Unresolved Trauma, A Metaphysical Approach To Illnesses And Ailments


Jul 11, 2016
I found the ideas expressed in this video so interesting and encouraging that I transcribed it below so that they are more easily available. For me, they represent a creative way to explore the psychological/emotional/spiritual side of illness, which I think at worst--are a creative waste of time that allows you to sit down and reflect--or at best, may provide you with some insights into your own condition, whatever it may be! At any case, I will be using the questions the author mentions in the video for my own probing at what aspects other than the purely biological ones could be at play and reflected in the body.

All the best to all!

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How to find the root cause of your illness or ailment

When the scientific process came about, suddenly we were able to look back and recognize the physical cause of the illnesses and ailments which we suffered from. This was, you know—freakin’ awesome- why? Because it meant that the illnesses and ailments that we suffered from ceased to be some intangible, etheric, and abstract force. Suddenly, we could understand that the plague wasn’t in fact caused by god punishing the human race for prostitution. Instead, it was a cause of bacteria that were carried by flees and rodents. Understanding the physical cause of an ailment or an illness is really, really important to the healing process. But when we started to think that the physical cause was in fact the root cause of the illnesses and ailments which we experienced, we lost something very valuable. We lost the understanding that the story about the root cause of an illness or an ailments started far before the physical cause, which we were looking at. Saying that an ailment began with the physical cause of that ailment is the same as saying that the song you’re listening to came from the radio that is sitting on your nightstand, when we all know that the actual story about the root origin of that song started way, way, before it reached your nightstand radio.

Knowing that, I’m gonna lead off this episode with a statement, and here it is: ailments begin mentally and emotionally. They then become physical. The physical cause of the illness you see before you is just that. It is a manifestation of a deeper mental and emotional root cause. It’s hard for us to see the power that the mind or emotions have over body. Why? Because we can’t see the mind. Once we adopted a Newtonian model of physics, we suddenly really cared what we saw. So, obviously, if you can’t see the mind, if you can’t see emotions, they’re abstract to you. But play a game for me: close your eyes for a minute and I want you to imagine biting into a lemon. Make it as real as possible. See if you felt that reaction back here in your jaw, the reflex to tasting something sour. There are no lemons in your vicinity, so why did that just happen? It happened because your mind doesn’t know the difference between something you imagine and something that happens in this external reality. Everything that it perceives is real. The body is reflecting what is happening in the mind and the emotions—exactly.

We are not conscious of the reaction in our body to our thoughts and subsequent emotions. Are you aware when you’re stressed at work that your stomach is tight and your body has shut down blood flow to your extremities and your body’s flooded with cortisol and your heart is working double time to cope and your liver is breaking down glycogen like crazy? No, chances are that you’re simply focused on what’s stressing you out. So if you develop something like heart disease you’re gonna be baffled as to why. You do not recognize the cause of the effect.

This is even truer when the mental and emotional causes of our ailments find their roots deep in our childhood. This is the case with cancer. Cancer is the byproduct of the deep grief we experienced in our childhood that goes unresolved. But this is the last thing we think of when we come down with cancer. When we get cancer, the first thing we do is rush straight in for chemotherapy treatment. Ultimately, the root cause of our physical ailments is trauma. But when we’re thinking about trauma we have to expand our understanding of trauma.

Trauma is simply a distressing or an unpleasant experience. Looking through this lens, it’s easy to see that being taught a painful belief is trauma. Being weaned from the breast is trauma. When we’re looking at things like rape and war, that’s just the very extreme end of trauma. But anything that is a trauma that is unresolved can become a physical malady.

A trauma that is unresolved puts us in a state of resistance, because we have not moved through it. And don’t kid yourself—surviving trauma is very different from moving through trauma and finding completion. When we experience trauma, we have to find a way to weave it into who we are meant to become. We have to find a way that that trauma serves us instead as serves as a detriment. And most of us don’t do this. Instead of moving through and completing our trauma, most of simply survive it. We stay strong and muscle our way through it. We dissociate from it. What happens then? It stays a wound. A wound that doesn’t heal. An emotional and mental trauma actually affects the blueprint of our being. That blueprint of our being then informs our body what to do and what to become.

So, what about ailments, illnesses or injuries where you can actually see a physical cause? Things like environmental hazards or accidents or injury or genetic defects? That’s where you think you have me, right? Think again. We live in a Universe that operates according to the law of attraction. This means that you can only line up with those types of ‘physical causes’ if you are already a vibrational match to them in some way. For example, unresolved grief makes us a vibrational match to tragedy. So it is not unheard of for an entire demographic of people suffering from similar unresolved grief to be a match to a collective tragedy that triggers cancer, such as a nuclear disaster. This is the real reason why you can expose an entire demographic of people to a ‘physical cause’ like a virus and some of them seem completely immune, while others immediately succumb to it. The same is true for accidents.

The two most common vibrations I see present within people that make them a match to accidents are a feeling of complete powerlessness (victimhood) and also a feeling of self-punishment. If you’re in a space of self-punishment, you feel guilt for something. Accidents are a way to resolve that guilt. Accidents allow us to let ourselves off the hook for it. To even line up with an accident, there has to be a mental and emotional issue in place. And I will also tell you that where your body is injured in an accident is also no mistake. There already has to be a weakness present in that very area for the injury to be caused in that area.

Thoughts and emotions even express our gene expression. Epigeneticists have already figured this out. Essentially, when you adopt a girl into a family that is predisposed for breast cancer, she is every bit as much at risk for developing breast cancer as someone who is actually genetically related to the family. Why is that? By being adopted into the family, you’re being adopted into the mental and emotional patterns within that family. And so, it’s just as likely that you will develop that disorder as someone who’s genetically related. How do we explain that if genes are just being the dealt what you’re dealt? We have to start thinking about genes like playing cards. Just because you’re dealt certain genes, doesn’t mean that they will be automatically played.

Now, when most of us become aware of the fact that there are emotional and mental root causes to the ailments which we’re experiencing, we have a very hard time swallowing that pill. Why? Because it means we had something to do with the ailment, we had something to do with the accident. Now, immediately people go from there straight into self-blame, or in a space where they’re thinking that metaphysicians like myself are blaming and shaming someone for lining up with their ailment or accident. This could not be farther from the truth. Here’s the reality: if you were consciously aware that you had anything to do with your ailment or accident, obviously you would have changed it! If you had a conscious choice, you would simply choose health, twenty-four hours a day. But there are conscious and subconscious processes happening within the human being, and you are no exception.

There are aspects of you who you are aware of, and aspects of you who you are not. And it is those aspects that you are unaware of that are leading up to and becoming a match to these illnesses and ailments. So it’s not about something you did wrong. If you’ve manifested an ailment or an accident in your life, this is a call to become aware of these subconscious processes that are taking place within you. It’s a call to awaken.

You are being asked to make changes. Nothing more and nothing less. Also, before I continue: for those of you who are flipping out, especially you doctors out there, I’m gonna tell you that I’m a complete fan of approaching an ailment from all angles. That means approach it from an energetic standpoint, approach it from a mental standpoint, approach it from an emotional standpoint. Approach it from a physical standpoint. All of the above creates a clear picture of not only the ailment, but also the way to heal it. But I will tell you, if you’re going to address ailments purely on a physical level, you are addressing only the tip of the iceberg, because your physical existence, quite literally is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are only addressing the tip of the iceberg, any physical step to cure an ailment will fall short. The ailment is simply quite likely to come right back, because the blueprint for the ailment did not change at all.

Now, this is the reason that the medical field in the western world is so terrible at curing illnesses. Chronic illness is something that it’s- completely confused about, awesome with acute trauma. Terrible with illnesses! Why? Because it does nothing to address the root cause of those illnesses. The body is trying to communicate with us about our being through our maladies. It is trying to tell us what is out of alignment, what is best for us, and what we truly desire.

The approach to illness needs to be: What is my body trying to say? So I ask that even if you’re skeptical, consider this way of approaching ailments for curiosity’s sake. It doesn’t hurt to try on this perspective. So once you have manifested an ailment, what exactly are you supposed to do about it? I’m about to tell you!

Step 1. An ailment that you’re experiencing is always, without exception, just a magnification and an exaggeration of its actual cause. That’s freakin’ awesome! Why is that so awesome? Because it’s instant knowledge about what in fact created it. So ask yourself:
  • How does this ailment make me feel?
  • How do I feel about it?
  • What thoughts does it cause me to think?
It’s tempting to think that those feelings and those thoughts that you’re thinking are caused by the ailment itself, but in fact their reverse is true. It’s nothing but a magnification, so those thoughts and those feelings are in fact what is causing the ailment. They are the thing that is unresolved and unhealed. For example, to simplify, acne makes most people feel super insecure about how they appear to others. These feelings of insecurity about how they appear to others and thus how they are accepted by others is in fact what causes acne to begin with. Think back in your distant and recent past to what could be truly causing you to feel that way you feel and to think those thoughts. This is the real wound that needs resolution.

Step 2. Focus on the onset of the ailment. Ask yourself questions like this:
  • When did I first notice the symptoms?
  • When did this ailment occur?
  • And how was I feeling, what I was doing, what was I thinking in the months and weeks prior to that noticeable onset?
For example, you might find that the onset of your ulcers happened when you started to have relationship problems, and as a result you started to feel resentful towards your partner and critical towards yourself.

Step 3. I want you to ask yourself:
  • What is having this ailment preventing me from having or doing in my life?
One step further:
  • If I was to have or do that thing in my life, what would be so bad about that?
Our body does not manifest ailments to hurt us. Your body is not against you, it is for you. So you must consider that the ailment that you have is your body’s subconscious attempt to assist you. If your body was trying to help you by doing this, what would it be trying to help and why? For more about this concept, I want you to watch my video on Youtube titled “The Hidden Positive Intention (The Key to Letting Go).” Here’s an example of what I mean: people with MS tend to feel unsupported in life. That’s apparent starts way before MS actually presents itself as a physical malady. But they also feel completely unworthy or incapable of asking for assistance. So the body takes over. It essentially incapacitates itself, so other people have to step up and play their role. As a result, people with MS get to feel supported.

Another example is some women who suffer from infertility don’t have any idea there’s an aspect of themselves that in fact doesn’t want to pregnant at all. Perhaps they have unresolved wounding from childhood. Childhood may have sucked, so why the hell would you want to subject yourself or someone else to that same process? So in fact infertility may be a way for the body to save itself or save the being from having to experience something that it thinks is actually negative.

Another example is some people who get cancer as a result of deep childhood grief develop a kind of mentality in life where they only do what they have to do, never what they want to do. As a result, their life is choked of joy. So the cancer manifests as a way of saying:

“Look, I’m putting you in a do or die scenario. You can continue to do what you have to do and thus die because it’s not really living a life anyway, or you can do what you want to do, and start really living life, in which case, we, the cancer will go away, and you will heal!”

We have to be willing to consider that the ailments we manifest are here to serve us in some way, even if it’s simply to make us aware of something that needs to change.

Step 4. All ailments are the byproduct of resistance to something. We are energy flowing forth into the physical dimension. We have a choice to go in the direction of that expansion. And expansion is led by desire. Once we desire something, we have a choice to line up with it, which is to allow or else to resist it, which is to close ourselves down to the flow of energy.

When we think thoughts and take actions that allow us to move towards what we want, we are in a space of allowing, when we think thoughts and take actions that disallow us to move towards what we want, we are resisting. For example, wanting money and thinking money doesn’t grow on trees is resisting. It diminishes the flow of energy through our body. It makes us a match to scarcity, instead of abundance. So we have to ask ourself:
  • What is this ailment showing me that I am resisting?
For example, joints are about flexibility, so you can ask yourself if you have a joint problem: how am I resisting flexibility? How am I being inflexible? Resistance takes place on a mental, emotional, and physical level. So our aim should be to find the mental block, the emotional block, and the physical block that is preventing the expansion, i.e. healing of any ailment that we are experiencing.

Step 5. The oldest trick in the metaphysical book is to look at the ailments we are experiencing quite literally. This means, do all kinds of research about the ailment itself. What do doctors have to say about it? And once you have figured out about the ailment itself, ask yourself literally:
  • How is that happening in my body?
Here’s an example: a cramp is a contraction, a stopping of the process of something. So consider how you are doing that in your life. How am I contracting in my life right now and why? And ask yourself how you were doing prior to the manifestation of that ailment. Or, another example is asthma. Asthma is: “I can’t breathe!” So ask yourself, what in your life is making you feel like “I can’t breathe!”

If the body was conversing with you through the ailment as literally as possible, what would it be trying to tell you about you and your life and what needs to change.

Step 6. Talk to the ailment itself or the area of the body that is affected directly. This is a highly intuitive process, but guess what? You are imbued with consciousness. That means there is consciousness in every aspect of your body, every cell, every organ. You can talk to every aspect of yourself as if it is its own being. And even our maladies, things like cancer, have their own consciousness. You can interact with it. I encourage you to do so in a meditative process. For example, if you have cancer, close your eyes and begin to feel the cancer.
  • What does the illness feel like?
  • If it looked like something, what would it look like?
  • If it had a sound, what would it sound like?
Imagine that this aspect of you has a voice of its own and begin to mentally ask it question. Any and every question is good to ask. For example:
  • Why are you here?
  • What do you need me to change?
  • How are you trying to help me?
The sky is the limit to the questions you can ask. And don’t be afraid to involve other people in your life to think of questions to ask it.

If you get stuck, you can do a left-hand writing episode. I love left-hand writing because it is easy access to your subconscious mind. The rational, logical, judgmental mind has a difficult time getting involved in the process. And so, you can have a pure conversation of whatever subconscious aspect of you you’re trying to access. So what you can do is connect to the cancer and allow the cancer, or whatever ailment it is, to speak through your left hand, through the pen, and onto the paper.

Step 7. Heal your emotional body. The unhealed emotional trauma is the physical root of our physical ailments. For this reason, I want you to watch my Youtube video titled, “How to heal the emotional body.” Begin the process that I demonstrate in that video. I also encourage you to buy my book called “The Completion Process.” It’s available as of August 2016. As I said earlier, ailments are ultimately the byproduct of unresolved trauma. This process makes you aware of the unresolved trauma and then brings that unresolved trauma into a state of completion. Many people experience their ailments completely going away as a result of this process.

Step 8. I want you to approach any ailment that you’re experiencing as your teacher. The way to do this is the following:
  • If I acknowledge this ailment _________ as my teacher, what is it trying to teach me?
No-one will be able to tell you the root cause of your ailments or maladies better than yourself. All you have to do is to begin listening to your body and to be brutally honest with yourself. Once you do this, you will have the key to exactly what is going on within you. Soon, you will be able to listen to yourself before your being has to go to the extreme of talking to you through the manifestation of the physical condition. Many experts have devoted their entire careers to decoding the root emotional and mental cause of specific ailments, and it must be said that there are definite tendencies, tendencies that experts in this field agree upon. For example, issues that have to do with the spine tend to do with issues with support. Issues that have to do with the skin tend to be issues involving personal boundaries. If you’re curious about what experts agree upon as the mental and emotional precursor for ailments, I encourage you to do your own research. It’s pretty fun to do, in fact. However, not every expert is created equal. […] But setting that aside, that I must say, that I’ve f- far prefer the idea of putting you in touch with your body, so you can be the one to access the wisdom to your own body to know why specific ailments or maladies have shown up in your life. That’s a far more empowering thing than leaving it up to other people to tell you what the root cause of your ailment is. So I encourage you to use the previous steps that I’ve outlined in this video to discover the root emotional and mental causes, the actual causes, of your physical maladies that you’re experiencing or someone in your life is experiencing, because once you have found those roots, you now have the absolute key to your longterm healing.


Feb 2, 2016
Excellent thread @Integra .

I think this forum would benefit with more contributory "buried trauma and illness" threads/posts.

As ive said a few times on threads with people battling with many health issues both mental and physical, not everything can be cured in a logical biological altered diet, supplement regime (im not saying dont attempt it and it obviously does help many) . This being the nature of the forum the emphasis is on diet, supplements and hormones.

Ray Peat does mention "learned helplessness" , but the psychological aspect of illness is underplayed i think in many posts.

It doesnt help to distance ourselves from our emotions, as it can play havoc with our health

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Book by Bessel van der Kolk


Oct 15, 2015
It that video she says that the cause of all sickness is mental and emotional. I don't even know how to respond to that....


Jul 11, 2016
Hi @Simonsays,

Thanks for the book recommendation. How does it compare to other bodywork/bioenergetic material out there?
It that video she says that the cause of all sickness is mental and emotional. I don't even know how to respond to that....

Yeah, I agree. That kind of places us in an either/or frame of mind and invokes the old conflict between nature vs. nurture, agency and structure, man and environment--but you can discard what she has to say about that and consider the rest of her ideas for their own merit. If what she says not only makes you disagree with her but upsets you emotionally, that could be something you could probe further.


Oct 15, 2015
Hi @Simonsays,

Thanks for the book recommendation. How does it compare to other bodywork/bioenergetic material out there?

Yeah, I agree. That kind of places us in an either/or frame of mind and invokes the old conflict between nature vs. nurture, agency and structure, man and environment--but you can discard what she has to say about that and consider the rest of her ideas for their own merit. If what she says not only makes you disagree with her but upsets you emotionally, that could be something you could probe further.
I was thinking more along the lines of what she said has no validity in the real world.


Feb 2, 2016
To be honest i didnt watch all the video and read the entire transcript and there are some statements i dont agree with.

I dived in a bit as i agreed with the psychological aspect to illness which i think can be overlooked.

But unresolved trauma definitely changes the body chemistry , as cortisol/adrenaline become dominant, leading to much illness.

People would do well to look at this angle as well

Thanks for the book recommendation. How does it compare to other bodywork/bioenergetic material out there?

I wouldnt know, i havent read others but this is one of the first to look at this aspect of health.

There have been a few studies posted on here about traumatic early lives and long term health outcomes


Mar 29, 2014
But unresolved trauma definitely changes the body chemistry , as cortisol/adrenaline become dominant, leading to much illness.
Yeah. I think it can also set us up for habits that we may or may not be aware of that affect our health in an ongoing way too. Anything from posture/particular muscle tension, to how we breath, eat, sleep, move, engage with other people ...


Sep 9, 2015
As ive said a few times on threads with people battling with many health issues both mental and physical, not everything can be cured in a logical biological altered diet, supplement regime (im not saying dont attempt it and it obviously does help many) . This being the nature of the forum the emphasis is on diet, supplements and hormones.

I totally agree, excellent thread.

From a personal POV I became OBSESSED with my illness, trying the next supplement or food regime to cure it. My symptoms were VERY physical and REAL, showing up on tests. I took a two week vacation recently, and although not 100% cured, I found I just didn't focus on (feed?) my illness and I genuinely laughed at my obsession as I lived feeling light as a feather.

So my root of my illness is stress from my job, I would rather look at absolutely any cause rather than that. I went to therapy before which helped a little but it's not removing the maintaining cause so I think I might have no option other than a job change.

Dr. John Sarno has written a lot on this, though he mostly writes on back pain, he says that unresolved anger and trauma can manifest as many illnesses.


Mar 29, 2014
I suspect it can sometimes happen that we have an illness caused by non-psychological factors (eg infections, injuries), and then whatever live stress or worry is happening at the time get's tangled up with it and makes it harder to fully recover in that area, and then it can become a chronic weakness, so whenever we get overstressed, that's the place it shows up first.


Jul 11, 2016
Certainly, the body-mind connection is way more complex (in practical terms) than to simply see the mind as merely a biological extension of the body, since we have seen that the mind can have agency on its own and can in turn affect the body. Similarly, as @Simonsays, @tara, and @SarahBeara all already noted in different ways, physical and environmental conditions can be the direct (and perhaps only!) cause of certain states of mind. I am in full agreement with this view.

The hunt for the primary cause may be interesting for a philosophical discussion of the functions of the body-mind and could give us a historical view of how our current biological and mental state came to be, but not so much for a dynamic view of what's going on with us here and now. For me, the body and the mind stand in a mutual relation of implication, meaning that one is currently flowing into the other and vice versa, at the very moment I write this (and maniacally edit what I wrote). While the 'mind' (and by this, I mean all functions of sensory perception, reflection, and abstract conceptualization) may not have physical existence of its own, I think we need still need to see the mind as I described it as functionally separate from the body in this thread, because it affects it.

Changing your mind, then, might include:
1) changing what environment you perceive (like changing your environment by quitting your job),
2) how you perceive the environment (changing how you relate to it by reflecting on what you can do about it), or
3) what you perceive in the environment (by looking at what you conceptualize, by giving it a name! :))
4) how you perceive the 'things' (concepts) in the environment (I think that concepts need to be useful or personally meaningful, otherwise they can wreak havoc!)

EDIT: Oh, I just realized that numbering these things out like this completely fails to address practical constrains such as the limited amount of time and energy each one of us has to invest in this process--I guess I assumed that was a given, and that I don't believe that we have absolute freedom in making such choices, but just in case that's not the case, I'm adding that caveat here!
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Jul 11, 2016
I feel very inspired, so I'll add another shower thought (actually, a laundry thought) I just had: both the concept of soul and the view of world as a single whole (or zen-like 'onneness') have practical benefits! By this, I am abstracting them from the prescriptive narratives that are attached to them in specific religious contexts, any of those that force people to feel ashamed of certain feelings or to act against themselves just to please some external authority or give meaning to their lives.

Here's what I mean: the soul can be an abstraction of who we are if we strip it down to the bare minimum, by viewing all of the things we're not. If we are 'souls', then we are not this, neither that, including:
  • our bodies
  • our minds
  • our social roles
  • our achievements
  • our failures
  • our goals
  • our societies
  • our cultures
  • our universe
On the flipside, if we are all of it, then we are:
  • our bodies
  • our minds
  • our social roles
  • our achievements
  • our failures
  • our goals
  • our societies
  • our cultures
  • our universe
In a sense, both concepts are seemingly irreconcilable opposites, but perhaps useful but for two opposite purposes, and in different contexts. The soul-orientation could be, as I am playing with the idea, the closest thing we can approach as objectivity in our daily lives. Perhaps the ability to view ourselves as a 'soul' could be brought down to earth as being a skill that may come useful in situations when we need to emotionally step out of something in order to view it from a distance or from its opposite perspective? I can see how this would be useful in interpersonal conflicts, or investigating conflicting emotions, or conflicts between external facts (be those research, events in the world, etc.) and our the relationship between our emotions, perceptions, and beliefs/attitudes, etc.

And then, the view of all of us as 'one' would be an express ticket to Tsechskwqhkadljy's* (yes, that's how you spell that name) state of flow, where we can accept all as it is the way it is, and then engage in resistance-free action, or 'work with it', or as Bruce Lee said (I'm going deep here), to 'be like water'?

Huh? Huh? What do you guys have to say about this? :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*It's actually Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, I googled it because I felt bad.
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Oct 15, 2015
The thing people need to be completely clear about is when they are talking about the mind, they need to clarify exactly what they believe the mind to be. I think a lot of people tend to play with the idea that the mind is some external entity to the brain.
I don't mind entertaining the idea but just be clear about it.

I believe that the concept of the mind is just an illusion of free will and we're just simply brain matter that has a reaction to environmental stimulus.


Aug 14, 2015
The thing people need to be completely clear about is when they are talking about the mind, they need to clarify exactly what they believe the mind to be. I think a lot of people tend to play with the idea that the mind is some external entity to the brain.
I don't mind entertaining the idea but just be clear about it.

I believe that the concept of the mind is just an illusion of free will and we're just simply brain matter that has a reaction to environmental stimulus.

I agree with this comment. I think it's helpful to consider a top-down approach for therapeutic reasons but dangerous to see it as a model for causative factors.
Above anything else i'd like to see the distinction upheld purely for the sake of progressive science - there's still a stigma associated with doctors who attempt to dissolve mental 'disorders' to constituent biological malfunctions, especially with complex conditions such as M.E., MS and alzheimer's, etc.

And just to clarify, I don't therefore think that the video content lacks value, just that it requires very careful interpretation.


Feb 18, 2016
To be clear Biology is mental,mind ,emotional,environment, their is no Separation.

For me she is manifesting her own childhood issues with videos like this,she is projecting her own issues and not dealing with them even though she is aware she has issues,you could argue she has lowered biological energy and is trying to gain intellectual power over others by claiming to have knowledge of the workings of the universe,authoritarianism of sorts.
Or she has an outright personality disorder like narcissism as 99% of law of attraction gurus do.

She like many of these gurus are bastardising the work of great philosophers/thinkers, this is why people get drawn in to this stuff,there is elements of truth not uncovered by her, you find these guys out when they add their own methaphors and opinions to said philosophies.
Just re read her attitude to cancer here,this is another meme popping up in pop culture at moment,or her acne theory.
Fish oil supplementation by an adult with a happy childhood can cause cancer yet she claims its all mental.

You can't do the things mentioned to change if you don't have the energy, Peat covers topics like this very well. He covers very well the environment and you are one, the foodstuffs are your environment.
He speaks about the brain having charge like a battery,when full it decodes patterns and holds differing concepts without issue,when energy is lower it seems to unfold only what it has done in the past,no energy for malleability.

Individuals like this cause more harm by not acknowledging biological energy already in a lowered state from stress,to let go of this requires more energy to engage the thought processes causing issues potentially making somebody sicker,however you may get more energy from letting something go,in severe cases of lowered energy from stress you need more than just letting go.

The big question she doesn't want to see because she just sees dollar signs imo are the following-

1- how does the law of attraction apply to a 5-6 year old who is raped by her Father or Mother? Did she attract this?
2- what then do I say to this kid now a young adult to make her get back to good health? Just let it go ? No need for chemical help here?
3- did a child who contracted Ebola or zika virus and die attract that by unresolved childhood issues?
4- would said viruses not enter the body if one had a similar "enlightened"mind to the lady in the video?
(This question is one of many to ask the law of attraction gurus)
5- she claims the power is in your own hands to heal by letting go of traumas yet acknowledges said traumas were likely caused by other humans beings that still exist in your environment still causing traumas today and we are all one ,connected but it's up you to heal? I'm confused now.....
6-what if I have cancer in my left hand?

Maybe increasing coherent biological energy to project forward and engaging the creative potential in your future,your passed can't be changed by letting go just your perception of it, the thoughts don't go,they can always be unfolded,they can learn to see the actions of the people who done harm and why they done it,this is intelligence, to do this they will need brain charge to hold the patterns that unfolded in reality that led to the point of a paedophile becoming paedophile, this level of brain charge is extremely diifcult for a kid who was raped by parents and now in a home,their socioeconomic status within the current capitalism system is designed to lower energy and take their time even in a half decent foster home,time they won't have to engage complex thinking required for the above,at this point chemical assistance is more that merited and relevant.


Mar 29, 2014
To be clear Biology is mental,mind ,emotional,environment, their is no Separation.
The big question she doesn't want to see ...
Like many, she sees one possible cause of many 'diseases', and then assumes that's the cause of all diseases.

Lots of people have part of the picture, because there are so many different stresses that can contribute to ill health, and so many different threads one can start to pull to unravel and strengthen again. And then say that if only you attend to that, it will solve all problems. Nutrition, digestion, elimination, (hyper)ventilation, exercise/movement, climate, thinking, emotions, ...

I like it that Peat recognises some of this complexity - in one interview he says (paraphrased from memory) that everything you do either promotes or opposes cancer.


Feb 18, 2016

Like many, she sees one possible cause of many 'diseases', and then assumes that's the cause of all diseases.

Lots of people have part of the picture, because there are so many different stresses that can contribute to ill health, and so many different threads one can start to pull to unravel and strengthen again. And then say that if only you attend to that, it will solve all problems. Nutrition, digestion, elimination, (hyper)ventilation, exercise/movement, climate, thinking, emotions, ...

I like it that Peat recognises some of this complexity - in one interview he says (paraphrased from memory) that everything you do either promotes or opposes cancer.

It's like they are creating their own personal reductionist views, I think this will get worse as quantum physics becomes more mainstream or more the concepts underlying what they have labeled quantum physics.


Oct 15, 2015
To be clear Biology is mental,mind ,emotional,environment, their is no Separation.

For me she is manifesting her own childhood issues with videos like this,she is projecting her own issues and not dealing with them even though she is aware she has issues,you could argue she has lowered biological energy and is trying to gain intellectual power over others by claiming to have knowledge of the workings of the universe,authoritarianism of sorts.
Or she has an outright personality disorder like narcissism as 99% of law of attraction gurus do.

She like many of these gurus are bastardising the work of great philosophers/thinkers, this is why people get drawn in to this stuff,there is elements of truth not uncovered by her, you find these guys out when they add their own methaphors and opinions to said philosophies.
Just re read her attitude to cancer here,this is another meme popping up in pop culture at moment,or her acne theory.
Fish oil supplementation by an adult with a happy childhood can cause cancer yet she claims its all mental.

You can't do the things mentioned to change if you don't have the energy, Peat covers topics like this very well. He covers very well the environment and you are one, the foodstuffs are your environment.
He speaks about the brain having charge like a battery,when full it decodes patterns and holds differing concepts without issue,when energy is lower it seems to unfold only what it has done in the past,no energy for malleability.

Individuals like this cause more harm by not acknowledging biological energy already in a lowered state from stress,to let go of this requires more energy to engage the thought processes causing issues potentially making somebody sicker,however you may get more energy from letting something go,in severe cases of lowered energy from stress you need more than just letting go.

The big question she doesn't want to see because she just sees dollar signs imo are the following-

1- how does the law of attraction apply to a 5-6 year old who is raped by her Father or Mother? Did she attract this?
2- what then do I say to this kid now a young adult to make her get back to good health? Just let it go ? No need for chemical help here?
3- did a child who contracted Ebola or zika virus and die attract that by unresolved childhood issues?
4- would said viruses not enter the body if one had a similar "enlightened"mind to the lady in the video?
(This question is one of many to ask the law of attraction gurus)
5- she claims the power is in your own hands to heal by letting go of traumas yet acknowledges said traumas were likely caused by other humans beings that still exist in your environment still causing traumas today and we are all one ,connected but it's up you to heal? I'm confused now.....
6-what if I have cancer in my left hand?

Maybe increasing coherent biological energy to project forward and engaging the creative potential in your future,your passed can't be changed by letting go just your perception of it, the thoughts don't go,they can always be unfolded,they can learn to see the actions of the people who done harm and why they done it,this is intelligence, to do this they will need brain charge to hold the patterns that unfolded in reality that led to the point of a paedophile becoming paedophile, this level of brain charge is extremely diifcult for a kid who was raped by parents and now in a home,their socioeconomic status within the current capitalism system is designed to lower energy and take their time even in a half decent foster home,time they won't have to engage complex thinking required for the above,at this point chemical assistance is more that merited and relevant.
You just did the opposite of being clear and direct with your what you're saying. What do you mean by mental and mind, The brain?

I agree our environment has an effect on our biology, that is undeniable.
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