Gbolduev Q And A - Non Peat


Jan 6, 2015
I speak about biochemistry, nutrition is a bro science. Anyone who pushes a specific diet is WRONG

It is simply silly to think you can feed fast oxidizer and slow oxidizer the same things. It is ridiculous really.

Most people are slow oxidizers and will get worse on Peat. Some people are fast oxidizers and will get better on Peat.
I agree we should eat what we crave, but today world is not suitable for that.

You can't go to supermarket and just choice to eat what you crave, that's not gonna be healthy.

Mineral and vitamin deficiency, excess of some nutrients like is not normal food.

Unless some knowledgeable food companies make some tasty nutrient rich food. But that's hard thing to do.


Jan 6, 2015
You talk about minerals like manganese, copper and zinc but you think going to supermarket and eat whatever you crave?

That is how people become short on those minerals.


Jun 26, 2014

Are you saying for more sedentary people they should avoid a high copper diet but for those who force exercise a higher copper diet of seafood and shell fish is ok? Thank you

Yes. Especially liver. Liver is a NO NO for the slow oxidizer. LIVER IS full of copper. and slow oxidizers livers are full of copper. Fast oxidizers hyperventilate they have strong sympathetic system, they are getting rid of copper and their ceruloplasmins are high . they need more calcium and magnesium to slow down the sympathetic nervous system , this will stop their copper losses.

this is why when you are sick with certain cancer, you just go and run run run run / this will get rid of unbound copper , it will speed up your metabolism. and cure your cancer.


Jun 26, 2014
You talk about minerals like manganese, copper and zinc but you think going to supermarket and eat whatever you crave?

That is how people become short on those minerals.

People dont' become short on minerals, their life style makes thme lose or retain certain minerals.

This is why light therapy works.It effects the mineral retention. Red Light therapy chelates copper since it increases adrenaline.

Red light is used in ECKS system to chelate copper .

Some people do good on blue light, Some people do good on green light. Light therapy and contrarian endocrinology is the future.

Soon a machine will be created where you can get balanced on a daily basis just sleeping with certain light sequences. I am looking into this also. just imagine, you can get tested , if you are slow oxidizer, more red light sequences , fast oxidizers more blue light sequences. And you are balanced all the time.

this is very interesting and I know couple people already work with this with just amazing results. they created hand made machines with lights and also created a testing method on what lights to use.

To get healthy you need to change your life style. This way you wont need to take any supplements at all.

I don't take anything. AT ALL

I eat a balanced diet.
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Jan 6, 2015
People dont' become short on minerals, their life style makes thme lose or retain certain minerals.

This is why light therapy works.It effects the mineral retention. Red Light therapy chelates copper since it increases adrenaline.

Red light is used in ECKS system to chelate copper .

Some people do good on blue light, Some people do good on green light. Light therapy and contrarian endocrinology is the future.

Soon a machine will be created where you can get balanced on a daily basis just sleeping with certain light sequences. I am looking into this also. just imagine, you can get tested , if you are slow oxidizer, more red light sequences , fast oxidizers more blue light sequences. And you are balanced all the time.

this is very interesting and I know couple people already work with this with just amazing results. they created hand made machines with lights and also created a testing method on what lights to use.

To get healthy you need to change your life style. This way you wont need to take any supplements at all.

I don't take anything. AT ALL

I eat a balanced diet.
What parts of lifestyle, can you elaborate?


Jan 6, 2015
Yeah light therapy is interesting , but as you know there is many healthy people in countries like Canada,Russia,Sweden,.. With low sunlight and they always clothed!


Jun 26, 2014
Is it better (healthier) to be a fast oxidizer? Or does it not matter as long as you adapt diet/lifestyle to oxidation rate?

every oxidation rate has its symptoms. the most energy you will get in the middle of oxidation.

This is why longetivity answer is the balance, not faster or slower. This is where Peat is wrong


Jun 26, 2014
What parts of lifestyle, can you elaborate?

You have to apply a life style which is applicable to your body chemistry . genetically you can be created with lets ssay stronger adrenaline realease than serotonin. this fact you will not be able to change with anything. You can support it with the minerals or change the life style to fit your bodychemistry.

This is why every person has to listen to themselve.s and do what is good for them. And never follow some weird internet recs or diets. there is no perfect diet. Perfect diet is different for everyone.

For some sedentary life style will be healthy. for others sedentary is death. for some pufa is good, for others death.


Apr 7, 2017
People dont' become short on minerals, their life style makes thme lose or retain certain minerals.

This is why light therapy works.It effects the mineral retention. Red Light therapy chelates copper since it increases adrenaline.

Red light is used in ECKS system to chelate copper .

Some people do good on blue light, Some people do good on green light. Light therapy and contrarian endocrinology is the future.

Soon a machine will be created where you can get balanced on a daily basis just sleeping with certain light sequences. I am looking into this also. just imagine, you can get tested , if you are slow oxidizer, more red light sequences , fast oxidizers more blue light sequences. And you are balanced all the time.

this is very interesting and I know couple people already work with this with just amazing results. they created hand made machines with lights and also created a testing method on what lights to use.

To get healthy you need to change your life style. This way you wont need to take any supplements at all.

I don't take anything. AT ALL

I eat a balanced diet.

Does it matter where the light is shined? Do some areas absorb it better for different purposes (eyes, thyroid etc?)


Jun 26, 2014
I try to explain to people that you have learn about yourself and never be in a herd. It won't work being in a herd.

Even on Peat forum , just look at people. some do good on thyroid, others get hurt on thyroid, others crash on DHEA, others will crash on pregnenolone and lose their hair.

People are all different. and Peat does not provide people an answer on how to test which case they are.

I will be posting here the oxidation rates , how to find them how to see what you are .
But unfortunately it will be over time,since I have no time really and will do it when I do have free time

I will try to explain in this thread how to diagnose yourself and will outline 12 cases and more. I will create a big post may be next week or so.

then you can try to diagnose yourself and take what you need for that case and follow a life style for that case and follow a diet for that specific case.

You can try to study Ecks work, read at least some articles on Wilsons site. He is a little crazy. but he outlines the cases at least

I will try to explain these cases not frm hair prospective but from PH prospective

You can read books on anesthesiology, since these are the only people who know body regulations. All other doctors nutritionists, are just clowns.

I have no idea why only doctors who deal with critically ill patients know anything. May be , because it is life and death at that very moment.

Most general doctors just follow DO NOT HARM strategy. IMO
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Sep 5, 2015
I try to explain to people that you have learn about yourself and never be in a herd. It won't work being in a herd.

Even on Peat forum , just look at people. some do good on thyroid, others get hurt on thyroid, others crash on DHEA, others will crash on pregnenolone and lose their hair.

People are all different. and Peat does not provide people an answer on how to test which case they are.

I will be posting here the oxidation rates , how to find them how to see what you are .
But unfortunately it will be over time,since I have no time really and will do it when I do have free time

Will look forward to this gbolduev :) Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective - it is appreciated


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Will look forward to this gbolduev :) Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective - it is appreciated
Same here.
Thank you for everything.
There are many details that made a lot of sense after your comments.

Now since you're resistant in suggesting books, here's one that (if I'm not wrong) the revered grandiose recommended to someone some time ago:
How to Understand Acid-Base


Aug 7, 2013
This could end up being the mother of all longest threads on this forum, lol. 3 days, and already at 9 pages. Gbol, get your rest to get ready for the long haul, lol.
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Jul 31, 2015
"Most general doctors just follow DO NOT HARM strategy. IMHO"

LMAO on this one:lol:


May 7, 2014
Yes. Especially liver. Liver is a NO NO for the slow oxidizer. LIVER IS full of copper. and slow oxidizers livers are full of copper. Fast oxidizers hyperventilate they have strong sympathetic system, they are getting rid of copper and their ceruloplasmins are high . they need more calcium and magnesium to slow down the sympathetic nervous system , this will stop their copper losses.

this is why when you are sick with certain cancer, you just go and run run run run / this will get rid of unbound copper , it will speed up your metabolism. and cure your cancer.

Turkey and chicken liver are both relatively low in copper, much much lower than ruminant livers like beef or lamb. Just thought I would throw that out there. Turkey liver is a great vitamin a source with low copper.
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Jun 26, 2014
Yeah light therapy is interesting , but as you know there is many healthy people in countries like Canada,Russia,Sweden,.. With low sunlight and they always clothed!

Light therapy meaning different colors. Not just light or no light. Russians have little sun light, they adjust their diet for that. People adjust to the conditions.


Sep 9, 2016
And for those who tell that sea food has mercury. Bunch of Bs , my gluthatione levels are way up after sea food, and It looks like sea food chelates toxic metals, since my mercury in my hair fell on 2 years of sea food. At first it went up huge and then fell to nothing.
@gbolduev, about this part, have you verified this pattern in other users of seafood as well ? An acute increase in the mercury in the hair and then fall to nothing over a period of time ?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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