Coffee-Mango Lassi


Sep 22, 2013
I've been finding ripe mangoes for cheap all over the place lately so I have been buying a ton of them and just discovered a new combo I'd never tried before.

1 mango
1 cup freshly brewed coffee
1 cup milk

Slice open the mango and scoop the flesh into a nylon strainer bag (or ultra-fine cheesecloth). Squeeze out as much mango juice as you can and add it to your coffee and milk. Stir and that's it you're done.

Something about the combination of these three tastes remarkably like liquid dark chocolate. It reminds me of the peanut butter + chocolate ice cream I used to get at Baskin Robbins when I was a child. Taste will obviously depend heavily on your source of milk and the particular coffee beans used, but I would say that this combination of ingredients is pretty much a safe bet all around!
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