Constant dry mouth for 3 years straight


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I’m trying to understand insulin sensitive Vs resistant. I’m on the underweight side , not overweight. My desire for sugar is insanely high. I’ve started to make strides after keeping my carb :protein ratio at like 8:1.

When I eat sugar I get leaner and more muscular. I get vascular, can maintain weight, and get round muscle bellies when I eat sugar. I don’t get fat or feel lousy. Persistent dry mouth hypokalemja feeling , where I reallly can only handle 2-4oz protein per meal or the insulin response is too strong.

Why can this craving not be dimmed? It’s too much and I’m so catabolic unless I eat absurd amounts of sugar and carbs. B1 tends to increase my need for sugar too much, even tho a b vitamin defeceit may be ironically driving the need for all the sugar? I may try low dose of the other b vitamins to see how they fare.

I’m not retaining electrolytes. If I drink even 1 sip of plain water I have to go pre and it’s way too crystal clear. It seems I could get better if I didn’t have to do anything and had the money to just sit home and eat and drink whatver I want all day lol.

This is following tamoxifen use, botched steroid cycle. Hormones tanked badly and estrogen went really high. Cell damage. Liver can’t hold glycogen. I feel great and replete for like 1 hour post meal and then addrenaline turns on and I start getting so frail by the minute until I eat.

I’m eating like 150g carbs/sugar per meal and 20g protein and 10g fat.

Fixed a lot of my long lasting problems, especially w the macro adjustments, but I just can’t seem to be able to not need huge amounts of sugar
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Feb 3, 2020
Have you tried adding slower-digesting carbohydrates to your meals?

In my case: eating chicken, rice and a lil bit of olive oil makes me ravenously hungry after an hour with that slight hypoglycemic feeling.
But when I add half a cup of cooked black beans to it, I feel full for 3-4 hours and without a blood sugar crash. Hypoglycemia trigger adrenaline and this causes dry mouth.


Feb 3, 2020
I personally need a lot of salt and potassium to get a good healthy urine color. Too much calcium or water in general cause it to become clear quickly.

Potassium is important for blood sugar regulation.


Aug 9, 2019
Thats relatable. Whats your breath rate? Is it fast or heavy on the exhales?

Since you need so much sugar, theres a chance youre converting a good chunk of it into lactic acid. I have that, but if I don’t eat more sugar, I feel horrible. Protein and fat don’t digest well enough, and don’t quench the craving for sugar either.

Potassium wasting can happen from the lactic acid that is produced. It’s interesting that you mention hormones, since T is the only thing that can drastically cut down my need for potassium and the hypokalemia feeling. Since B1 isnt very helpful, perhaps you need to look at hormones again.

In my experience, the B1 can worsen dry mouth, but as soon as it helps clear my digestive system, I feel better and the dry mouth goes away. Thats usually followed by hypokalemia, though, presumably from it leaving into the gut.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Sugar and vitamin C utilize the same receptor for cell absorption, which prefers sugar. So if you're eating a lot of sugar, your cells are probably needing more vit C. A quick search revealed vit C facilitates saliva production.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I personally need a lot of salt and potassium to get a good healthy urine color. Too much calcium or water in general cause it to become clear quickly.

Is there something I can read to inform me what a healthy urine color looks like? I am under the impression that urine color is simply a matter of physics, ie, increased water discharges (which happens when drinking more or intaking less sodium) results in less "dirt" in the rinse water with each rinse cycle.


Feb 3, 2020

Also, I know that you have said that you have copper toxicity and benefit greatly from zinc.

People who do HTMA always say that copper toxic people have depleted potassium levels and a high calcium to potassium ratio.
Zinc supplementation helps to raise potassium on an HTMA as well.

Potassium can remedy a lot of symptoms in that case.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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