thought without actually talking in your head?


Jun 13, 2015
Such_Saturation said:
Kiwi said:
What were you thinking during your 2-3 hours shroom trip? For me it's hard to imagine you were not thinking anything during that time, more specifically thinking 'in words'. Is it just me or do people mix up thinking and talking here? Even if you're not talking for many hours, it's hard to imagine you're not thinking in words.

Have you never thought without actually talking in your head?

It's always half-half for me I guess, but words are always more or less present in some way. I find it hard to believe someone who is in so much contact with language and words (such as pboy or just a person in our 'modern' first world) is not thinking of ANY word for 2-3 hours though, but it's an interesting topic to talk about.
Nov 26, 2013
Kiwi said:
Such_Saturation said:
Kiwi said:
What were you thinking during your 2-3 hours shroom trip? For me it's hard to imagine you were not thinking anything during that time, more specifically thinking 'in words'. Is it just me or do people mix up thinking and talking here? Even if you're not talking for many hours, it's hard to imagine you're not thinking in words.

Have you never thought without actually talking in your head?

It's always half-half for me I guess, but words are always more or less present in some way. I find it hard to believe someone would be awake without thinking of ANY word for 2-3 hours though, but it's an interesting topic to talk about.

Well, in an altered state, and in open nature, why not? I think this can also happen with training.


Jan 22, 2013
you still perceive the ant and know what it is for example, but everything is an instantaneous knowing...theres two types of thoughts, one thought stream is pure truth and knowing, which is beyond words, its as if the divine ethers are streaming into you, if someone asks you about it you can easily put it into words but in the insight state it comes in just as a happens in the area in the forehead..middle about a few inches back. Really if you smoke cannabis and go out into nature or in a place you are comfortable you will see. Its pure subconscious interacting with the ethers. This is how it is to be in a deep mediation. This is how animals are...the word mind..the scheming mind, the worrying planning mind, the ego mind, is actually a result of the fact we live in a dog eat dogworld, where there isn't enough food...rather, you cant just sustain yourself from nature. It shows how far humans are from the ideal state. IN such a state also, your body is functioning optimally, everything is relaxed and flowing, small imbalances are corrected at least 3x faster than normal, and theres no tension. Theres no anger, theres only ..when you are around everything, you simply know and see as is. Its hard for people, well most are uncomfortable, or never get into such a state because you have to open and embrace it. You have to be ok with the fact that the situation at large, of people, is so deprived and stressed from how our real nature is supposed to be..just everything that is 'important' or 'lessons, values, how you should conduct yourself' the basic way people interact in a neurotic way...really all about getting their cheese, not one bit about real life, you have to be open with that and still keep your sanity and accept truth as it streams in. Only then can real meaningful change happen...only then can you even know what the grand objective is. Why do you think societies, people, the world at large, has no defined end goal? No one thinks about living in a way that is satisfying, that is in connection with the larger picture existentially of what life even is. No one is trying to really free peoples understand the real tender intimate nature of life, and to try to work and always carry the energy of respecting that and setting things up, moving in the direction, of life being nurtruting to this as the first priority. Most of my waking state, and sleeping I guess, for the past few years ...many years, has been in such a state. Its only when I type or talk to people or for tiny moments in life such as directions, or planning the timing of my day, or something, that I enter the word technical mind. Its why when I write things like this, its the first time ive relaly put things into words...I stream directly from my knowing, and it just flows out of me..there isn't any thought put into the things I type, it literallya is as if my fingers are doing it themselves. This is how I have to much knowledge about the truth of things. This is why the highest spiritual teachings guard against thinking too much, its not that your mind shuts off, its that when you are in a high meditative state truth flows in in a binary way, that preexists words,and in such a state, there is zero doubt that its 100% true...its not even a question, the feeling is of pure connection, as if the heavens are with you just feeling it into you, and its for your salvation, or..for whatever your 'purpose' is here, to have you understand the tenderness of yourself and life, the beauty and harmony of it. When in such a state, being in nature is the most magnificent thing you can imagine...the harmony and breathtakingly beautiful, and makes you realize the grace and benevolancy...the artistry, the beauty, of that which created life...its beyond words of what I can say here. When the wind blows, its not like each plant is waving separately, its the whole landscape as one piece...its as if all the animals, plants, winds, sky, are one chord in a feel things as chords, and its a 360 degree...side or your arms, back and front...all at once feeling, and you are part of it


Oct 27, 2013
The psychedelic experience is a whole different beast. When everything is in harmony, the parts of the brain that think in language can be disabled, putting one in a reality in which they are ultra observant, yet not using these observations to access the vast data or sign posts regions of the brain. It is one of the most important aspects of the experience, as our current world structure has us over accessing our words & sign posts. An ex would be something as simple as looking at a leaf. Under normal conditions, you would see the leaf, & feel the sign post vibration you have set up for the leaf experience based on all prior data. In an altered state of mind, you see the leaf like you are seeing a leaf for the first time, thus you are not accessing it's sign post deposits you already have downloaded into your brain. Everything has the possibly to be new again, all it takes is disabling the sign post tether all observations carry with them, something that is attainable with psychedelics.


Apr 12, 2014
mt_dreams said:
The psychedelic experience is a whole different beast. When everything is in harmony, the parts of the brain that think in language can be disabled, putting one in a reality in which they are ultra observant, yet not using these observations to access the vast data or sign posts regions of the brain. It is one of the most important aspects of the experience, as our current world structure has us over accessing our words & sign posts. An ex would be something as simple as looking at a leaf. Under normal conditions, you would see the leaf, & feel the sign post vibration you have set up for the leaf experience based on all prior data. In an altered state of mind, you see the leaf like you are seeing a leaf for the first time, thus you are not accessing it's sign post deposits you already have downloaded into your brain. Everything has the possibly to be new again, all it takes is disabling the sign post tether all observations carry with them, something that is attainable with psychedelics.

Good post.

And personally, I believable it is also attainable with an excellent diet/supplement/sunlight plan.


Oct 27, 2013
sm1693 said:
Good post.

And personally, I believable it is also attainable with an excellent diet/supplement/sunlight plan.

I agree, there's more concrete ways to attain this without having to always call on a drug for the experience. I'm sure there's many eastern practices to increase the chance of attaining this.

Funny point regarding absorbing enough sun. From my personal bubble, it seems that, when compared to people who take in the sun regularly, people who appear to be sun deprived have a tougher time achieving the kind of vibration relating to the above shroom experience.


Jun 13, 2015
Maybe I can't compare the 'states', because I wasn't on a trip yet. Maybe a psychedelic experience would change the way I see things, although I actually don't think I see things really different, the only difference for me is that words/thoughts/language don't seem like a hindrance for me to know those things. I only tried out marihuana once (not a high dosage) and I felt completely the same, I'm pretty much always in peace and harmony, if I'm doing activities I like and be around people I like and persist in this state for longer. Being around people I dislike/being lonely or doing activities I don't really enjoy or doing 'nothing' at all and I can feel that I get unhappier with each day. I know completely when I move into the right or wrong direction, with everything I do. It can also be applied to foods. I always appreciate everything I see, be it an ant or a leaf, even though I've seen them many times, every experience feels like a new one and is absolutely beautiful to experience again. And I absolutely love being in nature as well and adore it in every way, especially with friends. However, we also talk, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it makes it double the fun for me. Just considering how I'm pretty much always full of energy and positive/in a good mood and my metabolism, I'm really similar to a child and in general most adults seem/feel like zombies to me, not really being awake, I like being around children usually a lot more or being around non-zombie adults, which aren't that common. I think people should try to 'emulate' the state of a child and I personally think its preferred over the psychedelic one, but I can't really tell it. I just can't see how the second one is preferred over the first one. Words and thoughts don't really go in my way, it's only when boredom kicks in that I feel words/language can be toxic and very much so. So my suggestions to prevent it is to really just occupy yourself all the time with activities you really like and be around people you like. Also don't think about things you know that are unsolvable, they make you frustrated.

I think I'll try out shrooms soon with a few friends and then could report back in, maybe I'm preferring it, maybe I'll dislike. I mean, why not? ;)
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