I Love Cyproheptadine


Dec 21, 2014
I've been struggling to gain weight all my life, and thanks to this forum I finally found something that works: Cyproheptadine. Not even cannabis, with its appetite stimulating effect, made any difference in my weight. I quit using cannabis a long time ago.

I started out on .5 mg of Cypro, and I gained four pounds seemingly instantly, and kept it on. I went up to 1mg/day and had another bump up in weight.

As for side effects, the biggest thing has been heart palpitations. They kind of freak me out, but they are supposedly harmless (comments, anyone?). Another side is ringing in my ears. That went away when I didn't take it for a few days (I worry about the possibility of permanent side effects after nightmarish experiences with Propecia).

I also thought it was making me drowsy when I started taking it but I don't notice if it's still happening.

I seem to be developing a tolerance to Cypro. I wonder if it still has the good effects on serotonin and stuff.
Nov 11, 2014
Sheik said:
I've been struggling to gain weight all my life, and thanks to this forum I finally found something that works: Cyproheptadine. Not even cannabis, with its appetite stimulating effect, made any difference in my weight. I quit using cannabis a long time ago.

I started out on .5 mg of Cypro, and I gained four pounds seemingly instantly, and kept it on. I went up to 1mg/day and had another bump up in weight.

As for side effects, the biggest thing has been heart palpitations. They kind of freak me out, but they are supposedly harmless (comments, anyone?). Another side is ringing in my ears. That went away when I didn't take it for a few days (I worry about the possibility of permanent side effects after nightmarish experiences with Propecia).

I also thought it was making me drowsy when I started taking it but I don't notice if it's still happening.

I seem to be developing a tolerance to Cypro. I wonder if it still has the good effects on serotonin and stuff.

I had heart palpitations while using cyproheptadine, but I can't be 100% sure it was the cyproheptadine that caused it. Since I've never had heart problems before and that they ceased after stopping cyproheptadine (within about 2-4 days of stopping my nightly 1mg dose), I can't think of anything else as the cause.

By all accounts, cyproheptadine helped maintain a high metabolism: my vision was crystal clear, my temp and pulse were high, I was constantly warm. But the heart palpitations (i.e. a pounding heart beat that I could feel that wasn't always rhythmic) and the bouts of gasping for air every time I tried to drift off to sleep was unnerving.

Since then I've made sure to take 1 litre of magnesium bicarbonate water a day, while being more strict on reducing serotonin through caffeine, vitamin E (via lowered estrogen, carrots (again through estrogen) and continuing to deplete PUFA (through low fat diet).


Dec 21, 2014
cantstoppeating said:
I had heart palpitations while using cyproheptadine, but I can't be 100% sure it was the cyproheptadine that caused it. Since I've never had heart problems before and that they ceased after stopping cyproheptadine (within about 2-4 days of stopping my nightly 1mg dose), I can't think of anything else as the cause.

By all accounts, cyproheptadine helped maintain a high metabolism: my vision was crystal clear, my temp and pulse were high, I was constantly warm. But the heart palpitations (i.e. a pounding heart beat that I could feel that wasn't always rhythmic) and the bouts of gasping for air every time I tried to drift off to sleep was unnerving.

Since then I've made sure to take 1 litre of magnesium bicarbonate water a day, while being more strict on reducing serotonin through caffeine, vitamin E (via lowered estrogen, carrots (again through estrogen) and continuing to deplete PUFA (through low fat diet).

A funny thing about the palpitations... I have had them since long before taking Cyproheptadine, just not as intense or frequent. Whenever I take it (mostly when I started, actually) I would go to bed, and after a bit I would wake up to a really intense palpitation. It might happen a few times in the night. I would often get the feeling that one was coming on, and I could actually delay it. I tend to avoid feelings in my heart area just because it scares me to have this thing pounding in my chest that makes me feel things I can't control. I know this is not a good thing.

I suck at explaining so I'll cut to the chase. I got the impression that I was kind of "backed up" due to avoiding feeling my heart. I've taken drugs in the past that forced me to confront the throbbing thing in my chest, namely caffeine and Cynomel. With those, I think it was a positive thing for me to finally feel my heart and just live with it. Scary, yes, but helpful, as long as I wasn't so drained from fighting the experience. I'm not sure if Cypro is in the same boat. I'm leaning toward not.

Super neurotic, I know.

Also, at times I would get this weird, constant fluttery feeling around my heart lasting way longer than a usual palpitation.

Westside PUFAs said:
Are you trying to gain fat, muscle, or both? What is your height and current weight? And gender?

I'm a 6'4" guy, at about 150 now. I'd prefer to gain muscle but I'm cool with gaining fat. I'm just kind of playing it by ear. I've actually gained a bit of muscle without really doing much physical activity.


Jun 12, 2013
I've been taking 6 - 8 mg. for months, only recently backing down to 2 mg. day. I never had palpitations on it. I don't gain weight on it either. At first, I thought I was gaining, but if I was, the effect went away.
Feb 4, 2015
Sheik said:
I'm a 6'4" guy, at about 150 now. I'd prefer to gain muscle but I'm cool with gaining fat. I'm just kind of playing it by ear. I've actually gained a bit of muscle without really doing much physical activity.

MMA fighter Will Chope is your height and a few pounds lighter: 6' 4" ( 193 cm ) 145 lb ( 65 kg )



The problem with gaining fat is that is distributes everywhere differently for people. It's a gamble on where it will be stored; your belly, your chest (the 2nd type of gyno, chest fat), your neck and face, or your butt and thighs, more so thighs than butt. People who've been lean their whole life have no perspective or understanding of what it's actually like to not just gain "weight," but gain fat on their body. I know because I was one of them. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Appreciate your lean body. Gaining too much fat on your body can lead to blood sugar problems, hormonal problems because adipose tissue acts like its own organ and produces estrogen, and social problems. If you want to build muscle eat good food and workout.


When you eat to achieve a particular body type you deactivate your own intuitive guidance system. You evaluate what foods you should consume based on how they will impact your weight. Consume foods as nature has given them to us. Consume foods that you crave. Accept where your body is at and trust it to put you at the appropriate weight needed to maximize health. That doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise, if you'd like, but don't get caught up in a protocol or an ideology. Don't worry about macronutrients. Believe it or not, after 4.5 billion years, our planet knows what's best for us. No tampering or interference is necessary. I could go on an almond milk rant here but you probably get the picture. These are just my opinions, and I was someone who was very consumed with my body image. Also, cyproheptadine can be a wonderful teacher. It shows your body how to properly run metabolism and puts you in a mental state to make the best decisions for your body.


Dec 21, 2014
The biggest reason I want to gain weight is the feeling of vulnerability when I'm alone in public. Some guys are so crazy strong that they could take anything they want from me. I would rather pack on another 20 lbs of muscle and then trust my body to decide what it needs.

Come to think of it, getting back into martial arts would probably be one of the best things I could do in that regard.

I have very little fat to begin with, and I thought it might be a good idea to have a little extra fat as a buffer in case I get extremely ill and lose a ton of weight. I have little fear of gaining too much. It won't be hard for me to lose it. I kind of want to see what it's like to be a little fat.

To be clear, I'm not trying to gain fat, but not making any effort to avoid it. Just seeing how things go.

I have a bad habit of just not eating (when not on Cypro). Some days I would eat about 1000 calories. Around that time I felt on the verge of panic much of the time. I was/am obviously very stressed. Losing hair, low energy, etc.. I really needed the intervention.

Lately 3000 calories is a really good day for me.

I value your opinions/feedback. I'm feeling my way through this, trying to gather as much data as possible. I feel very strongly about gaining more muscle. I don't how I'll feel about it after another five or ten pounds.

I should mention, I DO exercise, just stuff that's pretty easy and feels really good to do. I have a history of pushing myself extremely hard, and I'm finding that's not necessary and even harmful.


Sep 13, 2012
I love cypro as well and always been thin my whole life. I used it to gain about 5 pounds since I dropped a lot of weight after my 2nd son. Thing is once I'm off it I go back to old ways :( so be aware that it is still a drug and unless you can make some lifestyle/diet changes then you might go back to the way you were after a while if you don't take it. But I avoid that by trying to take a small dose here and there.


Aug 15, 2017
Do you guys take cypro orally or do you use it topically? I ordered Haidut's cypro and I want to try it orally for digestion and weight gain as well as topically for hair loss. Has anyone tried diluting cypro with water so that you can increase the surface area to apply it on scalp?


Aug 15, 2017
Can we dilute haidut's product with water if we want to use it topically on hair? I am worried about using it too much at the same time I want to use it on my scalp and spread it..


Feb 14, 2017
Can we dilute haidut's product with water if we want to use it topically on hair? I am worried about using it too much at the same time I want to use it on my scalp and spread it..
I added 20 drops to my shampoo. Didn’t really have any effect.


Dec 21, 2014
I added 20 drops to my shampoo. Didn’t really have any effect.
I wouldn't do that; the DMSO will cause chemicals in the shampoo to absorb through your skin.

Can we dilute haidut's product with water if we want to use it topically on hair? I am worried about using it too much at the same time I want to use it on my scalp and spread it..

I've crushed cyproheptadine tablets and mixed them with water to use on my scalp, and I believe the absorption was very good. So I think it should be fine. I would use distilled water because of the DMSO.

how do you get 0.5mg ?

the smallest dose i can get is 1mg by quartering it
I break the pills with my fingers. With practice I've gotten very good at it.

Otherwise you could take the quarter of a tab, crush it, and divide it with a razor blade. I done that with pills.


Feb 13, 2016
Cypro makes my hair loss worse unless I only take like .5mg or 1mg.
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