Is Covid-19 actually a parasite?


Aug 6, 2013
Its late at night (err morning) - my brain is fried but I wanted to post a little pet conspiracy theory (with scant evidence to boot but I'm interested in your thoughts)..

Some of the best alleged treatment protocols for Covid consistently involve anti-parasitics. We don't need to talk about Ivermectin, enough has been said. Dr. Judy Mikovitch say's suramin is an antidote and suramin (I believe) has demonstrated anti parasitic capabilities, at least against the t. cruzi parasite which coincidentally Dr. Robert Young recently claims to have found in a vial of the Pfizer vaccine (along with all sorts of other goodies). Miles Guo says artemisinin is part of two antidotes the Chinese have. Another anti-parasitic compound. The quinolines also have notable anti parasitic activity and are part of the recommended renegade treatment protocols. Then there is the pervasive argument, at least among alternative news, that Covid has never been purely isolated according to any acceptable standard (kochs, etc).

So, what if that's because covid is a parasite with a payload - lets say spike proteins, henipah virus, whatever bag of fun stuff you can imagine a deranged depopulation eugenicist might stuff up a parasites aft end via nifty genetic modification trickery. The respiratory illnesses we are seeing could be influenza. I had influenza as a healthy teenager and I was out for over 2 weeks and extremely sick and weak. If I got that sick now, and the PCR test we know are BS said I had covid, I might believe it if I didn't know any better.

Mikovitch has said she believes this is a pandemic by injection - both initially (the Italians received a brand new flu vaccine right before people started dying left and right) and now through the vaccines.

So, my plotty sleep deprived mind is thinking maybe initially (via injection and maybe by contaminating certain heavily populated areas) someone like Mr. Globalist could spread a parasite with a devastating payload in key areas of NY, NJ, CA, etc. Let the people die and therefore justify lockdowns. Let flu season and fear take over as the parasite still somewhat spreads through public restrooms and poor hygiene but eventually flat lines because people start really washing their hands well and stay home and this is really about something else initially (getting total control via majority consent, then the slaughter later). To get numbers up to hysteria levels, send out 94% fake positives via fraudulent PCR tests. Get a mask on everyone for psychological reasons. Insist on forced vaccinations and vary the side effects by lot # and zip code. Rinse, repeat until you run out of greek letters, rumi symbols, hurricane names, and eventually 90% of people. Georgia guidestones accomplished.

Already parasites are being used "for good" as a malaria vaccine - and genetically modified for protection from bioweapons in the US military.


Jul 13, 2014
one thing that im personally convinced of, is that when the first outbreaks first happened in places like northern italy, iran, and more recently youve seen case numbers rising in Florida and Texas - these are due to localised bioweapon attacks where they are actually releasing the spike protein into the general public in certain areas. no doubt a CIA/mossad run operation - of course the zionists control everything-banking, media, politics, big pharma. absolute bull**** that china is behind this- maybe china is complicit but the zionists are the ones behind this. (i say zionist, not jews, because a lot of great jewish people are against the illegal state of Israel)

anyway, they're releasing the spike protein to target specifically those areas where there's strong resistance - namely florida and texas- so they can say "look, they didnt take their vaccinations or wear their masks, now theyre getting sick"........when in actual fact theyve been hit with a massive onslaught of bioweapon attack


Aug 6, 2013
I thought I should also post this interesting interview with Dr. Lawrence Palevsky where around minute 19 he starts venturing outside the virus box and into poisonings and parasites that could also cause the symptoms we are seeing being called covid.

Dr. Palevsky Interview


Aug 6, 2013
one thing that im personally convinced of, is that when the first outbreaks first happened in places like northern italy, iran, and more recently youve seen case numbers rising in Florida and Texas - these are due to localised bioweapon attacks where they are actually releasing the spike protein into the general public in certain areas. no doubt a CIA/mossad run operation - of course the zionists control everything-banking, media, politics, big pharma. absolute bull**** that china is behind this- maybe china is complicit but the zionists are the ones behind this. (i say zionist, not jews, because a lot of great jewish people are against the illegal state of Israel)

anyway, they're releasing the spike protein to target specifically those areas where there's strong resistance - namely florida and texas- so they can say "look, they didnt take their vaccinations or wear their masks, now theyre getting sick"........when in actual fact theyve been hit with a massive onslaught of bioweapon attack
Agreed, localized deploys happened and probably are happening imho. I think there's massive misdirect, so much so we can't trust the ground we are walking on. We have to go back and question all our suppositions. If they say its a virus we should be asking, Is it a virus? If they say its airborne, we should be questioning that as well. Dr. Palevsky below mentions hydrogen cyanide poisoning, radiation, and parasites as alternatives to the virus narrative.

We are looking for ways to treat a "bad flu" and if this is actually a parasite and a nasty GMO one that could simultaneously infect you with itself and whatever payload its been modified to deliver, that would explain a lot, especially why covid has never been isolated and why these anti-parasitic drugs seem to work so well in practice (and why the authorities really really really don't want you to use them even if many medical establishments have adopted them as protocol for their c-patients because they've seen good outcomes with them).

Have you looked into the Committee of 300? Lots of interesting dots to connect with zionism.


Jan 9, 2019
one thing that im personally convinced of, is that when the first outbreaks first happened in places like northern italy, iran, and more recently youve seen case numbers rising in Florida and Texas - these are due to localised bioweapon attacks where they are actually releasing the spike protein into the general public in certain areas. no doubt a CIA/mossad run operation - of course the zionists control everything-banking, media, politics, big pharma. absolute bull**** that china is behind this- maybe china is complicit but the zionists are the ones behind this. (i say zionist, not jews, because a lot of great jewish people are against the illegal state of Israel)

anyway, they're releasing the spike protein to target specifically those areas where there's strong resistance - namely florida and texas- so they can say "look, they didnt take their vaccinations or wear their masks, now theyre getting sick"........when in actual fact theyve been hit with a massive onslaught of bioweapon attack
It's possible but the all cause deaths really aren't much higher as per Genevieve Briands research when one considers consequence of "covid measures" , relabeling of other illnesses as covid and neglect/ bad treatment in hospitals. So I'm not really seeing a "massive onslaught" ...


Aug 10, 2018


All these pathogens, now well identified in the Viral Envelope of SC2, have similar and almost always recurring correspondences, which unite them all, as if they belonged to a cleverly studied viral project, with a very specific purpose.

The pharmacological response in medical protocols, in response to SC2, should be very high but, on the contrary, there have been deficiencies in the use of unsuitable drugs, increasing lethality in the population.

For example, it is no coincidence that the understanding of the mechanism of action of bacterial lysates (specialties of medicines that contain bacterial antigens, i.e. fragments of bacteria, or polypeptide chains which, if taken by a healthy organism, should stimulate its immune response ) is the main cause of relapse in severe respiratory infections, such as acute pneumonia, and therefore its use should be prohibited.

In fact, inside the lysates there are endogenous microsomes with an active translocon complex (such as vesicular cellular artifacts derived from the fragmentation of the endoplasmic reticulum in the laboratory) which facilitate the incorporation of the bacterial channel of potassium KcsA (ion channels that allow the passage of cations of potassium through the plasma membrane of the cells), within the microsomal membranes themselves.

This would explain very well how, after the appearance of SC2, there was an exponential increase in the number of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics, especially Gram negative.

SC2, due to its zoonotic / chimeric origin and its "parasitic nature", in addition to creating a very serious syndrome, which attacks both the vascular system and the immune system, binds and spreads mainly through bacterial, intestinal and external colonies to the guest.

For this reason, precisely due to the presence of the Viral Envelope present in SC2, all immunological control strategies of infectious diseases should be re-evaluated instantly.


Its late at night (err morning) - my brain is fried but I wanted to post a little pet conspiracy theory (with scant evidence to boot but I'm interested in your thoughts)..

Some of the best alleged treatment protocols for Covid consistently involve anti-parasitics. We don't need to talk about Ivermectin, enough has been said. Dr. Judy Mikovitch say's suramin is an antidote and suramin (I believe) has demonstrated anti parasitic capabilities, at least against the t. cruzi parasite which coincidentally Dr. Robert Young recently claims to have found in a vial of the Pfizer vaccine (along with all sorts of other goodies). Miles Guo says artemisinin is part of two antidotes the Chinese have. Another anti-parasitic compound. The quinolines also have notable anti parasitic activity and are part of the recommended renegade treatment protocols. Then there is the pervasive argument, at least among alternative news, that Covid has never been purely isolated according to any acceptable standard (kochs, etc).

So, what if that's because covid is a parasite with a payload - lets say spike proteins, henipah virus, whatever bag of fun stuff you can imagine a deranged depopulation eugenicist might stuff up a parasites aft end via nifty genetic modification trickery. The respiratory illnesses we are seeing could be influenza. I had influenza as a healthy teenager and I was out for over 2 weeks and extremely sick and weak. If I got that sick now, and the PCR test we know are BS said I had covid, I might believe it if I didn't know any better.

Mikovitch has said she believes this is a pandemic by injection - both initially (the Italians received a brand new flu vaccine right before people started dying left and right) and now through the vaccines.

So, my plotty sleep deprived mind is thinking maybe initially (via injection and maybe by contaminating certain heavily populated areas) someone like Mr. Globalist could spread a parasite with a devastating payload in key areas of NY, NJ, CA, etc. Let the people die and therefore justify lockdowns. Let flu season and fear take over as the parasite still somewhat spreads through public restrooms and poor hygiene but eventually flat lines because people start really washing their hands well and stay home and this is really about something else initially (getting total control via majority consent, then the slaughter later). To get numbers up to hysteria levels, send out 94% fake positives via fraudulent PCR tests. Get a mask on everyone for psychological reasons. Insist on forced vaccinations and vary the side effects by lot # and zip code. Rinse, repeat until you run out of greek letters, rumi symbols, hurricane names, and eventually 90% of people. Georgia guidestones accomplished.

Already parasites are being used "for good" as a malaria vaccine - and genetically modified for protection from bioweapons in the US military.
Covid is not a true living parasite in the overall definition of the word. There is a nuance. A distinction must be made. People often stereotype and paint viruses as parasites since they hijack and use our cellular apparatus to reproduce. In that sense ,ok, it could realistically be considered an intracellular parasite, but not to be confused with true parasites which are mostly living organisms. Also, many medications that have a primary use, in this case antiparasitic drug effective against living parasitic organisms, sometimes can also be effective due to secondary chemical properties to treat other medical disorders and conditions. Not uncommen at all.
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Nov 16, 2015
Um aren’t all viruses essentially parasites? I don’t want to point out the obvious here, but.. yah that’s why things like ivermectin can be useful. A virus is a parasite in that it’s not a living thing until it takes up residence in a thing and becomes “alive.”


Jan 9, 2019
Kochs's standard only applies to bacterium
No it also applies to viruses. It's only logical that it would. Rivers postulates have been offered as an alternative but anyone with half a brain can see they are moving the goalposts.


Mar 10, 2021
No it also applies to viruses. It's only logical that it would. Rivers postulates have been offered as an alternative but anyone with half a brain can see they are moving the goalposts.
They were proposed before viruses were discovered.


Jan 9, 2019
Um aren’t all viruses essentially parasites? I don’t want to point out the obvious here, but.. yah that’s why things like ivermectin can be useful. A virus is a parasite in that it’s not a living thing until it takes up residence in a thing and becomes “alive.”
Viruses don't take up residence. They don't actually do anything, because it's like saying the letter you delivered did something. Not really, the way a person feels or gets affected by your letter is still a product of what you said not "the letter." That's what so called viruses are. Virus means poison, a very inadequate and misleading name .
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Aug 6, 2013


All these pathogens, now well identified in the Viral Envelope of SC2, have similar and almost always recurring correspondences, which unite them all, as if they belonged to a cleverly studied viral project, with a very specific purpose.

The pharmacological response in medical protocols, in response to SC2, should be very high but, on the contrary, there have been deficiencies in the use of unsuitable drugs, increasing lethality in the population.

For example, it is no coincidence that the understanding of the mechanism of action of bacterial lysates (specialties of medicines that contain bacterial antigens, i.e. fragments of bacteria, or polypeptide chains which, if taken by a healthy organism, should stimulate its immune response ) is the main cause of relapse in severe respiratory infections, such as acute pneumonia, and therefore its use should be prohibited.

In fact, inside the lysates there are endogenous microsomes with an active translocon complex (such as vesicular cellular artifacts derived from the fragmentation of the endoplasmic reticulum in the laboratory) which facilitate the incorporation of the bacterial channel of potassium KcsA (ion channels that allow the passage of cations of potassium through the plasma membrane of the cells), within the microsomal membranes themselves.

This would explain very well how, after the appearance of SC2, there was an exponential increase in the number of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics, especially Gram negative.

SC2, due to its zoonotic / chimeric origin and its "parasitic nature", in addition to creating a very serious syndrome, which attacks both the vascular system and the immune system, binds and spreads mainly through bacterial, intestinal and external colonies to the guest.

For this reason, precisely due to the presence of the Viral Envelope present in SC2, all immunological control strategies of infectious diseases should be re-evaluated instantly.
Fascinating. What, then, would be the ideal protocol to deal with this?


Aug 6, 2013
Thanks @Jam for introducing me to Nicola Bidoli and his work. The paper was a bit above my paygrade but his twitter proved more accessible.

He says, " ...for this reason, and for others that I have spoken extensively previously, I consider SC2 to be a parasitic virus and, more precisely, to be a new type of bacteriophage, synthetic, which uses intestinal bacteria and leads to early cell death, through the mechanism of apoptosis, induced by kinase (CK2)."

Also, "2) For those who are not informed, a fundamental pathogenic component in the genomic composition of the toxic protein Spike, of SC2, is precisely the presence of the malaria virus (P. yoelii), supported by the presence of as many as 7 baculo viruses, present in the viral envelope S1 / S2, by SC2...The presence of baculoviruses, in the toxic Spike protein, induces the infection, caused by SC2, which develops the syndrome of a severe vascular disease, which creates inflammation of the endothelium, platelet coagulation, thrombi,
myocardial ischaemia and hypoxia."

Bidoli explains these and other reasons are why Ivermectin & HCQ are good treatments for C19. I'm still going through all of his tweets, but I wonder how this would affect the way it transmits person-to-person or surface-to-person or feces-to-person..


Nov 16, 2015
Viruses don't take up residence. They don't actually do anything, because it's like saying the letter you delivered did something. Not really, the way a person feels or gets affected by your letter is still a product of what you said not "the letter." That's what so called viruses are. Virus means poison, a very inadequate and misleading name .
That’s just not true. A virus is an obligate parasite. It, on its own is not capable of doing anything, but once it infects a cell it reproduces on a massive scale by taking over the host. So perhaps with your letter analogy you’re attempting to convey a similar idea. I send someone a letter and inside the letter is a virus (words) The virus (words) alone are meaningless until they’re taken in by the person (cell). The person (cell) then reacts to the words (virus). But then the virus (words) very much take up residence and do a lot of things to the person (cell).


Jan 9, 2019
That’s just not true. A virus is an obligate parasite. It, on its own is not capable of doing anything, but once it infects a cell it reproduces on a massive scale by taking over the host. So perhaps with your letter analogy you’re attempting to convey a similar idea. I send someone a letter and inside the letter is a virus (words) The virus (words) alone are meaningless until they’re taken in by the person (cell). The person (cell) then reacts to the words (virus). But then the virus (words) very much take up residence and do a lot of things to the person (cell).
even by the mainstream view viruses are cleared very fast, a few days. They don't reside. Normal parasites do until conditions change or they are expelled. They (viruses) are not parasites that reside in the body. Viruses have no evolutionary advantage to reproduce nor do they metabolize. Their entire existence doesn't make sense when viewed as a parasite. Actually almost no aspect of their existence makes sense in the conventional view.


Jan 28, 2019
I was reading with great interest your opinion. If you think Mosad and Zionism stand behind the situation, what about Israel, where people are also dying with covid.
In August about 35% covid death happened to unvaccinated and more than 50% died with 2 vaccinations. It is known Israel and Pfizer had an agreement about Israel will not publish true data in the next 10 years about true covid results. Sorry for my language fault, English is not my mother language.


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