Erection and Aging

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
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Sep 12, 2015
This is a generalisation. I can't believe how stupid the doctors are who think that it's a vegan diet period which is responsible for the benefit, when the only thing contributing to the outcome really is the high intake of nitrates. 3 2 1 till somebody shows up saying "nitric oxide is toxic"(an over simplification if there ever was one) if you actually believe that, then goodbye to your **** when you reach later life. Nitric oxide is absolutely essential for erectile health. There is no arguing with it really, but that doesn't mean you need to be taking every single nitric oxide precursor under the sun which could eventually be an issue systemically by upregulating INOS. I just add a bit of beetroot and rocket salad, with a glass of pomegranate juice a few times a week, with some raw egg yolks and i haven't had an issue with ED ever, but i've just been more mindful of it with me getting on a bit and i feel like that minor addition to my regular foods (Peaty for the most part, but i consume far more O3 based seafood and seafood in general these days as well)i've tried aspirin and bag breathing and i am not convinced that Co2 even if it can in theory activate cGMP can act as a vasodilator, at least for the pathways involved in the penis anyways. It's not been my experience at all. This little salad gets me fired up practically instantly if i am already a bit aroused, and I've never had anything of the sort from shifting focus to carbon dioxide.
reasons at least in my experience, a full on vegan diet seems like it is overkill for ED. Just try adding in some more nitrates e.g 100g a few times a week should be enough if the issue isn't too great.

Also, vegan diets come with their own issues. They are anti-thyroid, anti-endocrine function, they don't provide enough fuel for cell membranes and a whole host of other reasons that would make ED seem like a drop in the ocean at some point



May 26, 2022
I am glad you learned something new from the video.

I currently eat a low fat diet with no added oils/fats. I make a my own fermented diary yogurt and I eat it almost everyday as part of my breakfast and so I am not vegan. Most of my calories come from starches and beans/lentils. I eat vegetables that are high in vitamin A (see) and so I am not eating a diet according to the low vitamin A camp.

Over the years, I have experimented with different dietary patterns. My current diet is low fat and low processed foods (it sounds boring doesn't it). I have only been tracking my fat for about 2 months and I have not seen any changes in my weight. I keep my fat to less than 20% of my diet and I try to keept it closer to 10% than 20%. My current BMI is 22.1 which is considered normal and weight is not driving my dietary selection. I do not eat much meat. Even chicken breast is too rich (fatty) for me:
View attachment 61665

My blood pressure has dropped a little since purposefully lowering my dietary fat and it is now about 110 over 70. The body does a better job of regulating blood pressure than the medical and the pharmaceutical industries. I am not a medical professional but I believe that having too low of a blood pressure from using pharmaceuticals is not a thing. I recommend that everyone get a home blood pressure monitor and use it. Most of the time it will just be a paper weight but I consider it to be a good investment.

I consider ED, heart disease (HD) and alzheimer's (AD) (the three D of vascular issues) to be part of the same problem. Poor blood flow into the capillaries. As described in one of the videos above, ED is the canary in the coal mine. HD and AD are also happening at the same time but do not cause issues until years later.

A high fat diet causes the blood to sludge (become thicker like ketchup) so that the blood can not enter the small capillaries. This image from the attached file shows that the effects of a high fat meal lasts for hours. It is frightening to think about eating 3 high fat meals each day. Incidently, lactescence refers to the milky appearance from the fat (triglyercides) in the blood. Note how it inccrease for 5 hours. See Etiology and risk of lactescent plasma and severe hypertriglyceridemia - PubMed
View attachment 61664

AD has similar issues. See
This is very timely for me. I have discounted vegan sources largely due to the negative impression their moral bias has made on me. Plus seems rather unnatural imo. However, I have been personally questioning the high saturated fat animal-based diets that have come back into fashion these years. I recently started experimenting with more grains and lowering fats, and my digestion has been improving. I reintroduced black beans and it seems now I can tolerate them, so long as they are not with added oil or lard, which seem to slow gut motility. Are beans your main source of protein ? I eat chicken breast and lean beef to support basic muscle maintenance in my workouts. I would be interested to hear how your journey continues with this very low-fat, vegetarian diet. Very interesting to learn about the relation between AD , ED, and HD. Will be passing this along to my partner who eats a lot of fatty meats and raw egg yolks and such. Thanks.


Mar 28, 2019
I've been using a grounding mat consistently since December, pretty sure it's improved erection quality. Grounding / earthing lower oxidative stress and cortisol while increasing blood makes sense.


Mar 28, 2019
@TheCalciumCad What is a good source to learn about grounding?

This is a good thread


A good book on the basics

and a good site



Dec 28, 2019
it's common but not inevitable.

If a man stops getting nocturnal erections, over time, he will accumulate collagen deposits in his penis, and eventually will be unable to have an erection. This can be reversed.
Would applying topical K2 help this as well?

Same with using red light on the scrotum and flaccid?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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